


2014-01-16 conference call

Martha's notes


  • the next conference call is next week at the usual time (Th. 9am PT/10am Tucson/12pm ET)


  • Mark will be back next week
  • please add your availability for spring 2014 to the *spreadsheet*:

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to do for Brad

aggregating validations

BIEN2 traits validation

  1. spot-check these directly
  2. write aggregating queries for traits data see BIEN2 traits queries .


beta release

  • we will be doing an "internal milestone" instead of a public release (Martha)

BIEN3 milestone

the following needs to be done for this (Martha):

aggregating validations

  • aggregating validations are a higher priority than validation fixes (Martha)
    • however, the attribution-related fixes in Brad's "High priority tasks" e-mail are a higher priority than aggregating validations
  • OK to do this by diffing the text outputs of running the queries (Brad)

BIEN2 traits validation

  • Brad will spot-check these directly

to do for Aaron

high-priority validation fixes

SALVIAS attribution

  • map plot contributors
    • there should not be any changes in the SALVIAS schema other than the new tables (Brad)
    • see the 2013-12-19 conference call and Brad's "High priority tasks" e-mail

BIEN2 traits validation

aggregating validations

  1. fix VegBIEN SALVIAS queries #15, 12, 13
    • send to Brad so he can learn how the VegBIEN schema works
  2. integrate the SALVIAS aggregating validations into BIEN
    • each query should be a view, so that the field names are automatically kept up-to-date with the schema
  3. integrate the NYBG aggregating validations into BIEN
  4. generalize the NYBG aggregating validations for all specimens datasources
    • for each datasource, exclude queries that use columns that aren't present in that datasource
