


2014-03-13 conference call

Martha's notes


  • note that it is now Daylight Savings Time, so the calls are now at 9am Tucson time
  • the next conference call is next week at the usual time (Th. 9am PT/9am Tucson/12pm ET)


  • please add your availability for spring 2014 to the *spreadsheet*:

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VegBIEN schema

  • for attribution purposes, every location should be linked to a dataset, which is the first publisher/primary data provider
  • to simplify the plots validation queries, locations in a plots datasource should also be linked to a project (the project that defines the plot)
    • this requires a single pseudo-project for plots datasources that don't use projects, which is not ideal (Mark)

aggregating validations

  • don't address issues (diffs) until working on input queries (Brad)

to do for Brad

schema changes

to do for Aaron

schema changes

  1. write up changes needed
  2. rename VegCore specimenHolderInstitutions to specimen_duplicate_institutions
  3. rename specimenreplicate.institution_id to duplicate_institutions_id instead to duplicate_institutions_sourcelist_id .
  4. add dataset table
  5. link project to dataset (for all our current datasources, effectively 1:1)
  6. link location to dataset (the first publisher/primary data provider)
  7. link location to project (the project that defines the plot)

aggregating validations

  1. implement new query #19
  2. write specimens output queries

mappings changes

  1. populate location.dataset for all datasources
    1. for aggregators, create one for each first publisher/primary data provider
    2. for plots with projects, create one for each project
    3. for herbarium specimens and plots without projects, create one for the datasource itself
  2. make location.dataset required
  3. populate project.dataset for all plots datasources
    • for all our current datasources, project is 1:1 with dataset
  4. make project.dataset required