From 04/10/2011 to 05/09/2011
- 05:20 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- Using a subset of the ASTER 'master tile list' (supplied by Bob Crippen at JPL) containing only the image tile file n...
- 04:10 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Jim, I agree. You can in fact see the 1/2 pixel 'offset' in the screenshots that I captured
of the magnified ArcMap ... - 09:02 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- ...
- 07:40 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Two points regarding DEM raster extents and alignments:
* At least for SRTM, the pixel _*centers*_ are lined up al... - 03:57 PM Task #219: Good News: JPL provides comprehensive Global List of ALL ASTER DEM files
- I re-read Bob's email; he notes that the file list for the GDEM2 data set should be 'the same or close' to
the GDEM... - 03:52 PM Task #219 (Rejected): Good News: JPL provides comprehensive Global List of ALL ASTER DEM files
- I asked the technical POC for the ASTER Data Product if a master list of ASTER DEM files/tiles
was available for us... - 08:55 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- Here, for the team's comment and feedback, is my proposed plan for producing the global Fused 1 Km Terrain layer.
- 02:36 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- I have created and checked in a readme file which documents the steps I used to
generate one of the first image mos... - 02:29 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- ...
- 05:08 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- At Rob's request, I used R Raster package hist() function to generate histograms
for the images used in the image bo... - 01:43 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- ...
- 11:31 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- I retrieved the Wilson and Gallant text from UCSB Library, and reviewed several of the chapters.
At the very least,...
- 02:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Rick Reeves wrote:
> Preliminary visual review of these files, using ArcMap GIS zoom and variable transparency... - 01:49 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I am reporting report 30 hours spent on this task since April 25.
Email on 5/02 to Rob Guranick:
Re: Border a...
- 11:52 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- ...
- 11:46 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Here is the output from a set of 'image difference' calculations made using the R script 'SampleDemDiffCols.r",
- 04:36 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Was:
gdalwarp -te -135.9880605 58.4644470 -101.3377799 61.5793224 -r bilinear CanadaDemMosTuesdayClip.tif
CDem... - 04:02 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- I am (finally) working through the 'image difference' analysis that Jim sketched out earlier this week.
And the firs... - 02:47 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Jim:
As I mentioned, after I completed my initial 'screen based' review of the boundary area, I intend to perform t... - 09:17 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- A few comments:
Rick Reeves wrote:
> By superimposing the images and increasing the magnification
> on the lower le... - 11:05 AM Task #210: Produce global aspect layer
- Take a look at the "@gdaldem@": command-line utility. It includes an _aspect_ mode th...
- 11:04 AM Task #209: Produce global slope layer
- Take a look at the "@gdaldem@": command-line utility. It includes a _slope_ mode that...
- 09:52 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Yes, the book IS the Wilson and Gallant book. This book is a decade old, and new techniques no doubt have been develo...
- 01:25 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Presumably "the book" refers *Terrain Analysis* (2000) by Wilson and Gallant? Has the state of terrain analysis not ...
- 11:26 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- The book is on order, and should arrive at UCSB Library in 3 to 5 working days.
It will come in handy in several par... - 08:17 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Jim:
I think that Robert pointed me in the correct direction, but I took some steps to quantify the error and tes... - 04:33 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- I have moved the "ReevesSpatialSoftwareStack.txt" file to the "Documents" section of Redmine, where it will be more o...
- 07:46 AM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
- By May 4, I should have reviewed and tested the AML scripts that produce the terrain-derived data layers. In the abse...
- 11:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Rick -- I just noticed your "r-sig-geo": exchange with...
- 10:42 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- Mark, Jim, and I met today to review progress on the tasks related to Fused Terrain Layer construction
and to discus... - 10:14 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- The first set of ASTER GDEM data search results for the Northern Hemisphere
that I downloaded using the NASA WIST d...
- 05:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Overlapping with Jim's notes (aboveon our discussions today:
I have created two images corresponding to southern ... - 05:20 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Rick -- this is a restatement of what I sketched out on the board earlier as one way of quantifying the boundary beha...
- 02:28 PM Task #215: Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
- I propose dividing the globe into four quadrants:
Northwest Hemisphere, Southwest Hemisphere, Northeast Hemisphere,... - 02:20 PM Task #212 (In Progress): Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- 09:38 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- I have assembled a good sample region, in Western British Colombia along the 60 degree latitude line
where SRTM and ... - 11:51 AM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
- Thank you Ming, more good information.
I do intend to assemble a workflow document of some type next week.
I will s... - 11:45 AM Task #208 (In Progress): Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
- I reviewed all of the AML scripts a second time and am ready to test them within ArcMap GIS. Next week I will do so r...
- 02:28 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- As part of the fused digital terrain layer validation we are looking for 'edge discontinuities' at the boundary betwe...
- 10:59 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- I see your point re: cell resolution, if we stay in the realm of arc-seconds.
Yes, we are in agreement about produc...
- 04:05 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- Also, when you're simply combining tiles, you can get big efficiency gains by using the VRT format with GDAL, rather ...
- 03:48 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- Thanks Rick. Regarding pixel sizes (cell resolution), what we've been calling "1km" is just shorthand for 30 arcsecon...
- 02:10 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- (continuing from previous update)
Digital Terrain File data sources:
CGIAR / SRTM 90 meter Digital Elevation Da... - 09:47 AM Task #207 (In Progress): Produce global fused DEM layer
- 09:43 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
- I have downlowded the complete set (872 files) of CGIAR / SRTM 90 meter data tiles and most if not all (2780) availa...
- 09:48 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Part of the process of constructing and testing the resampling/mosaicing scripts
for constructing the fused terrain...
- 01:36 PM Task #215 (Rejected): Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
- The size and scope of the global fused DEM terrain layer makes it impractical
to distribute and use the layer (and ... - 01:12 PM Task #213 (Resolved): Confirm with Project Scientists: CGIAR Level 4 SRTM project supports planned Terrain Analysis
- Review is complete, based on Rob G's response (below) and on
Based also upon discussions with Mark Sand Jim R on Apr... - 12:32 PM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
- Description of ten existing scripts (nine AML, one Python):
Aggregate.aml: Executes the aggregate (resampling) fun...
- 10:25 AM Task #213 (Resolved): Confirm with Project Scientists: CGIAR Level 4 SRTM project supports planned Terrain Analysis
- Ming's initial research identified the SRTM Level 4 DEM data distributed by the CGIAR Consortium (http://srtm.csi.cgi...
- 03:42 PM Task #212 (Closed): Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
- Particularly for the purposes of examining and validating what happens at the SRTM/ASTER boundary, the fused DEM shou...
- 02:21 PM Task #211 (New): Produce global flow accumulation layer
- This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to...
- 02:15 PM Task #210 (New): Produce global aspect layer
- This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to...
- 02:13 PM Task #209 (New): Produce global slope layer
- This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to...
- 01:56 PM Task #208 (In Progress): Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
- There are 18 *.aml files in various parts of @eos:~organisms/topo@, although it looks like these are really 9 identic...
- 11:50 AM Task #207 (In Progress): Produce global fused DEM layer
- This is the top-level ticket associated with creation of a global fused DEM layer, with subtasks to flesh out specifi...
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