



From 04/11/2011 to 05/10/2011


05:05 PM Revision f028b3dc: These scripts are complete but may not run correctly due to conflicts in the extents of the input raster files. Recheck inputs.
Rick Reeves
05:04 PM Revision 5c833657: Version runs correctly, though the CDEM edge input image might not be the latest and best. Recheck inputs
Rick Reeves
03:12 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick R -
To (finally) completely respond to Rob G's request:
(Work was delayed because of unexpected p...
Rick Reeves
02:20 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves


05:20 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Using a subset of the ASTER 'master tile list' (supplied by Bob Crippen at JPL) containing only the image tile file n... Rick Reeves


04:10 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Jim, I agree. You can in fact see the 1/2 pixel 'offset' in the screenshots that I captured
of the magnified ArcMap ...
Rick Reeves
09:02 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves
07:40 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Two points regarding DEM raster extents and alignments:
* At least for SRTM, the pixel _*centers*_ are lined up al...
Jim Regetz
03:57 PM Task #219: Good News: JPL provides comprehensive Global List of ALL ASTER DEM files
I re-read Bob's email; he notes that the file list for the GDEM2 data set should be 'the same or close' to
the GDEM...
Rick Reeves
03:52 PM Task #219 (Rejected): Good News: JPL provides comprehensive Global List of ALL ASTER DEM files
I asked the technical POC for the ASTER Data Product if a master list of ASTER DEM files/tiles
was available for us...
Rick Reeves
08:55 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Here, for the team's comment and feedback, is my proposed plan for producing the global Fused 1 Km Terrain layer.
Rick Reeves


02:36 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I have created and checked in a readme file which documents the steps I used to
generate one of the first image mos...
Rick Reeves
02:29 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves
01:09 PM Revision f9dbcec6: ReadMe file describes how to use shell scripts (also checked in) to create example Srtm/Aster DEM image mosaic of Western Canada region spanning 60 deg N Latitude boundary
Rick Reeves
11:05 AM Revision 0f948be9: Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable.r - sample of 4000 random columns, row 5 through row 8 straddling 60 degree boundary.
Rick Reeves
11:02 AM Revision ad35c236: Producing valid table, but from column samples taken entirely from mosaic. Next step: take them from Aster and Cgiar images.
Rick Reeves


05:47 PM Revision b67964e8: First version, has issues with column indexing, I am fixing tonight.
Rick Reeves
05:08 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
At Rob's request, I used R Raster package hist() function to generate histograms
for the images used in the image bo...
Rick Reeves
01:43 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves
11:31 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I retrieved the Wilson and Gallant text from UCSB Library, and reviewed several of the chapters.
At the very least,...
Rick Reeves


04:41 PM Revision 230f2a79: Added collection of Linux shell scripts and R scripts that I used in my initial analysis of SRTM/CGIAR, CDEM, and ASTER GDEM digital terrain data sets.
Rick Reeves
02:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick Reeves wrote:
> Preliminary visual review of these files, using ArcMap GIS zoom and variable transparency...
Mark Schildhauer
01:49 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary

I am reporting report 30 hours spent on this task since April 25.
Email on 5/02 to Rob Guranick:
Re: Border a...
Rick Reeves


11:52 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves
11:46 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Here is the output from a set of 'image difference' calculations made using the R script 'SampleDemDiffCols.r",
Rick Reeves


04:36 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
gdalwarp -te -135.9880605 58.4644470 -101.3377799 61.5793224 -r bilinear CanadaDemMosTuesdayClip.tif
Rick Reeves
04:02 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I am (finally) working through the 'image difference' analysis that Jim sketched out earlier this week.
And the firs...
Rick Reeves
02:47 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
As I mentioned, after I completed my initial 'screen based' review of the boundary area, I intend to perform t...
Rick Reeves
09:17 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
A few comments:
Rick Reeves wrote:
> By superimposing the images and increasing the magnification
> on the lower le...
Jim Regetz
11:05 AM Task #210: Produce global aspect layer
Take a look at the "@gdaldem@": command-line utility. It includes an _aspect_ mode th... Jim Regetz
11:04 AM Task #209: Produce global slope layer
Take a look at the "@gdaldem@": command-line utility. It includes a _slope_ mode that... Jim Regetz


09:52 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Yes, the book IS the Wilson and Gallant book. This book is a decade old, and new techniques no doubt have been develo... Rick Reeves
01:25 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Presumably "the book" refers *Terrain Analysis* (2000) by Wilson and Gallant? Has the state of terrain analysis not ... Mark Schildhauer
11:26 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
The book is on order, and should arrive at UCSB Library in 3 to 5 working days.
It will come in handy in several par...
Rick Reeves
08:17 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I think that Robert pointed me in the correct direction, but I took some steps to quantify the error and tes...
Rick Reeves
04:33 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
I have moved the "ReevesSpatialSoftwareStack.txt" file to the "Documents" section of Redmine, where it will be more o... Mark Schildhauer
04:13 PM Document: Data Portals used in Terrain Analysis

Data Portals currently used by Rick Reeves to create Fused Terrain Data Layer:
Data Search platforms:
11:47 AM Revision 7c3027e7: added empty dir structure for terrestrial work
Jim Regetz
07:46 AM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
By May 4, I should have reviewed and tested the AML scripts that produce the terrain-derived data layers. In the abse... Rick Reeves


11:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick -- I just noticed your "r-sig-geo": exchange with... Jim Regetz
10:42 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Mark, Jim, and I met today to review progress on the tasks related to Fused Terrain Layer construction
and to discus...
Rick Reeves
10:14 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
The first set of ASTER GDEM data search results for the Northern Hemisphere
that I downloaded using the NASA WIST d...
Rick Reeves


05:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Overlapping with Jim's notes (aboveon our discussions today:
I have created two images corresponding to southern ...
Rick Reeves
05:20 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick -- this is a restatement of what I sketched out on the board earlier as one way of quantifying the boundary beha... Jim Regetz


02:28 PM Task #215: Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
I propose dividing the globe into four quadrants:
Northwest Hemisphere, Southwest Hemisphere, Northeast Hemisphere,...
Rick Reeves
02:20 PM Task #212 (In Progress): Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick Reeves
09:38 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I have assembled a good sample region, in Western British Colombia along the 60 degree latitude line
where SRTM and ...
Rick Reeves
11:51 AM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
Thank you Ming, more good information.
I do intend to assemble a workflow document of some type next week.
I will s...
Rick Reeves
11:45 AM Task #208 (In Progress): Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
I reviewed all of the AML scripts a second time and am ready to test them within ArcMap GIS. Next week I will do so r... Rick Reeves


02:28 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
As part of the fused digital terrain layer validation we are looking for 'edge discontinuities' at the boundary betwe... Rick Reeves
10:59 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
I see your point re: cell resolution, if we stay in the realm of arc-seconds.
Yes, we are in agreement about produc...
Rick Reeves


04:05 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Also, when you're simply combining tiles, you can get big efficiency gains by using the VRT format with GDAL, rather ... Jim Regetz
03:48 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Thanks Rick. Regarding pixel sizes (cell resolution), what we've been calling "1km" is just shorthand for 30 arcsecon... Jim Regetz
02:10 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
(continuing from previous update)
Digital Terrain File data sources:
CGIAR / SRTM 90 meter Digital Elevation Da...
Rick Reeves
09:47 AM Task #207 (In Progress): Produce global fused DEM layer
Jim Regetz
09:43 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
I have downlowded the complete set (872 files) of CGIAR / SRTM 90 meter data tiles and most if not all (2780) availa... Rick Reeves


09:48 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Part of the process of constructing and testing the resampling/mosaicing scripts
for constructing the fused terrain...
Rick Reeves


01:36 PM Task #215 (Rejected): Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
The size and scope of the global fused DEM terrain layer makes it impractical
to distribute and use the layer (and ...
Rick Reeves
01:12 PM Task #213 (Resolved): Confirm with Project Scientists: CGIAR Level 4 SRTM project supports planned Terrain Analysis
Review is complete, based on Rob G's response (below) and on
Based also upon discussions with Mark Sand Jim R on Apr...
Rick Reeves
12:32 PM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
Description of ten existing scripts (nine AML, one Python):
Aggregate.aml: Executes the aggregate (resampling) fun...
Rick Reeves


10:25 AM Task #213 (Resolved): Confirm with Project Scientists: CGIAR Level 4 SRTM project supports planned Terrain Analysis
Ming's initial research identified the SRTM Level 4 DEM data distributed by the CGIAR Consortium (http://srtm.csi.cgi... Rick Reeves


03:42 PM Task #212 (Closed): Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Particularly for the purposes of examining and validating what happens at the SRTM/ASTER boundary, the fused DEM shou... Jim Regetz
02:21 PM Task #211 (New): Produce global flow accumulation layer
This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to... Jim Regetz
02:15 PM Task #210 (New): Produce global aspect layer
This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to... Jim Regetz
02:13 PM Task #209 (New): Produce global slope layer
This will be based on the global DEM, but with processing possibly done at up to 90m resolution before aggregating to... Jim Regetz
01:56 PM Task #208 (In Progress): Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
There are 18 *.aml files in various parts of @eos:~organisms/topo@, although it looks like these are really 9 identic... Jim Regetz
11:50 AM Task #207 (In Progress): Produce global fused DEM layer
This is the top-level ticket associated with creation of a global fused DEM layer, with subtasks to flesh out specifi... Jim Regetz

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