



From 05/02/2011 to 05/31/2011


04:45 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Progress during week of 5/16:
> 1) Located and downloaded most if not all ASTER GDEM data tiles for Northern Hemisph...
Rick Reeves
01:20 PM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
h4. Re: Different CGIAR SRTM 3" source data
Rick and I have been discussing the two different sets of CGIAR SRTM r...
Jim Regetz


10:26 AM Task #225: Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
Yes, last week I created a new folder structure to contain the batch files and output files
for the next set of 'pr...
Rick Reeves


05:33 PM Task #225 (In Progress): Organize and document SRTM input DEM files
_[Updated ticket description on 04-Aug-2011 to focus specifically on SRTM]_
SRTM DEM tiles and associated files ha...
Jim Regetz
10:47 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Today I received an email from Rob G regarding progress on data layer construction; among the items in the email was ... Rick Reeves


10:56 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Here is an example of the workflows that generate fused digital terrain data layers
for one of the four Earth 'quadr...
Rick Reeves


11:05 PM Task #215: Establish file organization and possible 'tiling' scheme for Fused Global Terrain data set
I am using this scheme; have created the directory structure, and have constructed
the first prototype fused global...
Rick Reeves


03:12 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick R -
To (finally) completely respond to Rob G's request:
(Work was delayed because of unexpected p...
Rick Reeves
02:20 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves


05:20 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Using a subset of the ASTER 'master tile list' (supplied by Bob Crippen at JPL) containing only the image tile file n... Rick Reeves


04:10 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Jim, I agree. You can in fact see the 1/2 pixel 'offset' in the screenshots that I captured
of the magnified ArcMap ...
Rick Reeves
09:02 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves
07:40 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Two points regarding DEM raster extents and alignments:
* At least for SRTM, the pixel _*centers*_ are lined up al...
Jim Regetz
03:57 PM Task #219: Good News: JPL provides comprehensive Global List of ALL ASTER DEM files
I re-read Bob's email; he notes that the file list for the GDEM2 data set should be 'the same or close' to
the GDEM...
Rick Reeves
03:52 PM Task #219 (Rejected): Good News: JPL provides comprehensive Global List of ALL ASTER DEM files
I asked the technical POC for the ASTER Data Product if a master list of ASTER DEM files/tiles
was available for us...
Rick Reeves
08:55 AM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
Here, for the team's comment and feedback, is my proposed plan for producing the global Fused 1 Km Terrain layer.
Rick Reeves


02:36 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I have created and checked in a readme file which documents the steps I used to
generate one of the first image mos...
Rick Reeves
02:29 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves


05:08 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
At Rob's request, I used R Raster package hist() function to generate histograms
for the images used in the image bo...
Rick Reeves
01:43 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
... Rick Reeves
11:31 AM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
I retrieved the Wilson and Gallant text from UCSB Library, and reviewed several of the chapters.
At the very least,...
Rick Reeves


02:23 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary
Rick Reeves wrote:
> Preliminary visual review of these files, using ArcMap GIS zoom and variable transparency...
Mark Schildhauer
01:49 PM Task #212: Validate fused DEM at SRTM/ASTER boundary

I am reporting report 30 hours spent on this task since April 25.
Email on 5/02 to Rob Guranick:
Re: Border a...
Rick Reeves

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