



From 05/10/2012 to 06/08/2012


11:23 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
I did a 30 year query during the night for the 1980-2010 period for the Oregon study area. I just checked the results... Benoit Parmentier
12:35 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
A short R script was added to select stations data from the postgres database created by Jim. The user must provide a... Benoit Parmentier
12:27 AM Task #364: Integrate spatial variables and structure in the GAM methodology
Two stage regression: the GAM+Kriging script was updated to integrate specific and general diagnostics:
general diag...
Benoit Parmentier


12:54 PM Task #423 (New): Develop stratified station sampling procedure
We need to develop a procedure to sample representative stations to use in fitting and validation. In many areas (in... Adam Wilson
12:43 PM Task #415: Process MOD06_L2 Cloud data
I've downloaded and processed the full 10 archive for Oregon and generated monthly climatologies for "Cloud Optical T... Adam Wilson
09:57 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Finished loading the new TMAX, TMIN, and PRCP data (just under 12 hours) and creating the station index (just over 13... Jim Regetz


03:38 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
I wrote and ran a little bash script to download the latest GHCN data and generate a basic log file for future refere... Jim Regetz


03:21 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
The daily data files currently in the database were obtained back in Oct 2010. Benoit and I discussed simply augmenti... Jim Regetz
09:05 AM Task #419 (In Progress): Assessment of results in the context of the literature: Literature review and accuracy
Documenting the new products will necessitate assembling a list of references on climate interpolation to place the r... Benoit Parmentier


10:14 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
If useful for some specific purpose, we could generate relevant synoptic views or subsetted table dumps pivoted back ... Jim Regetz
08:25 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Perhaps it would make sense to keep the data in the "one-row-per-month" format in the database and transform it on th... Adam Wilson
07:52 AM Task #418 (New): Explore Landcover - LST interactions
Use the full gridded datasets (rather than just station locations) to explore relationships between LST and various (... Adam Wilson


11:38 PM Task #416: Scope out workflow for calculating monthly LST climatologies
I've now written some Python+GRASS code to do a good bit of what I think we want. For a user-specified _tile_, _year_... Jim Regetz
03:05 PM Task #416 (In Progress): Scope out workflow for calculating monthly LST climatologies
Assess feasibility of running LST climatologies ourselves by implementing a basic scripted workflow and estimating ov... Jim Regetz
03:44 PM Task #375: Assemble monthly mean MODIS LST values for the complete record (2000-2012) for Oregon
See task #416 for progress on developing and evaluating a procedure for doing this ourselves.
But I will add a com...
Jim Regetz


12:01 PM Task #207: Produce global fused DEM layer
A global 90m product is now available, though the individual pieces have not been mosaiced together due to file size.... Natalie Robinson
06:40 AM Task #415: Process MOD06_L2 Cloud data
See presentation on current progress here [[]] Adam Wilson
06:40 AM Task #415 (New): Process MOD06_L2 Cloud data
Download and process the MODIS cloud product (MOD06_L2) and produce monthly 1km summaries of key variables. Adam Wilson


11:22 AM Task #411 (In Progress): Insert DEM adaptive smoothing procedure into terrain workflow
I developed two alternative implementations of the adaptive DEM smoothing procedure (@multiscalesmooth9a_clean.aml@):... Jim Regetz
09:52 AM Task #411 (In Progress): Insert DEM adaptive smoothing procedure into terrain workflow
The original Oregon terrain processing workflow, implemented as a set of AML scripts, included the application of Joh... Jim Regetz
09:57 AM Task #208: Evaluate existing E&O AML scripts
I recently reorganized all AML scripts into a single directory in the code repo, here:
Jim Regetz


10:00 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Quick example comparing SQLite vs PostgreSQL timings on a simple aggregate query that doesn't use any indexes. SQLite... Jim Regetz


11:16 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Vaguely concerned about performance and manageability of such a large SQLite database, I wrote a second script to loa... Jim Regetz
11:14 PM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Belated update. The TMIN/TMAX data loaded in ~6 hours total, yielding a 25GB SQLite file with nearly 600 million rows. Jim Regetz


08:49 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
Data loading slowed to a crawl overnight, thanks to a record count query tucked inside in the bulk insert function th... Jim Regetz

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