



From 06/17/2012 to 07/16/2012


03:57 PM Document: Update fusion
This presentation shows early results for the fusion method. Benoit Parmentier
03:57 PM IPLANT_working_meeting_07102012_Benoit.pptx
Benoit Parmentier


11:18 AM Document: Fusion method
One page summary of fusion approach (equations). Brian McGill
11:18 AM fusion_method.docx
Brian McGill


01:48 PM Revision 4c29b739: Modified GAM.R interpolation script to 1) simplify validation results, 2) add full prediction (rather than just stations) and 3) some other (hopefully) simplifications and improvements.
Adam M. Wilson
06:36 AM Task #438 (New): Add buffer to station subsetting algorithm
Add a buffer to the region of interest to keep stations around the edges and reduce edge effects in interpolation (an... Adam Wilson


01:00 PM Revision 2b88b158: Updated GHCN_stations script to:
1) draw station location information from postgres database and perform merge/join query within database rather than ... Adam M. Wilson


09:45 AM Task #363: Assemble all GHCN data into a single database
There is new update to the code for the extraction of data from the POSTGRES database:
The code ...
Benoit Parmentier
09:40 AM Task #360 (In Progress): Producing, formatting and extracting variables for the GAM regression (OREGON)
Benoit Parmentier
09:40 AM Task #360: Producing, formatting and extracting variables for the GAM regression (OREGON)
There is now a code available to extract from the raster covariate layers produced:
commit: e0d23f1c
Given a shap...
Benoit Parmentier
08:57 AM Revision ee7bfbd8: Merging with bp/interp to use some of Benoit's code for precip interpolation
Adam M. Wilson
08:56 AM Revision 516a5849: Merge branch 'bp/interp' into aw/precip
Adam M. Wilson
06:28 AM Revision c7192b5a: More updates to output plots
Adam M. Wilson


05:31 PM Revision e0d23f1c: OR data preparation, initial commit for extraction of covariates from raster stack
Benoit Parmentier
05:21 PM Revision b8bf4042: OR data preparation task#363, modified code for ghcn to create a shapefile
Benoit Parmentier


12:54 PM Document: IPLANT meeting round up Benoit
This is a brief presentation of the state of the project in terms of coding as well as a summary of the review paper....


10:22 AM Task #419 (In Progress): Assessment of results in the context of the literature: Literature review and accuracy
I got the basic structure of the paper with accuracy section roughly done. The aim is to try to share the first draft... Benoit Parmentier
09:47 AM Task #418: Explore Landcover - LST interactions
I've completed an initial analysis of this. See attached for presentation/summary. Adam Wilson


04:54 PM Revision 86d73d7e: added import of station data to ghcn postgres script
Jim Regetz
01:11 PM Revision 9b850015: updated directory paths and related comments
Jim Regetz


05:55 PM Revision f2b2e7d5: Added initial version of LST_Landcover exploration (not finished). Also moved prior version of interpolation procedure (bayesian krig) into repository.
Adam M. Wilson

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