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# Date Author Comment
f27b378d 03/08/2013 11:08 AM Adam Wilson

Updates to MOD06 Climatology Script and MDO06 processing to isolate the effects of the MOD35 -landcover bias

65cc18e7 02/19/2013 06:34 PM Adam Wilson

Adjusted handling of cloud flag to 'hopefully' improve missing data problem in MOD06 climatology

3eb8b23f 02/19/2013 07:53 AM Adam Wilson

restructured MOD06 processing routine to eliminate functions for more transparent (linear) processing. Also updated to run on either pleiades or litoria

0f1fce3f 01/16/2013 10:45 AM Adam Wilson

Merging with Pleiades copy

165c04fb 01/16/2013 10:38 AM Adam Wilson

Merging with Pleiades copies

f9d40a14 01/16/2013 10:37 AM Adam Wilson

Adding Climatology script to process daily files to climatologies

b6e392da 12/18/2012 12:42 PM Adam Wilson

Identified problem in handling of missing values of MOD06 product. In some areas limiting quality control to the highest quality results in ~90% NAs.

07f76f37 12/04/2012 01:02 PM Adam Wilson

MOD06 processing running successfully using Pleiades environment set up by Andrew Michaelis at NASA.

0bddce86 11/12/2012 06:59 AM Adam Wilson

Script now runs except ncap2 is missing from the nco module

2c238837 10/31/2012 06:21 AM Adam Wilson

Currently submission hangs using mqueue when loading rgdal library. Will attempt to add a separate submission script that first loads modules before running Rscript on the slaves

827b4b87 10/22/2012 07:32 AM Adam Wilson

MOD06_L2 now running properly but Rmpi is not running due to (probably) incompatability between Rmpi and the version of sgi-mpi available on Pleiades

92fd8a10 10/16/2012 09:21 AM Adam Wilson

Updated script to accurately set paths for HEG tool to facilitate parallel processing of gridding procedure using swtif. Multicore package is used to parallelize which limits processing to a single node. Next step is to explore use of foreach package to allow multiple nodes

3959e686 10/04/2012 01:42 PM Adam Wilson

Updated MOD06 process to output NetCDF files instead of geotif for faster post-processing

cf724805 10/04/2012 03:46 AM Adam Wilson

Resolved problem with temporary directory for Rscript call.

807fa48c 10/03/2012 12:06 PM Adam Wilson

Script is successfully running and producing the summary files, though the output looks strange. Maybe a problem with sinusoidal output of HEG? Use Pleiades.R to drive the submission and MOD06_L2_process as the processing script