updated 3_compile and uploaded first g3 dataset to maps engine for sharing
Fixed month-sorting bug in ee_compile that resulted in data being attributed to the wrong month
udpated 2_bias to add aqua processing window correction
rearranging files to more linear progression through processing
converted cloud processing script to 16-bit to avoid rounding errors in stripe correction, re-ran global run g2, and started correction processing
Merge branch 'aw/precip' of code.nceas.ucsb.edu:environmental-layers into aw/precip
Splitting cloud processing into two scripts
Updating compile script to include VSNR processing to remove MODIS orbit bands from cloud frequency data
adding earthengine script for processing MCD09CF
Update visualization for Berkeley talk
adding uncorrected MCD output in wgs84
GAM with global slope overcorrects in many areas, will now explore focal gam with spatial params
attempting gam to remove bias
adding initial bias correction function
updating postprocessing to produce netcdf rather than geotif
updating figures
rearrange MOD09 folders
Rearranging files