


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ee 21d7e7c5 almost 11 years Adam Wilson Fixed month-sorting bug in ee_compile that resu...
2_bias.R 6.85 KB 7239cefc almost 11 years Adam Wilson updated 3_compile and uploaded first g3 dataset...
3_combine.R 15.9 KB 7239cefc almost 11 years Adam Wilson updated 3_compile and uploaded first g3 dataset...
GetCloudProducts.R 630 Bytes e2f70c46 about 11 years Adam Wilson rearrange MOD09 folders
MOD09_Biodiversity.R 330 Bytes ca0865a8 about 11 years Adam M. Wilson Rearranging files
MOD09_CloudFigures.R 22.3 KB af411ccf about 11 years Adam Wilson updating postprocessing to produce netcdf rathe...
MOD09_Visualize.R 5.72 KB ac284468 almost 11 years Adam Wilson Update visualization for Berkeley talk
MOD09_cloud.r 13.5 KB ca0865a8 about 11 years Adam M. Wilson Rearranging files
NDP-026D.R 5.56 KB af411ccf about 11 years Adam Wilson updating postprocessing to produce netcdf rathe...
biomes.R 4.66 KB 31bee7b1 almost 11 years Adam Wilson rearranging files to more linear progression th...
ee_biastest.R 3.79 KB b74bf08c about 11 years Adam Wilson adding uncorrected MCD output in wgs84

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7239cefc 04/16/2014 07:17 AM Adam Wilson

updated 3_compile and uploaded first g3 dataset to maps engine for sharing

21d7e7c5 04/11/2014 10:51 AM Adam Wilson

Fixed month-sorting bug in ee_compile that resulted in data being attributed to the wrong month

e5cf164a 04/09/2014 12:31 PM Adam Wilson

udpated 2_bias to add aqua processing window correction

31bee7b1 04/04/2014 01:42 PM Adam Wilson

rearranging files to more linear progression through processing

b1ce34ea 03/30/2014 05:29 PM Adam Wilson

converted cloud processing script to 16-bit to avoid rounding errors in stripe correction, re-ran global run g2, and started correction processing

15f42861 03/27/2014 02:10 PM Adam Wilson

Merge branch 'aw/precip' of into aw/precip

39c07803 03/27/2014 02:10 PM Adam Wilson

Splitting cloud processing into two scripts

948b9bf3 03/26/2014 11:29 AM Adam Wilson

Updating compile script to include VSNR processing to remove MODIS orbit bands from cloud frequency data

2adbe5f7 03/07/2014 01:05 PM Adam M. Wilson

adding earthengine script for processing MCD09CF

ac284468 03/06/2014 08:33 AM Adam Wilson

Update visualization for Berkeley talk

View revisions

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