Revision 079bc1c5
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/GAM_fusion_function_multisampling.R | ||
3 | 3 |
#This script contains 5 functions used in the interpolation of temperature in the specfied study/processing area: |
4 | 4 |
# 1)predict_raster_model<-function(in_models,r_stack,out_filename) |
5 | 5 |
# 2)fit_models<-function(list_formulas,data_training) |
6 |
# 3)runClimCAI<-function(j) : not working yet
6 |
# 3)runClim_KGCAI<-function(j,list_param) : function that peforms GAM CAI method
7 | 7 |
# 4)runClim_KGFusion<-function(j,list_param) function for monthly step (climatology) in the fusion method |
8 | 8 |
# 5)runGAMFusion <- function(i,list_param) : daily step for fusion method, perform daily prediction |
9 | 9 |
# |
10 | 10 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier |
11 |
#DATE: 04/02/2013
11 |
#DATE: 04/20/2013
12 | 12 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#363-- |
13 | 13 |
14 | 14 |
##Comments and TODO: |
... | ... | |
60 | 60 |
#### |
61 | 61 |
#TODO: |
62 | 62 |
#Add log file and calculate time and sizes for processes-outputs |
63 |
63 |
runClim_KGCAI <-function(j,list_param){
64 | 64 |
65 | 65 |
#Make this a function with multiple argument that can be used by mcmapply?? |
66 | 66 |
#Arguments: |
... | ... | |
103 | 103 |
LST_name<-lst_avg[j] # name of LST month to be matched |
104 | 104 |
data_month$LST<-data_month[[LST_name]] |
105 | 105 |
106 |
#Create formulas object from list of characters... |
106 | 107 |
list_formulas<-lapply(list_models,as.formula,env=.GlobalEnv) #mulitple arguments passed to lapply!! |
107 | 108 |
108 | 109 |
#TMax to model... |
... | ... | |
112 | 113 |
if (var=="TMIN"){ |
113 | 114 |
data_month$y_var<-data_month$TMin #Adding TMin as the variable modeled |
114 | 115 |
} |
115 |
116 |
#Fit gam models using data and list of formulas |
116 | 117 |
mod_list<-fit_models(list_formulas,data_month) #only gam at this stage |
117 | 118 |
cname<-paste("mod",1:length(mod_list),sep="") #change to more meaningful name? |
118 | 119 |
names(mod_list)<-cname |
... | ... | |
122 | 123 |
s_raster<-dropLayer(s_raster,pos) # If it exists drop layer |
123 | 124 |
LST<-subset(s_raster,LST_name) |
124 | 125 |
names(LST)<-"LST" |
125 |
#Screen for extreme values": this needs more thought, min and max val vary with regions |
126 |
#min_val<-(-15+273.16) #if values less than -15C then screen out (note the Kelvin units that will need to be changed later in all datasets) |
127 |
#r1[r1 < (min_val)]<-NA |
128 | 126 |
s_raster<-addLayer(s_raster,LST) #Adding current month |
129 | 127 |
130 | 128 |
#Now generate file names for the predictions... |
... | ... | |
135 | 133 |
#j indicate which month is predicted |
136 | 134 |
data_name<-paste(var,"_clim_month_",j,"_",cname[k],"_",prop_month, |
137 | 135 |
"_",run_samp,sep="") |
138 |
raster_name<-paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")
136 |
raster_name<-paste("CAI_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")
139 | 137 |
list_out_filename[[k]]<-raster_name |
140 | 138 |
} |
141 | 139 |
142 | 140 |
#now predict values for raster image... |
143 | 141 |
rast_clim_list<-predict_raster_model(mod_list,s_raster,list_out_filename) |
144 | 142 |
names(rast_clim_list)<-cname |
145 |
#Some modles will not be predicted...remove them
143 |
#Some models will not be predicted because of the lack of training data...remove empty string from list of models
146 | 144 |
rast_clim_list<-rast_clim_list[!sapply(rast_clim_list,is.null)] #remove NULL elements in list |
147 | 145 |
148 | 146 |
#Adding Kriging for Climatology options |
... | ... | |
164 | 162 |
#clim_rast<-LST-bias_rast |
165 | 163 |
data_name<-paste(var,"_clim_month_",j,"_",model_name,"_",prop_month, |
166 | 164 |
"_",run_samp,sep="") |
167 |
raster_name_clim<-paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")
165 |
raster_name_clim<-paste("CAI_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")
168 | 166 |
writeRaster(clim_rast, filename=raster_name_clim,overwrite=TRUE) #Writing the data in a raster file format...(IDRISI) |
169 | 167 |
170 | 168 |
#Adding to current objects |
... | ... | |
176 | 174 |
clim_obj<-list(rast_clim_list,data_month,mod_list,list_formulas) |
177 | 175 |
names(clim_obj)<-c("clim","data_month","mod","formulas") |
178 | 176 |
179 |
save(clim_obj,file= paste("clim_obj_month_",j,"_",var,"_",out_prefix,".RData",sep="")) |
177 |
save(clim_obj,file= paste("clim_obj_CAI_month_",j,"_",var,"_",out_prefix,".RData",sep=""))
180 | 178 |
181 | 179 |
return(clim_obj) |
182 | 180 |
} |
... | ... | |
321 | 319 |
322 | 320 |
## Run function for kriging...? |
323 | 321 |
324 |
#runGAMFusion <- function(i) { # loop over dates |
325 |
runGAMFusion <- function(i,list_param) { # loop over dates |
326 |
#### Change this to allow explicitly arguments... |
322 |
#runGAMFusion <- function(i,list_param) { # loop over dates |
323 |
run_prediction_daily_deviation <- function(i,list_param) { # loop over dates |
324 |
#This function produce daily prediction using monthly predicted clim surface. |
325 |
#The output is both daily prediction and daily deviation from monthly steps. |
326 |
327 |
#### Change this to allow explicitly arguments... |
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#Arguments: |
328 | 329 |
#1)index: loop list index for individual run/fit |
329 | 330 |
#2)clim_year_list: list of climatology files for all models...(12*nb of models) |
... | ... | |
332 | 333 |
#5)var: variable predicted -TMAX or TMIN |
333 | 334 |
#6)y_var_name: name of the variable predicted - dailyTMax, dailyTMin |
334 | 335 |
#7)out_prefix |
336 |
#8) |
335 | 337 |
# |
336 | 338 |
#The output is a list of four shapefile names produced by the function: |
337 | 339 |
#1) list_temp: y_var_name |
... | ... | |
482 | 484 |
data_name<-paste(y_var_name,"_predicted_",names(rast_clim_list)[j],"_", |
483 | 485 |
sampling_dat$date[i],"_",sampling_dat$prop[i], |
484 | 486 |
"_",sampling_dat$run_samp[i],sep="") |
485 |
raster_name<-paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")
487 |
raster_name<-paste(interpolation_method,"_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")
486 | 488 |
writeRaster(temp_predicted, filename=raster_name,overwrite=TRUE) |
487 | 489 |
temp_list[[j]]<-raster_name |
488 | 490 |
} |
Also available in: Unified diff
GAM CAI added to script and modification of function for daily deviation