


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
SampleDemDiffCols.r 7.69 KB 230f2a79 over 13 years Rick Reeves Added collection of Linux shell scripts and R s...
makeMarkTable.r 6.34 KB ad35c236 over 13 years Rick Reeves Producing valid table, but from column samples ...
tableForMark4000_5_8.csv 260 KB 0f948be9 over 13 years Rick Reeves Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable....

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
0f948be9 05/05/2011 11:05 AM Rick Reeves

Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable.r - sample of 4000 random columns, row 5 through row 8 straddling 60 degree boundary.

ad35c236 05/05/2011 11:02 AM Rick Reeves

Producing valid table, but from column samples taken entirely from mosaic. Next step: take them from Aster and Cgiar images.

b67964e8 05/04/2011 05:47 PM Rick Reeves

First version, has issues with column indexing, I am fixing tonight.

230f2a79 05/02/2011 04:41 PM Rick Reeves

Added collection of Linux shell scripts and R scripts that I used in my initial analysis of SRTM/CGIAR, CDEM, and ASTER GDEM digital terrain data sets.

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