


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  extra 69190fde almost 13 years Jim Regetz cleaned up file permissions
  procedures 69190fde almost 13 years Jim Regetz cleaned up file permissions
  research 18d48828 almost 12 years Benoit Parmentier master script, covariates production automation...
  tests 7967a0d1 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added test script for days missing from our MOD...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
18d48828 06/01/2013 11:25 AM Benoit Parmentier

master script, covariates production automation first changes

714db1db 06/01/2013 11:22 AM Benoit Parmentier

downloading of North America tiles, continued...

c723ce75 05/25/2013 09:04 PM Benoit Parmentier

covariates production, modification related to output and parallelization to speed up

bd69aaca 05/25/2013 09:01 PM Benoit Parmentier

master script, gam fusion using tensor as basis e.g. te(x,y)

a14b03e1 05/25/2013 08:59 PM Benoit Parmentier

master script, gam fusion additional models using s(x,y), s(x,y,LST)

2d6af3b8 05/25/2013 08:56 PM Benoit Parmentier

gam fusion prediction, minor output path changes following debugging

b345fd0a 05/25/2013 08:49 PM Benoit Parmentier

data preparation, debugging, clean up of input parameters names

f3e5567c 05/25/2013 08:46 PM Benoit Parmentier

LST script calc, modifications to allow parallel call of python+GRASS script

dfe13c01 05/25/2013 08:43 PM Benoit Parmentier

download and LST calc, modification of output and downloading of South America tiles

661e6ef0 05/18/2013 03:43 PM Benoit Parmentier

covariates preparation script, modifications to handle LST inputs and output directory

View revisions

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