Revision 20a4e4bb
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/kriging_reg.R | ||
1 |
####################GWR of Tmax for one Date##################### |
2 |
#This script generates predicted values from station values for the Oregon case study. This program loads the station data from a shp file |
3 |
#and performs Kriging and co-kriging on tmax regression. |
4 |
#Script created by Benoit Parmentier on April 17, 2012. |
5 |
6 |
###Loading r library and packages |
7 |
library(sp) |
8 |
library(spdep) |
9 |
library(rgdal) |
1 |
################## Interpolation of Tmax Using Kriging ####################################### |
2 |
########################### Kriging and Cokriging ############################################### |
3 |
#This script interpolates station values for the Oregon case study using Kriging and Cokring. # |
4 |
#The script uses LST monthly averages as input variables and loads the station data # |
5 |
#from a shape file with projection information. # |
6 |
#Note that this program: # |
7 |
#1)assumes that the shape file is in the current working. # |
8 |
#2)relevant variables were extracted from raster images before performing the regressions # |
9 |
# and stored shapefile # |
10 |
#This scripts predicts tmax using autokrige, gstat and LST derived from MOD11A1. # |
11 |
#also included and assessed using the RMSE,MAE,ME and R2 from validation dataset. # |
12 |
#TThe dates must be provided as a textfile. # |
13 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier # |
14 |
#DATE: 07/07/2012 # |
15 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#364-- # |
16 |
################################################################################################## |
17 |
18 |
###Loading R library and packages |
19 |
#library(gtools) # loading some useful tools |
20 |
library(mgcv) # GAM package by Wood 2006 (version 2012) |
21 |
library(sp) # Spatial pacakge with class definition by Bivand et al. 2008 |
22 |
library(spdep) # Spatial pacakge with methods and spatial stat. by Bivand et al. 2012 |
23 |
library(rgdal) # GDAL wrapper for R, spatial utilities (Keitt et al. 2012) |
24 |
library(gstat) # Kriging and co-kriging by Pebesma et al. 2004 |
25 |
library(automap) # Automated Kriging based on gstat module by Hiemstra et al. 2008 |
10 | 26 |
library(spgwr) |
11 | 27 |
library(gpclib) |
12 | 28 |
library(maptools) |
13 |
library(gstat) |
14 | 29 |
library(graphics) |
30 |
15 | 31 |
###Parameters and arguments |
16 | 32 |
17 |
path<- "/data/computer/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations/" #Path to all datasets |
18 |
setwd(path) |
19 |
infile1<-"ghcn_or_tmax_b_04142012_OR83M.shp" #Weather station location in Oregon with input variables |
20 |
infile2<-"dates_interpolation_03052012.txt" # list of 10 dates for the regression, more thatn 10 dates may be used |
21 |
infile3<-"mean_day244_rescaled.rst" #This image serves as the reference grid for kriging |
22 |
infile4<- "orcnty24_OR83M.shp" #Vector file defining the study area: Oregon state and its counties. |
23 |
prop<-0.3 #Propotion of weather stations retained for validation/testing |
24 |
out_prefix<-"_LST_04172012_RMSE" #output name used in the text file result |
33 |
infile1<- "ghcn_or_tmax_covariates_06262012_OR83M.shp" #GHCN shapefile containing variables for modeling 2010 |
34 |
infile2<-"list_10_dates_04212012.txt" #List of 10 dates for the regression |
35 |
#infile2<-"list_365_dates_04212012.txt" |
36 |
infile3<-"LST_dates_var_names.txt" #LST dates name |
37 |
infile4<-"models_interpolation_05142012.txt" #Interpolation model names |
38 |
infile5<-"mean_day244_rescaled.rst" |
39 |
40 |
# infile1<- "ghcn_or_tmax_b_04142012_OR83M.shp" #GHCN shapefile containing variables |
41 |
# infile2<-"list_10_dates_04212012.txt" #List of 10 dates for the regression |
42 |
# #infile2<-"list_365_dates_04212012.txt" |
43 |
# infile3<-"mean_day244_rescaled.rst" #This image serves as the reference grid for kriging |
44 |
# infile4<- "orcnty24_OR83M.shp" #Vector file defining the study area: Oregon state and its counties. |
45 |
46 |
path<-"/data/computer/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations_07152012" #Jupiter LOCATION on EOS |
47 |
#path<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations" #Jupiter LOCATION on EOS/Atlas |
48 |
#path<-"H:/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations" #Jupiter Location on XANDERS |
49 |
setwd(path) |
50 |
prop<-0.3 #Proportion of testing retained for validation |
51 |
seed_number<- 100 #Seed number for random sampling |
52 |
models<-5 #Number of kriging model |
53 |
out_prefix<-"_07132012_auto_krig_" #User defined output prefix |
25 | 54 |
26 | 55 |
27 | 56 |
57 |
###Reading the station data and setting up for models' comparison |
58 |
filename<-sub(".shp","",infile1) #Removing the extension from file. |
59 |
ghcn<-readOGR(".", filename) #reading shapefile |
60 |
61 |
CRS<-proj4string(ghcn) #Storing projection information (ellipsoid, datum,etc.) |
62 |
63 |
mean_LST<- readGDAL(infile5) #Reading the whole raster in memory. This provides a grid for kriging |
64 |
proj4string(mean_LST)<-CRS #Assigning coordinate information to prediction grid. |
65 |
66 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Northness = cos(ASPECT*pi/180)) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
67 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Eastness = sin(ASPECT*pi/180)) #adding variable to the dataframe. |
68 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Northness_w = sin(slope*pi/180)*cos(ASPECT*pi/180)) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
69 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Eastness_w = sin(slope*pi/180)*sin(ASPECT*pi/180)) #adding variable to the dataframe. |
70 |
71 |
#Remove NA for LC and CANHEIGHT |
72 |
ghcn$LC1[$LC1)]<-0 |
73 |
ghcn$LC3[$LC3)]<-0 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
set.seed(seed_number) #Using a seed number allow results based on random number to be compared... |
77 |
78 |
dates <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile2, sep="")) |
79 |
LST_dates <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile3, sep="")) |
80 |
models <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile4, sep="")) |
81 |
#Model assessment: specific diagnostic/metrics for GAM |
82 |
results_AIC<- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) |
83 |
results_GCV<- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) |
84 |
85 |
#Model assessment: general diagnostic/metrics |
86 |
results_RMSE <- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) |
87 |
results_MAE <- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) |
88 |
results_ME <- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) |
89 |
results_R2 <- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) #Coef. of determination for the validation dataset |
90 |
results_RMSE_f<- matrix(1,length(dates),models+3) |
91 |
28 | 92 |
###Reading the shapefile and raster image from the local directory |
29 | 93 |
30 | 94 |
mean_LST<- readGDAL(infile3) #This reads the whole raster in memory and provide a grid for kriging in a SpatialGridDataFrame object |
... | ... | |
33 | 97 |
CRS_ghcn<-proj4string(ghcn) #This retrieves the coordinate system information for the SDF object (PROJ4 format) |
34 | 98 |
proj4string(mean_LST)<-CRS_ghcn #Assigning coordinates information to SpatialGridDataFrame object |
35 | 99 |
36 |
# Creating state outline from county |
37 |
38 |
orcnty<-readOGR(".", "orcnty24_OR83M") |
39 |
proj4string(orcnty) #This retrieves the coordinate system for the SDF |
40 |
lps <-getSpPPolygonsLabptSlots(orcnty) #Getting centroids county labels |
41 |
IDOneBin <- cut(lps[,1], range(lps[,1]), include.lowest=TRUE) #Creating one bin var |
42 |
gpclibPermit() #Set the gpclib to True to allow union |
43 |
OR_state <- unionSpatialPolygons(orcnty ,IDOneBin) #Dissolve based on bin var |
44 |
45 | 100 |
# Adding variables for the regressions |
46 | 101 |
47 |
ghcn$Northness<- cos(ghcn$ASPECT) #Adding a variable to the dataframe by calculating the cosine of Aspect |
48 |
ghcn$Eastness <- sin(ghcn$ASPECT) #Adding variable to the dataframe. |
49 |
ghcn$Northness_w <- sin(ghcn$slope)*cos(ghcn$ASPECT) #Adding a variable to the dataframe
50 |
ghcn$Eastness_w <- sin(ghcn$slope)*sin(ghcn$ASPECT) #Adding variable to the dataframe.
102 |
ghcn$Northness<- cos(ghcn$ASPECT*pi/180) #Adding a variable to the dataframe by calculating the cosine of Aspect
103 |
ghcn$Eastness <- sin(ghcn$ASPECT*pi/180) #Adding variable to the dataframe.
104 |
ghcn$Northness_w <- sin(ghcn$slope*pi/180)*cos(ghcn$ASPECT*pi/180) #Adding a variable to the dataframe
105 |
ghcn$Eastness_w <- sin(ghcn$slope*pi/180)*sin(ghcn$ASPECT*pi/180) #Adding variable to the dataframe.
51 | 106 |
52 |
set.seed(100) #This set a seed number for the random sampling to make results reproducible.
107 |
set.seed(seed_number) #This set a seed number for the random sampling to make results reproducible.
53 | 108 |
54 | 109 |
dates <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile2, sep="")) #Reading dates in a list from the textile. |
55 |
results <- matrix(1,length(dates),4) #This is a matrix containing the diagnostic measures from the GAM models. |
56 |
results_mod_n<-matrix(1,length(dates),3) |
110 |
57 | 111 |
58 | 112 |
#Screening for bad values and setting the valid range |
59 | 113 |
... | ... | |
84 | 138 |
85 | 139 |
#Kriging tmax |
86 | 140 |
87 |
hscat(tmax~1,data_s,(0:9)*20000) # 9 lag classes with 20,000m width |
88 |
v<-variogram(tmax~1, data_s) # This plots a sample varigram for date 10 fir the testing dataset |
89 |
plot(v) |
90 |<-fit.variogram(v,vgm(2000,"Sph", 150000,1000)) #Model variogram: sill is 2000, spherical, range 15000 and nugget 1000 |
91 |
plot(v, #Compare model and sample variogram via a graphical plot |
92 |
tmax_krige<-krige(tmax~1, data_s,mean_LST, #mean_LST provides the data grid/raster image for the kriging locations to be predicted. |
93 |
94 |
#Cokriging tmax |
95 |
g<-gstat(NULL,"tmax", tmax~1, data_s) #This creates a gstat object "g" that acts as container for kriging specifications. |
96 |
g<-gstat(g, "SRTM_elev",ELEV_SRTM~1,data_s) #Adding variables to gstat object g |
97 |
g<-gstat(g, "LST", LST~1,data_s) |
141 |
# hscat(tmax~1,data_s,(0:9)*20000) # 9 lag classes with 20,000m width |
142 |
# v<-variogram(tmax~1, data_s) # This plots a sample varigram for date 10 fir the testing dataset |
143 |
# plot(v) |
144 |
#<-fit.variogram(v,vgm(2000,"Sph", 150000,1000)) #Model variogram: sill is 2000, spherical, range 15000 and nugget 1000 |
145 |
# plot(v, #Compare model and sample variogram via a graphical plot |
146 |
# tmax_krige<-krige(tmax~1, data_s,mean_LST, #mean_LST provides the data grid/raster image for the kriging locations to be predicted. |
98 | 147 |
99 |
vm_g<-variogram(g) #Visualizing multivariate sample variogram. |
100 |<-fit.lmc(vm_g,g,vgm(2000,"Sph", 100000,1000)) #Fitting variogram for all variables at once. |
101 |
plot(vm_g, #Visualizing variogram fit and sample |
102 |$set <-list(nocheck=1) #Avoid checking and allow for different range in variogram |
103 |
co_kriged_surf<-predict(,mean_LST) #Prediction using co-kriging with grid location defined from input raster image. |
104 |
#co_kriged_surf$tmax.pred #Results stored in SpatialGridDataFrame with tmax prediction accessible in dataframe. |
148 |
krmod1<-autoKrige(tmax~1, data_s,mean_LST,data_s) #Use autoKrige instead of krige: with data_s for fitting on a grid |
149 |
krmod2<-autoKrige(tmax~lat+lon,input_data=data_s,new_data=mean_LST,data_variogram=data_s) |
150 |
krmod2<-autoKrige(tmax~lat+lon,data_s,mean_LST, verbose=TRUE) |
105 | 151 |
152 |
krmod3<-autoKrige(tmax~LST, data_s,mean_LST,data_s) |
153 |
krmod4<-autoKrige(tmax~LST+ELEV_SRTM, data_s,mean_LST,data_s) |
154 |
krmod5<-autoKrige(tmax~LST+ELEV_SRTM+DISTOC, data_s,mean_LST,data_s) |
106 | 155 |
107 |
#spplot.vcov(co_kriged_surf) #Visualizing the covariance structure |
108 |
109 |
tmax_krig1_s <- overlay(tmax_krige,data_s) #This overlays the kriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
110 |
tmax_cokrig1_s<- overlay(co_kriged_surf,data_s) #This overalys the cokriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
111 |
tmax_krig1_v <- overlay(tmax_krige,data_v) #This overlays the kriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
112 |
tmax_cokrig1_v<- overlay(co_kriged_surf,data_v) |
156 |
krig1<-krmod1$krige_output #Extracting Spatial Grid Data frame |
157 |
krig2<-krmod2$krige_output |
158 |
krig3<-krmod3$krige_outpu |
159 |
krig4<-krmod4$krige_output |
160 |
krig5<-krmod5$krige_output |
161 |
#tmax_krig1_s <- overlay(krige,data_s) #This overlays the kriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
162 |
#tmax_krig1_v <- overlay(krige,data_v) |
163 |
# |
164 |
# #Cokriging tmax |
165 |
# g<-gstat(NULL,"tmax", tmax~1, data_s) #This creates a gstat object "g" that acts as container for kriging specifications. |
166 |
# g<-gstat(g, "SRTM_elev",ELEV_SRTM~1,data_s) #Adding variables to gstat object g |
167 |
# g<-gstat(g, "LST", LST~1,data_s) |
113 | 168 |
114 |
data_s$tmax_kr<-tmax_krig1_s$var1.pred #Adding the results back into the original dataframes. |
115 |
data_v$tmax_kr<-tmax_krig1_v$var1.pred |
116 |
data_s$tmax_cokr<-tmax_cokrig1_s$tmax.pred |
117 |
data_v$tmax_cokr<-tmax_cokrig1_v$tmax.pred |
169 |
# vm_g<-variogram(g) #Visualizing multivariate sample variogram. |
170 |
#<-fit.lmc(vm_g,g,vgm(2000,"Sph", 100000,1000)) #Fitting variogram for all variables at once. |
171 |
# plot(vm_g, #Visualizing variogram fit and sample |
172 |
#$set <-list(nocheck=1) #Avoid checking and allow for different range in variogram |
173 |
# co_kriged_surf<-predict(,mean_LST) #Prediction using co-kriging with grid location defined from input raster image. |
174 |
# #co_kriged_surf$tmax.pred #Results stored in SpatialGridDataFrame with tmax prediction accessible in dataframe. |
118 | 175 |
119 |
#Co-kriging only on the validation sites for faster computing |
120 |
121 |
cokrig1_dv<-predict(,data_v) |
122 |
cokrig1_ds<-predict(,data_s) |
123 |
data_s$tmax_cokr<-cokrig1_ds$tmax.pred |
124 |
data_v$tmax_cokr<-cokrig1_dv$tmax.pred |
125 |
126 |
#Calculate RMSE and then krig the residuals....! |
176 |
#spplot.vcov(co_kriged_surf) #Visualizing the covariance structure |
177 |
178 |
# tmax_cokrig1_s<- overlay(co_kriged_surf,data_s) #This overalys the cokriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
179 |
# tmax_cokrig1_v<- overlay(co_kriged_surf,data_v) |
127 | 180 |
128 |
res_mod1<- data_v$tmax - data_v$tmax_kr #Residuals from kriging. |
129 |
res_mod2<- data_v$tmax - data_v$tmax_cokr #Residuals from cokriging. |
181 |
for (j in 1:models){ |
182 |
183 |
krmod<-paste("krig",j,sep="") |
184 |
185 |
krig_val_s <- overlay(krmod,data_s) #This overlays the kriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
186 |
krig_val_v <- overlay(krmod,data_v) #This overlays the kriged surface tmax and the location of weather stations |
187 |
188 |
pred_krmod<-paste("pred_krmod",j,sep="") |
189 |
#Adding the results back into the original dataframes. |
190 |
data_s[[pred_krmod]]<-krig_val_s$var1.pred |
191 |
data_v[[pred_krmod]]<-krig_val_v$var1.pred |
192 |
193 |
#Model assessment: RMSE and then krig the residuals....! |
194 |
195 |
res_mod_kr_s<- data_s$tmax - data_s[[pred_krmod]] #Residuals from kriging training |
196 |
res_mod_kr_v<- data_v$tmax - data_v[[pred_krmod]] #Residuals from kriging validation |
197 |
198 |
RMSE_mod_kr_s <- sqrt(sum(res_mod_kr_s^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #RMSE from kriged surface training |
199 |
RMSE_mod_kr_v <- sqrt(sum(res_mod_kr_v^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #RMSE from kriged surface validation |
200 |
MAE_mod_kr_s<- sum(abs(res_mod_kr_s),na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #MAE from kriged surface training #MAE, Mean abs. Error FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
201 |
MAE_mod_kr_v<- sum(abs(res_mod_kr_v),na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #MAE from kriged surface validation |
202 |
ME_mod_kr_s<- sum(res_mod_kr_s,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #ME, Mean Error or bias FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
203 |
ME_mod_kr_v<- sum(res_mod_kr_v,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #ME, Mean Error or bias FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
204 |
R2_mod_kr_s<- cor(data_s$tmax,data_s[[gam_kr]],use="complete.obs")^2 #R2, coef. of determination FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
205 |
R2_mod_kr_v<- cor(data_v$tmax,data_v[[gam_kr]],use="complete.obs")^2 #R2, coef. of determinationFOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
206 |
#(nv-sum( |
207 |
#Writing out results |
208 |
209 |
results_RMSE[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
210 |
results_RMSE[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
211 |
results_RMSE[i,3]<- "RMSE" |
212 |
results_RMSE[i,j+3]<- RMSE_mod_kr_v |
213 |
#results_RMSE_kr[i,3]<- res_mod_kr_v |
214 |
215 |
results_MAE[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
216 |
results_MAE[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
217 |
results_MAE[i,3]<- "MAE" |
218 |
results_MAE[i,j+3]<- MAE_mod_kr_v |
219 |
#results_RMSE_kr[i,3]<- res_mod_kr_v |
220 |
221 |
results_ME[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
222 |
results_ME[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
223 |
results_ME[i,3]<- "ME" |
224 |
results_ME[i,j+3]<- ME_mod_kr_v |
225 |
#results_RMSE_kr[i,3]<- res_mod_kr_v |
226 |
227 |
results_R2[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
228 |
results_R2[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
229 |
results_R2[i,3]<- "R2" |
230 |
results_R2[i,j+3]<- R2_mod_kr_v |
231 |
#results_RMSE_kr[i,3]<- res_mod_kr_v |
232 |
233 |
name3<-paste("res_kr_mod",j,sep="") |
234 |
#as.numeric(res_mod) |
235 |
#data_s[[name3]]<-res_mod_kr_s |
236 |
data_s[[name3]]<-as.numeric(res_mod_kr_s) |
237 |
#data_v[[name3]]<-res_mod_kr_v |
238 |
data_v[[name3]]<-as.numeric(res_mod_kr_v) |
239 |
#Writing residuals from kriging |
240 |
241 |
} |
130 | 242 |
131 |
RMSE_mod1 <- sqrt(sum(res_mod1^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #RMSE from kriged surface. |
132 |
RMSE_mod2 <- sqrt(sum(res_mod2^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #RMSE from co-kriged surface. |
133 |
#(nv-sum( |
243 |
# #Co-kriging only on the validation sites for faster computing |
244 |
# |
245 |
# cokrig1_dv<-predict(,data_v) |
246 |
# cokrig1_ds<-predict(,data_s) |
247 |
# # data_s$tmax_cokr<-cokrig1_ds$tmax.pred |
248 |
# # data_v$tmax_cokr<-cokrig1_dv$tmax.pred |
249 |
# |
250 |
# #Calculate RMSE and then krig the residuals....! |
251 |
# |
252 |
# res_mod1<- data_v$tmax - data_v$tmax_kr #Residuals from kriging. |
253 |
# res_mod2<- data_v$tmax - data_v$tmax_cokr #Residuals from cokriging. |
254 |
# |
255 |
# RMSE_mod1 <- sqrt(sum(res_mod1^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #RMSE from kriged surface. |
256 |
# RMSE_mod2 <- sqrt(sum(res_mod2^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(nv-sum( #RMSE from co-kriged surface. |
257 |
# #(nv-sum( |
134 | 258 |
135 | 259 |
#Saving the subset in a dataframe |
136 | 260 |
data_name<-paste("ghcn_v_",dates[[i]],sep="") |
... | ... | |
138 | 262 |
data_name<-paste("ghcn_s_",dates[[i]],sep="") |
139 | 263 |
assign(data_name,data_s) |
140 | 264 |
141 |
krig_raster_name<-paste("coKriged_tmax_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="") |
142 |
writeGDAL(co_kriged_surf,fname=krig_raster_name, driver="GTiff", type="Float32",options ="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL") |
143 |
krig_raster_name<-paste("Kriged_tmax_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="") |
144 |
writeGDAL(tmax_krige,fname=krig_raster_name, driver="GTiff", type="Float32",options ="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL") |
145 |
X11() |
146 |
plot(raster(co_kriged_surf)) |
147 |
title(paste("Tmax cokriging for date ",dates[[i]],sep="")) |
148 |
savePlot(paste("Cokriged_tmax",data_name,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
149 | |
150 |
X11() |
151 |
plot(raster(tmax_krige)) |
152 |
title(paste("Tmax Kriging for date ",dates[[i]],sep="")) |
153 |
savePlot(paste("Kriged_res_",data_name,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
154 | |
155 |
156 |
results[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
157 |
results[i,2]<- ns #number of stations in training |
158 |
results[i,3]<- RMSE_mod1 |
159 |
results[i,4]<- RMSE_mod2 |
265 |
#Saving kriged surface in raster images |
160 | 266 |
161 |
results_mod_n[i,1]<-dates[i] |
162 |
results_mod_n[i,2]<-(nv-sum( |
163 |
results_mod_n[i,3]<-(nv-sum( |
267 |
#krig_raster_name<-paste("coKriged_tmax_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="") |
268 |
#writeGDAL(co_kriged_surf,fname=krig_raster_name, driver="GTiff", type="Float32",options ="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL") |
269 |
#krig_raster_name<-paste("Kriged_tmax_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="") |
270 |
#writeGDAL(tmax_krige,fname=krig_raster_name, driver="GTiff", type="Float32",options ="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL") |
271 |
#X11() |
272 |
#plot(raster(co_kriged_surf)) |
273 |
#title(paste("Tmax cokriging for date ",dates[[i]],sep="")) |
274 |
#savePlot(paste("Cokriged_tmax",data_name,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
275 | |
276 |
#X11() |
277 |
#plot(raster(tmax_krige)) |
278 |
#title(paste("Tmax Kriging for date ",dates[[i]],sep="")) |
279 |
#savePlot(paste("Kriged_res_",data_name,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
280 | |
281 |
# |
282 |
# results[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
283 |
# results[i,2]<- ns #number of stations in training |
284 |
# results[i,3]<- RMSE_mod1 |
285 |
# results[i,4]<- RMSE_mod2 |
286 |
# |
287 |
# results_mod_n[i,1]<-dates[i] |
288 |
# results_mod_n[i,2]<-(nv-sum( |
289 |
# results_mod_n[i,3]<-(nv-sum( |
164 | 290 |
} |
165 | 291 |
166 | 292 |
## Plotting and saving diagnostic measures |
167 |
results_num <-results |
168 |
mode(results_num)<- "numeric" |
169 |
# Make it numeric first |
170 |
# Now turn it into a data.frame... |
293 |
results_table_RMSE< |
294 |
results_table_MAE< |
295 |
results_table_ME< |
296 |
results_table_R2< |
297 |
298 |
cname<-c("dates","ns","metric","krmod1", "krmod2","krmod3", "krmod4", "mkrod5") |
299 |
colnames(results_table_RMSE)<-cname |
300 |
colnames(results_table_MAE)<-cname |
301 |
colnames(results_table_ME)<-cname |
302 |
colnames(results_table_R2)<-cname |
303 |
304 |
305 |
#Summary of diagnostic measures are stored in a data frame |
306 |
tb_diagnostic1<-rbind(results_table_RMSE,results_table_MAE, results_table_ME, results_table_R2) # |
307 |
#tb_diagnostic1_kr<-rbind(results_table_RMSE_kr,results_table_MAE_kr, results_table_ME_kr, results_table_R2_kr) |
308 |
#tb_diagnostic2<-rbind(results_table_AIC,results_table_GCV, results_table_DEV,results_table_RMSE_f) |
309 |
310 |
write.table(tb_diagnostic1, file= paste(path,"/","results_GAM_Assessment_measure1",out_prefix,".txt",sep=""), sep=",") |
311 |
#write.table(tb_diagnostic1_kr, file= paste(path,"/","results_GAM_Assessment_measure1_kr_",out_prefix,".txt",sep=""), sep=",") |
312 |
#write.table(tb_diagnostic2, file= paste(path,"/","results_GAM_Assessment_measure2_",out_prefix,".txt",sep=""), sep=",") |
171 | 313 |
172 |
results_table< |
173 |
colnames(results_table)<-c("dates","ns","RMSE") |
174 | 314 |
175 |
write.csv(results_table, file= paste(path,"/","results_Kriging_Assessment",out_prefix,".txt",sep="")) |
315 |
#### END OF SCRIPT ##### |
Also available in: Unified diff
OR, Kriging using automated fitting of variograms TASK#364