Revision 2c238837
Added by Adam Wilson over 12 years ago
climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_process.r | ||
1 |
#!/bin/r |
2 |
1 | 3 |
################################################################################### |
2 | 4 |
### R code to aquire and process MOD06_L2 cloud data from the MODIS platform |
3 | 5 |
6 |
## load command line arguments (mname) |
7 |
args=(commandArgs(TRUE)) ##args is now a list of character vectors |
8 |
## Then cycle through each element of the list and evaluate the expressions. |
9 |
eval(parse(text=args)) |
10 |
11 |
system("source ~/moduleload") |
12 |
13 |
print(args) |
14 |
15 |
tile="h11v08" |
16 |
outdir="2_daily" #directory for separate daily files |
17 |
outdir2="3_summary" #directory for combined daily files and summarized files |
18 |
19 |
print(paste("Processing tile",tile," for date",date)) |
4 | 20 |
5 | 21 |
## load libraries |
6 |
require(rgdal) |
7 | 22 |
require(reshape) |
8 | 23 |
#require(ncdf4) |
9 | 24 |
require(geosphere) |
10 | 25 |
require(raster) |
26 |
#require(rgdal) |
11 | 27 |
require(spgrass6) |
12 |
## packages for parallelization |
13 |
#library(foreach) |
14 |
#library(doMPI) |
15 |
library(multicore) |
16 | 28 |
17 |
## register cluster and number of cores to use |
18 |
ncores=as.numeric(system("echo $NCORES",intern=T)) |
19 |
#cl=startMPIcluster(20,verbose=F) |
20 |
#registerDoMPI(cl) |
21 | 29 |
22 | 30 |
## specify some working directories |
23 | 31 |
setwd("/nobackupp1/awilso10/mod06") |
24 | 32 |
25 |
outdir="2_daily" #directory for separate daily files |
26 |
outdir2="3_summary" #directory for combined daily files and summarized files |
27 |
28 | 33 |
print(paste("tempdir()=",tempdir())) |
29 | 34 |
print(paste("TMPDIR=",Sys.getenv("TMPDIR"))) |
30 | 35 |
31 |
### get list of files to process |
32 |
datadir="/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD06_L2.005/" |
33 |
34 |
fs=data.frame(path=list.files(datadir,full=T,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"),stringsAsFactors=F) |
35 |
fs$file=basename(fs$path) |
36 |
fs$date=as.Date(substr(fs$file,11,17),"%Y%j") |
37 |
fs$month=format(fs$date,"%m") |
38 |
fs$year=format(fs$date,"%Y") |
39 |
fs$time=substr(fs$file,19,22) |
40 |
fs$datetime=as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(substr(fs$file,11,17),substr(fs$file,19,22)), '%Y%j %H%M')) |
41 |
fs$dateid=format(fs$date,"%Y%m%d") |
42 |
fs$path=as.character(fs$path) |
43 |
fs$file=as.character(fs$file) |
44 |
45 |
## get all unique dates |
46 |
alldates=unique(fs$dateid) |
36 |
## load ancillary data |
37 |
load(file="allfiles.Rdata") |
47 | 38 |
48 | 39 |
## load tile information |
49 | 40 |
load(file="modlandTiles.Rdata") |
... | ... | |
51 | 42 |
#modt=readOGR("modgrid","modis_sinusoidal_grid_world",) |
52 | 43 |
#modt@data[,colnames(tb)[3:6]]=tb[match(paste(modt$h,modt$v),paste(tb$ih,tb$iv)),3:6] |
53 | 44 |
#write.csv(modt@data,file="modistile.csv") |
54 |
tile="h11v08" #can move this to submit script if needed |
55 |
56 |
57 |
## identify which have been completed |
58 |
done=alldates%in%substr(list.files(outdir),7,14) |
59 |
table(done) |
60 |
notdone=alldates[!done] #these are the dates that still need to be processed |
61 | 45 |
62 | 46 |
## vars to process |
63 | 47 | |
... | ... | |
120 | 104 |
print(log) |
121 | 105 |
## confirm file is present |
122 | 106 |
print(paste("Confirming output file (",outfile,") is present and readable by GDAL")) |
123 |
gi=GDALinfo(outfile); print(gi)
107 |
system(paste("gdalinfo ",outfile))
124 | 108 |
print(paste("Finished ", file)) |
125 | 109 |
} |
126 | 110 |
... | ... | |
144 | 128 |
tf=paste(tempdir(),"/grass", Sys.getpid(),"/", sep="") |
145 | 129 |
print(paste("Set up temporary grass session in",tf)) |
146 | 130 |
147 |
## load a MOD11A1 file to define grid |
148 |
gridfile=list.files("/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD11A1.005/2006.01.27/",pattern=paste(tile,".*hdf$",sep=""),full=T)[1] |
149 |
td=readGDAL(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",gridfile,"\":MODIS_Grid_Daily_1km_LST:Night_view_angl",sep="")) |
150 |
projection(td)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 " |
151 |
152 | 131 |
## set up temporary grass instance for this PID |
153 | 132 |
initGRASS(gisBase="/nobackupp1/awilso10/software/grass-6.4.3svn",gisDbase=tf,SG=td,override=T,location="mod06",mapset="PERMANENT",home=tf,pid=Sys.getpid()) |
154 | 133 |
system(paste("g.proj -c proj4=\"",projection(td),"\"",sep="")) |
... | ... | |
161 | 140 |
162 | 141 |
## Identify which files to process |
163 | 142 |
tfs=fs$file[fs$dateid==date] |
143 |
tfs=tfs[tfs%in%list.files(tempdir())] |
164 | 144 |
nfs=length(tfs) |
165 | 145 |
166 | 146 |
## loop through scenes and process QA flags |
... | ... | |
170 | 150 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Mask_1km_0",sep=""), |
171 | 151 |
output=paste("CM1_",i,sep=""),flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
172 | 152 |
## extract cloudy and 'confidently clear' pixels |
153 |
173 | 154 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
174 | 155 |
CM_cloud_",i," = ((CM1_",i," / 2^0) % 2) == 1 && ((CM1_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2) == 0 |
175 | 156 |
CM_clear_",i," = ((CM1_",i," / 2^0) % 2) == 1 && ((CM1_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2) == 3 |
... | ... | |
289 | 270 |
290 | 271 |
## test it |
291 | 272 |
##date=notdone[1] |
292 |
273 |
mod06(date,tile) |
293 | 274 |
294 | 275 |
## run it for all dates |
295 |
mclapply(notdone,mod06,tile,mc.cores=ncores) # use ncores/2 because system() commands can add second process for each spawned R |
296 |
276 |
#mclapply(notdone,mod06,tile,mc.cores=ncores) # use ncores/2 because system() commands can add second process for each spawned R |
297 | 277 |
#foreach(i=notdone[1:3],.packages=(.packages())) %dopar% mod06(i,tile) |
298 |
299 | 278 |
#foreach(i=1:20) %dopar% print(i) |
300 | 279 |
301 | 280 |
302 |
################################################################################ |
303 |
## now generate the climatologies |
304 |
fdly=data.frame( |
305 |
path=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$",full=T), |
306 |
file=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$")) |
307 |
fdly$date=as.Date(substr(fdly$file,7,14),"%Y%m%d") |
308 |
fdly$month=format(fdly$date,"%m") |
309 |
fdly$year=format(fdly$date,"%Y") |
310 |
311 |
## check validity (via npar and ntime) of nc files |
312 |
for(i in 1:nrow(fdly)){ |
313 |
fdly$ntime[i]=as.numeric(system(paste("cdo sinfo ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
314 |
fdly$npar[i]=as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s npar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
315 |
print(i) |
316 |
} |
317 |
318 |
## Combine all days within years into a single file (can't mergetime all days at once because this opens too many files) |
319 |
tsdir=paste(tempdir(),"/summary",sep="") |
320 |
dir.create(tsdir) |
321 |
lapply(unique(fdly$year),function(y){ |
322 |
system(paste("cdo -O mergetime ",paste(fdly$path[fdly$year==y],collapse=" ")," ",tsdir,"/MOD09_",tile,"_",y,"",sep="")) |
323 |
print(paste("Finished merging daily files for year",y)) |
324 |
}) |
325 |
## Combine the year-by-year files into a single daily file |
326 |
system(paste("cdo -O mergetime ",paste(list.files(tsdir,full=T,pattern="daily[.]nc$"),collapse=" ")," ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile,"",sep="")) |
327 |
328 |
system(paste("cdo -O monmean ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile," ",outdir2,"/",tile,"",sep="")) |
329 |
system(paste("cdo -O ymonmean ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile," ",outdir2,"/",tile,"",sep="")) |
330 |
system(paste("cdo -O ymonstd ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile," ",outdir2,"/",tile,"",sep="")) |
331 |
332 |
print("Finished! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%") |
333 |
## quit R |
334 | 281 |
q("no") |
335 |
336 |
climate/procedures/Pleiades.R | ||
7 | 7 |
tb$tile=paste("h",sprintf("%02d",tb$ih),"v",sprintf("%02d",tb$iv),sep="") |
8 | 8 |
save(tb,file="modlandTiles.Rdata") |
9 | 9 |
10 |
### Submission script |
10 |
outdir="2_daily" #directory for separate daily files |
11 |
outdir2="3_summary" #directory for combined daily files and summarized files |
12 |
13 |
## load a MOD11A1 file to define grid |
14 |
gridfile=list.files("/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD11A1.005/2006.01.27/",pattern=paste(tile,".*hdf$",sep=""),full=T)[1] |
15 |
td=readGDAL(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",gridfile,"\":MODIS_Grid_Daily_1km_LST:Night_view_angl",sep="")) |
16 |
projection(td)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 " |
17 |
18 |
19 |
### get list of files to process |
20 |
datadir="/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD06_L2.005/" |
21 |
22 |
fs=data.frame(path=list.files(datadir,full=T,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"),stringsAsFactors=F) |
23 |
fs$file=basename(fs$path) |
24 |
fs$date=as.Date(substr(fs$file,11,17),"%Y%j") |
25 |
fs$month=format(fs$date,"%m") |
26 |
fs$year=format(fs$date,"%Y") |
27 |
fs$time=substr(fs$file,19,22) |
28 |
fs$datetime=as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(substr(fs$file,11,17),substr(fs$file,19,22)), '%Y%j %H%M')) |
29 |
fs$dateid=format(fs$date,"%Y%m%d") |
30 |
fs$path=as.character(fs$path) |
31 |
fs$file=as.character(fs$file) |
32 |
33 |
## get all unique dates |
34 |
alldates=unique(fs$dateid) |
35 |
36 |
37 |
#### Generate submission file |
38 |
## identify which have been completed |
39 |
done=alldates%in%substr(list.files(outdir),7,14) |
40 |
table(done) |
41 |
notdone=alldates[!done] #these are the dates that still need to be processed |
42 |
43 |
tile="h11v08" #can move this to submit script if needed |
44 |
script="/u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_process.r" |
45 |
#write.table(paste("--verbose ",script," date=",notdone," tile=\"",tile,"\"",sep=""),file="notdone.txt",row.names=F,col.names=F,quote=F) |
46 |
write.table(paste("--verbose ",script," date=",notdone[1:30],sep=""),file="notdone.txt",row.names=F,col.names=F,quote=F) |
47 |
48 |
save(fs,alldates,gridfile,td,file="allfiles.Rdata") |
49 |
50 |
## Submission script |
11 | 51 |
12 | 52 |
cat(paste(" |
13 | 53 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
14 |
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=16:model=san
54 |
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=16:model=san
15 | 55 |
###PBS -l select=4:ncpus=8:model=neh |
16 | 56 |
##PBS -l select=1:ncpus=12:model=wes |
17 | 57 |
####### old: select=48:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8:model=neh |
... | ... | |
19 | 59 |
#PBS -j oe |
20 | 60 |
#PBS -m e |
21 | 61 |
#PBS -V |
22 |
####PBS -W group_list=s1007 |
23 | 62 |
#PBS -q devel |
24 | 63 |
#PBS -o log/log_^array_index^ |
25 |
#PBS -o log/log_DataCompile |
64 |
#PBS -o log/log_DataCompile.log
26 | 65 |
#PBS -M |
27 | 66 |
#PBS -N MOD06 |
28 | 67 |
29 |
#source /usr/share/modules/init/bash |
30 |
31 | 68 |
## cd to working directory |
32 | 69 |
cd /nobackupp1/awilso10/mod06 |
33 | 70 |
34 | 71 |
## set some memory limits |
35 | 72 |
# ulimit -d 1500000 -m 1500000 -v 1500000 #limit memory usage |
73 |
source /usr/local/lib/global.profile |
36 | 74 |
source /u/awilso10/.bashrc |
37 | 75 |
source /u/awilso10/moduleload |
38 |
source /usr/local/lib/global.profile |
39 | 76 |
## export a few important variables |
40 |
export NCORES=16 # use to limit mclapply() to set nubmer of cores, should be select*ncpus above
77 |
export NNODES=32
41 | 78 |
export R_LIBS=\"/u/awilso10/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/2.15/\" |
42 | 79 |
## load modules |
43 |
module load gcc hdf4 udunits R nco mpi-intel #mpi-sgi/mpt.2.06r6
80 |
# module load gcc comp-intel/2012.0.032 netcdf mpi-sgi/mpt.2.06r6 hdf4 udunits R nco
44 | 81 |
## Run the script! |
45 | 82 |
## current version not parallelizing across nodes! |
46 |
TMPDIR=$TMPDIR Rscript --verbose --vanilla /u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_process.r |
47 |
exit 0 |
48 |
exit 0 |
83 |
TMPDIR=$TMPDIR Rscript --verbose --vanilla /u/awilso10/environmental-layers/climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_process.r date=20000403 |
84 |
85 |
WORKLIST=notdone.txt |
86 |
EXE="Rscript" |
87 |
LOG=log/log_DataCompile.log |
49 | 88 |
89 |
TMPDIR=$TMPDIR mpiexec -np $NNODES /nobackupp4/pvotava/software/share/mqueue-eg/mqueue/mqueue -l $WORKLIST -p $EXE -v -v -v --random-starts 2-4 --work-analyze #> $LOG |
90 |
#mpiexec -np 2 /nobackupp4/pvotava/software/share/mqueue-eg/mqueue/mqueue -l testrun.txt -p $EXE -v -v -v #> $LOG |
91 |
#TMPDIR=$TMPDIR mpiexec -np $NNODES /nobackupp4/pvotava/software/share/mqueue-eg/mqueue/mqueue -l $WORKLIST -p $EXE -v -v -v #> $LOG |
92 |
exit 0 |
50 | 93 |
",sep=""),file="MOD06_process") |
51 | 94 |
52 | 95 |
### Check the file |
... | ... | |
55 | 98 |
56 | 99 |
## check queue status |
57 | 100 |
system("/u/scicon/tools/bin/") |
101 |
system("/u/scicon/tools/bin/ 479343") |
58 | 102 |
59 | 103 |
## Submit it (and keep the pid)! |
60 | 104 |
system("qsub MOD06_process") |
... | ... | |
71 | 115 |
system("qstat devel ") |
72 | 116 |
#system("qstat | grep awilso10") |
73 | 117 |
118 |
#################################### |
119 |
120 |
121 |
################################################################################ |
122 |
## now generate the climatologies |
123 |
fdly=data.frame( |
124 |
path=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$",full=T), |
125 |
file=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$")) |
126 |
fdly$date=as.Date(substr(fdly$file,7,14),"%Y%m%d") |
127 |
fdly$month=format(fdly$date,"%m") |
128 |
fdly$year=format(fdly$date,"%Y") |
129 |
130 |
## check validity (via npar and ntime) of nc files |
131 |
for(i in 1:nrow(fdly)){ |
132 |
fdly$ntime[i]=as.numeric(system(paste("cdo sinfo ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
133 |
fdly$npar[i]=as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s npar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
134 |
print(i) |
135 |
} |
136 |
137 |
## Combine all days within years into a single file (can't mergetime all days at once because this opens too many files) |
138 |
tsdir=paste(tempdir(),"/summary",sep="") |
139 |
dir.create(tsdir) |
140 |
lapply(unique(fdly$year),function(y){ |
141 |
system(paste("cdo -O mergetime ",paste(fdly$path[fdly$year==y],collapse=" ")," ",tsdir,"/MOD09_",tile,"_",y,"",sep="")) |
142 |
print(paste("Finished merging daily files for year",y)) |
143 |
}) |
144 |
## Combine the year-by-year files into a single daily file |
145 |
system(paste("cdo -O mergetime ",paste(list.files(tsdir,full=T,pattern="daily[.]nc$"),collapse=" ")," ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile,"",sep="")) |
146 |
147 |
system(paste("cdo -O monmean ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile," ",outdir2,"/",tile,"",sep="")) |
148 |
system(paste("cdo -O ymonmean ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile," ",outdir2,"/",tile,"",sep="")) |
149 |
system(paste("cdo -O ymonstd ",outdir2,"/MOD09_",tile," ",outdir2,"/",tile,"",sep="")) |
150 |
151 |
print("Finished! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%") |
152 |
## quit R |
153 |
q("no") |
154 |
155 |
156 |
################################################################# |
74 | 157 |
75 | 158 |
### copy the files back to Yale |
76 | 159 |
list.files("2_daily") |
... | ... | |
81 | 164 |
82 | 165 |
83 | 166 |
list.files(" /tmp/Rtmp6I6tFn") |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
Also available in: Unified diff
Currently submission hangs using mqueue when loading rgdal library. Will attempt to add a separate submission script that first loads modules before running Rscript on the slaves