Revision 35ea6570
Added by Adam Wilson almost 11 years ago
climate/research/cloud/MOD09/ee/ee_compile.R | ||
9 | 9 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/cloud") |
10 | 10 |
11 | 11 |
## Get list of available files |
12 |
13 |
12 |
13 |
14 | 14 |
df$date=as.Date(paste(2013,"_",df$month,"_15",sep=""),"%Y_%m_%d") |
15 | 15 |
16 |
16 | 17 |
## use ramdisk? |
17 | 18 |
tmpfs=tempdir() |
18 | 19 |
... | ... | |
24 | 25 |
tmpfs="/mnt/ram" |
25 | 26 |
} |
26 | 27 |
27 |
#i=2 |
28 |
for(i in 1:nrow(df)){ |
29 |
## Define output and check if it already exists |
30 |
temptffile=paste(tmpfs,"/modcf_",df$month[i],".tif",sep="") |
31 |
tffile=paste("data/mod09cloud2/modcf_",df$month[i],".tif",sep="") |
32 |
ncfile=paste("data/mod09cloud2/modcf_",df$month[i],".nc",sep="") |
33 |
34 |
# if(file.exists(tffile)) next |
35 |
## warp to wgs84 |
36 |
ops=paste("-t_srs 'EPSG:4326' -multi -r bilinear -te -180 -90 180 90 -tr 0.008333333333333 -0.008333333333333", |
37 |
"-co BIGTIFF=YES -ot Byte --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 300000 -wm 300000 -wo NUM_THREADS:10 -wo SOURCE_EXTRA=5") |
38 |
system(paste("gdalwarp -overwrite ",ops," ",df$path[i]," ",temptffile)) |
39 |
## update metadata |
40 |
tags=c(paste("TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION='Cloud Frequency extracted from Collection 5 MYD09GA and MOD09GA (PGE11) internal cloud mask algorithm (embedded in M*D09GA state_1km bit 10).", |
41 |
" Band 1 represents the overall 2000-2013 mean cloud frequency for month ",df$month[i], |
42 |
". Band 2 is the four times the standard deviation of the mean monthly cloud frequencies over 2000-2013.'",sep=""), |
43 |
44 |
paste("TIFFTAG_DATETIME='2013-",df$month[i],"-15'",sep=""), |
45 |
"TIFFTAG_ARTIST='Adam M. Wilson ('") |
46 |
## compress |
47 |
# trans_ops=paste(" -co COMPRESS=LZW -stats -co BLOCKXSIZE=256 -co BLOCKYSIZE=256 -co PREDICTOR=2 -co FORMAT=NC4C") |
48 |
# system(paste("gdal_translate ",trans_ops," ",paste("-mo ",tags,sep="",collapse=" ")," ",temptffile," ",tffile," ",sep="")) |
49 |
50 |
trans_ops=paste(" -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -stats -co PREDICTOR=2 -co FORMAT=NC4C -co ZLEVEL=9") |
51 |
system(paste("gdal_translate ",trans_ops," ",temptffile," ",ncfile," ",sep="")) |
52 |
file.remove(temptffile) |
53 |
} |
54 |
55 |
56 |
if(ramdisk) { |
57 |
## unmount the ram disk |
58 |
system(paste("sudo umount ",tmpfs) |
59 |
} |
60 |
61 | 28 |
62 |
rerun=F # set to true to recalculate all dates even if file already exists
29 |
rerun=T # set to true to recalculate all dates even if file already exists
63 | 30 |
64 | 31 |
## Loop over existing months to build composite netcdf files |
65 |
foreach(date=unique(df$date)) %dopar% {
32 |
foreach(i=1:nrow(df)) %dopar% {
66 | 33 |
## get date |
34 |
date=df$date[i] |
67 | 35 |
print(date) |
68 | 36 |
## Define output and check if it already exists |
37 |
# vrtfile=paste(tmpfs,"/modcf_",df$month[i],".vrt",sep="") |
69 | 38 |
temptffile=paste(tmpfs,"/modcf_",df$month[i],".tif",sep="") |
39 |
temptffile2=paste(tmpfs,"/modcf_",df$month[i],".tif",sep="") |
70 | 40 |
ncfile=paste("data/mod09cloud2/modcf_",df$month[i],".nc",sep="") |
71 | 41 |
## check if output already exists |
72 | 42 |
if(!rerun&file.exists(ncfile)) return(NA) |
43 |
## Develop mask |
44 |
# nObs= |
45 |
# system(paste("pksetmask -i ",temptffile," -m ",nObs," --operator='<' --msknodata 1 --nodata 255 --operator='>' --msknodata 10 --nodata 10 -o ",temptiffile2,sep="")) |
73 | 46 |
74 | 47 |
## warp to wgs84 |
75 | 48 |
ops=paste("-t_srs 'EPSG:4326' -multi -r bilinear -te -180 -90 180 90 -tr 0.008333333333333 -0.008333333333333", |
... | ... | |
136 | 109 |
137 | 110 |
} |
138 | 111 |
112 |
if(ramdisk) { |
113 |
## unmount the ram disk |
114 |
system(paste("sudo umount ",tmpfs) |
115 |
} |
116 |
139 | 117 |
140 | 118 |
### merge all the tiles to a single global composite |
141 | 119 |
#system(paste("ncdump -h ",list.files(tempdir,pattern="mod09.*.nc$",full=T)[10])) |
climate/research/cloud/MOD09/ee_biastest.R | ||
1 |
#### Evaluate the feasibility of correcting for orbital bias in cloud cover |
2 |
library(raster) |
3 |
library(rasterVis) |
4 |
library(doMC) |
5 |
library(multicore) |
6 |
library(foreach) |
7 |
library(rgdal) |
8 |
registerDoMC(4) |
9 |
library(plyr) |
10 |
library(mgcv) |
11 |
library(sampling) |
12 |
13 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/cloud") |
14 |
15 |
## set raster options |
16 |
rasterOptions(maxmemory=1e8) |
17 |
18 |
## get CF data |
19 |
## Get list of available files |
20 |
#df=data.frame(path=list.files("data/mod09cloud",pattern="*.tif$",full=T,recur=T),stringsAsFactors=F) |
21 |
#df[,c("month")],strsplit(basename(df$path),"_|[.]|-"))[,c(6)] |
22 |
#df$date=as.Date(paste(2013,"_",df$month,"_15",sep=""),"%Y_%m_%d") |
23 |
#df=df[order(df$date),] |
24 |
25 |
#d=stack(df$path,bands=1) |
26 |
#names(d)=df$month |
27 |
28 |
reg=extent(c(-1434564.00523,1784892.95369, 564861.173869, 1880991.3772)) |
29 |
reg=extent(c(-2187230.72881, 4017838.07688, -339907.592509, 3589340.63805)) #all sahara |
30 |
reg=extent(c(-12020769.9608, 10201058.231, -3682105.25271, 3649806.08382)) #large equitorial |
31 |
#reg=extent(c(-151270.082307, 557321.958761, 1246351.8356, 1733123.75947)) |
32 |
33 |
d=crop(stack("data/mcd09/2014113_combined_20002013_MOD09_1-img-0000000000-0000000000.tif"),reg) |
34 |
names(d)=c("cf","cfsd","nobs","pobs") |
35 |
#obs=crop(raster("data/mcd09/2014113_combined_20002013_MOD09_1-img-0000000000-0000000000.tif",band=4),reg) |
36 |
#levelplot(stack(obs,d)) |
37 |
38 |
#plot(obs,d) |
39 |
40 |
#pts=sampleStratified(d[["pobs"]], size=10000, exp=10, na.rm=TRUE, xy=FALSE, ext=NULL, sp=FALSE) |
41 |
pts=sampleRandom(d, size=10000, na.rm=TRUE, xy=T, ext=NULL, sp=T) |
42 |
pts=pts[pts$nobs>0,] #drop data from missing tiles |
43 |
44 |
#dt=data.frame(cf=as.numeric(values(d[["cf"]])),obs=as.numeric(values(d[["pobs"]]))) |
45 |
#dt[,c("x","y")]=coordinates(d) |
46 |
#dt=dt[dt$obs>0,] #drop data from missing tiles |
47 |
48 |
#s=1:nrow(dt) |
49 |
#s=sample(1:nrow(dt),10000) |
50 |
#s=strata(dt, stratanames=dt$obs, size=1000) |
51 |
52 |
lm1=bam(cf~s(x,y,pobs),data=pts@data) |
53 |
summary(lm1) |
54 |
beta=coef(lm1)["pobs"]; beta |
55 |
56 |
#lm1=bam(as.vector(d[["cf"]]) ~ as.vector(d[["pobs"]])) |
57 |
#fun <- function(x) { bam(x[["cf"]] ~ x[["pobs"]])$coefficients["obs"] } |
58 |
#bias <- calc(d, fun) |
59 |
60 |
#pred=interpolate(d,lm1) |
61 |
62 |
getbias=function(x) return((100-x)*beta) |
63 |
64 |
65 |
getbias(beta,87) |
66 |
67 |
68 |
bias=calc(d[["pobs"]],getbias,file=paste("data/bias/bias.tif",sep=""),format="GTiff",dataType="INT1U",overwrite=T,NAflag=255) |
69 |
70 |
dc=overlay(d[["cf"]],bias,fun=function(x,y) x+y, |
71 |
file=paste("data/bias/biasc.tif",sep=""), |
72 |
format="GTiff",dataType="INT1U",overwrite=T,NAflag=255) #,options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9")) |
73 |
74 |
75 |
#levelplot(stack(d,dc)) |
76 |
77 |
78 |
library(multicore) |
79 |
80 |
Mode <- function(x) { |
81 |
ux <- unique(x) |
82 |
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))] |
83 |
} |
84 |
#rasterOptions(maxmemory)#=50GB) |
85 |
## set up processing chunks |
86 |
nrw=nrow(d) |
87 |
nby=20 |
88 |
nrwg=seq(1,nrw,by=nby) |
89 |
writeLines(paste("Processing ",length(nrwg)," groups and",nrw,"lines")) |
90 |
91 |
## Parallel loop to conduct moving window analysis and quantify pixels with significant shifts across pp or lulc boundaries |
92 |
output=mclapply(nrwg,function(ti){ |
93 |
## Extract focal areas |
94 |
ngb=c(51,101) |
95 |
vals_cf=getValuesFocal(d,ngb=ngb,row=ti,nrows=nby) |
96 |
vals_obs=getValuesFocal(obs,ngb=ngb,row=ti,nrows=nby) |
97 |
## extract bias |
98 |
bias=raster(matrix(,lapply(1:nrow(vals_cf),function(i) { |
99 |
# if(i%in%round(seq(1,nrow(vals_cf),len=100))) print(i) |
100 |
tobs=vals_obs[i,] #vector of indices |
101 |
tval=vals_cf[i,] # vector of values |
102 |
lm1=lm(tval~tobs,na.rm=T) |
103 |
dif=round(predict(lm1)-predict(lm1,newdata=data.frame(tobs=median(tobs,na.rm=T)))) |
104 |
return(dif) |
105 |
})),nrow=nby,ncol=ncol(d),byrow=T)) # turn it back into a raster |
106 |
## update raster and write it |
107 |
extent(bias)=extent(d[ti:(ti+nby-1),1:ncol(d),drop=F]) |
108 |
projection(bias)=projection(d) |
109 |
NAvalue(bias) <- 255 |
110 |
writeRaster(bias,file=paste("data/bias/tiles/bias_",ti,".tif",sep=""), |
111 |
format="GTiff",dataType="INT1U",overwrite=T,NAflag=255) #,options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9") |
112 |
print(ti) |
113 |
} |
114 |
) |
115 |
116 |
#levelplot(d) |
117 |
#plot(obs) |
118 |
119 |
system("gdalbuildvrt -srcnodata 255 -vrtnodata 255 data/bias/bias.vrt `find data/bias/tiles -name 'bias*tif'` ") |
120 |
system("gdalwarp -srcnodata 255 `find data/bias/tiles -name 'bias*tif'` data/bias/bias_movingwindow.tif ") |
121 |
122 |
n=5000 |
123 |
ps=SpatialPoints(cbind(lon=runif(n,-180,10),lat=runif(n,-30,30))) |
124 |
ps=SpatialPoints(cbind(lon=runif(n,-10,10),lat=runif(n,-5,30))) |
125 |
126 |
projection(ps)=projection(d) |
127 |
128 |
psd=extract(d,ps,sp=F)[,12] |
129 |,pobs=extract(obs,ps,sp=F)) |
130 |
psd$cf[psd$cf<0]=NA |
131 |
ps2=SpatialPointsDataFrame(ps,data=psd) |
132 |
133 |
writeOGR(ps2,"output","MODIS_ObservationValidation",driver="ESRI Shapefile") |
134 |
135 |
136 |
ps=readOGR("output","MODIS_ObservationValidation") |
137 |
138 |
xyplot(cf~pobs,data=ps@data[!$cf)&ps$pobs>50,]) |
139 |
140 |
keep=T |
141 |
keep=ps$cf<12&ps$pobs>80 |
142 |
lm1=lm(cf~pobs,data=ps@data[keep,]) |
143 |
summary(lm1) |
144 |
145 |
146 |
pred=predict(lm1,newdata=ps@data[keep,],type="response") |
147 |
148 |
plot(cf~pobs,data=ps@data[keep,],xlim=c(78,100)) |
149 |
points(pred~ps$pobs[keep],col="red") |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
#### fiddle with binomial |
154 |
n=11 |
155 |
p=seq(0,1,len=n) |
156 |
obs=1:30 |
157 |
158 |
mat=expand.grid(p=p,obs=obs) |
159 |
mat$obsh=apply(sapply(1:14,function(x) rbinom(nrow(mat),size=mat$obs,prob=mat$p)),1,mean) |
160 |
mat$ph=mat$obsh/mat$obs |
161 |
mat$bias=mat$ph-mat$p |
162 |
163 |
#### Simulate clouds |
164 |
n=10 |
165 |
p=seq(0,1,len=n) |
166 |
obs=10:30 |
167 |
168 |
## true clouds |
169 |
mat=expand.grid(p=p,obs=obs) |
170 |
171 |
res=matrix(nrow=nrow(mat),ncol=1000) |
172 |
for(r in 1:1000){ |
173 |
clouds=sapply(1:30,function(x) rbinom(nrow(mat),size=1,prob=mat$p)) |
174 |
for(i in 1:nrow(mat)){ |
175 |
res[i,r]= |
176 |
mean(sample(clouds[i,],mat$obs[i])) |
177 |
} |
178 |
179 |
} |
180 |
181 |
mat$ph=apply(res,1,mean) |
182 |
#mat$ph=mat$obsh/mat$obs |
183 |
mat$bias=mat$ph-mat$p |
184 |
185 |
186 |
levelplot(bias~p*obs,data=mat,col.regions=rainbow(100,end=0.8),at=seq(min(mat$bias),max(mat$bias),len=n),ylab="Observations in a 30-day month",xlab="'True' Cloud Frequency (%) ") |
187 |
188 |
hist(mat$bias) |
189 |
plot(mat$p~mat$ph) |
190 |
summary(mat) |
Also available in: Unified diff
adding initial bias correction function