Revision 39c07803
Added by Adam Wilson almost 11 years ago
climate/research/cloud/MOD09/2_bias.R | ||
1 |
### Script to compile the monthly cloud data from earth engine into a netcdf file for further processing |
2 |
3 |
library(rasterVis) |
4 |
library(doMC) |
5 |
library(multicore) |
6 |
library(foreach) |
7 |
library(mgcv) |
8 |
library(RcppOctave) |
9 |
registerDoMC(12) |
10 |
11 |
12 |
## start raster cluster |
13 |
#beginCluster(5) |
14 |
15 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/cloud") |
16 |
17 |
datadir="/mnt/data2/projects/cloud/" |
18 |
19 |
mpath="/home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/environmental-layers/climate/research/cloud/MOD09/vsnr/" |
20 |
.O$addpath(mpath) |
21 |
## download data from google drive |
22 |
23 |
24 |
######################################### |
25 |
#### Bias correction functions |
26 |
27 |
fgabor=function(d,theta=-15,x=200,y=5){ |
28 |
thetaR=(theta*pi)/180 |
29 |
cds=expand.grid(x=(1:nrow(d))-round(nrow(d)/2),y=(1:ncol(d))-round(ncol(d)/2)) |
30 |
sigma_x=x |
31 |
sigma_y=y |
32 |
lambda=0 |
33 |
tpsi=0 |
34 |
x_theta=cds[,"x"]*cos(thetaR)+cds[,"y"]*sin(thetaR); |
35 |
y_theta=-cds[,"x"]*sin(thetaR)+cds[,"y"]*cos(thetaR); |
36 |
n=max(cds) |
37 |
gb= 1/(2*pi*sigma_x *sigma_y) * exp(-.5*(x_theta^2/sigma_x^2+y_theta^2/sigma_y^2))*cos(2*pi/n*lambda*x_theta+tpsi); |
38 |
gb2=1e-2*gb/max(gb); #Normalization |
39 |
psi=d |
40 |
values(psi)=matrix(gb2,ncol=ncol(d)) |
41 |
return(psi) |
42 |
} |
43 |
44 |
45 |
vsnr=function(d,gabor,alpha=10,p=2,epsilon=0,prec=5e-3,maxit=100,C1=1){ |
46 |
# d=d*1.0 |
47 |
## Process with VSNR |
48 |
dt=.O$VSNR(as.matrix(d),epsilon,p,as.matrix(gabor),alpha,maxit+1,prec,1,argout = c("u", "Gap", "Primal","Dual","EstP","EstD")); |
49 |
## Create spatial objects from VSNR output |
50 |
bias=d |
51 |
values(bias)=-as.numeric(t(convolve(dt$EstP,as.matrix(gabor)))) |
52 |
bias[abs(bias)<0.5]=0 # set all bias<0.5 to zero to avoit minor adjustment and added striping in data |
53 |
dc=d-bias # Make 'corrected' version of data |
54 |
NAvalue(bias)=0 #set bias==0 to NA to facilate plotting, areas that are NA were not adjusted |
55 |
res=stack(list(dc=dc,d=d,bias=bias)) #,EstP=EstP,EstD1=EstD1,EstD2=EstD2 |
56 |
rm(dt,dc) |
57 |
return(res) |
58 |
} |
59 |
60 |
61 |
###################################### |
62 |
## Run the correction functions |
63 |
### Subset equitorial region to correct orbital banding |
64 |
65 |
66 |
### build table of tiles to process |
67 |
extf=function(xmin=-180,xmax=180,ymin=-30,ymax=30,size=10,overlap=0.5){ |
68 |
xmins=unique(sort(c(seq(xmin,xmax-size,by=size),seq(xmin+(overlap*size),xmax-size,by=size)))) |
69 |
ymins=unique(sort(c(seq(ymin,ymax-size,by=size),seq(ymin+(overlap*size),ymax-size,by=size)))) |
70 |
exts=expand.grid(xmin=xmins,ymin=ymins) |
71 |
exts$ymax=exts$ymin+size |
72 |
exts$xmax=exts$xmin+size |
73 |
return(exts) |
74 |
} |
75 |
76 |
df2=list.files(paste(datadir,"/mcd09tif",sep=""),full=T,pattern="[0-9][.]tif$") |
77 |
i=1 |
78 |
79 |
### Build the tiles |
80 |
#exts=extf(xmin=-180,xmax=180,ymin=-30,ymax=30,size=10,overlap=0.5) |
81 |
exts=extf(xmin=-10,xmax=20,ymin=0,ymax=30,size=10,overlap=0) |
82 |
83 |
84 |
### Process the tiles |
85 |
foreach(ti=1:nrow(exts)) %dopar% { |
86 |
writeLines(paste("Starting: ",ti)) |
87 |
textent=extent(exts$xmin[ti],exts$xmax[ti],exts$ymin[ti],exts$ymax[ti]) |
88 |
## extract the tile |
89 |
file=df2[i] |
90 |
d=crop(raster(file),textent) |
91 |
## skip null tiles |
92 |
if(is.null(d@data@values)) return(NULL) |
93 |
## make the gabor kernel |
94 |
psi=fgabor(d,theta=-15,x=400,y=4) #3 |
95 |
## run the correction |
96 |
res=vsnr(d,gabor=psi,alpha=2,p=2,epsilon=1,prec=5e-3,maxit=30,C=1) |
97 |
## write the file |
98 |
outfile=paste("tmp/test_",ti,".tif",sep="") |
99 |
if(!is.null(outfile)) writeRaster(res,file=outfile,overwrite=T,datatype='FLT4S')#,options=c("COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2"))#,NAflag=-127) |
100 |
#,datatype='INT1S' |
101 |
} |
102 |
103 |
104 |
## mosaic the tiles |
105 |
system("ls tmp/test_[0-9]*[.]tif") |
106 |
system("rm tmp/test2.tif; -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 'tmp/test_[0-9]*[.]tif' -o tmp/test2.tif") |
107 |
#system("rm tmp/test2.tif; gdalwarp -multi -r average -dstnodata 255 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 `ls tmp/test_[0-9]*[.]tif` tmp/test2.tif") |
108 |
109 |
res=brick("tmp/test2.tif") |
110 |
names(res)=c("d","dc","dif") |
111 |
112 |
113 |
gcol=colorRampPalette(c("blue","yellow","red")) |
114 |
levelplot(res[["bias"]],col.regions=gcol(100),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e6) |
115 |
levelplot(stack(list(Original=res[["d"]],Corrected=res[["dc"]])),col.regions=gcol(100),cuts=99,maxpixels=1e7) |
116 |
levelplot(stack(list(Original=res[["d"]],Corrected=res[["dc"]])),col.regions=gcol(100),cuts=99,maxpixels=1e7,ylim=c(10,13),xlim=c(-7,-1)) |
117 |
climate/research/cloud/MOD09/ee/ee_compile.R | ||
16 | 16 |
17 | 17 |
datadir="/mnt/data2/projects/cloud/" |
18 | 18 |
19 |
mpath="/home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/environmental-layers/climate/research/cloud/MOD09/vsnr/" |
20 |
.O$addpath(mpath) |
21 |
## download data from google drive |
22 |
23 | 19 |
24 | 20 |
25 | 21 |
## Get list of available files |
... | ... | |
94 | 90 |
} |
95 | 91 |
96 | 92 |
97 |
######################################### |
98 |
#### Bias correction functions |
99 |
100 |
fgabor=function(d,theta=-15,x=200,y=5){ |
101 |
thetaR=(theta*pi)/180 |
102 |
cds=expand.grid(x=(1:nrow(d))-round(nrow(d)/2),y=(1:ncol(d))-round(ncol(d)/2)) |
103 |
sigma_x=x |
104 |
sigma_y=y |
105 |
lambda=0 |
106 |
tpsi=0 |
107 |
x_theta=cds[,"x"]*cos(thetaR)+cds[,"y"]*sin(thetaR); |
108 |
y_theta=-cds[,"x"]*sin(thetaR)+cds[,"y"]*cos(thetaR); |
109 |
n=max(cds) |
110 |
gb= 1/(2*pi*sigma_x *sigma_y) * exp(-.5*(x_theta^2/sigma_x^2+y_theta^2/sigma_y^2))*cos(2*pi/n*lambda*x_theta+tpsi); |
111 |
gb2=1e-2*gb/max(gb); #Normalization |
112 |
psi=d |
113 |
values(psi)=matrix(gb2,ncol=ncol(d)) |
114 |
return(psi) |
115 |
} |
116 |
117 |
118 |
vsnr=function(d,gabor,alpha=10,p=2,epsilon=0,prec=5e-3,maxit=100,C1=1){ |
119 |
## Process with VSNR |
120 |
dt=.O$VSNR(as.matrix(d),epsilon,p,as.matrix(gabor),alpha,maxit+1,prec,1,argout = c("u", "Gap", "Primal","Dual","EstP","EstD")); |
121 |
## Create spatial objects from VSNR output |
122 |
dc=d; |
123 |
values(dc)=round(as.vector(t(dt$u))) |
124 |
dc[dc<0]=0 |
125 |
# EstP=d; |
126 |
# values(EstP)=as.numeric(t(dt$EstP)) |
127 |
# EstD1=d; |
128 |
# values(EstD1)=as.numeric(t(dt$EstD[,,1])) |
129 |
# EstD2=d; |
130 |
# values(EstD2)=as.numeric(t(dt$EstD[,,2])) |
131 |
dif=d-dc#overlay(d,dc,fun=function(x,y) as.integer(x-y)) |
132 |
res=stack(list(d=d,dc=dc,dif=dif)) #,EstP=EstP,EstD1=EstD1,EstD2=EstD2 |
133 |
# rm(dt,dc,EstP,dif) |
134 |
return(res) |
135 |
} |
136 |
137 |
138 |
###################################### |
139 |
## Run the correction functions |
140 |
### Subset equitorial region to correct orbital banding |
141 |
142 |
df2=list.files(paste(datadir,"/mcd09tif",sep=""),full=T,pattern="[0-9][.]tif$") |
143 |
i=1 |
144 |
145 |
### build table of tiles to process |
146 |
tsize=10 |
147 |
exts=data.frame(expand.grid(xmin=seq(-180,180-tsize,by=tsize),ymin=seq(-30,30-tsize,by=tsize))) |
148 |
exts=data.frame(expand.grid(xmin=seq(-20,50-tsize,by=tsize),ymin=seq(-30,30-tsize,by=tsize))) |
149 |
#exts=data.frame(expand.grid(xmin=seq(-10,20-tsize,by=tsize),ymin=seq(0,30-tsize,by=tsize))) |
150 |
151 |
exts$xmax=exts$xmin+tsize |
152 |
exts$ymax=exts$ymin+tsize |
153 |
154 |
getbias=function(file=df2[i],extent,writefile=NULL,...){ |
155 |
## extract the tile |
156 |
d=crop(raster(file),extent) |
157 |
## skip null tiles |
158 |
if(is.null(d@data@values)) return(NULL) |
159 |
## make the gabor kernel |
160 |
psi=fgabor(d,theta=-15,x=500,y=3) |
161 |
## run the correction |
162 |
res=vsnr(d,gabor=psi,alpha=1,p=2,epsilon=1,prec=5e-3,maxit=100,C=1) |
163 |
if(!is.null(writefile)) writeRaster(res,file=writefile,overwrite=T,datatype='INT1S',options=c("COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2"),NAflag=-127) |
164 |
return(res) |
165 |
} |
166 |
167 |
### Process the tiles |
168 |
foreach(ti=1:nrow(exts)) %dopar% { |
169 |
writeLines(paste("Starting: ",ti)) |
170 |
textent=extent(exts$xmin[ti],exts$xmax[ti],exts$ymin[ti],exts$ymax[ti]) |
171 |
res=getbias(df2[i],extent=textent,writefile=paste("tmp/test_",ti,".tif",sep="")) |
172 |
} |
173 |
174 |
175 |
## mosaic the tiles |
176 |
system("ls tmp/test_[0-9]*[.]tif") |
177 |
system("rm tmp/test2.tif; -n 255 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 'tmp/test_[0-9]*[.]tif' -o tmp/test2.tif") |
178 |
179 |
res=brick("tmp/test2.tif") |
180 |
names(res)=c("d","dc","dif") |
181 |
182 |
p2=levelplot(res[["dif"]],col.regions=rainbow(100,start=.2),cuts=99,margin=F,maxpixels=1e6);print(p2) |
183 |
184 |
p1=levelplot(stack(list(Original=res[["d"]],Corrected=res[["dc"]])),col.regions=grey.colors(100,start=0),cuts=99,maxPixels=1e7);print(p1) |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
print(c(p1,p2,merge.legends=T)) |
189 | 93 |
190 | 94 |
191 | 95 |
Also available in: Unified diff
Splitting cloud processing into two scripts