Further updates to interpolation procedures including:
1) bugfix in MOD06_L2_data_compile. Root access is needed to run swtif in its current directory (bad design!). 2) Switched to UTM output from swtif (from sinusoidal) becuase it looked like gdal was struggling with integerized sinusoidal 3) many updates to extraction_raster_covariates to simplify design matrix (only one column for each MOD06 var with the correct month, etc.) 4) added script to build the covariate list for preciptiation 5) updates to GAM script to include transformation of response and full prediction
Further updates to interpolation procedures including:
1) bugfix in MOD06_L2_data_compile. Root access is needed to run swtif in its current directory (bad design!).
2) Switched to UTM output from swtif (from sinusoidal) becuase it looked like gdal was struggling with integerized sinusoidal
3) many updates to extraction_raster_covariates to simplify design matrix (only one column for each MOD06 var with the correct month, etc.)
4) added script to build the covariate list for preciptiation
5) updates to GAM script to include transformation of response and full prediction