


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  DEMScriptSet 674bbf95 over 13 years Rick Reeves Set of shell scripts used to create prototype t...
  dem 445a6521 over 13 years Jim Regetz added GDAL/R code for fusing and correcting DEM...
  rscripts 74edc384 over 13 years Rick Reeves First version of this script; dKc constant is n...
  shellscripts f9dbcec6 almost 14 years Rick Reeves ReadMe file describes how to use shell scripts ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
445a6521 08/03/2011 11:08 AM Jim Regetz

added GDAL/R code for fusing and correcting DEMs near Canadian border

674bbf95 07/15/2011 04:58 PM Rick Reeves

Set of shell scripts used to create prototype terrain mosaic layers from CGIR SRTM and ASTER GDEM data tiles.
Two prototypes generated: 3 ArcSecond and 30 ArcSecond resolution. There are some minor inconsistencies in these scripts; however, the mosaic layer components that they generate appear to be valid, except for some...

74edc384 06/13/2011 05:42 PM Rick Reeves

First version of this script; dKc constant is not optimally set yet. Need more experimentation.

e11b5636 06/13/2011 02:47 PM Rick Reeves

Version of pixel pair plotting script that adds 'Lowess Lines' to center of each scatterplot.

Note: Loess lines feature has only been tested with the input file "pixelPairs36000_5_8EvenSortCol1.csv", used in the script.
Some table column names are hard-coded into the script.

a36cc837 06/13/2011 01:51 PM Rick Reeves

This version has improved, vertically-stacked plots.

5a9ae465 06/13/2011 01:43 PM Rick Reeves

First version of 'image blending' solution that employs a linear decay function to blend ASTER and SRTM pixel values south of 60 degree N Latitude line.

8ff00cae 06/06/2011 05:49 PM Rick Reeves

First version of ASTER/SRTM boundary adjustment R script that tests a prototype 'exponential decay' function on a sub image of the DEM imaage mosaic.

05968504 06/01/2011 02:59 PM Rick Reeves

First version of R script that adjusts the boundary between ASTER and SRTM components of DEM image mosaic created for Environment and Organisms project. This prototype version uses a set of 'narrow' test images, applies a linear ramp function. Later versions will use more sophisticated functions.

ec0af318 05/18/2011 11:42 AM Rick Reeves

this table created using the latest and best-aligned versions of the 'boundary validation' (ASTER/SRTM/CDEM) subimages. Input to the script: CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayNewPlots.r

4101796f 05/18/2011 11:10 AM Rick Reeves

Added option: write individual plots (not trplets - yet) to separate JPG files. New command line argument: JpgPlotFileFlag

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