Revision 44f43362
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 11 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/GAM_fusion_analysis_raster_prediction_multisampling.R | ||
181 | 181 |
names(list_param_runClim_KGFusion)<-c("list_index","covar_rast","covar_names","lst_avg","list_models","dst","var","y_var_name","out_prefix","out_path") |
182 | 182 |
#source(file.path(script_path,"GAM_fusion_function_multisampling_03122013.R")) |
183 | 183 |
clim_method_mod_obj<-mclapply(1:12, list_param=list_param_runClim_KGFusion, runClim_KGFusion,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement |
184 |
185 |
#gamclim_fus_mod<-mclapply(1:6, list_param=list_param_runClim_KGFusion, runClim_KGFusion,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement
184 |
#clim_method_mod_obj<-mclapply(1:6, list_param=list_param_runClim_KGFusion, runClim_KGFusion,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement
185 |
186 | 186 |
save(clim_method_mod_obj,file= file.path(out_path,paste(interpolation_method,"_mod_",y_var_name,out_prefix,".RData",sep=""))) |
187 | 187 |
list_tmp<-vector("list",length(clim_method_mod_obj)) |
188 | 188 |
for (i in 1:length(clim_method_mod_obj)){ |
... | ... | |
226 | 226 |
#TODO : Same call for all functions!!! Replace by one "if" for all multi time scale methods... |
227 | 227 |
if (interpolation_method=="gam_CAI" | interpolation_method=="gam_fusion"){ |
228 | 228 |
#input a list:note that ghcn.subsets is not sampling_obj$data_day_ghcn |
229 |
i<-1 |
229 | 230 |
list_param_run_prediction_daily_deviation <-list(i,clim_yearlist,sampling_obj,dst,var,y_var_name, interpolation_method,out_prefix,out_path) |
230 | 231 |
names(list_param_run_prediction_daily_deviation)<-c("list_index","clim_yearlist","sampling_obj","dst","var","y_var_name","interpolation_method","out_prefix","out_path") |
231 | 232 |
#test<-mclapply(1:18, runGAMFusion,list_param=list_param_runGAMFusion,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 9) |
... | ... | |
238 | 239 |
#TODO : Same call for all functions!!! Replace by one "if" for all daily single time scale methods... |
239 | 240 |
if (interpolation_method=="gam_daily"){ |
240 | 241 |
#input a list:note that ghcn.subsets is not sampling_obj$data_day_ghcn |
241 |
242 |
i<-1 |
242 | 243 |
list_param_run_prediction_gam_daily <-list(i,s_raster,covar_names,lst_avg,list_models,dst,var,y_var_name, sampling_obj,interpolation_method,out_prefix,out_path) |
243 | 244 |
names(list_param_run_prediction_gam_daily)<-c("list_index","covar_rast","covar_names","lst_avg","list_models","dst","var","y_var_name","sampling_obj","interpolation_method","out_prefix","out_path") |
244 | 245 |
#test <- runGAM_day_fun(1,list_param_run_prediction_gam_daily) |
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/GAM_fusion_function_multisampling.R | ||
265 | 265 |
list_out_filename[[k]]<-raster_name |
266 | 266 |
} |
267 | 267 |
268 |
#now predict values for raster image... |
268 |
#now predict values for raster providing fitted model list, raster brick and list of output file names
269 | 269 |
rast_bias_list<-predict_raster_model(mod_list,s_raster,list_out_filename) |
270 | 270 |
names(rast_bias_list)<-cname |
271 | 271 |
#Some modles will not be predicted...remove them |
... | ... | |
286 | 286 |
#### STEP 4:Adding Kriging for Climatology options |
287 | 287 |
288 | 288 |
bias_xy<-coordinates(data_month) |
289 |
fitbias<-Krig(bias_xy,data_month$LSTD_bias,theta=1e5) #use TPS or krige |
290 |
mod_krtmp1<-fitbias |
289 |
#fitbias<-Krig(bias_xy,data_month$LSTD_bias,theta=1e5) #use TPS or krige |
290 |
fitbias<-try(Krig(bias_xy,data_month$LSTD_bias,theta=1e5)) #use TPS or krige |
291 |
291 | 292 |
model_name<-"mod_kr" |
293 |
294 |
if (inherits(fitbias,"Krig")){ |
295 |
#Saving kriged surface in raster images |
296 |
bias_rast<-bias_rast<-interpolate(LST,fitbias) #interpolation using function from raster package |
297 |
data_name<-paste(var,"_bias_LST_month_",j,"_",model_name,"_",prop_month, |
298 |
"_",run_samp,sep="") |
299 |
raster_name_bias<-file.path(out_path,paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")) |
300 |
writeRaster(bias_rast, filename=raster_name_bias,overwrite=TRUE) #Writing the data in a raster file format...(IDRISI) |
301 |
302 |
#now climatology layer |
303 |
clim_rast<-LST-bias_rast |
304 |
data_name<-paste(var,"_clim_LST_month_",j,"_",model_name,"_",prop_month, |
305 |
"_",run_samp,sep="") |
306 |
raster_name_clim<-file.path(out_path,paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")) |
307 |
writeRaster(clim_rast, filename=raster_name_clim,overwrite=TRUE) #Writing the data in a raster file format...(IDRISI) |
308 |
#Adding to current objects |
309 |
mod_list[[model_name]]<-fitbias |
310 |
rast_bias_list[[model_name]]<-raster_name_bias |
311 |
rast_clim_list[[model_name]]<-raster_name_clim |
312 |
} |
292 | 313 |
293 |
294 |
bias_rast<-interpolate(LST,fitbias) #interpolation using function from raster package |
295 |
#Saving kriged surface in raster images |
296 |
data_name<-paste(var,"_bias_LST_month_",j,"_",model_name,"_",prop_month, |
297 |
"_",run_samp,sep="") |
298 |
raster_name_bias<-file.path(out_path,paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")) |
299 |
writeRaster(bias_rast, filename=raster_name_bias,overwrite=TRUE) #Writing the data in a raster file format...(IDRISI) |
300 |
301 |
#now climatology layer |
302 |
clim_rast<-LST-bias_rast |
303 |
data_name<-paste(var,"_clim_LST_month_",j,"_",model_name,"_",prop_month, |
304 |
"_",run_samp,sep="") |
305 |
raster_name_clim<-file.path(out_path,paste("fusion_",data_name,out_prefix,".tif", sep="")) |
306 |
writeRaster(clim_rast, filename=raster_name_clim,overwrite=TRUE) #Writing the data in a raster file format...(IDRISI) |
307 |
308 |
#Adding to current objects |
309 |
mod_list[[model_name]]<-mod_krtmp1 |
310 |
rast_bias_list[[model_name]]<-raster_name_bias |
311 |
rast_clim_list[[model_name]]<-raster_name_clim |
314 |
if (inherits(fitbias,"try-error")){ |
315 |
316 |
317 |
#Adding to current objects |
318 |
mod_list[[model_name]]<-NULL |
319 |
rast_bias_list[[model_name]]<-NULL |
320 |
rast_clim_list[[model_name]]<-NULL |
321 |
} |
322 |
312 | 323 |
313 | 324 |
#### STEP 5: Prepare object and return |
314 | 325 |
Also available in: Unified diff
gam fusion handling errors