Revision 4d4c2e20
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 10 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/contribution_of_covariates_paper_interpolation.R | ||
39 | 39 |
40 | 40 |
41 | 41 |
42 |
function_analyses_paper <-"contribution_of_covariates_paper_interpolation_functions_05212014.R"
42 |
function_analyses_paper <-"contribution_of_covariates_paper_interpolation_functions_07182014.R"
43 | 43 |
44 | 44 |
############################## |
45 | 45 |
#### Parameters and constants |
... | ... | |
64 | 64 |
65 | 65 |
66 | 66 |
infile_reg_outline <- "/data/project/layers/commons/data_workflow/inputs/region_outlines_ref_files/OR83M_state_outline.shp" #input region outline defined by polygon: Oregon |
67 |
infile_reg_raster <- "/data/project/layers/commons/data_workflow/inputs/region_outlines_ref_files/OR83M_state_outline.rst" #input region outline defined by polygon: Oregon |
68 |
67 | 69 |
met_stations_outfiles_obj_file<-"/data/project/layers/commons/data_workflow/output_data_365d_gam_fus_lst_test_run_07172013/met_stations_outfiles_obj_gam_fusion__365d_gam_fus_lst_test_run_07172013.RData" |
68 | 70 |
CRS_locs_WGS84<-CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") #Station coords WGS84 |
69 | 71 |
y_var_name <- "dailyTmax" |
70 | 72 |
out_prefix<-"_07182014" |
71 | 73 |
out_dir<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/paper_contribution_covar_analyses_tables_fig" |
72 |
setwd(out_dir) |
74 |
73 | 75 |
74 | 76 |
#out_dir<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/paper_multitime_scale__analyses_tables" |
75 | 77 |
create_out_dir_param = TRUE |
... | ... | |
242 | 244 |
#figure 2: methodological worklfow (generated outside R) |
243 | 245 |
#figure 3: LST daily and monthly climatology |
244 | 246 |
#figure 4: MAE/RMSE and distance to closest fitting station. |
245 |
#Figure 5. RMSE and MAE, mulitisampling and hold out for FSS and GAM.
246 |
#Figure 6. Overtraining tendency
247 |
#Figure 5: RMSE and MAE, mulitisampling and hold out for FSS and GAM.
248 |
#Figure 6: Overtraining tendency
247 | 249 |
#Figure 7a: Spatial pattern of prediction for one day |
248 | 250 |
#figure 7b: Spatial autocorrelation profile : Moran's vs lag distance |
249 |
#Figure 8: Figure 8. (a) Monthly MAE averages for the three interpolation methods: GAM, GWR and Kriging.(b) Monthly MAE boxplot for GAM. |
250 |
#Figure 9: difference image |
251 |
#Figure 8: Prediction difference image for Sept 1, 2010 for mod1 and mod4 |
252 |
#Figure 9: Semi variograms for January 1 2010 and September 1 2010. |
253 |
#Figure 10: Summary of variograms model parameters for mod1=lat*lon+elev over 2010 |
254 |
#Figure 11: Testing Residuals per model for GAM method for baseline 2 for September 1, 2010. |
255 |
#Figure 12: Average testing MAE in 2010 per station for GAM method for baseline 2 models |
256 |
#Figure 13: Boxplots of testing residuals and elevation classes over the year 2010 for GAM |
257 |
#Figure 14: (a) Monthly MAE averages for the three interpolation methods: GAM, GWR and Kriging.(b) Monthly MAE boxplot for GAM. |
258 |
#Figure 15: Correlation between LST-tmax, elevation-tmax in relation to LST significance and monthly model accuracy |
251 | 259 |
252 | 260 |
### Figure 1: Oregon study area |
253 |
#3 parameters from output |
254 |
#infile_monthly<-list_outfiles$monthly_covar_ghcn_data #outile4 from database_covar script |
255 |
#infile_daily<-list_outfiles$daily_covar_ghcn_data #outfile3 from database_covar script |
256 |
#infile_locs<- list_outfiles$loc_stations_ghcn #outfile2? from database covar script |
257 |
# |
258 |
# |
259 |
#ghcn_day_dat <- readOGR(dsn=dirname(met_stations_obj$daily_covar_ghcn_data), |
260 |
# sub(".shp","",basename(met_stations_obj$daily_covar_ghcn_data))) |
261 |
#ghcn_dayq_dat <- readOGR(dsn=dirname(met_stations_obj$daily_query_ghcn_data), |
262 |
# sub(".shp","",basename(met_stations_obj$daily_query_ghcn_data))) |
263 |
264 | 261 |
265 | 262 |
ghcn_dat <- readOGR(dsn=dirname(met_stations_obj$monthly_covar_ghcn_data), |
266 | 263 |
sub(".shp","",basename(met_stations_obj$monthly_covar_ghcn_data))) |
... | ... | |
270 | 267 |
interp_area <- readOGR(dsn=dirname(infile_reg_outline),sub(".shp","",basename(infile_reg_outline))) |
271 | 268 |
interp_area_WGS84 <-spTransform(interp_area,CRS_locs_WGS84) # Project from WGS84 to new coord. system |
272 | 269 |
273 |
usa_map <- getData('GADM', country='USA', level=1) #Get US map |
270 |
usa_map <- getData('GADM', country='USA'), level=1) #Get US map
274 | 271 |
usa_map_2 <- usa_map[usa_map$NAME_1!="Alaska",] #remove Alaska |
275 | 272 |
usa_map_2 <- usa_map_2[usa_map_2$NAME_1!="Hawaii",] #remove Hawai |
276 | 273 |
usa_map_OR <- usa_map_2[usa_map_2$NAME_1=="Oregon",] #get OR |
... | ... | |
341 | 338 |
title("Mean for month of January") |
342 | 339 | |
343 | 340 |
344 |
path_in_tmp <- "/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/region_outlines_ref_files" |
345 |
interp_area_tmp <- readOGR(dsn=path_in_tmp,"OR83M_state_outline") |
346 |
proj4string(interp_area_tmp ) <- proj4string(interp_area) |
347 |
projection(lst_md) <- proj4string(interp_area) |
348 |
r_region_ref <- rasterize(x=interp_area_tmp,y=lst_md,field="State_ID_s",fun=max) |
341 |
## Calucate the proprotion of missing pixel for January 1 mean climatotology image |
342 |
r_reg <- raster(infile_reg_raster) |
343 |
projection(r_reg) <- proj4string(interp_area) |
344 |
freq(r_reg) |
345 |
r_reg[r_reg==0] <- NA |
346 |
r_rec = lst_md > (-9999) |
347 |
lst_md_xtb <- crosstab(r_reg,r_rec, useNA='always',long=T) |
348 |
missing_prop <- lst_md_xtb[3,3]/freq(r_reg,value=1) |
349 |
missing_prop #51.3% of the study area (within Oregon state) that is missing!!! |
349 | 350 |
350 | 351 |
################################################ |
351 | 352 |
################### Figure 4. MAE/RMSE and distance to closest fitting station. |
... | ... | |
395 | 396 |
res_pix<-480 |
396 | 397 |
col_mfrow<-2 |
397 | 398 |
row_mfrow<-1 |
398 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_3_accuracy_and_distance_to_closest_fitting_station_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
399 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_4_accuracy_and_distance_to_closest_fitting_station_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
399 | 400 |
png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
400 | 401 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
401 | 402 |
par(mfrow=c(row_mfrow,col_mfrow)) |
402 | 403 |
403 |
#Figure 3a
404 |
#Figure 4a
404 | 405 |
list_param_plot<-list(list_dist_obj,col_t,pch_t,legend_text,mod_name,x_tick_labels,metric_name, |
405 | 406 |
title_plot,y_lab_text,add_CI) |
406 | 407 |
names(list_param_plot)<-c("list_dist_obj","col_t","pch_t","legend_text","mod_name","x_tick_labels","metric_name", |
... | ... | |
409 | 410 |
plot_dst_MAE(list_param_plot) |
410 | 411 |
title(xlab="Distance to closest fitting station (km)") |
411 | 412 |
412 |
#Figure 3b: histogram
413 |
#Figure 4b: histogram
413 | 414 |
barplot(l1$n_tb$res_mod1,names.arg=limit_val, |
414 | 415 |
ylab="Number of observations", |
415 | 416 |
xlab="Distance to closest fitting station (km)") |
... | ... | |
418 | 419 | |
419 | 420 |
420 | 421 |
#################################################### |
421 |
#########Figure 4. RMSE and MAE, mulitisampling and hold out for single time scale methods.
422 |
#########Figure 5. RMSE and MAE, mulitisampling and hold out for single time scale methods.
422 | 423 |
423 | 424 |
#Using baseline 2: lat,lon and elev |
424 | 425 |
... | ... | |
454 | 455 |
mod_compk1 <-kruskal.test(prop_tb$rmse ~ as.factor(prop_tb$method_interp)+as.factor(prop_tb$prop)) #Kruskal Wallis test |
455 | 456 |
mod_prop <-lm(prop_tb$rmse ~ as.factor(prop_tb$method_interp)+as.factor(prop_tb$prop)) #This is significant!! |
456 | 457 |
457 |
## plot setting for figure 4
458 |
## plot setting for figure 5
458 | 459 |
459 | 460 |
col_t<-c("red","blue","black") |
460 | 461 |
pch_t<- 1:length(col_t) |
... | ... | |
464 | 465 |
CI_bar <- c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE) |
465 | 466 |
#add_CI <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE) |
466 | 467 |
467 |
##### plot figure 4 for paper
468 |
##### plot figure 5 for paper
468 | 469 |
#### |
469 | 470 |
470 | 471 |
res_pix<-480 |
471 | 472 |
col_mfrow<-2 |
472 | 473 |
row_mfrow<-1 |
473 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_4_proportion_of_holdout_and_accuracy_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
474 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_5_proportion_of_holdout_and_accuracy_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
474 | 475 |
png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
475 | 476 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
476 | 477 |
par(mfrow=c(row_mfrow,col_mfrow)) |
... | ... | |
485 | 486 |
xlab="Hold out validation/testing proportion", |
486 | 487 |
ylab="MAE (°C)") |
487 | 488 |
488 |
#now figure 4b
489 |
#now figure 5b
489 | 490 |
metric_name<-"rmse" |
490 | 491 |
list_param_plot<-list(list_prop_obj,col_t,pch_t,legend_text,mod_name,metric_name,add_CI,CI_bar) |
491 | 492 |
names(list_param_plot)<-c("list_prop_obj","col_t","pch_t","legend_text","mod_name","metric_name","add_CI","CI_bar") |
... | ... | |
497 | 498 | |
498 | 499 |
499 | 500 |
#################################################### |
500 |
#########Figure 5. Overtraining tendency
501 |
#########Figure 6. Overtraining tendency
501 | 502 |
502 | 503 |
#read in relevant data: |
503 | 504 |
## Calculate average difference for RMSE for all three methods |
... | ... | |
589 | 590 |
plot(prop_obj_gam_s$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_gam_s$avg_tb$prop, type="b",) |
590 | 591 |
591 | 592 |
############### |
592 |
#### plot figure 5
593 |
#### plot figure 6
593 | 594 |
#set up the output file to plot |
594 | 595 |
res_pix<-480 |
595 | 596 |
col_mfrow<-2 |
596 | 597 |
row_mfrow<-1 |
597 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_5_overtraining_tendency_and_holdout_proportion_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
598 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_6_overtraining_tendency_and_holdout_proportion_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
598 | 599 |
png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
599 | 600 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
600 | 601 |
par(mfrow=c(row_mfrow,col_mfrow)) |
... | ... | |
603 | 604 |
pch_t<- 1:length(col_t) |
604 | 605 |
##Make this a function??? |
605 | 606 |
y_range<-range(prop_obj_kriging$avg_tb$rmse,prop_obj_kriging_s$avg_tb$rmse) |
606 |
#y_range<-range(prop_obj_gam$avg_tb$rmse,prop_obj_gam_s$avg_tb$rmse) |
607 |
#plot(prop_obj_gam$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_gam$avg_tb$prop, ylab="",xlab="",type="b",col=c("red"),pch=pch_t[1],ylim=y_range,lty=2) |
608 |
#lines(prop_obj_gam_s$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_gam_s$avg_tb$prop, ylab="",xlab="",type="b",pch=pch_t[1],ylim=y_range,col=c("red")) |
609 |
#lines(prop_obj_gwr_s$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_gwr_s$avg_tb$prop, ylab="",xlab="",type="b",ylim=y_range,pch=pch_t[3],col=c("black")) |
610 |
#lines(prop_obj_gwr$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_gam$avg_tb$prop, ylab="",xlab="",type="b",ylim=y_range,pch=pch_t[3],,col=c("black"),lty=2) |
611 |
#lines(prop_obj_kriging$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_kriging$avg_tb$prop,ylab="",xlab="", type="b",ylim=y_range,pch=pch_t[2],,col=c("blue"),lty=2) |
612 |
#lines(prop_obj_kriging_s$avg_tb$rmse ~ prop_obj_kriging_s$avg_tb$prop,ylab="",xlab="",type="b",ylim=y_range,pch=pch_t[2],col=c("blue")) |
613 | 607 |
614 | 608 |
plot_ac_holdout_prop<- function(l_prop,l_col_t,l_pch_t,add_CI,y_range){ |
615 | 609 |
... | ... | |
662 | 656 |
663 | 657 | |
664 | 658 |
665 |
############### STUDY TIME AND accuracy |
666 |
#########Figure 6: Monthly RMSE averages for the three interpolation methods: GAM, GWR and Kriging.
659 |
############### STUDY TIME AND accuracy: comparing methods over monthly averages
660 |
#########Figure 14: Monthly RMSE averages for the three interpolation methods: GAM, GWR and Kriging.
667 | 661 |
668 | 662 |
mae_tmp<- data.frame(gam=tb1[tb1$pred_mod=="mod1",c("mae")], |
669 | 663 |
kriging=tb3[tb3$pred_mod=="mod1",c("mae")], |
... | ... | |
708 | 702 |
gwr=tb4[tb4$pred_mod=="mod1",c(metric_name,"month")]) |
709 | 703 |
y_range<-range(unlist(month_data_list)) |
710 | 704 |
711 |
712 |
#boxplot(test[[metric_ac]]~test[[c("month")]],outline=FALSE,horizontal=FALSE,cex=0.5, |
713 |
# ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" "),,axisnames=FALSE,axes=FALSE) |
714 |
#boxplot(test[[metric_ac]]~test[[c("month")]],outline=FALSE,horizontal=FALSE,cex=0.5, |
715 |
# ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" ")) |
716 |
#axis(1, labels = FALSE) |
717 |
## Create some text labels |
718 |
#labels <- # abbreviated names for each month |
719 |
## Plot x axis labels at default tick marks |
720 |
#text(1:length(labels), par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 45, adj = 1, |
721 |
# labels = labels, xpd = TRUE) |
722 |
#axis(2) |
723 |
#box() |
724 |
725 |
#Now plot figure 6 |
705 |
#Now plot figure 14 |
726 | 706 |
res_pix<-480 |
727 | 707 |
col_mfrow<-2 |
728 | 708 |
#row_mfrow<-2 |
729 | 709 |
row_mfrow<-1 |
730 | 710 |
731 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_6_monthly_accuracy_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
711 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_14_monthly_accuracy_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")
732 | 712 |
png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
733 | 713 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
734 | 714 |
par(mfrow=c(row_mfrow,col_mfrow)) |
... | ... | |
752 | 732 |
#Second plot |
753 | 733 |
ylab_text<-"MAE (°C)" |
754 | 734 |
xlab_text<-"Month" |
755 |
#y_range<-range(month_data_list$gam$mae,month_data_list$kriging$mae,month_data_list$gwr$mae) |
756 |
#y_range<-range(month_data_list$gam$mae) |
757 | 735 |
boxplot(mae~month,data=month_data_list$gam,main="Monthly MAE boxplot", xlab=xlab_text,ylab=ylab_text,outline=FALSE) |
758 |
#boxplot(mae~month,data=month_data_list$kriging,ylim=y_range,main="Kriging",ylab=ylab_text,outline=FALSE) |
759 |
#boxplot(mae~month,data=month_data_list$gwr,ylim=y_range,main="GWR",ylab=ylab_text,outline=FALSE) |
760 |
761 | 736 | |
762 | 737 |
763 | 738 |
#Now generate table 5 |
... | ... | |
826 | 801 |
min_val <- 0 |
827 | 802 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) #one row two columns |
828 | 803 |
829 |
#png(paste("Figure7__spatial_pattern_tmax_prediction_levelplot_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
804 |
#png(paste("Figure7a__spatial_pattern_tmax_prediction_levelplot_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
830 | 805 |
# height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
831 | 806 |
832 | 807 |
p<-levelplot(pred_temp_s,main="Interpolated Surfaces Method Comparison", ylab=NULL,xlab=NULL, |
... | ... | |
837 | 812 |
#col.regions=temp.colors(25)) |
838 | 813 | |
839 | 814 |
840 |
815 |
841 | 816 |
842 | 817 |
lf2 <- raster_prediction_obj_2$method_mod_obj[[index]][[y_var_name]] |
843 | 818 |
lf2 #contains the models for gam |
... | ... | |
863 | 838 |
#min_val <- 0 |
864 | 839 |
layout_m<-c(4,3) #one row two columns |
865 | 840 |
866 |
png(paste("Figure_7_spatial_pattern_tmax_prediction_models_baseline1_gam_levelplot_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
841 |
png(paste("Figure_7a_spatial_pattern_tmax_prediction_models_baseline1_gam_levelplot_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
867 | 842 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
868 | 843 |
869 | 844 |
p<- levelplot(pred_temp_s,main="Interpolated Surfaces Model Comparison baseline 1", ylab=NULL,xlab=NULL, |
... | ... | |
988 | 963 |
###baseline 2: s(lat,lon) + s(elev) |
989 | 964 |
990 | 965 |
l_obj<-vector("list",length=2) |
991 |
l_obj[[1]]<-raster_prediction_obj_1 |
966 |
l_obj[[1]]<-raster_prediction_obj_1 #baseline 1: s(lat,lon) + s(elev_s)
992 | 967 |
l_obj[[2]]<-raster_prediction_obj_2 |
993 | 968 |
l_table <- vector("list",length=length(l_obj)) |
994 | 969 |
l_s_table_term_tb <- vector("list",length(l_obj)) |
970 |
971 |
(l_obj[[1]]$method_mod_obj[[1]]$formulas) |
995 | 972 |
for (k in 1:length(l_obj)){ |
996 | 973 |
raster_prediction_obj<- l_obj[[k]] |
997 | 974 |
#extract models for every day |
... | ... | |
1010 | 987 |
s.table_term_tb <-,s.table_term_list) |
1011 | 988 |
#Adding month to df |
1012 | 989 |
#s.table_term_tb <- add_month_tag(s.table_term_tb) |
1013 |
s.table_term_tb$month <- add_month_tag(s.table_term_tb,"rownames") |
1014 |
990 |
#s.table_term_tb$month <- add_month_tag(s.table_term_tb,"rownames") |
991 |
col_date<-strptime(s.table_term_tb[["rownames"]], "%Y%m%d") # interpolation date being processed |
992 |
s.table_term_tb$month <-strftime(col_date, "%m") # current month of the date being processed |
993 |
1015 | 994 |
threshold_val<-c(0.01,0.05,0.1) |
1016 | 995 |
s.table_term_tb$p_val_rec1 <- s.table_term_tb[["p-value"]] < threshold_val[1] |
1017 | 996 |
s.table_term_tb$p_val_rec2 <- s.table_term_tb[["p-value"]] < threshold_val[2] |
... | ... | |
1097 | 1076 |
tb_mod4_LST_rec3 <- aggregate(s_table_LST_mod4$p_val_rec3~s_table_term_mod4$month,FUN=mean) |
1098 | 1077 |
plot(tb_mod4_LST_rec3,type="l",ylim=c(0.2,1)) |
1099 | 1078 |
s_table_elev_mod4 <- subset(s.table_term_tb,mod_name=="mod4" & term_name=="s(elev_s)") |
1100 |
tb_mod4_elev_rec3 <- aggregate(tb_mod4_elev_rec3$p_val_rec2 ~ tb_mod4_elev_rec3$month,FUN=mean) |
1079 |
#tb_mod4_elev_rec3 <- aggregate(tb_mod4_elev_rec3$p_val_rec2 ~ tb_mod4_elev_rec3$month,FUN=mean)
1101 | 1080 |
plot(tb_mod4_elev_rec3) |
1102 | 1081 |
lines(tb_mod4_elev_rec3) |
1103 | 1082 |
test1 <- subset(s.table_term_tb,mod_name=="mod1" & term_name=="s(elev_s)") |
... | ... | |
1143 | 1122 |
1144 | 1123 |
#### Now plot figure for paper: |
1145 | 1124 |
1146 |
1147 |
res_pix<-480 |
1148 |
col_mfrow<-3 |
1149 |
row_mfrow<-1 |
1150 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_17_paper_","LST_elev_",out_prefix,".png", sep="") |
1151 |
png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
1152 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
1153 |
#png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
1154 |
#width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
1155 |
par(mfrow=c(row_mfrow,col_mfrow)) |
1156 |
1157 |
plot(tb_mod4_LST_rec3,type="l",ylab="Proportion of significant LST term", |
1158 |
xlab="Month") |
1159 |
title("Proportion of significant LST term in mod4",cex=1.5) |
1160 |
1161 |
plot(rmse_dif,type="l",ylab="ΔRMSE between mod1 and mod4", |
1162 |
xlab="Month") |
1163 |
abline(h=0,lty="dashed") |
1164 |
title("Monthly ΔRMSE betwen mod1 and mod4",cex=1.5) |
1165 |
1166 |
plot(df_cor$LST_tmax,ylim=c(-1,1),col="red",type="l", |
1167 |
ylab="Pearson Correlation",xlab="Month") |
1168 |
legend("topright",legend=c("Elev-tmax","LST-tmax"),col=c("red","blue"),cex=1,bty="n") |
1169 |
1170 |
lines(df_cor$elev_tmax,ylim=c(-1,1),col="blue") |
1171 |
title("Monthly correlation for LST-tmax and elev-tmax",cex=1.5) |
1172 |
1173 | |
1174 |
1175 | 1125 |
names(tb_mod4_LST_rec3) <- c("month","p_val_rec3") |
1176 |
tb_mod4_LST_rec3$month <- c("month","p_val_rec3")
1126 |
tb_mod4_LST_rec3$month <- 1:12
1177 | 1127 |
1178 | 1128 |
res_pix<-480 |
1179 | 1129 |
layout_m <- c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1180 | 1130 |
#date_selected <- c("20100101","20100901") |
1181 |
png(paste("Figure_17_paper_","LST_elev_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1131 |
png(paste("Figure_15_paper_","LST_elev_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1182 | 1132 |
height=res_pix*layout_m[1],width=res_pix*layout_m[2]) |
1183 | 1133 |
#height=480*6,width=480*4) |
1184 | 1134 |
1185 |
p_prop <- xyplot(p_val_rec3 ~ as.numeric(month),data=tb_mod4_LST_rec3,
1135 |
p_prop <- xyplot(p_val_rec3 ~ month,data=tb_mod4_LST_rec3,
1186 | 1136 |
col=c("black"), |
1187 | 1137 |
type="b", |
1188 | 1138 |
ylab=list(label="\u0394RMSE between mod1 and mod4",cex=1.5), |
1189 | 1139 |
xlab=list(label="Month",cex=1.5), |
1190 | 1140 |
main=list(label="Proportion of significant LST term in mod4",cex=1.8)) |
1141 |
p_prop <- update(p_prop,par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), |
1142 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")),par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5)) |
1191 | 1143 |
1192 | 1144 |
p_dif <- xyplot(rmse_dif ~ 1:12, |
1193 | 1145 |
col=c("black"), |
1194 | 1146 |
type="b", |
1195 | 1147 |
ylab=list(label="\u0394RMSE between mod1 and mod4",cex=1.5), |
1196 | 1148 |
xlab=list(label="Month",cex=1.5), |
1197 |
main=list(label="Monthly \u0394RMSE betwen mod1 and mod4",cex=1.8)) |
1149 |
main=list(label="Monthly \u0394RMSE betwen mod1 and mod4",cex=1.8), |
1150 |
par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), |
1151 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")),par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5)) |
1198 | 1152 |
p_dif <- update(p_dif, panel = function(...) { |
1199 | 1153 |
panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "gray") |
1200 | 1154 |
panel.xyplot(...) |
... | ... | |
1217 | 1171 |
panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "gray") |
1218 | 1172 |
panel.xyplot(...) |
1219 | 1173 |
}) |
1220 |
#par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3),layout=layout_m, |
1221 |
#par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")),par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5), |
1174 |
#increasing font size and making it bold |
1175 |
p_cor <- update(p_cor,par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), |
1176 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")),par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5)) |
1222 | 1177 |
1223 | 1178 |
#grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,ncol=1) |
1224 | 1179 |
grid.arrange(p_prop,p_dif,p_cor,ncol=3) |
1225 | 1180 |
1226 | 1181 | |
1227 | 1182 |
1228 |
1229 | 1183 |
######################## |
1230 | 1184 |
### Prepare table 7: correlation matrix between covariates |
1231 | 1185 |
... | ... | |
1257 | 1211 |
#Plot a sample variogram, and possibly a fitted model |
1258 | 1212 |
#model 1 lat,lon and elev |
1259 | 1213 |
layout_m <- c(1,2) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1260 |
1214 |
res_pix <- 480 |
1261 | 1215 |
date_selected <- c("20100101","20100901") |
1262 | 1216 |
png(paste("Figure9_paper_","_variogram_",date_selected[1],"_",date_selected[2],"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
1263 |
1217 |
1264 | 1218 |
#height=480*6,width=480*4) |
1265 | 1219 |
1266 | 1220 |
#p3 <- list_plots_spt[[3]] |
... | ... | |
1268 | 1222 |
ylim=c(0,9), |
1269 | 1223 |
ylab=list(label="Semivariance",cex=1.5), |
1270 | 1224 |
xlab=list(label="Distance (meter)",cex=1.5), |
1271 |
main=list(label="Mod1 January 1, 2010",cex=1.8)) |
1225 |
main=list(label="Mod1 January 1, 2010",cex=1.8), |
1226 |
par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), #control the font size!! |
1227 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")), |
1228 |
par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5) |
1229 |
) |
1272 | 1230 |
#plot(p1) |
1273 | 1231 |
p241<-plot(raster_prediction_obj_3$method_mod_obj[[241]]$mod[[1]]$exp_var,raster_prediction_obj_3$method_mod_obj[[241]]$mod[[1]]$var_model, |
1274 | 1232 |
ylim=c(0,9), |
1275 | 1233 |
ylab=list(label="Semivariance",cex=1.5), |
1276 | 1234 |
xlab=list(label="Distance (meter)",cex=1.5), |
1277 |
main=list(label="Mod1 September 1, 2010",cex=1.8)) |
1278 |
#plot(p241) |
1279 |
1280 |
#grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,ncol=1) |
1235 |
main=list(label="Mod1 September 1, 2010",cex=1.8), |
1236 |
par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), |
1237 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")), |
1238 |
par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5) |
1239 |
) |
1281 | 1240 |
grid.arrange(p1,p241,ncol=2) |
1282 | 1241 |
1283 | 1242 | |
1284 | 1243 |
#Combine both plot? + plot info on sill, nugget and range? and most frequent model selected |
1285 | 1244 |
1245 |
############################ |
1246 |
#### Figure 10: Summarize variograms parameters over 365 days |
1247 |
1286 | 1248 |
list_kg_var_model <- lapply(1:365,function(i){raster_prediction_obj_3$method_mod_obj[[i]]$mod[[1]]$var_model}) |
1287 | 1249 |
list_kg_var_model <- lapply(1:365,function(i){raster_prediction_obj_3$method_mod_obj[[i]]$mod[[1]]$var_model}) |
1288 |
1289 | 1250 |
list_kg_var_model |
1290 | 1251 |
1291 | 1252 |
test <-,list_kg_var_model) |
... | ... | |
1293 | 1254 |
tt2 <- subset(test,model=="Nug") |
1294 | 1255 |
tb_variogram["Nug"] <- (tt2$psill) |
1295 | 1256 |
1296 |
add_month_tag<-function(tb){ |
1297 |
date<-strptime(tb$date, "%Y%m%d") # interpolation date being processed |
1298 |
month<-strftime(date, "%m") # current month of the date being processed |
1299 |
} |
1300 |
1301 | 1257 |
dates<-(extract_from_list_obj(raster_prediction_obj_1$method_mod_obj,"sampling_dat"))$date #get vector of dates |
1302 | 1258 |
tb_variogram["date"] <- dates |
1303 | 1259 |
tb_variogram$month <- add_month_tag(tb_variogram) |
... | ... | |
1305 | 1261 |
1306 | 1262 |
layout_m <- c(2,2) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1307 | 1263 |
#date_selected <- c("20100101","20100901") |
1308 |
png(paste("Figure14_paper_","_variogram_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1264 |
png(paste("Figure10_paper_","_variogram_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1309 | 1265 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1310 | 1266 |
#height=480*6,width=480*4) |
1311 | 1267 |
... | ... | |
1333 | 1289 | |
1334 | 1290 |
1335 | 1291 |
########################################### |
1336 |
### Figure 10: map of residuals...for a specific date... |
1292 |
### Figure 11: map of residuals...for a specific date... |
1293 |
1337 | 1294 |
index <- 244 |
1338 | 1295 |
names_mod <- names(raster_prediction_obj_2$method_mod_obj[[index]][[y_var_name]]) #names of models to plot |
1339 | 1296 |
#in_dir2 <-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/Oregon_interpolation/Oregon_03142013/output_data_365d_gam_day_lst_comb4_08152013" |
... | ... | |
1361 | 1318 |
#p1 <- levelplot(elev,scales = list(draw = FALSE), colorkey = FALSE,col.regions=rev(terrain.colors(255)),contour=T) |
1362 | 1319 |
#add legend..par.settings = GrTheme |
1363 | 1320 |
cx <- ((data_v[[res_model_name]])*2) |
1364 |
p1 <- levelplot(elev,scales = list(draw = FALSE), colorkey = FALSE,par.settings = GrTheme) |
1321 |
p1 <- levelplot(elev,#margin=F, |
1322 |
scales = list(draw = FALSE), colorkey = FALSE,par.settings = GrTheme) |
1365 | 1323 |
1366 | 1324 |
#p2 <- spplot(data_v,res_model_name, cex=1 * cx,main=paste("Residuals for ",res_model_name," ",datelabel,sep=""), |
1367 | 1325 |
# |
1368 |
p2 <- bubble(data_v,res_model_name, main=paste("Residuals for ",res_model_name," ",datelabel,sep=""), |
1369 | |
1326 |
p2 <- bubble(data_v,res_model_name, |
1327 |
main=paste("Residuals for ",res_model_name," ",datelabel,sep=""))#, |
1328 | |
1370 | 1329 |
p3 <- p2 + p1 + p2 #to force legend... |
1371 | 1330 |
#p1 <- spplot(interp_area) |
1372 | 1331 |
#p3 <- p1+p2 #to force legend... |
... | ... | |
1379 | 1338 |
list_p[[k]] <- p3 |
1380 | 1339 |
} |
1381 | 1340 |
1382 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution...
1383 |
png(paste("Figure13_paper_","_residuals_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1341 |
layout_m<-c(4,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution...
1342 |
png(paste("Figure_11_paper_","_residuals_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1384 | 1343 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1385 | 1344 |
1386 |
grid.arrange(list_p_mae[[1]],list_p_mae[[2]],list_p_mae[[3]],ncol=3) |
1345 |
grid.arrange(list_p[[1]],list_p[[2]],list_p[[3]], |
1346 |
list_p[[4]],list_p[[5]],list_p[[6]], |
1347 |
list_p[[7]],list_p[[8]],list_p[[9]], |
1348 |
list_p[[10]],ncol=3) |
1387 | 1349 |
1388 | 1350 | |
1389 | 1351 |
1390 |
1352 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1353 |
png(paste("Figure_11a_paper_","_residuals_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
1354 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1355 |
1356 |
grid.arrange(list_p[[1]],list_p[[2]],list_p[[3]], |
1357 |
ncol=3) |
1358 | |
1359 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1360 |
png(paste("Figure_11b_paper_","_residuals_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
1361 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1362 |
1363 |
grid.arrange(list_p[[4]],list_p[[5]],list_p[[6]], |
1364 |
ncol=3) |
1365 | |
1366 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1367 |
png(paste("Figure_11c_paper_","_residuals_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
1368 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1369 |
1370 |
grid.arrange(list_p[[7]],list_p[[8]],list_p[[9]], |
1371 |
ncol=3) |
1372 | |
1373 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1374 |
png(paste("Figure_11d_paper_","_residuals_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
1375 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1376 |
1377 |
grid.arrange(list_p[[10]], |
1378 |
ncol=3) |
1379 | |
1380 |
########################################### |
1381 |
### Figure 12: map of MAE by stations over 365 days to summarize residuals information |
1382 |
1383 |
###First get accuracy by stations |
1391 | 1384 |
l_formulas<-(extract_from_list_obj(raster_prediction_obj_2$method_mod_obj,"formulas")) #get vector of dates |
1392 | 1385 |
# y_var ~ s(lat,lon) |
1393 | 1386 |
# y_var ~ s(lat,lon) + s(elev_s) |
... | ... | |
1464 | 1457 |
} |
1465 | 1458 |
1466 | 1459 |
layout_m<-c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1467 |
png(paste("Figure15_paper_","average_MAE_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1460 |
png(paste("Figure12_paper_","average_MAE_",date_selected,"_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1468 | 1461 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1469 | 1462 |
1470 | 1463 |
grid.arrange(list_p_mae[[1]],list_p_mae[[2]],list_p_mae[[3]],ncol=3) |
1471 | 1464 |
1472 | 1465 | |
1473 | 1466 |
1474 |
#infile_reg_outline <- "/data/project/layers/commons/data_workflow/inputs/region_outlines_ref_files/OR83M_state_outline.shp" #input region outline defined by polygon: Oregon |
1475 |
#reg_outline <- readOGR(dsn=dirname(infile_reg_outline),layer=sub(".shp","",basename(infile_reg_outline))) |
1476 |
1477 |
########### Figure 16: residuals and elev ###### |
1467 |
########################################### |
1468 |
### Figure 13: Analysing residuals and relationship to elevation for mod1, mod2 and mod4 ###### |
1478 | 1469 |
1479 |
#raster_prediciton object for baseline 1 () s(lat,lon) + s(elev)) and baseline 2 (slat,lon))
1470 |
#raster_predicton object for baseline 1 () s(lat,lon) + s(elev)) and baseline 2 (slat,lon)) |
1480 | 1471 |
list_data_v <- lapply(1:365,function(i){raster_prediction_obj_2$validation_mod_obj[[i]]$data_v}) #testing with residuals |
1481 | 1472 |
l_formulas<-(extract_from_list_obj(raster_prediction_obj_2$method_mod_obj,"formulas")) #get vector of dates |
1482 | 1473 |
1483 | 1474 |
test <-,list_data_v) |
1484 | 1475 |
data_v_ag <-test |
1485 |
plot(res_mod1~elev,data=test) |
1486 |
plot(res_mod2~elev,data=test) |
1487 | 1476 |
cor(test$res_mod1,test$elev) |
1488 | 1477 |
cor(test$res_mod2,test$elev,use="complete.obs") #decrease in corellation when using elev |
1489 | 1478 |
cor(test$res_mod1,test$LST,,use="complete.obs") |
1490 | 1479 |
cor(test$res_mod5,test$LST,use="complete.obs") #decrease in correlation when using LST |
1491 |
1492 |
plot(res_mod1~LST,data=test) |
1493 |
plot(res_mod5~LST,data=test) |
1494 | 1480 |
1495 | 1481 |
brks<-c(0,500,1000,1500,2000) |
1496 | 1482 |
lab_brks<-1:4 |
1497 | 1483 |
elev_rcstat<-cut(data_v_ag$elev,breaks=brks,labels=lab_brks,right=F) |
1498 | 1484 |
1499 | 1485 |
#Now set up plotting device |
1500 |
res_pix<-480 |
1501 |
col_mfrow<-3 |
1502 |
row_mfrow<-1 |
1503 |
png_file_name<- paste("Figure_16_paper_","residuals_MAE_",out_prefix,".png", sep="") |
1504 |
png(filename=file.path(out_dir,png_file_name), |
1505 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
1506 |
par(mfrow=c(row_mfrow,col_mfrow)) |
1507 |
1508 |
boxplot(data_v_ag$res_mod1~elev_rcstat,ylim=c(-15,15),ylab="Residuals (deg C)",main="Residuals vs elevation classes for mod1=lat*lon", |
1509 |
xlab="Elevation classes (meter)",names=c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000")) |
1510 |
boxplot(data_v_ag$res_mod5~elev_rcstat,ylim=c(-15,15),ylab="Residuals (deg C)",main="Residuals vs elevation classes for mod5=lat*lon+LST", |
1511 |
xlab="Elevation classes (meter)",names=c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000")) |
1512 |
boxplot(data_v_ag$res_mod2~elev_rcstat,ylim=c(-15,15),ylab="Residuals (deg C)",main="Residuals vs elevation classes for mod2=lat*lon+elev", |
1513 |
xlab="Elevation classes (meter)",names=c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000")) |
1514 | |
1515 | 1486 |
1516 | 1487 |
layout_m <- c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1517 |
png(paste("Figure_16_paper_","residuals_MAE_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1488 |
png(paste("Figure_13_paper_","residuals_MAE_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""),
1518 | 1489 |
height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1519 | 1490 |
#height=480*6,width=480*4) |
1520 | 1491 |
1521 | 1492 |
p_bw1<-bwplot(data_v_ag$res_mod1~elev_rcstat,do.out=F,ylim=c(-15,15), |
1522 | 1493 |
ylab=list(label="Residuals (deg C)",cex=1.5), |
1523 | 1494 |
xlab=list(label="Elevation classes (meter)",cex=1.5), |
1524 |
main=list(label="Residuals vs elevation for mod1=lat*lon",cex=1.8), |
1525 |
scales = list(x = list(at = c(1, 2, 3, 4), |
1526 |
labels = c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000")))) |
1495 |
main=list(label="Residuals vs elev for mod1=lat*lon",cex=1.8), |
1496 |
scales = list(x = list(at = c(1, 2, 3, 4), #provide tick location and labels |
1497 |
labels = c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000"))), |
1498 |
par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), #control the font size!! |
1499 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")), |
1500 |
par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5) |
1501 |
) |
1527 | 1502 |
1528 | 1503 |
p_bw2 <- bwplot(data_v_ag$res_mod5~elev_rcstat,do.out=F,ylim=c(-15,15), |
1529 | 1504 |
ylab=list(label="Residuals (deg C)",cex=1.5), |
1530 | 1505 |
xlab=list(label="Elevation classes (meter)",cex=1.5), |
1531 |
main=list(label="Residuals vs elevation for mod5=lat*lon+LST",cex=1.8),
1506 |
main=list(label="Residuals vs elev for mod5=lat*lon+LST",cex=1.8), |
1532 | 1507 |
scales = list(x = list(at = c(1, 2, 3, 4), |
1533 |
labels = c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000")))) |
1508 |
labels = c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000"))), |
1509 |
par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), #control the font size!! |
1510 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")), |
1511 |
par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5) |
1512 |
) |
1534 | 1513 |
1535 |
p_bw3 <- bwplot(data_v_ag$res_mod5~elev_rcstat,do.out=F,ylim=c(-15,15),
1514 |
p_bw3 <- bwplot(data_v_ag$res_mod2~elev_rcstat,do.out=F,ylim=c(-15,15),
1536 | 1515 |
ylab=list(label="Residuals (deg C)",cex=1.5), |
1537 | 1516 |
xlab=list(label="Elevation classes (meter)",cex=1.5), |
1538 |
main=list(label="Residuals vs elevation for mod5=lat*lon+LST",cex=1.8),
1517 |
main=list(label="Residuals vs elev for mod2=lat*lon+elev",cex=1.8),
1539 | 1518 |
scales = list(x = list(at = c(1, 2, 3, 4), |
1540 |
labels = c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000")))) |
1519 |
labels = c("0-500","500-1000","1000-1500","1500-2000"))), |
1520 |
par.settings = list(axis.text = list(font = 2, cex = 1.3), #control the font size!! |
1521 |
par.main.text=list(font=2,cex=2),strip.background=list(col="white")), |
1522 |
par.strip.text=list(font=2,cex=1.5) |
1523 |
) |
1541 | 1524 |
grid.arrange(p_bw1,p_bw2,p_bw3,ncol=3) |
1542 | 1525 | |
1543 |
1544 |
#layout_m <- c(1,3) # works if set to this?? ok set the resolution... |
1545 |
#png(paste("Figure16_paper_","residuals_MAE",out_prefix,".png", sep=""), |
1546 |
# height=480*layout_m[1],width=480*layout_m[2]) |
1547 |
# #height=480*6,width=480*4) |
1548 |
1549 |
#p_bw1<- bwplot(data_v_ag$res_mod1~elev_rcstat,ylim=c(-15,15),do.out=F, |
1550 |
# ylab=list(label="Residuals for Mod1 (deg C)",cex=1.5), |
1551 |
# xlab=list(label="Elevation class",cex=1.5), |
1552 |
# main=list(label="Mod1 range",cex=1.8)) |
1553 |
#p_bw2<-bwplot(tb_variogram$Nug~tb_variogram$month,do.out=F,ylim=c(0,12), |
1554 |
# ylab=list(label="Nugget of variograms",cex=1.5), |
1555 |
# xlab=list(label="Month",cex=1.5), |
1556 |
# main=list(label="Mod1 Nugget",cex=1.8)) |
1557 |
#p_bw3<-bwplot(tb_variogram$psill~tb_variogram$month,do.out=F,ylim=c(0,30), |
1558 |
# ylab=list(label="Sill of variograms",cex=1.5), |
1559 |
# xlab=list(label="Month",cex=1.5), |
1560 |
# main=list(label="Mod1 sill",cex=1.8)) |
1561 |
#grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,ncol=1) |
1562 |
#grid.arrange(p_hist,p_bw1,p_bw2,p_bw3,ncol=2) |
1563 |
1564 | |
1565 |
1566 |
#brks<-c(0,20,40,60,80,100) |
1567 |
#lab_brks<-1:5 |
1568 |
#rcstat<-cut(data_v_ag$LC1,breaks=brks,labels=lab_brks,right=F) |
1569 |
#plot(data_v_ag$res_mod5~rcstat,ylim=c(-5,5)) |
1570 |
#plot(data_v_ag$res_mod5~rcstat,ylim=c(-5,5)) |
1571 | 1526 |
1572 | 1527 |
###################### END OF SCRIPT ####################### |
Also available in: Unified diff
contributions of covariates and methods paper: revisions- major clean up of code and production of figures for submission of revisions