Revision 525fff70
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 11 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/covariates_production_temperatures.R | ||
250 | 250 |
return(reg_outline_obj) |
251 | 251 |
} |
252 | 252 |
253 |
### Assing projection system to raster layer |
254 |
assign_projection_crs <-function(i,list_param){ |
255 |
#assign projection to list of raster |
256 |
#proj_str: proj4 information |
257 |
#filename: raster file |
258 |
proj_str<-list_param$proj_str |
259 |
list_filename<-list_param$list_filename |
260 |
261 |
filename <-list_filename[[i]] |
262 |
r<-raster(readGDAL(filename)) |
263 |
projection(r)<-proj_str |
264 |
writeRaster(r,filename=filename,overwrite=TRUE) |
265 |
} |
253 | 266 |
254 | 267 |
covariates_production_temperature<-function(list_param){ |
255 | 268 |
#This functions produce covariates used in the interpolation of temperature. |
... | ... | |
420 | 433 |
names(list_param_mosaic)<-c("j","mosaic_list","out_rastnames","out_path") |
421 | 434 |
nobs_m_list <-mclapply(1:12, list_param=list_param_mosaic, mosaic_m_raster_list,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement |
422 | 435 |
436 |
## Project mosaiced tiles if local projection is provided... |
437 |
#Modis shapefile tile is slighly shifted: this needs to be resolved... |
438 |
# +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs for ref_rast |
439 |
#"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" ?? |
440 |
#reassign proj from modis tile to raster? there is a 10m diff in semi-axes...(a and b) |
441 |
#This is a temporary solution, we will need to find out how 6370997m was assigned as axis |
442 |
443 |
proj_modis_str <-"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
444 |
list_param_assign_proj <-list(j,nobs_m_list,proj_modis_str) |
445 |
names(list_param_assign_proj)<-c("j","list_filename","proj_str") |
446 |
#assign_projection_crs(1,list_param_assign_proj) |
447 |
mclapply(1:12, list_param=list_param_assign_proj, assign_projection_crs,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement |
448 |
list_param_assign_proj <-list(j,mean_m_list,proj_modis_str) |
449 |
names(list_param_assign_proj)<-c("j","list_filename","proj_str") |
450 |
mclapply(1:12, list_param=list_param_assign_proj, assign_projection_crs,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement |
451 |
423 | 452 |
#Use this as ref file for now?? Ok for the time being: this will need to change to be a processing tile. |
424 | 453 |
if (ref_rast_name==""){ |
425 | 454 |
#Use one mosaiced modis tile as reference image...We will need to add a function |
426 | 455 |
ref_rast_temp <-raster(mean_m_list[[1]]) |
427 | 456 |
ref_rast <-projectRaster(from=ref_rast_temp,crs=CRS_interp,method="ngb") |
428 |
457 |
429 | 458 |
#to define a local reference system and reproject later!! |
430 | 459 |
#Assign new projection system here in the argument CRS_interp (!it is used later) |
431 | 460 |
}else{ |
... | ... | |
433 | 462 |
proj4string(ref_rast) <- CRS_interp #Assign given reference system from master script... |
434 | 463 |
} |
435 | 464 |
436 |
## Project mosaiced tiles if local projection is provided... |
437 | 465 |
438 | 466 |
out_suffix_lst <-paste(out_suffix,".tif",sep="") |
439 | 467 |
mean_lst_list_outnames<-change_names_file_list(mean_m_list,out_suffix_lst,"reg_",".tif",out_path=out_path) |
... | ... | |
456 | 484 |
# nobs_m_list <-mclapply(1:12, list_param=list_param_create_region, create__m_raster_region,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = 6) #This is the end bracket from mclapply(...) statement |
457 | 485 |
#} |
458 | 486 |
459 |
#ref_rast <-raster("mosaiced_dec_lst_mean_VE_03182013.tif") |
460 |
#Modis shapefile tile is slighly shifted: |
461 |
# +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs for ref_rast |
462 |
#"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" ?? |
463 |
#reassign proj from modis tile to raster? there is a 10m diff in semi-axes...(a and b) |
464 |
465 | 487 |
###################################### |
466 | 488 |
#4) LCC land cover |
467 | 489 |
... | ... | |
552 | 574 |
overwrite=TRUE,NAflag=-999,bylayer=FALSE,bandorder="BSQ") |
553 | 575 |
#using bil format more efficient?? |
554 | 576 |
555 |
#return reg_outline!!! |
577 |
#return reg_outline!!! After screeening the order of the names of covariates has changed!!! We must keep track of this!!
556 | 578 |
covar_obj <-list(raster_name,infile_reg_outline,names(s_raster)) |
557 | 579 |
names(covar_obj) <-c("infile_covariates","infile_reg_outline","covar_names") |
580 |
save(covar_obj,file= file.path(out_path,paste("covar_obj_",out_prefix,".RData",sep=""))) |
558 | 581 |
return(covar_obj) |
559 | 582 |
} |
560 | 583 |
Also available in: Unified diff
covariates preparation, dealing with projection shift and keeping track of covariates names after screening