


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  interpolation 526d623d almost 9 years Benoit Parmentier modifying main mosaicing script for call from s...
  modis-lst 9b802e31 about 11 years Alberto Guzman Adding Python alternative to...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
526d623d 01/08/2016 07:56 PM Benoit Parmentier

modifying main mosaicing script for call from shell and stage 7 on NEX

0a950be6 01/08/2016 07:54 PM Benoit Parmentier

editing script of main mosaicing for function call with parameters

6d7bfe23 01/08/2016 07:47 PM Benoit Parmentier

clean up of mosaicing main script and more testing for kriging of residuals at stations

2b15a9a3 01/08/2016 07:44 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding functions for residuals kriging options and clean up function mosaicing script

3f6f5b88 01/08/2016 07:38 PM Benoit Parmentier

producing residuals kriged surface for testing using training data

d299c301 01/08/2016 07:31 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding residuals calls to function for kriging of residuals and clean up of main mosaicing script

e4b8a604 01/08/2016 07:29 PM Benoit Parmentier

testing code on NEX for accuracy metrics kriging of resiudals and gdalmerge modified script

504953ca 01/08/2016 07:18 PM Benoit Parmentier

mosaicing script adding functions relevant to accuracy and residuals surface kriging

b66e6dcc 01/08/2016 07:16 PM Benoit Parmentier

more modifications for mosaicing of functions for residuals, test for several days

9944e99d 01/08/2016 07:11 PM Benoit Parmentier

testing accuracy function in the main script with data_s and data_v, training and testing

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