Revision 555815c9
Added by Adam Wilson about 11 years ago
.gitignore | ||
3 | 3 |
*.Rhistory |
4 | 4 |
*.Rdata |
5 | 5 |
*[~] |
6 |
*[#]* |
6 |
*[#]* |
7 |
*.kml |
8 |
*.kmz |
9 |
*.jpg |
10 |
*.png |
11 |
climate/procedures/MOD35C5_Evaluation.r | ||
22 | 22 |
23 | 23 |
## mod35C6 annual |
24 | 24 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD35C6_2009.tif")){ |
25 |
system("/usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalbuildvrt -a_srs '+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' -sd 1 -b 1 data/MOD35C6.vrt `find /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35/summary/ -name '*h[1]*'` ") |
25 |
# system("/usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalbuildvrt -a_srs '+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' -sd 1 -b 1 data/MOD35C6.vrt `find /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35/summary/ -name '*h[1]*'` ") |
26 |
system("gdalbuildvrt data/MOD35C6.vrt `find /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35/summary/ -name '*h[1]*'` ") |
27 |
28 |
system("/usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalbuildvrt -a_srs '+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' -sd 4 -b 1 data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.vrt `find /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35/summary/ -name '*h[1]*.nc'` ") |
29 |
system("gdalwarp data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.vrt data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.tif -r bilinear") |
30 |
26 | 31 |
system(" data/MOD35C6.vrt data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35C6_2009.tif") |
32 |
system(" data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.vrt data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.tif") |
27 | 33 |
} |
28 | 34 |
mod35c6=raster("data/MOD35C6_2009_v1.tif") |
29 | 35 |
names(mod35c6)="C6MOD35CF" |
climate/procedures/MOD35C6_Summary.r | ||
1 |
## Figures associated with MOD35 Cloud Mask Exploration |
2 |
3 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/MOD35C6") |
4 |
5 |
library(raster);beginCluster(10) |
6 |
library(rasterVis) |
7 |
library(rgdal) |
8 |
library(plotKML) |
9 |
library(Cairo) |
10 |
library(reshape) |
11 |
library(rgeos) |
12 |
library(splancs) |
13 |
14 |
## mod35C6 annual |
15 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD35C6_2009.tif")){ |
16 |
system("/usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalbuildvrt -a_srs '+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' -sd 1 -b 1 data/MOD35C6.vrt `find /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35/summary/ -name '*h[0-9][0-9]v[0-9][0-9]*'` ") |
17 |
# system("gdalbuildvrt data/MOD35C6.vrt `find /home/adamw/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35/summary/ -name '*h[1]*'` ") |
18 |
19 |
system(" data/MOD35C6.vrt data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35C6_2009.tif") |
20 |
system("/usr/local/bin/pkcreatect -min 0 -max 100 -g -i data/MOD35C6_2009.tif -o data/MOD35C6_2009a.tif -ct none -co COMPRESS=LZW") |
21 |
system(" data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.vrt data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35C6_CFday_pmiss.tif") |
22 |
} |
23 |
mod35c6=raster("data/MOD35C6_2009_v1.tif") |
24 |
names(mod35c6)="C6MOD35CF" |
25 |
NAvalue(mod35c6)=255 |
26 |
27 |
### summary of "alltests" netcdf file |
28 |
tests=c("CMday", "CMnight", "non_cloud_obstruction", "thin_cirrus_solar", "shadow", "thin_cirrus_ir", "cloud_adjacency_ir", "ir_threshold", "high_cloud_co2", "high_cloud_67", "high_cloud_138", "high_cloud_37_12", "cloud_ir_difference", |
29 |
"cloud_37_11","cloud_visible","cloud_visible_ratio","cloud_ndvi","cloud_night_73_11") |
30 |
alt=brick(lapply(tests,function(t){ |
31 |
td=raster("data/",varname=t) |
32 |
NAvalue(td)=255 |
33 |
projection(td)='+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs' |
34 |
return(td) |
35 |
} )) |
36 |
levelplot(alt,at=seq(100,0,len=100),col.regions=grey(seq(0,1,len=99)),layout=c(6,3)) |
37 |
38 |
39 |
## landcover |
40 |
if(!file.exists("data/MCD12Q1_IGBP_2009_051_wgs84_1km.tif")){ |
41 |
system(paste("/usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -tr 0.008983153 0.008983153 -r mode -ot Byte -co \"COMPRESS=LZW\"", |
42 |
" /mnt/data/jetzlab/Data/environ/global/MODIS/MCD12Q1/051/MCD12Q1_051_2009_wgs84.tif ", |
43 |
" -t_srs \"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs\" ", |
44 |
" -te -180.0044166 -60.0074610 180.0044166 90.0022083 ", |
45 |
"data/MCD12Q1_IGBP_2009_051_wgs84_1km.tif -overwrite ",sep=""))} |
46 |
lulc=raster("data/MCD12Q1_IGBP_2009_051_wgs84_1km.tif") |
47 |
48 |
# lulc=ratify(lulc) |
49 |
data(worldgrids_pal) #load palette |
50 |
IGBP=data.frame(ID=0:16,col=worldgrids_pal$IGBP[-c(18,19)], |
51 |
lulc_levels2=c("Water","Forest","Forest","Forest","Forest","Forest","Shrublands","Shrublands","Savannas","Savannas","Grasslands","Permanent wetlands","Croplands","Urban and built-up","Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic","Snow and ice","Barren or sparsely vegetated"),stringsAsFactors=F) |
52 |
IGBP$class=rownames(IGBP);rownames(IGBP)=1:nrow(IGBP) |
53 |
levels(lulc)=list(IGBP) |
54 |
#lulc=crop(lulc,mod09) |
55 |
names(lulc)="MCD12Q1" |
56 |
57 |
## make land mask |
58 |
if(!file.exists("data/land.tif")) |
59 |
land=calc(lulc,function(x) ifelse(x==0,NA,1),file="data/land.tif",options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9","PREDICTOR=2"),datatype="INT1U",overwrite=T) |
60 |
land=raster("data/land.tif") |
61 |
62 |
## mask cloud masks to land pixels |
63 |
#mod09l=mask(mod09,land) |
64 |
#mod35l=mask(mod35,land) |
65 |
66 |
##################################### |
67 |
### compare MOD43 and MOD17 products |
68 |
69 |
## MOD17 |
70 |
#extent(mod17)=alignExtent(mod17,mod09) |
71 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD17.tif")) |
72 |
system(" ~/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/MOD17/MOD17A3_Science_NPP_mean_00_12.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD17.tif") |
73 |
mod17=raster("data/MOD17.tif",format="GTiff") |
74 |
NAvalue(mod17)=65535 |
75 |
names(mod17)="MOD17_unscaled" |
76 |
77 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD17qc.tif")) |
78 |
system(" ~/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/MOD17/MOD17A3_Science_NPP_Qc_mean_00_12.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD17qc.tif") |
79 |
mod17qc=raster("data/MOD17qc.tif",format="GTiff") |
80 |
NAvalue(mod17qc)=255 |
81 |
names(mod17qc)="MOD17CF" |
82 |
83 |
## MOD11 via earth engine |
84 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD11_2009.tif")) |
85 |
system(" ~/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod11/2009/MOD11_LST_2009.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD11_2009.tif") |
86 |
mod11=raster("data/MOD11_2009.tif",format="GTiff") |
87 |
names(mod11)="MOD11_unscaled" |
88 |
NAvalue(mod11)=0 |
89 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD11qc_2009.tif")) |
90 |
system(" ~/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/modis/mod11/2009/MOD11_Pmiss_2009.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD11qc_2009.tif") |
91 |
mod11qc=raster("data/MOD11qc_2009.tif",format="GTiff") |
92 |
names(mod11qc)="MOD11CF" |
93 |
94 |
### Processing path |
95 |
if(!file.exists("data/MOD35pp.tif")) |
96 |
system(" data/MOD35_ProcessPath.tif data/MOD09_2009.tif data/MOD35pp.tif") |
97 |
pp=raster("data/MOD35pp.tif") |
98 |
NAvalue(pp)=255 |
99 |
names(pp)="MOD35pp" |
100 |
101 |
102 |
#hist(dif,maxsamp=1000000) |
103 |
## draw lulc-stratified random sample of mod35-mod09 differences |
104 |
#samp=sampleStratified(lulc, 1000, exp=10) |
105 |
#save(samp,file="LULC_StratifiedSample_10000.Rdata") |
106 |
#mean(dif[samp],na.rm=T) |
107 |
#Stats(dif,function(x) c(mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x))) |
108 |
109 |
110 |
### |
111 |
112 |
n=100 |
113 |
at=seq(0,100,len=n) |
114 |
cols=grey(seq(0,1,len=n)) |
115 |
cols=rainbow(n) |
116 |
bgyr=colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow","red")) |
117 |
cols=bgyr(n) |
118 |
119 |
120 |
### Transects |
121 |
r1=Lines(list( |
122 |
Line(matrix(c( |
123 |
-61.688,4.098, |
124 |
-59.251,3.430 |
125 |
),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Venezuela") |
126 |
r2=Lines(list( |
127 |
Line(matrix(c( |
128 |
133.746,-31.834, |
129 |
134.226,-32.143 |
130 |
),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Australia") |
131 |
r3=Lines(list( |
132 |
Line(matrix(c( |
133 |
73.943,27.419, |
134 |
74.369,26.877 |
135 |
),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"India") |
136 |
#r4=Lines(list( |
137 |
# Line(matrix(c( |
138 |
# -5.164,42.270, |
139 |
# -4.948,42.162 |
140 |
# ),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Spain") |
141 |
142 |
r5=Lines(list( |
143 |
Line(matrix(c( |
144 |
33.195,12.512, |
145 |
33.802,12.894 |
146 |
),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Sudan") |
147 |
148 |
#r6=Lines(list( |
149 |
# Line(matrix(c( |
150 |
# -63.353,-10.746, |
151 |
# -63.376,-9.310 |
152 |
# ),ncol=2,byrow=T))),"Brazil") |
153 |
154 |
155 |
trans=SpatialLines(list(r1,r2,r3,r5),CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ")) |
156 |
### write out shapefiles of transects |
157 |
writeOGR(SpatialLinesDataFrame(trans,data=data.frame(ID=names(trans)),match.ID=F),"output",layer="transects",driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite=T) |
158 |
159 |
## buffer transects to get regional values |
160 |
transb=gBuffer(trans,byid=T,width=0.4) |
161 |
162 |
## make polygons of bounding boxes |
163 |
bb0 <- lapply(slot(transb, "polygons"), bbox) |
164 |
bb1 <- lapply(bb0, bboxx) |
165 |
# turn these into matrices using a helper function in splancs |
166 |
bb2 <- lapply(bb1, function(x) rbind(x, x[1,])) |
167 |
# close the matrix rings by appending the first coordinate |
168 |
rn <- row.names(transb) |
169 |
# get the IDs |
170 |
bb3 <- vector(mode="list", length=length(bb2)) |
171 |
# make somewhere to keep the output |
172 |
for (i in seq(along=bb3)) bb3[[i]] <- Polygons(list(Polygon(bb2[[i]])), |
173 |
ID=rn[i]) |
174 |
# loop over the closed matrix rings, adding the IDs |
175 |
bbs <- SpatialPolygons(bb3, proj4string=CRS(proj4string(transb))) |
176 |
177 |
trd1=lapply(1:length(transb),function(x) { |
178 |
td=crop(mod11,transb[x]) |
179 |
tdd=lapply(list(mod35c5,mod35c6,mod09,mod17,mod17qc,mod11,mod11qc,lulc,pp),function(l) resample(crop(l,transb[x]),td,method="ngb")) |
180 |
## normalize MOD11 and MOD17 |
181 |
for(j in which(,lapply(tdd,function(i) names(i)))%in%c("MOD11_unscaled","MOD17_unscaled"))){ |
182 |
trange=cellStats(tdd[[j]],range) |
183 |
tscaled=100*(tdd[[j]]-trange[1])/(trange[2]-trange[1]) |
184 |
tscaled@history=list(range=trange) |
185 |
names(tscaled)=sub("_unscaled","",names(tdd[[j]])) |
186 |
tdd=c(tdd,tscaled) |
187 |
} |
188 |
return(brick(tdd)) |
189 |
}) |
190 |
191 |
## bind all subregions into single dataframe for plotting |
192 |,lapply(1:length(trd1),function(i){ |
193 |[[i]])) |
194 |
d[,c("x","y")]=coordinates(trd1[[i]]) |
195 |
d$trans=names(trans)[i] |
196 |
d=melt(d,id.vars=c("trans","x","y")) |
197 |
return(d) |
198 |
})) |
199 |
200 |,lapply(1:length(trans),function(l) { |
201 |[[l]],trans[l],along=T,cellnumbers=F)[[1]]) |
202 |
td$loc=extract(trd1[[l]],trans[l],along=T,cellnumbers=T)[[1]][,1] |
203 |
td[,c("x","y")]=xyFromCell(trd1[[l]],td$loc) |
204 |
td$dist=spDistsN1(as.matrix(td[,c("x","y")]), as.matrix(td[1,c("x","y")]),longlat=T) |
205 |
td$transect=names(trans[l]) |
206 |
td2=melt(td,id.vars=c("loc","x","y","dist","transect")) |
207 |
td2=td2[order(td2$variable,td2$dist),] |
208 |
# get per variable ranges to normalize |
209 |
tr=cast(melt.list(tapply(td2$value,td2$variable,function(x) data.frame(min=min(x,na.rm=T),max=max(x,na.rm=T)))),L1~variable) |
210 |
td2$min=tr$min[match(td2$variable,tr$L1)] |
211 |
td2$max=tr$max[match(td2$variable,tr$L1)] |
212 |
print(paste("Finished ",names(trans[l]))) |
213 |
return(td2)} |
214 |
)) |
215 |
216 |
transd$type=ifelse(grepl("MOD35|MOD09|CF",transd$variable),"CF","Data") |
217 |
218 |
219 |
## comparison of % cloudy days |
220 |
if(!file.exists("data/dif_c5_09.tif")) |
221 |
overlay(mod35c5,mod09,fun=function(x,y) {return(x-y)},file="data/dif_c5_09.tif",format="GTiff",options=c("COMPRESS=LZW","ZLEVEL=9"),overwrite=T) |
222 |
dif_c5_09=raster("data/dif_c5_09.tif",format="GTiff") |
223 |
224 |
#dif_c6_09=mod35c6-mod09 |
225 |
#dif_c5_c6=mod35c5-mod35c6 |
226 |
227 |
## exploring various ways to compare cloud products along landcover or processing path edges |
228 |
#t1=trd1[[1]] |
229 |
#dif_p=calc(trd1[[1]], function(x) (x[1]-x[3])/(1-x[1])) |
230 |
#edge=calc(edge(subset(t1,"MCD12Q1"),classes=T,type="inner"),function(x) ifelse(x==1,1,NA)) |
231 |
#edgeb=buffer(edge,width=5000) |
232 |
#edgeb=calc(edgeb,function(x) ifelse(,0,1)) |
233 |
#names(edge)="edge" |
234 |
#names(edgeb)="edgeb" |
235 |,edge,edgeb)) |
236 |
#cor(td1$MOD17,td1$C6MOD35,use="complete",method="spearman") |
237 |
#cor(td1$MOD17[td1$edgeb==1],td1$C5MOD35[td1$edgeb==1],use="complete",method="spearman") |
238 |
239 |
### Correlations |
240 |
#trdw=cast(trd,trans+x+y~variable,value="value") |
241 |
#cor(trdw$MOD17,trdw$C5MOD35,use="complete",method="spearman") |
242 |
243 |
#Across all pixels in the four regions analyzed in Figure 3 there is a much larger correlation between mean NPP and the C5 MOD35 CF (Spearman’s ρ = -0.61, n=58,756) than the C6 MOD35 CF (ρ = 0.00, n=58,756) or MOD09 (ρ = -0.07, n=58,756) products. |
244 |
#by(trdw,trdw$trans,function(x) cor([,c("C5MOD35CF","C6MOD35CF","C5MOD09CF","MOD17","MOD11")])),use="complete",method="spearman")) |
245 |
246 |
247 |
## table of correlations |
248 |[,c("C5MOD35CF","C6MOD35CF","C5MOD09CF","MOD17","MOD11")])) |
249 |
#nrow(trdw_cor) |
250 |
#round(cor(trdw_cor,method="spearman"),2) |
251 |
252 |
253 |
## set up some graphing parameters |
254 |
at=seq(0,100,leng=100) |
255 |
bgyr=colorRampPalette(c("purple","blue","green","yellow","orange","red","red")) |
256 |
bgrayr=colorRampPalette(c("purple","blue","grey","red","red")) |
257 |
cols=bgyr(100) |
258 |
259 |
## global map |
260 |
library(maptools) |
261 |
coast=map2SpatialLines(map("world", interior=FALSE, plot=FALSE),proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")) |
262 |
263 |
g1=levelplot(stack(mod35c5,mod09),xlab=" ",scales=list(x=list(draw=F),y=list(alternating=1)),col.regions=cols,at=at)+layer(sp.polygons(bbs[1:4],lwd=2))+layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
264 |
265 |
g2=levelplot(dif_c5_09,col.regions=bgrayr(100),at=seq(-70,70,len=100),margin=F,ylab=" ",colorkey=list("right"))+layer(sp.polygons(bbs[1:4],lwd=2))+layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
266 |
g2$strip=strip.custom("Difference (C5MOD35-C5MOD09)",style=1,strip.names=T,strip.levels=F) #update strip text |
267 |
#g3=histogram(dif_c5_09,col="black",border=NA,scales=list(x=list(at=c(-50,0,50)),y=list(draw=F),cex=1))+layer(panel.abline(v=0,col="red",lwd=2)) |
268 |
269 |
### regional plots |
270 |
p1=useOuterStrips(levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[!trd$variable%in%c("MOD17_unscaled","MOD11_unscaled","MCD12Q1","MOD35pp"),],asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"), |
271 |
at=at,col.regions=cols,maxpixels=7e6, |
272 |
ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude"),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)))+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
273 |
274 |
p2=useOuterStrips( |
275 |
levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[trd$variable%in%c("MCD12Q1"),], |
276 |
asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"),colorkey=F, |
277 |
at=c(-1,IGBP$ID),col.regions=IGBP$col,maxpixels=7e7, |
278 |
legend=list( |
279 |
right=list(fun=draw.key(list(columns=1,#title="MCD12Q1 \n IGBP Land \n Cover", |
280 |
rectangles=list(col=IGBP$col,size=1), |
281 |
text=list(as.character(IGBP$ID),at=IGBP$ID-.5))))), |
282 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)),strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
283 |
p3=useOuterStrips( |
284 |
levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[trd$variable%in%c("MOD35pp"),], |
285 |
asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"),colorkey=F, |
286 |
at=c(-1:4),col.regions=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),maxpixels=7e7, |
287 |
legend=list( |
288 |
right=list(fun=draw.key(list(columns=1,#title="MOD35 \n Processing \n Path", |
289 |
rectangles=list(col=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),size=1), |
290 |
text=list(c("Water","Coast","Desert","Land")))))), |
291 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)),strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
292 |
293 |
## transects |
294 |
p4=xyplot(value~dist|transect,groups=variable,type=c("smooth","p"), |
295 |
data=transd,panel=function(...,subscripts=subscripts) { |
296 |
td=transd[subscripts,] |
297 |
## mod09 |
298 |
imod09=td$variable=="C5MOD09CF" |
299 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod09],td$value[imod09],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.2,subscripts=1:sum(imod09),col="red",pch=16,cex=.25) |
300 |
## mod35C5 |
301 |
imod35=td$variable=="C5MOD35CF" |
302 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod35],td$value[imod35],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod35),col="blue",pch=16,cex=.25) |
303 |
## mod35C6 |
304 |
imod35c6=td$variable=="C6MOD35CF" |
305 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod35c6],td$value[imod35c6],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod35c6),col="black",pch=16,cex=.25) |
306 |
## mod17 |
307 |
imod17=td$variable=="MOD17" |
308 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod17],100*((td$value[imod17]-td$min[imod17][1])/(td$max[imod17][1]-td$min[imod17][1])), |
309 |
type=c("smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod17),col="darkgreen",lty=5,pch=1,cex=.25) |
310 |
imod17qc=td$variable=="MOD17CF" |
311 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod17qc],td$value[imod17qc],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod17qc),col="darkgreen",pch=16,cex=.25) |
312 |
## mod11 |
313 |
imod11=td$variable=="MOD11" |
314 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod11],100*((td$value[imod11]-td$min[imod11][1])/(td$max[imod11][1]-td$min[imod11][1])), |
315 |
type=c("smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod17),col="orange",lty="dashed",pch=1,cex=.25) |
316 |
imod11qc=td$variable=="MOD11CF" |
317 |
qcspan=ifelse(td$transect[1]=="Australia",0.2,0.05) |
318 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod11qc],td$value[imod11qc],type=c("p","smooth"),npoints=100,span=qcspan,subscripts=1:sum(imod11qc),col="orange",pch=16,cex=.25) |
319 |
## land |
320 |
path=td[td$variable=="MOD35pp",] |
321 |
panel.segments(path$dist,-10,c(path$dist[-1],max(path$dist,na.rm=T)),-10,col=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen")[path$value+1],subscripts=1:nrow(path),lwd=10,type="l") |
322 |
land=td[td$variable=="MCD12Q1",] |
323 |
panel.segments(land$dist,-20,c(land$dist[-1],max(land$dist,na.rm=T)),-20,col=IGBP$col[land$value+1],subscripts=1:nrow(land),lwd=10,type="l") |
324 |
},subscripts=T,par.settings = list( = list(lineend = "butt")), |
325 |
scales=list( |
326 |
x=list(alternating=1,relation="free"),#, lim=c(0,70)), |
327 |
y=list(at=c(-18,-10,seq(0,100,len=5)), |
328 |
labels=c("MCD12Q1 IGBP","MOD35 path",seq(0,100,len=5)), |
329 |
lim=c(-25,100)), |
330 |
alternating=F), |
331 |
xlab="Distance Along Transect (km)", ylab="% Missing Data / % of Maximum Value", |
332 |
legend=list( |
333 |
bottom=list(fun=draw.key(list( rep=FALSE,columns=1,title=" ", |
334 |
lines=list(type=c("b","b","b","b","b","l","b","l"),pch=16,cex=.5, |
335 |
lty=c(0,1,1,1,1,5,1,5), |
336 |
col=c("transparent","red","blue","black","darkgreen","darkgreen","orange","orange")), |
337 |
text=list( |
338 |
c("MODIS Products","C5 MOD09 % Cloudy","C5 MOD35 % Cloudy","C6 MOD35 % Cloudy","MOD17 % Missing","MOD17 (scaled)","MOD11 % Missing","MOD11 (scaled)")), |
339 |
rectangles=list(border=NA,col=c(NA,"tan","darkgreen")), |
340 |
text=list(c("C5 MOD35 Processing Path","Desert","Land")), |
341 |
rectangles=list(border=NA,col=c(NA,IGBP$col[sort(unique(transd$value[transd$variable=="MCD12Q1"]+1))])), |
342 |
text=list(c("MCD12Q1 IGBP Land Cover",IGBP$class[sort(unique(transd$value[transd$variable=="MCD12Q1"]+1))])))))), |
343 |
strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.75))) |
344 |
print(p4) |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
CairoPDF("output/mod35compare.pdf",width=11,height=7) |
349 |
#CairoPNG("output/mod35compare_%d.png",units="in", width=11,height=8.5,pointsize=4000,dpi=1200,antialias="subpixel") |
350 |
### Global Comparison |
351 |
print(g1,position=c(0,.35,1,1),more=T) |
352 |
print(g2,position=c(0,0,1,0.415),more=F) |
353 |
#print(g3,position=c(0.31,0.06,.42,0.27),more=F) |
354 |
355 |
### MOD35 Desert Processing path |
356 |
levelplot(pp,asp=1,scales=list(draw=T,rot=0),maxpixels=1e6, |
357 |
at=c(-1:3),col.regions=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),margin=F, |
358 |
colorkey=list(space="bottom",title="MOD35 Processing Path",labels=list(labels=c("Water","Coast","Desert","Land"),at=0:4-.5)))+layer(sp.polygons(bbs,lwd=2))+layer(sp.lines(coast,lwd=.5)) |
359 |
### levelplot of regions |
360 |
print(p1,position=c(0,0,.62,1),more=T) |
361 |
print(p2,position=c(0.6,0.21,0.78,0.79),more=T) |
362 |
print(p3,position=c(0.76,0.21,1,0.79)) |
363 |
### profile plots |
364 |
print(p4) |
365 | |
366 |
367 |
### summary stats for paper |
368 |
td=cast(transect+loc+dist~variable,value="value",data=transd) |
369 |,id.vars=c("transect","dist","loc","MOD35pp","MCD12Q1")) |
370 |
371 |
## function to prettyprint mean/sd's |
372 |
msd= function(x) paste(round(mean(x,na.rm=T),1),"% ±",round(sd(x,na.rm=T),1),sep="") |
373 |
374 |
cast(td2,transect+variable~MOD35pp,value="value",fun=msd) |
375 |
cast(td2,transect+variable~MOD35pp+MCD12Q1,value="value",fun=msd) |
376 |
cast(td2,transect+variable~.,value="value",fun=msd) |
377 |
378 |
cast(td2,transect+variable~.,value="value",fun=msd) |
379 |
380 |
cast(td2,variable~MOD35pp,value="value",fun=msd) |
381 |
cast(td2,variable~.,value="value",fun=msd) |
382 |
383 |
td[td$transect=="Venezuela",] |
384 |
385 |
386 |
#### export KML |
387 |
library(plotKML) |
388 |
389 |
kml_open("output/modiscloud.kml") |
390 |
391 |
readAll(mod35c5) |
392 |
393 |
kml_layer.Raster(mod35c5, |
394 |
plot.legend = TRUE,raster_name="Collection 5 MOD35 Cloud Frequency", |
395 |
z.lim = c(0,100),colour_scale = get("colour_scale_numeric", envir = plotKML.opts), |
396 |
# home_url = get("home_url", envir = plotKML.opts), |
397 |
# metadata = NULL, html.table = NULL, |
398 |
altitudeMode = "clampToGround", balloon = FALSE |
399 |
) |
400 |
401 |
system(paste("gdal_translate -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY ",mod35c5@file@name," output/mod35c5.kmz -co FORMAT=JPEG")) |
402 |
403 |
logo = "" |
404 |
kml_screen(image.file = logo, position = "UL", sname = "YALE logo",size=c(.1,.1)) |
405 |
kml_close("modiscloud.kml") |
406 |
kml_compress("modiscloud.kml",files=c(paste(,".png",sep=""),"obj_legend.png"),zip="/usr/bin/zip") |
climate/procedures/MOD35_ExtractProcessPath.r | ||
8 | 8 |
library(rgeos) |
9 | 9 |
##download 3 days of modis swath data: |
10 | 10 |
11 |
#### Set up command for running swtif to grid and mosaic the swath data |
12 |
stitch=paste("sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/2.12/data\" PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/2.12/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/2.12b/bin/swtif") |
13 |
14 |
## Link to MOD35 Swath data |
11 | 15 |
url="" |
12 | 16 |
dir.create("swath") |
13 | 17 |
... | ... | |
15 | 19 |
if(getdata) |
16 | 20 |
system(paste("wget -S --recursive --no-parent --no-directories -N -P swath --accept \"hdf\" --accept \"002|003|004\" ",url)) |
17 | 21 |
18 |
19 |
### make global raster that aligns with MODLAND tiles |
20 |
## get MODLAND tile to serve as base |
21 |
#system("wget") |
22 |
#t=raster(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",getwd(),"/MOD13A3.A2000032.h00v08.005.2006271174446.hdf\":MOD_Grid_monthly_1km_VI:1 km monthly NDVI",sep="")) |
22 |
### make global raster that aligns with MOD17 NPP raster |
23 | 23 |
t=raster(paste("../../MOD17/MOD17A3_Science_NPP_mean_00_12.tif",sep="")) |
24 | 24 |
projection(t) |
25 | 25 |
26 | 26 |
## make global extent |
27 |
pmodis="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
28 |
29 | 27 |
glb=t |
30 |
#values(glb)=NA |
31 | 28 |
glb=extend(glb,extent(-180,180,-90,90)) |
32 | 29 |
33 |
#glb=raster(glb,crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",nrows=42500,ncols=85000) |
34 |
#extent(glb)=alignExtent(projectRaster(glb,crs=projection(t),over=T),t) |
35 |
#res(glb)=c(926.6254,926.6264) |
36 |
#projection(glb)=pmodis |
37 |
38 |
## confirm extent |
39 |
#projectExtent(glb,crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") |
40 |
41 |
42 |
#### Grid and mosaic the swath data |
43 |
44 |
stitch="sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/2.12/data\" PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/2.12/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/2.12/bin/swtif" |
45 |
#stitch="/usr/local/heg/2.12/bin/swtif" |
46 |
47 |
#stitch="sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/2.11/data\" PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/2.11/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/2.11/bin/swtif" |
48 |
files=paste(getwd(),"/",list.files("swath",pattern="hdf$",full=T),sep="") |
30 |
### list of swath files |
31 |
files=paste(getwd(),"/",list.files("swath",pattern="hdf$",full=T),sep="")[1:5000] |
49 | 32 |
50 | 33 |
## vars to process |
51 | 34 | |
52 | 35 |
"Cloud_Mask", "CM", "NN", 1, |
53 |
# "Sensor_Azimuth", "ZA", "CUBIC", 1, |
54 | 36 |
"Sensor_Zenith", "SZ", "CUBIC", 1), |
55 | 37 |
byrow=T,ncol=4,dimnames=list(1:2,c("variable","varid","method","band"))),stringsAsFactors=F) |
56 | 38 |
... | ... | |
59 | 41 |
gpp = SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(gbb)),1))) |
60 | 42 |
proj4string(gpp)=projection(glb) |
61 | 43 |
62 |
44 |
outdir="/gridded/" |
63 | 45 |
64 | 46 |
swtif<-function(file,var){ |
65 | 47 |
outfile=paste(tempdir(),"/",var$varid,"_",basename(file),sep="") #gridded path |
... | ... | |
78 | 60 |
RESAMPLING_TYPE =",var$method," |
79 | 61 |
80 | 62 |
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
81 |
# OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 6371007.181 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
82 |
# projection parameters from |
83 | 63 |
84 | 64 |
85 | 65 |
OUTPUT_FILENAME= ",outfile," |
... | ... | |
91 | 71 |
## now run the swath2grid tool |
92 | 72 |
## write the gridded file |
93 | 73 |
print(paste("Starting",file)) |
94 |
system(paste("sudo ",stitch," -p ",tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d -log /dev/null ",sep=""),intern=F)#,ignore.stderr=F)
74 |
system(paste("sudo ",stitch," -p ",tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d -log /dev/null -tmpLatLondir ",tempdir(),sep=""),intern=F)#,ignore.stderr=F)
95 | 75 |
print(paste("Finished processing variable",var$variable,"from ",basename(file),"to",outfile)) |
96 | 76 |
} |
97 | 77 |
... | ... | |
138 | 118 |
else return(0) |
139 | 119 |
})) |
140 | 120 |
121 |
## report on any bad files |
141 | 122 |
table(check) |
142 | 123 |
124 |
## remove any fail the check |
143 | 125 |
file.remove(gfiles[check==0]) |
126 |
gfiles=gfiles[check==1] |
144 | 127 |
145 |
## use new gdal |
146 |
#system(paste("nohup /usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -wm 900 -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -multi ",outdir,"/*.tif MOD35_path_gdalwarp.tif &",sep="")) |
147 |
#system(paste("nohup /usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -wm 900 -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -multi -r mode ",outdir,"/*.tif MOD35_path_gdalwarp_mode.tif &",sep="")) |
148 |
#system(paste(" /usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -wm 900 -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -multi ",outdir,"/MOD35_L2.A2012001*.tif MOD35_path_gdalwarp.tif",sep="")) |
149 |
150 |
151 |
### Merge them into a geotiff |
152 |
#system(paste("/usr/local/src/gdal-1.10.0/swig/python/scripts/ -v -init 255 -n 255 -a_nodata 255 -o MOD35_ProcessPath_gdalmerge2.tif -co \"ZLEVEL=9\" -co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"PREDICTOR=2\" `ls -d -1 ",outdir,"/*.tif --sort=size | head -n 20 ` ",sep="")) |
153 |
system(paste("/usr/local/src/gdal-1.10.0/swig/python/scripts/ -v -o MOD35_ProcessPath_gdalmerge2.tif -co \"ZLEVEL=9\" -co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"PREDICTOR=2\" `ls -d -1 ",outdir,"/*.tif --sort=size ` &",sep="")) |
154 |
155 |
156 |
## try with pktools |
157 |
## global |
158 |
#system(paste("pkmosaic -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 ",paste("-i",list.files("gridded",full=T,pattern="tif$")[1:10],collapse=" ")," -o MOD35_path_pkmosaic_mode.tif -m 6 -v -t 255 -t 0 &")) |
159 |
#bb="-ulx -180 -uly 90 -lrx 180 -lry -90" |
160 |
#bb="-ulx -180 -uly 90 -lrx 170 -lry 80" |
161 |
#bb="-ulx -72 -uly 11 -lrx -59 -lry -1" |
162 |
163 |
164 |
#expand.grid(x=seq(-180,170,by=10),y=seq(-90,80)) |
165 |
#gf2= grep("2012009[.]03",gfiles,value=T) |
166 |
#system(paste("pkmosaic ",bb," -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 ",paste("-i",gf2,collapse=" ")," -o h11v08_path_pkmosaic.tif -ot Byte -m 7 -v -t 255")) |
167 |
168 |
# bounding box? |
169 | 128 |
170 | 129 |
########### |
171 |
### Use GRASS to import all the tifs and calculat the mode |
130 |
### Use GRASS to import all the tifs and calculate the mode
172 | 131 |
## make temporary working directory |
173 | 132 |
tf=paste(tempdir(),"/grass", Sys.getpid(),"/", sep="") #temporar |
174 | 133 |
if(!file.exists(tf)) dir.create(tf) |
... | ... | |
190 | 149 |
## read in all tifs |
191 | 150 |
for(f in gfiles[!imported]) { |
192 | 151 |
print(f) |
193 |
152 |
194 | 153 |
} |
195 | 154 |
196 |
## calculate mode - can't have more than 1000 open files |
197 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[1:1000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path1",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
198 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[1001:2000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path2",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
199 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[2001:3000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path3",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
200 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[3001:4000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path4",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
201 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[4001:5000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path5",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
155 |
## calculate mode in chunks. This first bins several individual swaths together into more or less complete global coverages taking the mode of each chunk |
156 |
nbreaks=100 |
157 |
bins=cut(1:5000,nbreaks) |
158 |
ts=system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*.tif",intern=T) #files to process |
202 | 159 |
203 |
## Get mode of modes |
204 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=path*",intern=T),sep="",collapse=","),output="MOD35_path",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
160 |
for(i in 1:nbreaks) #loop over breaks |
161 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(ts[bins==levels(bins)[i]],sep="",collapse=","),output=paste("path",i,sep="_"),method="mode",range=c(0,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite"),Sys_wait=T) |
162 |
163 |
## Get mode of each chunk |
164 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=path*",intern=T),sep="",collapse=","),output="MOD35_path",method="mode",range=c(0,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
165 |
166 |
## fill in missing data (due to gridding artifacts) very near poles with water (north) and land (south) |
167 |
system("r.mapcalc \"MOD35_patha=if(isnull(MOD35_path)&y()>-84.31,0,MOD35_path)\"") |
168 |
system("r.mapcalc \"MOD35_pathb=if(isnull(MOD35_patha)&y()<-84.31,3,MOD35_patha)\"") |
205 | 169 |
206 | 170 |
## add colors |
207 |
execGRASS("r.colors",map="MOD35_path",rules="MOD35_path_grasscolors.txt") |
171 |
execGRASS("r.colors",map="MOD35_pathb",rules="MOD35_path_grasscolors.txt") |
172 |
208 | 173 |
## write to disk |
209 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="MOD35_path",output=paste(getwd(),"/MOD35_ProcessPath_C5.tif",sep=""),type="Byte",createopt="COMPRESS=LZW,LEVEL=9,PREDICTOR=2") |
174 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="MOD35_pathb",output=paste(getwd(),"/C5MOD35_ProcessPath.tif",sep=""),type="Byte",createopt="COMPRESS=LZW,LEVEL=9,PREDICTOR=2") |
175 |
176 |
## update metadata |
177 |
tags=c("TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION='Collection 5 MOD35 Processing Path (0=Water,1=Coast,2=Desert,3=Land)'", |
178 |
"TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME='Collection 5 MOD35 Processing Path'", |
179 |
"TIFFTAG_DATETIME='20130901'", |
180 |
"TIFFTAG_ARTIST='Adam M. Wilson ('") |
181 |
system(paste("/usr/local/src/gdal-1.10.0/swig/python/scripts/ ",getwd(),"/C5MOD35_ProcessPath.tif ",paste("-mo ",tags,sep="",collapse=" "),sep="")) |
210 | 182 |
211 | 183 |
### delete the temporary files |
212 | 184 |
unlink_.gislock() |
213 | 185 |
system(paste("rm -frR ",tf,sep="")) |
214 |
215 |
######################### |
216 |
217 |
218 |
cols=c("blue","lightblue","tan","green") |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
## connect to raster to extract land-cover bit |
223 |
library(raster) |
224 |
225 |
d=raster("CM.tif") |
226 |
getlc=function(x) {(x/2^6) %% 2^2} |
227 |
228 |
calc(d,fun=getlc,filename="CM_LC.tif") |
229 |
climate/procedures/NDP-026D.R | ||
13 | 13 |
14 | 14 |
## available here |
15 | 15 |
16 |
17 | 16 |
## Get station locations |
18 | 17 |
system("wget -N -nd -P data/") |
19 | 18 |
st=read.table("data/01_STID",skip=1) |
... | ... | |
93 | 92 |
write.csv(cldy,file="cldy.csv") |
94 | 93 |
write.csv(cldm,file="cldm.csv") |
95 | 94 |
96 |
95 |
######################################################################### |
97 | 96 |
################## |
98 | 97 |
### |
99 | 98 |
cldm=read.csv("cldm.csv") |
climate/procedures/WilsonAdam_C5MOD35.html | ||
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<p>Systematic landcover bias in Collection 5 MODIS cloud mask and derived products – a global overview</p> |
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<hr/> |
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<pre><code class="r">opts_chunk$set(eval = F) |
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188 |
<p>This document describes the analysis of the Collection 5 MOD35 data.</p> |
189 |
190 |
<h1>Google Earth Engine Processing</h1> |
191 |
192 |
<p>The following code produces the annual (2009) summaries of cloud frequency from MOD09, MOD35, and MOD11 using the Google Earth Engine 'playground' API <a href=""></a>. </p> |
193 |
194 |
<pre><code class="coffee">var startdate="2009-01-01" |
195 |
var stopdate="2009-12-31" |
196 |
197 |
198 |
var mod11 = ee.ImageCollection("MOD11A2").map(function(img){ |
199 |
return['LST_Day_1km'])}); |
200 |
// MOD09 internal cloud flag |
201 |
var mod09 = ee.ImageCollection("MOD09GA").filterDate(new Date(startdate),new Date(stopdate)).map(function(img) { |
202 |
return['state_1km']).expression("((b(0)/1024)%2)"); |
203 |
}); |
204 |
// MOD35 cloud flag |
205 |
var mod35 = ee.ImageCollection("MOD09GA").filterDate(new Date(startdate),new Date(stopdate)).map(function(img) { |
206 |
return['state_1km']).expression("((b(0))%4)==1|((b(0))%4)==2"); |
207 |
}); |
208 |
209 |
//define reducers |
210 |
var COUNT ="Reducer.count"); |
211 |
var MEAN ="Reducer.mean"); |
212 |
213 |
//a few maps of constants |
214 |
c100=ee.Image(100); //to multiply by 100 |
215 |
c02=ee.Image(0.02); //to scale LST data |
216 |
c272=ee.Image(272.15); // to convert K->C |
217 |
218 |
//calculate mean cloudiness (%), rename, and convert to integer |
219 |
mod09a=mod09.reduce(MEAN).select([0], ['MOD09']).multiply(c100).int8(); |
220 |
mod35a=mod35.reduce(MEAN).select([0], ['MOD35']).multiply(c100).int8(); |
221 |
222 |
///////////////////////////////////////////////// |
223 |
// Generate the cloud frequency surface: |
224 |
getMiss = function(collection) { |
225 |
//filter by date |
226 |
i2=collection.filterDate(new Date(startdate),new Date(stopdate)); |
227 |
// number of layers in collection |
228 |
i2_n=i2.getInfo().features.length; |
229 |
//get means |
230 |
// image of -1s to convert to % missing |
231 |
c1=ee.Image(-1); |
232 |
// 1 Calculate the number of days with measurements |
233 |
// 2 divide by the total number of layers |
234 |
i2_c=ee.Image(i2_n).float() |
235 |
// 3 Add -1 and multiply by -1 to invert to % cloudy |
236 |
// 4 Rename to "Percent_Cloudy" |
237 |
// 5 multiply by 100 and convert to 8-bit integer to decrease file size |
238 |
i2_miss=i2.reduce(COUNT).divide(i2_c).add(c1).multiply(c1).multiply(c100).int8(); |
239 |
return (i2_miss); |
240 |
}; |
241 |
242 |
// run the function |
243 |
mod11a=getMiss(mod11).select([0], ['MOD11_LST_PMiss']); |
244 |
245 |
// get long-term mean |
246 |
mod11b=mod11.reduce(MEAN).multiply(c02).subtract(c272).int8().select([0], ['MOD11_LST_MEAN']); |
247 |
248 |
// summary object with all layers |
249 |
summary=mod11a.addBands(mod11b).addBands(mod35a).addBands(mod09a) |
250 |
251 |
var region='[[-180, -60], [-180, 90], [180, 90], [180, -60]]' //global |
252 |
253 |
// get download link |
254 |
print("All") |
255 |
var path = summary.getDownloadURL({ |
256 |
'scale': 1000, |
257 |
'crs': 'EPSG:4326', |
258 |
'region': region |
259 |
}); |
260 |
print('' + path); |
261 |
</code></pre> |
262 |
263 |
<h1>Data Processing</h1> |
264 |
265 |
<pre><code class="r">setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/MOD35C5") |
266 |
library(raster) |
267 |
</code></pre> |
268 |
269 |
<pre><code>## Loading required package: sp |
270 |
</code></pre> |
271 |
272 |
<pre><code class="r">beginCluster(10) |
273 |
</code></pre> |
274 |
275 |
<pre><code>## Loading required package: snow |
276 |
</code></pre> |
277 |
278 |
<pre><code class="r">library(rasterVis) |
279 |
</code></pre> |
280 |
281 |
<pre><code>## Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: latticeExtra |
282 |
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer Loading required package: hexbin |
283 |
## Loading required package: grid |
284 |
</code></pre> |
285 |
286 |
<pre><code class="r">library(rgdal) |
287 |
</code></pre> |
288 |
289 |
<pre><code>## rgdal: version: 0.8-10, (SVN revision 478) Geospatial Data Abstraction |
290 |
## Library extensions to R successfully loaded Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL |
291 |
## 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08 but rgdal build and GDAL runtime not in sync: |
292 |
## ... consider re-installing rgdal!! Path to GDAL shared files: |
293 |
## /usr/share/gdal/1.9 Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012, |
294 |
## [PJ_VERSION: 480] Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected) |
295 |
</code></pre> |
296 |
297 |
<pre><code class="r">library(plotKML) |
298 |
</code></pre> |
299 |
300 |
<pre><code>## plotKML version 0.3-5 (2013-05-16) URL: |
301 |
## |
302 |
## |
303 |
## Attaching package: 'plotKML' |
304 |
## |
305 |
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster': |
306 |
## |
307 |
## count |
308 |
</code></pre> |
309 |
310 |
<pre><code class="r">library(Cairo) |
311 |
library(reshape) |
312 |
</code></pre> |
313 |
314 |
<pre><code>## Loading required package: plyr |
315 |
## |
316 |
## Attaching package: 'plyr' |
317 |
## |
318 |
## The following object is masked from 'package:plotKML': |
319 |
## |
320 |
## count |
321 |
## |
322 |
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster': |
323 |
## |
324 |
## count |
325 |
## |
326 |
## Attaching package: 'reshape' |
327 |
## |
328 |
## The following object is masked from 'package:plyr': |
329 |
## |
330 |
## rename, round_any |
331 |
## |
332 |
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster': |
333 |
## |
334 |
## expand |
335 |
</code></pre> |
336 |
337 |
<pre><code class="r">library(rgeos) |
338 |
</code></pre> |
339 |
340 |
<pre><code>## rgeos version: 0.2-19, (SVN revision 394) GEOS runtime version: |
341 |
## 3.3.3-CAPI-1.7.4 Polygon checking: TRUE |
342 |
</code></pre> |
343 |
344 |
<pre><code class="r">library(splancs) |
345 |
</code></pre> |
346 |
347 |
<pre><code>## Spatial Point Pattern Analysis Code in S-Plus |
348 |
## |
349 |
## Version 2 - Spatial and Space-Time analysis |
350 |
## |
351 |
## Attaching package: 'splancs' |
352 |
## |
353 |
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster': |
354 |
## |
355 |
## zoom |
356 |
</code></pre> |
357 |
358 |
<pre><code class="r"> |
359 |
## get % cloudy |
360 |
mod09 = raster("data/MOD09_2009.tif") |
361 |
names(mod09) = "C5MOD09CF" |
362 |
NAvalue(mod09) = 0 |
363 |
364 |
mod35c5 = raster("data/MOD35_2009.tif") |
365 |
names(mod35c5) = "C5MOD35CF" |
366 |
NAvalue(mod35c5) = 0 |
367 |
368 |
## mod35C6 annual |
369 |
mod35c6 = raster("data/MOD35C6_2009.tif") |
370 |
names(mod35c6) = "C6MOD35CF" |
371 |
NAvalue(mod35c6) = 255 |
372 |
373 |
## landcover |
374 |
lulc = raster("data/MCD12Q1_IGBP_2009_051_wgs84_1km.tif") |
375 |
376 |
# lulc=ratify(lulc) |
377 |
data(worldgrids_pal) #load palette |
378 |
IGBP = data.frame(ID = 0:16, col = worldgrids_pal$IGBP[-c(18, 19)], lulc_levels2 = c("Water", |
379 |
"Forest", "Forest", "Forest", "Forest", "Forest", "Shrublands", "Shrublands", |
380 |
"Savannas", "Savannas", "Grasslands", "Permanent wetlands", "Croplands", |
381 |
"Urban and built-up", "Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic", "Snow and ice", |
382 |
"Barren or sparsely vegetated"), stringsAsFactors = F) |
383 |
IGBP$class = rownames(IGBP) |
384 |
rownames(IGBP) = 1:nrow(IGBP) |
385 |
levels(lulc) = list(IGBP) |
386 |
names(lulc) = "MCD12Q1" |
387 |
388 |
## MOD17 |
389 |
mod17 = raster("data/MOD17.tif", format = "GTiff") |
390 |
NAvalue(mod17) = 65535 |
391 |
names(mod17) = "MOD17_unscaled" |
392 |
393 |
mod17qc = raster("data/MOD17qc.tif", format = "GTiff") |
394 |
NAvalue(mod17qc) = 255 |
395 |
names(mod17qc) = "MOD17CF" |
396 |
397 |
## MOD11 via earth engine |
398 |
mod11 = raster("data/MOD11_2009.tif", format = "GTiff") |
399 |
names(mod11) = "MOD11_unscaled" |
400 |
NAvalue(mod11) = 0 |
401 |
402 |
mod11qc = raster("data/MOD11qc_2009.tif", format = "GTiff") |
403 |
names(mod11qc) = "MOD11CF" |
404 |
</code></pre> |
405 |
406 |
<p>Import the Collection 5 MOD35 processing path:</p> |
407 |
408 |
<pre><code class="r">pp = raster("data/MOD35pp.tif") |
409 |
NAvalue(pp) = 255 |
410 |
names(pp) = "MOD35pp" |
411 |
</code></pre> |
412 |
413 |
<p>Define transects to illustrate the fine-grain relationship between MOD35 cloud frequency and both landcover and processing path.</p> |
414 |
415 |
<pre><code class="r">r1 = Lines(list(Line(matrix(c(-61.688, 4.098, -59.251, 3.43), ncol = 2, byrow = T))), |
416 |
"Venezuela") |
417 |
r2 = Lines(list(Line(matrix(c(133.746, -31.834, 134.226, -32.143), ncol = 2, |
418 |
byrow = T))), "Australia") |
419 |
r3 = Lines(list(Line(matrix(c(73.943, 27.419, 74.369, 26.877), ncol = 2, byrow = T))), |
420 |
"India") |
421 |
r4 = Lines(list(Line(matrix(c(33.195, 12.512, 33.802, 12.894), ncol = 2, byrow = T))), |
422 |
"Sudan") |
423 |
424 |
trans = SpatialLines(list(r1, r2, r3, r4), CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ")) |
425 |
### write out shapefiles of transects |
426 |
writeOGR(SpatialLinesDataFrame(trans, data = data.frame(ID = names(trans)), |
427 |
match.ID = F), "output", layer = "transects", driver = "ESRI Shapefile", |
428 |
overwrite = T) |
429 |
</code></pre> |
430 |
431 |
<p>Buffer transects to identify a small region around each transect for comparison and plotting</p> |
432 |
433 |
<pre><code class="r">transb = gBuffer(trans, byid = T, width = 0.4) |
434 |
## make polygons of bounding boxes |
435 |
bb0 <- lapply(slot(transb, "polygons"), bbox) |
436 |
bb1 <- lapply(bb0, bboxx) |
437 |
# turn these into matrices using a helper function in splancs |
438 |
bb2 <- lapply(bb1, function(x) rbind(x, x[1, ])) |
439 |
# close the matrix rings by appending the first coordinate |
440 |
rn <- row.names(transb) |
441 |
# get the IDs |
442 |
bb3 <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(bb2)) |
443 |
# make somewhere to keep the output |
444 |
for (i in seq(along = bb3)) bb3[[i]] <- Polygons(list(Polygon(bb2[[i]])), ID = rn[i]) |
445 |
# loop over the closed matrix rings, adding the IDs |
446 |
bbs <- SpatialPolygons(bb3, proj4string = CRS(proj4string(transb))) |
447 |
</code></pre> |
448 |
449 |
<p>Extract the CF and mean values from each raster of interest.</p> |
450 |
451 |
<pre><code class="r">trd1 = lapply(1:length(transb), function(x) { |
452 |
td = crop(mod11, transb[x]) |
453 |
tdd = lapply(list(mod35c5, mod35c6, mod09, mod17, mod17qc, mod11, mod11qc, |
454 |
lulc, pp), function(l) resample(crop(l, transb[x]), td, method = "ngb")) |
455 |
## normalize MOD11 and MOD17 |
456 |
for (j in which(, lapply(tdd, function(i) names(i))) %in% c("MOD11_unscaled", |
457 |
"MOD17_unscaled"))) { |
458 |
trange = cellStats(tdd[[j]], range) |
459 |
tscaled = 100 * (tdd[[j]] - trange[1])/(trange[2] - trange[1]) |
460 |
tscaled@history = list(range = trange) |
461 |
names(tscaled) = sub("_unscaled", "", names(tdd[[j]])) |
462 |
tdd = c(tdd, tscaled) |
463 |
} |
464 |
return(brick(tdd)) |
465 |
}) |
466 |
## bind all subregions into single dataframe for plotting |
467 |
trd =, lapply(1:length(trd1), function(i) { |
468 |
d =[[i]])) |
469 |
d[, c("x", "y")] = coordinates(trd1[[i]]) |
470 |
d$trans = names(trans)[i] |
471 |
d = melt(d, id.vars = c("trans", "x", "y")) |
472 |
return(d) |
473 |
})) |
474 |
transd =, lapply(1:length(trans), function(l) { |
475 |
td =[[l]], trans[l], along = T, cellnumbers = F)[[1]]) |
476 |
td$loc = extract(trd1[[l]], trans[l], along = T, cellnumbers = T)[[1]][, |
477 |
1] |
478 |
td[, c("x", "y")] = xyFromCell(trd1[[l]], td$loc) |
479 |
td$dist = spDistsN1(as.matrix(td[, c("x", "y")]), as.matrix(td[1, c("x", |
480 |
"y")]), longlat = T) |
481 |
td$transect = names(trans[l]) |
482 |
td2 = melt(td, id.vars = c("loc", "x", "y", "dist", "transect")) |
483 |
td2 = td2[order(td2$variable, td2$dist), ] |
484 |
# get per variable ranges to normalize |
485 |
tr = cast(melt.list(tapply(td2$value, td2$variable, function(x) data.frame(min = min(x, |
486 |
na.rm = T), max = max(x, na.rm = T)))), L1 ~ variable) |
487 |
td2$min = tr$min[match(td2$variable, tr$L1)] |
488 |
td2$max = tr$max[match(td2$variable, tr$L1)] |
489 |
print(paste("Finished ", names(trans[l]))) |
490 |
return(td2) |
491 |
})) |
492 |
493 |
transd$type = ifelse(grepl("MOD35|MOD09|CF", transd$variable), "CF", "Data") |
494 |
</code></pre> |
495 |
496 |
<p>Compute difference between MOD09 and MOD35 cloud masks</p> |
497 |
498 |
<pre><code class="r">## comparison of % cloudy days |
499 |
dif_c5_09 = raster("data/dif_c5_09.tif", format = "GTiff") |
500 |
</code></pre> |
501 |
502 |
<p>Define a color scheme</p> |
503 |
504 |
<pre><code class="r">n = 100 |
505 |
at = seq(0, 100, len = n) |
506 |
bgyr = colorRampPalette(c("purple", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red", |
507 |
"red")) |
508 |
bgrayr = colorRampPalette(c("purple", "blue", "grey", "red", "red")) |
509 |
cols = bgyr(n) |
510 |
</code></pre> |
511 |
512 |
<p>Import a global coastline map for overlay</p> |
513 |
514 |
<pre><code class="r">library(maptools) |
515 |
coast = map2SpatialLines(map("world", interior = FALSE, plot = FALSE), proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")) |
516 |
</code></pre> |
517 |
518 |
<p>Draw the global cloud frequencies</p> |
519 |
520 |
<pre><code class="r">g1 = levelplot(stack(mod35c5, mod09), xlab = " ", scales = list(x = list(draw = F), |
521 |
y = list(alternating = 1)), col.regions = cols, at = at) + layer(sp.polygons(bbs[1:4], |
522 |
lwd = 2)) + layer(sp.lines(coast, lwd = 0.5)) |
523 |
524 |
g2 = levelplot(dif_c5_09, col.regions = bgrayr(100), at = seq(-70, 70, len = 100), |
525 |
margin = F, ylab = " ", colorkey = list("right")) + layer(sp.polygons(bbs[1:4], |
526 |
lwd = 2)) + layer(sp.lines(coast, lwd = 0.5)) |
527 |
g2$strip = strip.custom( = "Difference (C5MOD35-C5MOD09)", style = 1, |
528 |
strip.names = T, strip.levels = F) |
529 |
</code></pre> |
530 |
531 |
<p>Now illustrate the fine-grain regions</p> |
532 |
533 |
<pre><code class="r">p1=useOuterStrips(levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[!trd$variable%in%c("MOD17_unscaled","MOD11_unscaled","MCD12Q1","MOD35pp"),],asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"), |
534 |
at=at,col.regions=cols,maxpixels=7e6, |
535 |
ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude"),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)))+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
536 |
537 |
p2=useOuterStrips( |
538 |
levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[trd$variable%in%c("MCD12Q1"),], |
539 |
asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"),colorkey=F, |
540 |
at=c(-1,IGBP$ID),col.regions=IGBP$col,maxpixels=7e7, |
541 |
legend=list( |
542 |
right=list(fun=draw.key(list(columns=1,#title="MCD12Q1 \n IGBP Land \n Cover", |
543 |
rectangles=list(col=IGBP$col,size=1), |
544 |
text=list(as.character(IGBP$ID),at=IGBP$ID-.5))))), |
545 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)),strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
546 |
p3=useOuterStrips( |
547 |
levelplot(value~x*y|variable+trans,data=trd[trd$variable%in%c("MOD35pp"),], |
548 |
asp=1,scales=list(draw=F,rot=0,relation="free"),colorkey=F, |
549 |
at=c(-1:4),col.regions=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),maxpixels=7e7, |
550 |
legend=list( |
551 |
right=list(fun=draw.key(list(columns=1,#title="MOD35 \n Processing \n Path", |
552 |
rectangles=list(col=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen"),size=1), |
553 |
text=list(c("Water","Coast","Desert","Land")))))), |
554 |
ylab="",xlab=" "),strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.7)),strip.left=F)+layer(sp.lines(trans,lwd=2)) |
555 |
</code></pre> |
556 |
557 |
<p>Now draw the profile plots for each transect.</p> |
558 |
559 |
<pre><code class="r">## transects |
560 |
p4=xyplot(value~dist|transect,groups=variable,type=c("smooth","p"), |
561 |
data=transd,panel=function(...,subscripts=subscripts) { |
562 |
td=transd[subscripts,] |
563 |
## mod09 |
564 |
imod09=td$variable=="C5MOD09CF" |
565 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod09],td$value[imod09],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.2,subscripts=1:sum(imod09),col="red",pch=16,cex=.25) |
566 |
## mod35C5 |
567 |
imod35=td$variable=="C5MOD35CF" |
568 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod35],td$value[imod35],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod35),col="blue",pch=16,cex=.25) |
569 |
## mod35C6 |
570 |
imod35c6=td$variable=="C6MOD35CF" |
571 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod35c6],td$value[imod35c6],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod35c6),col="black",pch=16,cex=.25) |
572 |
## mod17 |
573 |
imod17=td$variable=="MOD17" |
574 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod17],100*((td$value[imod17]-td$min[imod17][1])/(td$max[imod17][1]-td$min[imod17][1])), |
575 |
type=c("smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod17),col="darkgreen",lty=5,pch=1,cex=.25) |
576 |
imod17qc=td$variable=="MOD17CF" |
577 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod17qc],td$value[imod17qc],type=c("p","smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod17qc),col="darkgreen",pch=16,cex=.25) |
578 |
## mod11 |
579 |
imod11=td$variable=="MOD11" |
580 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod11],100*((td$value[imod11]-td$min[imod11][1])/(td$max[imod11][1]-td$min[imod11][1])), |
581 |
type=c("smooth"),span=0.09,subscripts=1:sum(imod17),col="orange",lty="dashed",pch=1,cex=.25) |
582 |
imod11qc=td$variable=="MOD11CF" |
583 |
qcspan=ifelse(td$transect[1]=="Australia",0.2,0.05) |
584 |
panel.xyplot(td$dist[imod11qc],td$value[imod11qc],type=c("p","smooth"),npoints=100,span=qcspan,subscripts=1:sum(imod11qc),col="orange",pch=16,cex=.25) |
585 |
## land |
586 |
path=td[td$variable=="MOD35pp",] |
587 |
panel.segments(path$dist,-10,c(path$dist[-1],max(path$dist,na.rm=T)),-10,col=c("blue","cyan","tan","darkgreen")[path$value+1],subscripts=1:nrow(path),lwd=10,type="l") |
588 |
land=td[td$variable=="MCD12Q1",] |
589 |
panel.segments(land$dist,-20,c(land$dist[-1],max(land$dist,na.rm=T)),-20,col=IGBP$col[land$value+1],subscripts=1:nrow(land),lwd=10,type="l") |
590 |
},subscripts=T,par.settings = list( = list(lineend = "butt")), |
591 |
scales=list( |
592 |
x=list(alternating=1,relation="free"),#, lim=c(0,70)), |
593 |
y=list(at=c(-18,-10,seq(0,100,len=5)), |
594 |
labels=c("MCD12Q1 IGBP","MOD35 path",seq(0,100,len=5)), |
595 |
lim=c(-25,100)), |
596 |
alternating=F), |
597 |
xlab="Distance Along Transect (km)", ylab="% Missing Data / % of Maximum Value", |
598 |
legend=list( |
599 |
bottom=list(fun=draw.key(list( rep=FALSE,columns=1,title=" ", |
600 |
lines=list(type=c("b","b","b","b","b","l","b","l"),pch=16,cex=.5, |
601 |
lty=c(0,1,1,1,1,5,1,5), |
602 |
col=c("transparent","red","blue","black","darkgreen","darkgreen","orange","orange")), |
603 |
text=list( |
604 |
c("MODIS Products","C5 MOD09 % Cloudy","C5 MOD35 % Cloudy","C6 MOD35 % Cloudy","MOD17 % Missing","MOD17 (scaled)","MOD11 % Missing","MOD11 (scaled)")), |
605 |
rectangles=list(border=NA,col=c(NA,"tan","darkgreen")), |
606 |
text=list(c("C5 MOD35 Processing Path","Desert","Land")), |
607 |
rectangles=list(border=NA,col=c(NA,IGBP$col[sort(unique(transd$value[transd$variable=="MCD12Q1"]+1))])), |
608 |
text=list(c("MCD12Q1 IGBP Land Cover",IGBP$class[sort(unique(transd$value[transd$variable=="MCD12Q1"]+1))])))))), |
609 |
strip = strip.custom(par.strip.text=list(cex=.75))) |
610 |
print(p4) |
611 |
</code></pre> |
612 |
613 |
<p>Compile the PDF:</p> |
614 |
615 |
<pre><code class="r">CairoPDF("output/mod35compare.pdf", width = 11, height = 7) |
616 |
### Global Comparison |
617 |
print(g1, position = c(0, 0.35, 1, 1), more = T) |
618 |
print(g2, position = c(0, 0, 1, 0.415), more = F) |
619 |
620 |
### MOD35 Desert Processing path |
621 |
levelplot(pp, asp = 1, scales = list(draw = T, rot = 0), maxpixels = 1e+06, |
622 |
at = c(-1:3), col.regions = c("blue", "cyan", "tan", "darkgreen"), margin = F, |
623 |
colorkey = list(space = "bottom", title = "MOD35 Processing Path", labels = list(labels = c("Water", |
624 |
"Coast", "Desert", "Land"), at = 0:4 - 0.5))) + layer(sp.polygons(bbs, |
625 |
lwd = 2)) + layer(sp.lines(coast, lwd = 0.5)) |
626 |
### levelplot of regions |
627 |
print(p1, position = c(0, 0, 0.62, 1), more = T) |
628 |
print(p2, position = c(0.6, 0.21, 0.78, 0.79), more = T) |
629 |
print(p3, position = c(0.76, 0.21, 1, 0.79)) |
630 |
### profile plots |
631 |
print(p4) |
632 | |
633 |
</code></pre> |
634 |
635 |
<p>Derive summary statistics for manuscript</p> |
636 |
637 |
<pre><code class="r">td = cast(transect + loc + dist ~ variable, value = "value", data = transd) |
638 |
td2 =, id.vars = c("transect", "dist", "loc", "MOD35pp", |
639 |
"MCD12Q1")) |
640 |
641 |
## function to prettyprint mean/sd's |
642 |
msd = function(x) paste(round(mean(x, na.rm = T), 1), "% ±", round(sd(x, na.rm = T), |
643 |
1), sep = "") |
644 |
645 |
cast(td2, transect + variable ~ MOD35pp, value = "value", fun = msd) |
646 |
cast(td2, transect + variable ~ MOD35pp + MCD12Q1, value = "value", fun = msd) |
647 |
cast(td2, transect + variable ~ ., value = "value", fun = msd) |
648 |
649 |
cast(td2, transect + variable ~ ., value = "value", fun = msd) |
650 |
651 |
cast(td2, variable ~ MOD35pp, value = "value", fun = msd) |
652 |
cast(td2, variable ~ ., value = "value", fun = msd) |
653 |
654 |
td[td$transect == "Venezuela", ] |
655 |
</code></pre> |
656 |
657 |
<p>Export regional areas as KML for inclusion on website</p> |
658 |
659 |
<pre><code class="r">library(plotKML) |
660 |
661 |
kml_open("output/modiscloud.kml") |
662 |
663 |
readAll(mod35c5) |
664 |
665 |
kml_layer.Raster(mod35c5, |
666 |
plot.legend = TRUE,raster_name="Collection 5 MOD35 Cloud Frequency", |
667 |
z.lim = c(0,100),colour_scale = get("colour_scale_numeric", envir = plotKML.opts), |
668 |
# home_url = get("home_url", envir = plotKML.opts), |
669 |
# metadata = NULL, html.table = NULL, |
670 |
altitudeMode = "clampToGround", balloon = FALSE |
671 |
) |
672 |
673 |
system(paste("gdal_translate -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY ",mod35c5@file@name," output/mod35c5.kmz -co FORMAT=JPEG")) |
674 |
675 |
logo = "" |
676 |
kml_screen(image.file = logo, position = "UL", sname = "YALE logo",size=c(.1,.1)) |
677 |
kml_close("modiscloud.kml") |
678 |
kml_compress("modiscloud.kml",files=c(paste(,".png",sep=""),"obj_legend.png"),zip="/usr/bin/zip") |
679 |
</code></pre> |
680 |
681 |
</body> |
682 |
683 |
</html> |
684 |
climate/procedures/ | ||
1 |
Systematic landcover bias in Collection 5 MODIS cloud mask and derived products – a global overview |
2 |
__________ |
3 |
4 |
5 |
```r |
6 |
opts_chunk$set(eval = F) |
7 |
``` |
8 |
9 |
10 |
This document describes the analysis of the Collection 5 MOD35 data. |
11 |
12 |
# Google Earth Engine Processing |
13 |
The following code produces the annual (2009) summaries of cloud frequency from MOD09, MOD35, and MOD11 using the Google Earth Engine 'playground' API []( |
14 |
15 |
```coffee |
16 |
var startdate="2009-01-01" |
17 |
var stopdate="2009-12-31" |
18 |
19 |
20 |
var mod11 = ee.ImageCollection("MOD11A2").map(function(img){ |
21 |
return['LST_Day_1km'])}); |
22 |
// MOD09 internal cloud flag |
23 |
var mod09 = ee.ImageCollection("MOD09GA").filterDate(new Date(startdate),new Date(stopdate)).map(function(img) { |
24 |
return['state_1km']).expression("((b(0)/1024)%2)"); |
25 |
}); |
26 |
// MOD35 cloud flag |
27 |
var mod35 = ee.ImageCollection("MOD09GA").filterDate(new Date(startdate),new Date(stopdate)).map(function(img) { |
28 |
return['state_1km']).expression("((b(0))%4)==1|((b(0))%4)==2"); |
29 |
}); |
30 |
31 |
//define reducers |
32 |
var COUNT ="Reducer.count"); |
33 |
var MEAN ="Reducer.mean"); |
34 |
35 |
//a few maps of constants |
36 |
c100=ee.Image(100); //to multiply by 100 |
37 |
c02=ee.Image(0.02); //to scale LST data |
38 |
c272=ee.Image(272.15); // to convert K->C |
39 |
40 |
//calculate mean cloudiness (%), rename, and convert to integer |
41 |
mod09a=mod09.reduce(MEAN).select([0], ['MOD09']).multiply(c100).int8(); |
42 |
mod35a=mod35.reduce(MEAN).select([0], ['MOD35']).multiply(c100).int8(); |
43 |
44 |
///////////////////////////////////////////////// |
45 |
// Generate the cloud frequency surface: |
46 |
getMiss = function(collection) { |
47 |
//filter by date |
48 |
i2=collection.filterDate(new Date(startdate),new Date(stopdate)); |
49 |
// number of layers in collection |
50 |
i2_n=i2.getInfo().features.length; |
51 |
//get means |
52 |
// image of -1s to convert to % missing |
53 |
c1=ee.Image(-1); |
54 |
// 1 Calculate the number of days with measurements |
55 |
// 2 divide by the total number of layers |
56 |
i2_c=ee.Image(i2_n).float() |
57 |
// 3 Add -1 and multiply by -1 to invert to % cloudy |
58 |
// 4 Rename to "Percent_Cloudy" |
59 |
// 5 multiply by 100 and convert to 8-bit integer to decrease file size |
60 |
i2_miss=i2.reduce(COUNT).divide(i2_c).add(c1).multiply(c1).multiply(c100).int8(); |
61 |
return (i2_miss); |
62 |
}; |
63 |
64 |
// run the function |
65 |
mod11a=getMiss(mod11).select([0], ['MOD11_LST_PMiss']); |
66 |
67 |
// get long-term mean |
68 |
mod11b=mod11.reduce(MEAN).multiply(c02).subtract(c272).int8().select([0], ['MOD11_LST_MEAN']); |
69 |
70 |
// summary object with all layers |
71 |
summary=mod11a.addBands(mod11b).addBands(mod35a).addBands(mod09a) |
72 |
73 |
var region='[[-180, -60], [-180, 90], [180, 90], [180, -60]]' //global |
74 |
75 |
// get download link |
76 |
print("All") |
77 |
var path = summary.getDownloadURL({ |
78 |
'scale': 1000, |
79 |
'crs': 'EPSG:4326', |
80 |
'region': region |
81 |
}); |
82 |
print('' + path); |
83 |
``` |
84 |
85 |
86 |
# Data Processing |
87 |
88 |
89 |
```r |
90 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/MOD35C5") |
91 |
library(raster) |
92 |
``` |
93 |
94 |
``` |
95 |
## Loading required package: sp |
96 |
``` |
97 |
98 |
```r |
99 |
beginCluster(10) |
100 |
``` |
101 |
102 |
``` |
103 |
## Loading required package: snow |
104 |
``` |
105 |
106 |
```r |
107 |
library(rasterVis) |
108 |
``` |
109 |
110 |
``` |
111 |
## Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: latticeExtra |
112 |
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer Loading required package: hexbin |
113 |
## Loading required package: grid |
114 |
``` |
115 |
116 |
```r |
117 |
library(rgdal) |
118 |
``` |
119 |
120 |
``` |
121 |
## rgdal: version: 0.8-10, (SVN revision 478) Geospatial Data Abstraction |
122 |
## Library extensions to R successfully loaded Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL |
123 |
## 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08 but rgdal build and GDAL runtime not in sync: |
124 |
## ... consider re-installing rgdal!! Path to GDAL shared files: |
125 |
## /usr/share/gdal/1.9 Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012, |
126 |
## [PJ_VERSION: 480] Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected) |
127 |
``` |
128 |
129 |
```r |
130 |
library(plotKML) |
Also available in: Unified diff
Updated C5 MOD35 Processing Path code and C5MOD35_Evaluation in preparation for publication