Revision 555815c9
Added by Adam Wilson over 11 years ago
climate/procedures/MOD35_ExtractProcessPath.r | ||
8 | 8 |
library(rgeos) |
9 | 9 |
##download 3 days of modis swath data: |
10 | 10 |
11 |
#### Set up command for running swtif to grid and mosaic the swath data |
12 |
stitch=paste("sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/2.12/data\" PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/2.12/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/2.12b/bin/swtif") |
13 |
14 |
## Link to MOD35 Swath data |
11 | 15 |
url="" |
12 | 16 |
dir.create("swath") |
13 | 17 |
... | ... | |
15 | 19 |
if(getdata) |
16 | 20 |
system(paste("wget -S --recursive --no-parent --no-directories -N -P swath --accept \"hdf\" --accept \"002|003|004\" ",url)) |
17 | 21 |
18 |
19 |
### make global raster that aligns with MODLAND tiles |
20 |
## get MODLAND tile to serve as base |
21 |
#system("wget") |
22 |
#t=raster(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",getwd(),"/MOD13A3.A2000032.h00v08.005.2006271174446.hdf\":MOD_Grid_monthly_1km_VI:1 km monthly NDVI",sep="")) |
22 |
### make global raster that aligns with MOD17 NPP raster |
23 | 23 |
t=raster(paste("../../MOD17/MOD17A3_Science_NPP_mean_00_12.tif",sep="")) |
24 | 24 |
projection(t) |
25 | 25 |
26 | 26 |
## make global extent |
27 |
pmodis="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
28 |
29 | 27 |
glb=t |
30 |
#values(glb)=NA |
31 | 28 |
glb=extend(glb,extent(-180,180,-90,90)) |
32 | 29 |
33 |
#glb=raster(glb,crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",nrows=42500,ncols=85000) |
34 |
#extent(glb)=alignExtent(projectRaster(glb,crs=projection(t),over=T),t) |
35 |
#res(glb)=c(926.6254,926.6264) |
36 |
#projection(glb)=pmodis |
37 |
38 |
## confirm extent |
39 |
#projectExtent(glb,crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") |
40 |
41 |
42 |
#### Grid and mosaic the swath data |
43 |
44 |
stitch="sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/2.12/data\" PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/2.12/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/2.12/bin/swtif" |
45 |
#stitch="/usr/local/heg/2.12/bin/swtif" |
46 |
47 |
#stitch="sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/2.11/data\" PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/2.11/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/2.11/bin/swtif" |
48 |
files=paste(getwd(),"/",list.files("swath",pattern="hdf$",full=T),sep="") |
30 |
### list of swath files |
31 |
files=paste(getwd(),"/",list.files("swath",pattern="hdf$",full=T),sep="")[1:5000] |
49 | 32 |
50 | 33 |
## vars to process |
51 | 34 | |
52 | 35 |
"Cloud_Mask", "CM", "NN", 1, |
53 |
# "Sensor_Azimuth", "ZA", "CUBIC", 1, |
54 | 36 |
"Sensor_Zenith", "SZ", "CUBIC", 1), |
55 | 37 |
byrow=T,ncol=4,dimnames=list(1:2,c("variable","varid","method","band"))),stringsAsFactors=F) |
56 | 38 |
... | ... | |
59 | 41 |
gpp = SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(gbb)),1))) |
60 | 42 |
proj4string(gpp)=projection(glb) |
61 | 43 |
62 |
44 |
outdir="/gridded/" |
63 | 45 |
64 | 46 |
swtif<-function(file,var){ |
65 | 47 |
outfile=paste(tempdir(),"/",var$varid,"_",basename(file),sep="") #gridded path |
... | ... | |
78 | 60 |
RESAMPLING_TYPE =",var$method," |
79 | 61 |
80 | 62 |
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
81 |
# OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 6371007.181 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
82 |
# projection parameters from |
83 | 63 |
84 | 64 |
85 | 65 |
OUTPUT_FILENAME= ",outfile," |
... | ... | |
91 | 71 |
## now run the swath2grid tool |
92 | 72 |
## write the gridded file |
93 | 73 |
print(paste("Starting",file)) |
94 |
system(paste("sudo ",stitch," -p ",tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d -log /dev/null ",sep=""),intern=F)#,ignore.stderr=F)
74 |
system(paste("sudo ",stitch," -p ",tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d -log /dev/null -tmpLatLondir ",tempdir(),sep=""),intern=F)#,ignore.stderr=F)
95 | 75 |
print(paste("Finished processing variable",var$variable,"from ",basename(file),"to",outfile)) |
96 | 76 |
} |
97 | 77 |
... | ... | |
138 | 118 |
else return(0) |
139 | 119 |
})) |
140 | 120 |
121 |
## report on any bad files |
141 | 122 |
table(check) |
142 | 123 |
124 |
## remove any fail the check |
143 | 125 |
file.remove(gfiles[check==0]) |
126 |
gfiles=gfiles[check==1] |
144 | 127 |
145 |
## use new gdal |
146 |
#system(paste("nohup /usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -wm 900 -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -multi ",outdir,"/*.tif MOD35_path_gdalwarp.tif &",sep="")) |
147 |
#system(paste("nohup /usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -wm 900 -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -multi -r mode ",outdir,"/*.tif MOD35_path_gdalwarp_mode.tif &",sep="")) |
148 |
#system(paste(" /usr/local/gdal-1.10.0/bin/gdalwarp -wm 900 -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -multi ",outdir,"/MOD35_L2.A2012001*.tif MOD35_path_gdalwarp.tif",sep="")) |
149 |
150 |
151 |
### Merge them into a geotiff |
152 |
#system(paste("/usr/local/src/gdal-1.10.0/swig/python/scripts/ -v -init 255 -n 255 -a_nodata 255 -o MOD35_ProcessPath_gdalmerge2.tif -co \"ZLEVEL=9\" -co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"PREDICTOR=2\" `ls -d -1 ",outdir,"/*.tif --sort=size | head -n 20 ` ",sep="")) |
153 |
system(paste("/usr/local/src/gdal-1.10.0/swig/python/scripts/ -v -o MOD35_ProcessPath_gdalmerge2.tif -co \"ZLEVEL=9\" -co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"PREDICTOR=2\" `ls -d -1 ",outdir,"/*.tif --sort=size ` &",sep="")) |
154 |
155 |
156 |
## try with pktools |
157 |
## global |
158 |
#system(paste("pkmosaic -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 ",paste("-i",list.files("gridded",full=T,pattern="tif$")[1:10],collapse=" ")," -o MOD35_path_pkmosaic_mode.tif -m 6 -v -t 255 -t 0 &")) |
159 |
#bb="-ulx -180 -uly 90 -lrx 180 -lry -90" |
160 |
#bb="-ulx -180 -uly 90 -lrx 170 -lry 80" |
161 |
#bb="-ulx -72 -uly 11 -lrx -59 -lry -1" |
162 |
163 |
164 |
#expand.grid(x=seq(-180,170,by=10),y=seq(-90,80)) |
165 |
#gf2= grep("2012009[.]03",gfiles,value=T) |
166 |
#system(paste("pkmosaic ",bb," -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 ",paste("-i",gf2,collapse=" ")," -o h11v08_path_pkmosaic.tif -ot Byte -m 7 -v -t 255")) |
167 |
168 |
# bounding box? |
169 | 128 |
170 | 129 |
########### |
171 |
### Use GRASS to import all the tifs and calculat the mode |
130 |
### Use GRASS to import all the tifs and calculate the mode
172 | 131 |
## make temporary working directory |
173 | 132 |
tf=paste(tempdir(),"/grass", Sys.getpid(),"/", sep="") #temporar |
174 | 133 |
if(!file.exists(tf)) dir.create(tf) |
... | ... | |
190 | 149 |
## read in all tifs |
191 | 150 |
for(f in gfiles[!imported]) { |
192 | 151 |
print(f) |
193 |
152 |
194 | 153 |
} |
195 | 154 |
196 |
## calculate mode - can't have more than 1000 open files |
197 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[1:1000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path1",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
198 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[1001:2000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path2",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
199 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[2001:3000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path3",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
200 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[3001:4000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path4",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
201 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*",intern=T)[4001:5000],sep="",collapse=","),output="path5",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
155 |
## calculate mode in chunks. This first bins several individual swaths together into more or less complete global coverages taking the mode of each chunk |
156 |
nbreaks=100 |
157 |
bins=cut(1:5000,nbreaks) |
158 |
ts=system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=MOD*.tif",intern=T) #files to process |
202 | 159 |
203 |
## Get mode of modes |
204 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=path*",intern=T),sep="",collapse=","),output="MOD35_path",method="mode",range=c(1,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
160 |
for(i in 1:nbreaks) #loop over breaks |
161 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(ts[bins==levels(bins)[i]],sep="",collapse=","),output=paste("path",i,sep="_"),method="mode",range=c(0,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite"),Sys_wait=T) |
162 |
163 |
## Get mode of each chunk |
164 |
execGRASS("r.series",input=paste(system("g.mlist type=rast pattern=path*",intern=T),sep="",collapse=","),output="MOD35_path",method="mode",range=c(0,5),flags=c("verbose","overwrite")) |
165 |
166 |
## fill in missing data (due to gridding artifacts) very near poles with water (north) and land (south) |
167 |
system("r.mapcalc \"MOD35_patha=if(isnull(MOD35_path)&y()>-84.31,0,MOD35_path)\"") |
168 |
system("r.mapcalc \"MOD35_pathb=if(isnull(MOD35_patha)&y()<-84.31,3,MOD35_patha)\"") |
205 | 169 |
206 | 170 |
## add colors |
207 |
execGRASS("r.colors",map="MOD35_path",rules="MOD35_path_grasscolors.txt") |
171 |
execGRASS("r.colors",map="MOD35_pathb",rules="MOD35_path_grasscolors.txt") |
172 |
208 | 173 |
## write to disk |
209 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="MOD35_path",output=paste(getwd(),"/MOD35_ProcessPath_C5.tif",sep=""),type="Byte",createopt="COMPRESS=LZW,LEVEL=9,PREDICTOR=2") |
174 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="MOD35_pathb",output=paste(getwd(),"/C5MOD35_ProcessPath.tif",sep=""),type="Byte",createopt="COMPRESS=LZW,LEVEL=9,PREDICTOR=2") |
175 |
176 |
## update metadata |
177 |
tags=c("TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION='Collection 5 MOD35 Processing Path (0=Water,1=Coast,2=Desert,3=Land)'", |
178 |
"TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME='Collection 5 MOD35 Processing Path'", |
179 |
"TIFFTAG_DATETIME='20130901'", |
180 |
"TIFFTAG_ARTIST='Adam M. Wilson ('") |
181 |
system(paste("/usr/local/src/gdal-1.10.0/swig/python/scripts/ ",getwd(),"/C5MOD35_ProcessPath.tif ",paste("-mo ",tags,sep="",collapse=" "),sep="")) |
210 | 182 |
211 | 183 |
### delete the temporary files |
212 | 184 |
unlink_.gislock() |
213 | 185 |
system(paste("rm -frR ",tf,sep="")) |
214 |
215 |
######################### |
216 |
217 |
218 |
cols=c("blue","lightblue","tan","green") |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
## connect to raster to extract land-cover bit |
223 |
library(raster) |
224 |
225 |
d=raster("CM.tif") |
226 |
getlc=function(x) {(x/2^6) %% 2^2} |
227 |
228 |
calc(d,fun=getlc,filename="CM_LC.tif") |
229 |
Also available in: Unified diff
Updated C5 MOD35 Processing Path code and C5MOD35_Evaluation in preparation for publication