Revision 6f687814
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/Database_stations_extraction_raster_covariates_processing.R | ||
9 | 9 |
# 5)the location of raser covariate stack. |
10 | 10 |
#The outputs are text files and a shape file of a time subset of the database |
11 | 11 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier |
12 |
#DATE: 02/08/2013
12 |
#DATE: 03/01/2013
13 | 13 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#363-- |
14 | 14 |
#Comments and TODO |
15 | 15 |
#-Add buffer option... |
16 | 16 |
#-Add calculation of monthly mean... |
17 |
#Outputs are: |
18 |
# |
17 | 19 |
################################################################################################## |
18 | 20 |
19 | 21 |
###Loading R library and packages |
... | ... | |
33 | 35 |
var <- "TMAX" #name of the variables to keep: TMIN, TMAX or PRCP |
34 | 36 |
year_start<-"2010" #starting year for the query (included) |
35 | 37 |
year_end<-"2011" #end year for the query (excluded) |
36 |
infile1<- "outline_venezuela_region__VE_01292013.shp" #This is the shape file of outline of the study area. #It is projected alreaday |
37 |
infile2<-"ghcnd-stations.txt" #This is the textfile of station locations from GHCND |
38 |
year_start_clim<-"2000" #starting year for monthly query to calculate clime |
39 |
infile1<- "outline_venezuela_region__VE_01292013.shp" #This is the shape file of outline of the study area |
40 |
#It is an input/output of the covariate script |
41 |
infile2<-"/home/layers/data/climate/ghcn/v2.92-upd-2012052822/ghcnd-stations.txt" #This is the textfile of station locations from GHCND |
38 | 42 |
infile3<-"covariates__venezuela_region__VE_01292013.tif" #this is an output from covariate script |
39 | 43 |
40 | 44 |
new_proj<-"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
41 |
locs_coord<-CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") |
42 |
CRS_locs_WGS84<-"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" |
45 |
#CRS_locs_WGS84<-"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" |
46 |
CRS_locs_WGS84<-CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") #Station coords WGS84: same as earlier |
47 |
43 | 48 |
##Paths to inputs and output |
44 |
in_path <- "/home/parmentier/Data/benoit_test" |
45 | 49 |
in_path <- "/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/Venezuela_interpolation/Venezuela_01142013/input_data/" |
46 |
out_path<- "/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/Venezuela_interpolation/Venezuela_01142013/output_data/" |
47 |
ghcnd_path<- "/home/layers/data/climate/ghcn/v2.92-upd-2012052822" |
50 |
48 | 51 |
setwd(in_path) |
49 |
out_suffix<-"y2010_2010_VE_02082013" #User defined output prefix |
50 |
out_region_name<-"_venezuela_region" |
51 |
#out_suffix<-"_VE_01292013" |
52 |
53 |
out_prefix<-"_365d_GAM_fus5_all_lstd_02202013" #User defined output prefix |
54 |
55 |
#PUT ALL THE INPUT ARGUMENTS IN ONE OBJECT??? read the object as input!!! |
52 | 56 |
53 | 57 |
### Functions used in the script |
54 | 58 |
... | ... | |
74 | 78 |
interp_area <- readOGR(".",filename) |
75 | 79 |
CRS_interp<-proj4string(interp_area) #Storing the coordinate information: geographic coordinates longlat WGS84 |
76 | 80 |
77 |
dat_stat <- read.fwf(file.path(ghcnd_path,"ghcnd-stations.txt"), widths = c(11,9,10,7,3,31,4,4,6),fill=TRUE) |
81 |
#infile2<-"ghcnd-stations.txt" #This is the textfile of station locations from GHCND |
82 |
dat_stat <- read.fwf(infile2, |
83 |
widths = c(11,9,10,7,3,31,4,4,6),fill=TRUE) |
78 | 84 |
colnames(dat_stat)<-c("STAT_ID","lat","lon","elev","state","name","GSNF","HCNF","WMOID") |
79 | 85 |
coords<- dat_stat[,c('lon','lat')] |
80 | 86 |
coordinates(dat_stat)<-coords |
81 |
proj4string(dat_stat)<-locs_coord #this is the WGS84 projection
87 |
proj4string(dat_stat)<-CRS_locs_WGS84 #this is the WGS84 projection
82 | 88 |
#proj4string(dat_stat)<-CRS_interp |
83 | 89 |
dat_stat2<-spTransform(dat_stat,CRS(new_proj)) # Project from WGS84 to new coord. system |
84 | 90 |
... | ... | |
94 | 100 |
#only 357 station for Venezuela?? |
95 | 101 |
96 | 102 |
#### |
97 |
##Add buffer option? |
103 |
##TODO: Add buffer option?
98 | 104 |
#### |
99 | 105 |
100 | 106 |
#### STEP 2: Connecting to the database and query for relevant data |
... | ... | |
126 | 132 |
#Wrong is in fact projected... |
127 | 133 |
coordinates(data_reg)<-coords #Assign coordinates to the data frame |
128 | 134 |
#proj4string(data3)<-locs_coord #Assign coordinates reference system in PROJ4 format |
129 |
proj4string(data_reg)<-locs_coord #Assign coordinates reference system in PROJ4 format
135 |
proj4string(data_reg)<-CRS_locs_WGS84 #Assign coordinates reference system in PROJ4 format
130 | 136 |
data_reg<-spTransform(data_reg,CRS(new_proj)) #Project from WGS84 to new coord. system |
131 | 137 |
138 |
#png...output? |
132 | 139 |
plot(interp_area, axes =TRUE) |
133 | 140 |
plot(stat_reg, pch=1, col="red", cex= 0.7, add=TRUE) |
134 | 141 |
plot(data_reg,pch=2,col="blue",cex=2,add=TRUE) |
... | ... | |
136 | 143 |
################################################################## |
137 | 144 |
### STEP 3: Save results and outuput in textfile and a shape file |
138 | 145 |
139 |
#Save a textfile of the locations of meteorological stations in the study area |
140 |
write.table(, file=file.path(in_path,paste("stations",out_region_name,"_", |
141 |
out_suffix,".txt",sep="")),sep=",") |
142 |
outfile<-paste("stations",out_region_name,"_", |
143 |
out_suffix,sep="") |
144 |
writeOGR(stat_reg,dsn= ".",layer= outfile, driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE) |
146 |
#Save shape files of the locations of meteorological stations in the study area |
147 |
outfile1<-file.path(in_path,paste("stations","_",out_prefix,".shp",sep="")) |
148 |
writeOGR(stat_reg,dsn= ".",layer= sub(".shp","",outfile1), driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE) |
145 | 149 |
146 |
outfile<-paste("ghcn_data_",var,out_suffix,sep="") #Name of the file
150 |
outfile2<-file.path(in_path,paste("ghcn_data_",var,"_",year_start_clim,"_",year_end,out_prefix,".shp",sep="")) #Name of the file
147 | 151 |
#writeOGR(data_proj, paste(outfile, "shp", sep="."), outfile, driver ="ESRI Shapefile") #Note that the layer name is the file name without extension |
148 |
writeOGR(data_reg,dsn= ".",layer= outfile, driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE)
152 |
writeOGR(data_reg,dsn= ".",layer= sub(".shp","",outfile2), driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE)
149 | 153 |
150 | 154 |
################################################################### |
151 | 155 |
### STEP 4: Extract values at stations from covariates stack of raster images |
152 | 156 |
#Eventually this step may be skipped if the covariates information is stored in the database... |
153 | 157 |
154 |
#The names of covariates can be changed... |
158 |
#The names of covariates can be changed...these names should be output/input from covar script!!!
155 | 159 |
rnames<-c("x","y","lon","lat","N","E","N_w","E_w","elev","slope","aspect","CANHEIGHT","DISTOC") |
156 | 160 |
lc_names<-c("LC1","LC2","LC3","LC4","LC5","LC6","LC7","LC8","LC9","LC10","LC11","LC12") |
157 | 161 |
lst_names<-c("mm_01","mm_02","mm_03","mm_04","mm_05","mm_06","mm_07","mm_08","mm_09","mm_10","mm_11","mm_12", |
... | ... | |
185 | 189 |
} |
186 | 190 |
187 | 191 |
#write out a new shapefile (including .prj component) |
188 |
outfile<-paste("daily_covariates_ghcn_data_",var,out_suffix,sep="") #Name of the file
189 |
writeOGR(data_RST_SDF,dsn= ".",layer= outfile, driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE)
192 |
outfile3<-file.path(in_path,paste("daily_covariates_ghcn_data_",var,out_prefix,".shp",sep="")) #Name of the file
193 |
writeOGR(data_RST_SDF,dsn= ".",layer= sub(".shp","",outfile3), driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE)
190 | 194 |
191 | 195 |
############################################################### |
192 | 196 |
######## STEP 5: Preparing monthly averages from the ProstGres database |
... | ... | |
194 | 198 |
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") |
195 | 199 |
db <- dbConnect(drv, |
196 | 200 |
197 |
201 |
#year_start_clim: set at the start of the script
198 | 202 |
year_end<-2011 |
199 | 203 |
time1<-proc.time() #Start stop watch |
200 | 204 |
list_s<-format_s(stat_reg$STAT_ID) |
201 | 205 |
data_m<-dbGetQuery(db, paste("SELECT * |
202 | 206 |
FROM ghcn |
203 | 207 |
WHERE element=",shQuote(var), |
204 |
"AND year>=",year_start, |
208 |
"AND year>=",year_start_clim,
205 | 209 |
"AND year<",year_end, |
206 | 210 |
"AND station IN ",list_s,";",sep="")) #Selecting station using a SQL query |
207 | 211 |
time_duration<-proc.time()-time1 #Time for the query may be long given the size of the database |
... | ... | |
246 | 250 |
247 | 251 |
#### |
248 | 252 |
#write out a new shapefile (including .prj component) |
249 |
outfile<-paste("monthly_covariates_ghcn_data_",var,out_suffix,sep="") #Name of the file |
250 | 253 |
dst$OID<-1:nrow(dst) #need a unique ID? |
251 |
writeOGR(dst,dsn= ".",layer= outfile, driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE) |
254 |
outfile4<-file.path(in_path,paste("monthly_covariates_ghcn_data_",var,"_",year_start_clim,"_",year_end,out_prefix,".shp",sep="")) #Name of the file |
255 |
writeOGR(dst,dsn= ".",layer= sub(".shp","",outfile4), driver="ESRI Shapefile",overwrite_layer=TRUE) |
256 |
257 |
### list of output return |
252 | 258 |
259 |
outfiles_obj<-list(outfile1,outfile2,outfile3,outfile4,outfile5) |
260 |
outfiles_obj<cname("loc_stations","loc_stations_ghcn","daily_covar_ghcn_data","monthly_covar_ghcn_data") |
261 |
#return(outfiles_obj) |
253 | 262 |
##### END OF SCRIPT ########## |
Also available in: Unified diff
Data preparation, reduction of arguments, and gathering input and outputs to create function