Revision 70d0063c
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/covariates_production_temperatures.R | ||
10 | 10 |
# -MODIS LST: mean and obs |
11 | 11 |
#3) The output is a multiband file in tif format with projected covariates for the processing region/tile. |
12 | 12 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier |
13 |
#DATE: 03/19/2013
13 |
#DATE: 03/21/2013
14 | 14 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#363-- |
15 | 15 |
16 | 16 |
##Comments and TODO: |
... | ... | |
22 | 22 |
23 | 23 |
################################################################################################## |
24 | 24 |
25 |
###Loading R library and packages |
26 |
library(RPostgreSQL) |
27 |
library(sp) # Spatial pacakge with class definition by Bivand et al. |
28 |
library(spdep) # Spatial pacakge with methods and spatial stat. by Bivand et al. |
29 |
library(rgdal) # GDAL wrapper for R, spatial utilities |
30 |
library(raster) |
31 |
library(gtools) |
32 |
library(rasterVis) |
33 |
library(graphics) |
34 |
library(grid) |
35 |
library(lattice) |
36 |
37 |
### Parameters and arguments |
38 |
39 |
##Paths to inputs and output |
40 |
var<-"TMAX" |
41 |
in_path <- "/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/Venezuela_interpolation/Venezuela_01142013/input_data/" |
42 |
out_path<- "/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/Venezuela_interpolation/Venezuela_01142013/output_data/" |
43 |
lc_path<-"/home/layers/data/land-cover/lc-consensus-global" |
44 |
#elev_path<-"/home/layers/data/terrain/dem-cgiar-srtm-1km-tif" |
45 |
#infile3<-"countries_sinusoidal_world.shp" |
46 |
#infile1<-"worldborder_sinusoidal.shp" |
47 |
infile_modis_grid<-"modis_sinusoidal_grid_world.shp" |
48 |
infile_elev<-"/home/layers/data/terrain/dem-cgiar-srtm-1km-tif/srtm_1km.tif" #this is the global file: replace later with the input produced by the DEM team |
49 |
infile_canheight<-"Simard_Pinto_3DGlobalVeg_JGR.tif" #Canopy height |
50 |
list_tiles_modis = c('h11v08','h11v07','h12v07','h12v08','h10v07','h10v08') #tile for Venezuel and surrounding area |
51 |
infile_reg_outline="" #input region outline defined by polygon |
52 |
CRS_interp<-"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs"; |
53 |
CRS_locs_WGS84<-CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0") #Station coords WGS84 |
54 |
out_region_name<-"_venezuela_region" #generated on the fly |
55 |
out_suffix<-"_VE_03182013" |
56 |
ref_rast_name<-"" #local raster name defining resolution, exent, local projection--. set on the fly?? |
57 |
#for the processing tile/region? This is a group fo six tiles for now. |
58 |
59 |
#The names of covariates can be changed...these names should be output/input from covar script!!! |
60 |
rnames<-c("x","y","lon","lat","N","E","N_w","E_w","elev","slope","aspect","CANHEIGHT","DISTOC") |
61 |
lc_names<-c("LC1","LC2","LC3","LC4","LC5","LC6","LC7","LC8","LC9","LC10","LC11","LC12") |
62 |
lst_names<-c("mm_01","mm_02","mm_03","mm_04","mm_05","mm_06","mm_07","mm_08","mm_09","mm_10","mm_11","mm_12", |
63 |
"nobs_01","nobs_02","nobs_03","nobs_04","nobs_05","nobs_06","nobs_07","nobs_08", |
64 |
"nobs_09","nobs_10","nobs_11","nobs_12") |
65 |
covar_names<-c(rnames,lc_names,lst_names) |
66 |
67 |
list_param_covar_production<-list(var,in_path,out_path,lc_path,infile_modis_grid,infile_elev,infile_canheight, |
68 |
list_tiles_modis,infile_reg_outline,CRS_interp,CRS_locs_WGS84,out_region_name, |
69 |
out_suffix,ref_rast_name,covar_names) |
70 |
71 |
names(list_param_covar_production)<-c("var","in_path","out_path","lc_path","infile_modis_grid","infile_elev","infile_canheight", |
72 |
"list_tiles_modis","infile_reg_outline","CRS_interp","CRS_locs_WGS84","out_region_name", |
73 |
"out_suffix","ref_rast_name","covar_names") |
74 |
75 |
#LST_night_rast<-raster("mean_LST_Night_1km_h11v08_dec_11_03192013.tif") |
76 |
#### Functions used in the script ### |
77 | 25 |
78 | 26 |
create_modis_tiles_region<-function(modis_grid,tiles){ |
79 | 27 |
#This functions returns a subset of tiles from the modis grdi. |
... | ... | |
145 | 93 |
# |
146 | 94 |
# |
147 | 95 |
# |
96 |
97 |
###Loading R library and packages |
98 |
library(RPostgreSQL) |
99 |
library(sp) # Spatial pacakge with class definition by Bivand et al. |
100 |
library(spdep) # Spatial pacakge with methods and spatial stat. by Bivand et al. |
101 |
library(rgdal) # GDAL wrapper for R, spatial utilities |
102 |
library(raster) |
103 |
library(gtools) |
104 |
library(rasterVis) |
105 |
library(graphics) |
106 |
library(grid) |
107 |
library(lattice) |
108 |
109 |
### Parameters and arguments |
110 |
148 | 111 |
########################################################### |
149 | 112 |
############ Main body: BEGIN--START OF THE SCRIPT ################### |
150 | 113 |
151 |
##### STEP 1: Reading region or tile information to set the study or processing region
114 |
152 | 115 |
153 | 116 |
var<-list_param$var |
154 | 117 |
in_path <-list_param$in_path |
155 | 118 |
out_path<- list_param$out_path |
156 | 119 |
lc_path<-list_param$lc_path |
157 |
#elev_path<-"/home/layers/data/terrain/dem-cgiar-srtm-1km-tif" |
158 |
#infile3<-"countries_sinusoidal_world.shp" |
159 |
#infile1<-"worldborder_sinusoidal.shp" |
160 | 120 |
infile_modis_grid<-list_param$infile_modis_grid |
161 | 121 |
infile_elev<-list_param$infile_elev #this is the global file: replace later with the input produced by the DEM team |
162 | 122 |
infile_canheight<-list_param$infile_canheight #Canopy height |
163 |
list_tiles_modis<-list_param$list_tiles_modis #tile for Venezuel and surrounding area |
123 |
list_tiles_modis<-list_param$list_tiles_modis #tile for Venezuela and surrounding area
164 | 124 |
infile_reg_outline<-list_param$infile_reg_outline #input region outline defined by polygon |
165 | 125 |
CRS_interp<-list_param$CRS_interp #local projection system |
166 | 126 |
CRS_locs_WGS84<-list_param$CRS_locs_WGS84 # |
167 | 127 |
out_region_name<-list_param$out_region_name #generated on the fly |
168 | 128 |
out_suffix<-list_param$out_suffix |
169 | 129 |
ref_rast_name<-list_param$ref_rast_name #local raster name defining resolution, exent, local projection--. set on the fly?? |
170 |
#for the processing tile/region? This is a group fo six tiles for now. |
171 |
172 | 130 |
covar_names<-list_param$covar_names |
173 | 131 |
132 |
##### SET UP STUDY AREA #### |
133 |
174 | 134 |
setwd(in_path) |
175 | 135 |
176 | 136 |
filename<-sub(".shp","",infile_modis_grid) #Removing the extension from file. |
... | ... | |
293 | 253 |
Nw<-sin(r2)*cos(r1) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
294 | 254 |
Ew<-sin(r2)*sin(r1) #Adding variable to the dataframe. |
295 | 255 |
296 |
#topo_rast<-stack(STRM_reg,N,E,Nw,Ew) |
297 |
298 | 256 |
###################################### |
299 | 257 |
#4) LCC land cover |
300 | 258 |
... | ... | |
324 | 282 |
325 | 283 |
#LC12<-raster(paste("reg_con_1km_class_12_",out_suffix,".tif",sep="")) #this is open water |
326 | 284 |
LC12<-raster(lc_reg_s,layer=nlayers(lc_reg_s)) #this is open water |
327 |
328 | 285 |
LC_mask<-LC12 |
329 | 286 |
LC_mask[LC_mask==100]<-NA |
330 | 287 |
LC_mask <- LC_mask > 100 |
331 |
#lc_reg_s<-mask(x=lc_reg_s,mask=LC_mask,filename=paste("reg_con_1km_all_classes_",out_suffix,".tif",sep=""), |
332 |
# bandorder="BSQ",overwrite=TRUE) |
333 | 288 |
334 | 289 |
############################### |
335 | 290 |
#5) DISTOC, distance to coast: Would be useful to have a distance to coast layer ready... |
... | ... | |
365 | 320 |
366 | 321 |
################################ |
367 | 322 |
##Step 3: combine covariates in one stack for the next work flow stage |
368 |
#Create a stack in tif format... |
369 |
370 |
#? output name?? |
323 |
371 | 324 |
r<-stack(x,y,lon,lat,N,E,Nw,Ew,SRTM_reg,terrain_rast,CANHEIGHT,distoc_reg) |
372 | 325 |
#rnames<-c("x","y","lon","lat","N","E","N_w","E_w","elev","slope","aspect","CANHEIGHT","DISTOC") |
373 |
#names(r)<-rnames |
374 | 326 |
s_raster<-r |
375 | 327 |
#Add landcover layers |
376 | 328 |
#lc_names<-c("LC1","LC2","LC3","LC4","LC5","LC6","LC7","LC8","LC9","LC10","LC11","LC12") |
377 |
#names(lc_reg_s)<-lc_names #assign land cover names |
378 | 329 |
s_raster<-addLayer(s_raster, lc_reg_s) |
379 | 330 |
380 | 331 |
lst_s<-stack(c(as.character(mean_m_list),as.character(nobs_m_list))) |
381 |
#lst_names<-c("mm_01","mm_02","mm_03","mm_04","mm_05","mm_06","mm_07","mm_08","mm_09","mm_10","mm_11","mm_12", |
382 |
# "nobs_01","nobs_02","nobs_03","nobs_04","nobs_05","nobs_06","nobs_07","nobs_08", |
383 |
# "nobs_09","nobs_10","nobs_11","nobs_12") |
384 |
#names(lst_s)<-lst_names |
332 |
385 | 333 |
s_raster<-addLayer(s_raster, lst_s) |
386 | 334 |
387 | 335 |
#covar_names<-c(rnames,lc_names,lst_names) |
... | ... | |
396 | 344 |
return(raster_name) |
397 | 345 |
} |
398 | 346 |
399 |
400 | 347 |
####################################################### |
401 |
################### END OF SCRIPT/FUNCTION ##################### |
348 |
################### END OF SCRIPT/FUNCTION ##################### |
Also available in: Unified diff
Covariates production raster modifications -transforming scrip into function