Revision 710f7456
Added by Adam Wilson almost 12 years ago
climate/procedures/MOD35_Explore.r | ||
2 | 2 |
setwd("~/acrobates/projects/interp/data/modis/mod35") |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
library(raster) |
5 |
library(rasterVis) |
5 | 6 |
library(rgdal) |
6 | 7 |
7 |
f=list.files(pattern="*.hdf") |
8 |
8 | 9 |
9 |
Sys.setenv(GEOL_AS_GCPS = "PARTIAL") |
10 |
#Sys.setenv(GEOL_AS_GCPS = "PARTIAL") |
11 |
## try swath-grid with gdal |
12 |
#GDALinfo(f[1]) |
13 |
#system(paste("gdalinfo",f[2])) |
14 |
#GDALinfo("HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask") |
15 |
#system("gdalinfo HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"data/modis/mod35/MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask") |
16 |
#system("gdalwarp -overwrite -geoloc -order 2 -r near -s_srs \"EPSG:4326\" HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask cloudmask.tif") |
17 |
#system("gdalwarp -overwrite -r near -s_srs \"EPSG:4326\" HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask:1 cloudmask2.tif") |
18 |
#r=raster(f[1]) |
19 |
#extent(r) |
20 |
#st=lapply(f[1:10],raster) |
21 |
#str=lapply(2:length(st),function(i) union(extent(st[[i-1]]),extent(st[[i]])))[[length(st)-1]] |
22 |
#str=union(extent(h11v08),str) |
23 |
#b1=brick(lapply(st,function(stt) { |
24 |
# x=crop(alignExtent(stt,str),h11v08) |
25 |
# return(x) |
26 |
#})) |
27 |
#c=brick(f[1:10]) |
10 | 28 |
11 |
GDALinfo(f[1]) |
12 |
system(paste("gdalinfo",f[1])) |
13 |
GDALinfo("HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask") |
14 |
system("gdalinfo HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask | tail -n 200") |
29 |
## get % cloudy |
30 |
v5=stack(brick("../mod06/summary/",varname="CLD01")) |
31 |
projection(v5)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
32 |
v6=stack(brick("",varname="CLD01")) |
33 |
projection(v6)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
15 | 34 |
16 |
system("gdalwarp -overwrite -geoloc -order 2 -r near -s_srs \"EPSG:4326\" HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask cloudmask.tif") |
17 |
system("gdalwarp -overwrite -r near -s_srs \"EPSG:4326\" HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"MOD35_L2.A2000100.1445.006.2012252024758.hdf\":mod35:Cloud_Mask:1 cloudmask2.tif") |
35 |
## generate means |
36 |
v6m=mean(v6) |
37 |
v5m=mean(v5) |
18 | 38 |
19 | 39 |
20 |
## get tile |
21 |
tile=raster("~/acrobates/projects/interp/data/modis/mod06/summary/",varname="CER") |
22 |
h11v08=extent(tile) |
40 |
## landcover |
41 |
lulc=raster("~/acrobatesroot/Data/environ/global/landcover/MODIS/MCD12Q1_IGBP_2005_v51.tif") |
42 |
projection(lulc)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
43 |
lulc=crop(lulc,v6) |
23 | 44 |
24 |
r=raster(f[1]) |
25 |
extent(r) |
45 |
Mode <- function(x,na.rm=T) { #get MODE |
46 |
x=na.omit(x) |
47 |
ux <- unique(x) |
48 |
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))] |
49 |
} |
50 |
## aggregate to 1km resolution |
51 |
lulc2=aggregate(lulc,2,fun=function(x,na.rm=T) Mode(x)) |
52 |
## convert to factor table |
53 |
lulcf=lulc2 |
54 |
ratify(lulcf) |
55 |
levels(lulcf)[[1]] |
56 |
lulc_levels=c("Water","Evergreen Needleleaf forest","Evergreen Broadleaf forest","Deciduous Needleleaf forest","Deciduous Broadleaf forest","Mixed forest","Closed shrublands","Open shrublands","Woody savannas","Savannas","Grasslands","Permanent wetlands","Croplands","Urban and built-up","Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic","Snow and ice","Barren or sparsely vegetated") |
57 |
lulc_levels2=c("Water","Forest","Forest","Forest","Forest","Forest","Shrublands","Shrublands","Savannas","Savannas","Grasslands","Permanent wetlands","Croplands","Urban and built-up","Cropland/Natural vegetation mosaic","Snow and ice","Barren or sparsely vegetated") |
26 | 58 |
59 |
levels(lulcf)=list(data.frame(ID=0:16,LULC=lulc_levels,LULC2=lulc_levels2)) |
27 | 60 |
28 |
st=lapply(f[1:10],raster) |
29 |
str=lapply(2:length(st),function(i) union(extent(st[[i-1]]),extent(st[[i]])))[[length(st)-1]] |
30 |
str=union(extent(h11v08),str) |
31 | 61 |
32 |
b1=brick(lapply(st,function(stt) { |
33 |
x=crop(alignExtent(stt,str),h11v08) |
34 |
return(x) |
35 |
})) |
36 | 62 |
63 |
### load WORLDCLIM elevation |
64 |
dem=raster("../../tiles/h11v08/dem_h11v08.tif",format="GTiff") |
65 |
projection(dem)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
37 | 66 |
67 |
dif=v6-v5 |
68 |
names(dif) |
38 | 69 |
39 |
c=brick(f[1:10]) |
70 |
difm=v6m-v5m |
71 |
72 |
tile=extent(v6) |
73 |
74 |
### compare differences between v5 and v6 by landcover type |
75 |
lulcm=as.matrix(lulc) |
76 |
forest=lulcm>=1&lulcm<=5 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
boxplot(cld) |
80 |
splom(cld) |
81 |
82 |
83 |
##################################### |
84 |
### compare MOD43 and MOD17 products |
85 |
86 |
## MOD17 |
87 |
mod17=raster("../MOD17/Npp_1km_C5.1_mean_00_to_06.tif",format="GTiff") |
88 |
mod17=crop(projectRaster(mod17,v6,method="bilinear"),v6) |
89 |
NAvalue(mod17)=32767 |
90 |
91 |
mod17qc=raster("../MOD17/Npp_QC_1km_C5.1_mean_00_to_06.tif",format="GTiff") |
92 |
mod17qc=crop(projectRaster(mod17qc,v6,method="bilinear"),v6) |
93 |
mod17qc[mod17qc<0|mod17qc>100]=NA |
94 |
95 |
## MOD43 via earth engine |
96 |
mod43=raster("../mod43/3b21aa90cc657523ff31e9559f36fb12.EVI_MEAN.tif",format="GTiff") |
97 |
mod43=crop(projectRaster(mod43,v6,method="bilinear"),v6) |
98 |
99 |
mod43qc=raster("../mod43/3b21aa90cc657523ff31e9559f36fb12.Percent_Cloudy.tif",format="GTiff") |
100 |
mod43qc=crop(projectRaster(mod43qc,v6,method="bilinear"),v6) |
101 |
mod43qc[mod43qc<0|mod43qc>100]=NA |
102 |
103 |
## Summary plot of mod17 and mod43 |
104 |
modprod=stack(mod17qc,mod43qc) |
105 |
names(modprod)=c("MOD17","MOD43") |
106 |
107 |
n=100 |
108 |
at=seq(0,100,len=n) |
109 |
cols=grey(seq(0,1,len=n)) |
110 |
cols=rainbow(n) |
111 |
bgyr=colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow","red")) |
112 |
cols=bgyr(n) |
113 |
114 |
#levelplot(lulcf,margin=F,layers="LULC") |
115 |
116 |
m=3 |
117 |
mcompare=stack(subset(v5,m),subset(v6,m)) |
118 |
119 |
mdiff=subset(v5,m)-subset(v6,m) |
120 |
names(mcompare)=c("Collection_5","Collection_6") |
121 |
names(mdiff)=c("Collection_5-Collection_6") |
122 |
123 |
124 |
pdf("output/mod35compare.pdf",width=11,height=8.5) |
125 |
126 |
levelplot(mcompare,col.regions=cols,at=at,margin=F,sub="Frequency of MOD35 Clouds in March") |
127 |
levelplot(dif,col.regions=bgyr(20),margin=F) |
128 |
levelplot(mdiff,col.regions=bgyr(20),margin=F) |
129 |
130 |
131 |
boxplot(as.matrix(subset(dif,subset=1))~forest,varwidth=T,notch=T);abline(h=0) |
132 |
133 | |
134 |
135 |
136 |
levelplot(modprod,main="Missing Data (%) in MOD17 (NPP) and MOD43 (BRDF Reflectance)", |
137 |
sub="Tile H11v08 (Venezuela)",col.regions=cols,at=at) |
138 |
139 |
levelplot(modprod,main="Missing Data (%) in MOD17 (NPP) and MOD43 (BRDF Reflectance)", |
140 |
sub="Tile H11v08 (Venezuela)",col.regions=cols,at=at, |
141 |
xlim=c(-7300000,-6670000),ylim=c(0,600000)) |
142 |
143 |
levelplot(v5m,main="Missing Data (%) in MOD17 (NPP) and MOD43 (BRDF Reflectance)", |
144 |
sub="Tile H11v08 (Venezuela)",col.regions=cols,at=at, |
145 |
xlim=c(-7200000,-6670000),ylim=c(0,400000),margin=F) |
146 |
147 |
levelplot(stack(v5m,v6m),main="Missing Data (%) in MOD17 (NPP) and MOD43 (BRDF Reflectance)", |
148 |
sub="Tile H11v08 (Venezuela)",col.regions=cols,at=at, |
149 |
xlim=c(-7200000,-6670000),ylim=c(0,400000),margin=F) |
150 |
151 |
### smoothing plots |
152 |
## explore smoothed version |
153 |
td=subset(v6,m) |
154 |
## build weight matrix |
155 |
s=3 |
156 |
w=matrix(1/(s*s),nrow=s,ncol=s) |
157 |
#w[s-1,s-1]=4/12; w |
158 |
td2=focal(td,w=w) |
159 |
td3=stack(td,td2) |
160 |
161 |
levelplot(td3,col.regions=cols,at=at,margin=F) |
162 |
163 | |
164 |
plot(stack(difm,lulc)) |
165 |
166 |
### ROI |
167 |
tile_ll=projectExtent(v6, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
168 |
169 |
62,59 |
170 |
0,3 |
climate/procedures/NDP-026D.R | ||
1 | 1 |
#! /bin/R |
2 | 2 |
### Script to download and process the NDP-026D station cloud dataset |
3 |
setwd("~/acrobates/projects/interp/data/NDP026D") |
3 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/interp/data/NDP026D") |
4 |
5 |
library(multicore) |
6 |
library(latticeExtra) |
7 |
library(doMC) |
8 |
library(raster) |
9 |
library(rgdal) |
10 |
## register parallel processing |
11 |
registerDoMC(20) |
12 |
4 | 13 |
5 | 14 |
## available here |
6 | 15 |
... | ... | |
13 | 22 |
st$lon=st$LON/100 |
14 | 23 |
st$lon[st$lon>180]=st$lon[st$lon>180]-360 |
15 | 24 |
16 |
## check a plot |
17 |
plot(lat~lon,data=st,pch=16,cex=.5) |
18 |
19 |
20 |
## get monthly mean cloud amount MMCA |
25 |
## download data |
21 | 26 |
system("wget -N -nd* -A '.tc.Z' -P data/") |
22 | 27 |
system("gunzip data/*.Z") |
23 | 28 |
29 |
## get monthly mean cloud amount MMCF |
30 |
#system("wget -N -nd* -A '.tc.Z' -P data/") |
31 |
#system("gunzip data/*.Z") |
24 | 32 |
#f121=c(6,6,6,7,6,7,6,2) #format 121 |
25 | 33 |
#c121=c("StaID","NobD","AvgDy","NobN","AvgNt","NobDN","AvgDN","Acode") |
26 |
f162=c(5,5,4,7,7,7,4) #format 121 |
34 |,lapply(sprintf("%02d",1:12),function(m) { |
35 |
# d=read.fwf(list.files("data",pattern=paste("MMCA.",m,".tc",sep=""),full=T),skip=1,widths=f162) |
36 |
# colnames(d)=c121 |
37 |
# d$month=as.numeric(m) |
38 |
# return(d)} |
39 |
# )) |
40 |
41 |
## define FWF widths |
42 |
f162=c(5,5,4,7,7,7,4) #format 162 |
27 | 43 |
c162=c("StaID","YR","Nobs","Amt","Fq","AWP","NC") |
28 | 44 |
29 |,lapply(sprintf("%02d",1:12),function(m) { |
45 |
## use monthly timeseries |
46 |,mclapply(sprintf("%02d",1:12),function(m) { |
30 | 47 |
d=read.fwf(list.files("data",pattern=paste("MNYDC.",m,".tc",sep=""),full=T),skip=1,widths=f162) |
31 | 48 |
colnames(d)=c162 |
32 | 49 |
d$month=as.numeric(m) |
50 |
print(m) |
33 | 51 |
return(d)} |
34 | 52 |
)) |
35 | 53 |
36 |
cld[,c("lat","lon")]=st[match(st$StaID,cld$StaID),c("lat","lon")] |
54 |
## add lat/lon |
55 |
cld[,c("lat","lon")]=st[match(cld$StaID,st$StaID),c("lat","lon")] |
37 | 56 |
38 | 57 |
## drop missing values |
39 | 58 |
cld$Amt[cld$Amt<0]=NA |
40 | 59 |
cld$Fq[cld$Fq<0]=NA |
41 | 60 |
cld$AWP[cld$AWP<0]=NA |
42 | 61 |
cld$NC[cld$NC<0]=NA |
62 |
cld=cld[cld$Nobs>0,] |
43 | 63 |
44 |
## calculate means |
64 |
## calculate means and sds
45 | 65 |,by(cld,list(month=as.factor(cld$month),StaID=as.factor(cld$StaID)),function(x){ |
46 |
data.frame(month=x$month[1],StaID=x$StaID[1],Amt=mean(x$Amt[x$Nobs>20],na.rm=T))})) |
47 |
cldm[,c("lat","lon")]=st[match(st$StaID,cldm$StaID),c("lat","lon")] |
48 |
49 |
66 |
data.frame( |
67 |
month=x$month[1], |
68 |
StaID=x$StaID[1], |
69 |
cld=mean(x$Amt[x$Nobs>10]/100,na.rm=T), |
70 |
cldsd=sd(x$Amt[x$Nobs>10]/100,na.rm=T))})) |
71 |
cldm[,c("lat","lon")]=st[match(cldm$StaID,st$StaID),c("lat","lon")] |
72 |
73 |
#cldm=foreach(m=unique(cld$month),.combine='rbind')%:% |
74 |
# foreach(s=unique(cld$StaID),.combine="rbind") %dopar% { |
75 |
# x=cld[cld$month==m&cld$StaID==s,] |
76 |
# data.frame( |
77 |
# month=x$month[1], |
78 |
# StaID=x$StaID[1], |
79 |
# Amt=mean(x$Amt[x$Nobs>10],na.rm=T)/100)} |
80 |
50 | 81 |
51 | 82 |
## write out the table |
52 | 83 |
write.csv(cldm,file="cldm.csv") |
... | ... | |
56 | 87 |
### |
57 | 88 |
cldm=read.csv("cldm.csv") |
58 | 89 |
59 |
## add a color key |
60 |
cldm$col=cut(cldm$Amt/100,quantile(cldm$Amt/100,seq(0,1,len=5),na.rm=T)) |
61 | 90 |
62 |
library(lattice) |
63 |
xyplot(lat~lon|+month,groups=col,data=cldm,pch=16,cex=.2,auto.key=T) |
91 |
##make spatial object |
92 |
cldms=cldm |
93 |
coordinates(cldms)=c("lon","lat") |
94 |
projection(cldms)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
95 |
96 |
#### Evaluate MOD35 Cloud data |
97 |
mod35=brick("../modis/mod35/",varname="CLD01") |
98 |
mod35sd=brick("../modis/mod35/",varname="CLD_sd") |
99 |
100 |
projection(mod35)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
101 |
projection(mod35sd)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
64 | 102 |
103 |
cldms=spTransform(cldms,CRS(projection(mod35))) |
104 |
105 |
mod35v=foreach(m=unique(cldm$month),.combine="rbind") %do% { |
106 |
dr=subset(mod35,subset=m);projection(dr)=projection(mod35) |
107 |
dr2=subset(mod35sd,subset=m);projection(dr2)=projection(mod35) |
108 |
ds=cldms[cldms$month==m,] |
109 |
ds$mod35=unlist(extract(dr,ds,buffer=10,fun=mean,na.rm=T)) |
110 |
# ds$mod35sd=extract(dr2,ds,buffer=10) |
111 |
print(m) |
112 |
return(ds@data[!$mod35),])} |
113 |
114 |
## month factors |
115 |
cldm$month2=factor(cldm$month, |
116 |
## add a color key |
117 |
breaks=seq(0,100,by=25) |
118 |
cldm$cut=cut(cldm$cld,breaks) |
119 |
cp=colorRampPalette(c("blue","orange","red")) |
120 |
cols=cp(length(at)) |
121 |
122 |
## read in global coasts for nice plotting |
123 |
library(maptools) |
124 |
125 |
data(wrld_simpl) |
126 |
coast <- unionSpatialPolygons(wrld_simpl, rep("land",nrow(wrld_simpl)), threshold=5) |
127 |
coast=as(coast,"SpatialLines") |
128 |
#coast=spTransform(coast,CRS(projection(mod35))) |
129 |
130 |
131 |
## write a pdf |
132 |
#dir.create("output") |
133 |
pdf("output/NDP026d.pdf",width=11,height=8.5) |
134 |
135 |
## map of stations |
136 |
xyplot(lat~lon,data=st,pch=16,cex=.5,col="black",auto.key=T, |
137 |
main="NDP-026D Cloud Climatology Stations",ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude")+ |
138 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="grey"),under=T) |
139 |
140 |
xyplot(lat~lon|month2,groups=cut,data=cldm,pch=".",cex=.2,auto.key=T, |
141 |
main="Mean Monthly Cloud Coverage",ylab="Latitude",xlab="Longitude", |
142 |
par.settings = list(superpose.symbol= list(pch=16,col=c("blue","green","yellow","red"))))+ |
143 |
layer(sp.lines(coast,col="grey"),under=T) |
144 |
145 |
146 |
## Validation |
147 |
m=10 |
148 |
zlim=c(40,100) |
149 |
dr=subset(mod35,subset=m);projection(dr)=projection(mod35) |
150 |
ds=cldms[cldms$month==m,] |
151 |
plot(dr,col=cp(100),zlim=zlim,main="Comparison of MOD35 Cloud Frequency and NDP-026D Station Cloud Climatologies", |
152 |
ylab="Northing (m)",xlab="Easting (m)",sub="MOD35 is proportion of cloudy days, while NDP-026D is Mean Cloud Coverage") |
153 |
plot(ds,add=T,pch=21,cex=3,lwd=2,fg="black",bg=as.character(cut(ds$cld,breaks=seq(zlim[1],zlim[2],len=5),labels=cp(4)))) |
154 |
#legend("topright",legend=seq(zlim[1],zlim[2],len=5),pch=16,col=cp(length(breaks))) |
155 |
156 |
157 |
xyplot(mod35~cld,data=mod35v,subscripts=T,auto.key=T,panel=function(x,y,subscripts){ |
158 |
td=mod35v[subscripts,] |
159 |
# panel.segments(x-td$cldsd[subscripts],y,x+td$cldsd[subscripts],y,subscripts=subscripts) |
160 |
panel.xyplot(x,y,subscripts=subscripts,type=c("p","smooth"),pch=16,col="black") |
161 |
# panel.segments(x-td$cldsd[subscripts],y,x+td$cldsd[subscripts],y,subscripts=subscripts) |
162 |
},ylab="MOD35 Proportion Cloudy Days",xlab="NDP-026D Mean Monthly Cloud Amount", |
163 |
main="Comparison of MOD35 Cloud Mask and Station Cloud Climatologies") |
164 |
165 |
#xyplot(mod35~cld|month,data=mod35v,subscripts=T,auto.key=T,panel=function(x,y,subscripts){ |
166 |
# td=mod35v[subscripts,] |
167 |
# panel.segments(x-td$cldsd[subscripts],y,x+td$cldsd[subscripts],y,subscripts=subscripts) |
168 |
# panel.xyplot(x,y,subscripts=subscripts,type=c("p","smooth"),pch=16,col="black") |
169 |
# panel.segments(x-td$cldsd[subscripts],y,x+td$cldsd[subscripts],y,subscripts=subscripts) |
170 |
# },ylab="MOD35 Proportion Cloudy Days",xlab="NDP-026D Mean Monthly Cloud Amount", |
171 |
# main="Comparison of MOD35 Cloud Mask and Station Cloud Climatologies") |
172 |
173 |
174 | |
175 |
176 | |
Also available in: Unified diff
Added initial validation via NDP-026D dataset