Revision 7363c085
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/fusion_gam_reg.R | ||
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################## CLIMATE INTERPOLATION FUSION METHOD ####################################### |
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############################ Merging LST and station data ########################################## |
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#This script interpolates tmax values using MODIS LST and GHCND station data # |
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#interpolation area. It requires the text file of stations and a shape file of the study area. # |
5 |
#Note that the projection for both GHCND and study area is lonlat WGS84. # |
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#AUTHOR: Brian McGill # |
7 |
#DATE: 06/19/212 # |
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#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#363-- # |
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################################################################################################### |
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###Loading R library and packages |
12 |
library(gtools) # loading some useful tools |
13 |
library(mgcv) # GAM package by Simon Wood |
14 |
library(sp) # Spatial pacakge with class definition by Bivand et al. |
15 |
library(spdep) # Spatial pacakge with methods and spatial stat. by Bivand et al. |
16 |
library(rgdal) # GDAL wrapper for R, spatial utilities |
17 |
library(gstat) # Kriging and co-kriging by Pebesma et al. |
18 |
library(fields) # NCAR Spatial Interpolation methods such as kriging, splines |
19 |
library(raster) # Hijmans et al. package for raster processing |
20 |
### Parameters and argument |
21 |
22 |
infile1<- "ghcn_or_tmax_covariates_06262012_OR83M.shp" #GHCN shapefile containing variables for modeling 2010 |
23 |
#infile2<-"list_10_dates_04212012.txt" #List of 10 dates for the regression |
24 |
infile2<-"list_365_dates_04212012.txt" |
25 |
infile3<-"LST_dates_var_names.txt" #LST dates name |
26 |
infile4<-"models_interpolation_05142012.txt" #Interpolation model names |
27 |
infile5<-"mean_day244_rescaled.rst" #Raster or grid for the locations of predictions |
28 |
29 |
#path<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations" |
30 |
path<-"M:/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations" #Locations on Atlas |
31 |
32 |
#Station location of the study area |
33 |
stat_loc<-read.table(paste(path,"/","location_study_area_OR_0602012.txt",sep=""),sep=",", header=TRUE) |
34 |
#GHCN Database for 1980-2010 for study area (OR) |
35 |
data3<-read.table(paste(path,"/","ghcn_data_TMAXy1980_2010_OR_0602012.txt",sep=""),sep=",", header=TRUE) |
36 |
37 |
prop<-0.3 #Proportion of testing retained for validation |
38 |
#prop<-0.25 |
39 |
seed_number<- 100 #Seed number for random sampling |
40 |
out_prefix<-"_07022012_10d_fusion14" #User defined output prefix |
41 |
setwd(path) |
42 |
############ START OF THE SCRIPT ################## |
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# |
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### Step 0/Step 6 in Brian's code...preparing year 2010 data for modeling |
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# |
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###Reading the station data and setting up for models' comparison |
50 |
filename<-sub(".shp","",infile1) #Removing the extension from file. |
51 |
ghcn<-readOGR(".", filename) #reading shapefile |
52 |
53 |
CRS<-proj4string(ghcn) #Storing projection information (ellipsoid, datum,etc.) |
54 |
55 |
mean_LST<- readGDAL(infile5) #Reading the whole raster in memory. This provides a grid for kriging |
56 |
proj4string(mean_LST)<-CRS #Assigning coordinate information to prediction grid. |
57 |
58 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Northness = cos(ASPECT*pi/180)) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
59 |
#ghcn = transform(ghcn,Northness = cos(ASPECT)) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
60 |
#ghcn = transform(ghcn,Eastness = sin(ASPECT)) #adding variable to the dataframe. |
61 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Eastness = sin(ASPECT*pi/180)) #adding variable to the dataframe. |
62 |
#ghcn = transform(ghcn,Northness_w = sin(slope)*cos(ASPECT)) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
63 |
#ghcn = transform(ghcn,Eastness_w = sin(slope)*sin(ASPECT)) #adding variable to the dataframe. |
64 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Northness_w = sin(slope*pi/180)*cos(ASPECT*pi/180)) #Adding a variable to the dataframe |
65 |
ghcn = transform(ghcn,Eastness_w = sin(slope*pi/180)*sin(ASPECT*pi/180)) #adding variable to the dataframe. |
66 |
67 |
#Remove NA for LC and CANHEIGHT |
68 |
ghcn$LC1[$LC1)]<-0 |
69 |
ghcn$LC3[$LC3)]<-0 |
70 |
71 |
detach(ghcn) |
72 |
73 |
set.seed(seed_number) #Using a seed number allow results based on random number to be compared... |
74 |
75 |
dates <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile2, sep="")) |
76 |
LST_dates <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile3, sep="")) |
77 |
models <-readLines(paste(path,"/",infile4, sep="")) |
78 |
79 |
#Model assessment: specific diagnostic/metrics for GAM |
80 |
results_AIC<- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+3) |
81 |
results_GCV<- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+3) |
82 |
results_DEV<- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+3) |
83 |
results_RMSE_f<- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+3) |
84 |
85 |
#Model assessment: general diagnostic/metrics |
86 |
results_RMSE <- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+4) |
87 |
results_MAE <- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+4) |
88 |
results_ME <- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+4) #There are 8+1 models |
89 |
results_R2 <- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+4) #Coef. of determination for the validation dataset |
90 |
results_RMSE_f<- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+4) #RMSE fit, RMSE for the training dataset |
91 |
results_RMSE_f_kr<- matrix(1,length(dates),length(models)+4) |
92 |
93 |
# #Tracking relationship between LST AND LC |
94 |
# cor_LST_LC1<-matrix(1,10,1) #correlation LST-LC1 |
95 |
# cor_LST_LC3<-matrix(1,10,1) #correlation LST-LC3 |
96 |
# cor_LST_tmax<-matrix(1,10,1) #correlation LST-tmax |
97 |
98 |
#Screening for bad values: value is tmax in this case |
99 |
#ghcn$value<-as.numeric(ghcn$value) |
100 |
ghcn_all<-ghcn |
101 |
ghcn_test<-subset(ghcn,ghcn$value>-150 & ghcn$value<400) |
102 |
ghcn_test2<-subset(ghcn_test,ghcn_test$ELEV_SRTM>0) |
103 |
ghcn<-ghcn_test2 |
104 |
#coords<- ghcn[,c('x_OR83M','y_OR83M')] |
105 |
106 |
month_var<-c("mm_01","mm_02","mm_03","mm_04","mm_05","mm_06","mm_07","mm_08","mm_09", "mm_10", "mm_11", "mm_12") |
107 |
ghcn.subsets <-lapply(dates, function(d) subset(ghcn, date==d)) #this creates a list of 10 or 365 subsets dataset based on dates |
108 |
109 |
110 |
#Start loop here... |
111 |
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## looping through the dates...this is the main part of the code |
113 |
#i=1 #for debugging |
114 |
#j=1 #for debugging |
115 |
for(i in 1:length(dates)){ # start of the for loop #1 |
116 |
117 |
date<-strptime(dates[i], "%Y%m%d") # interpolation date being processed |
118 |
month<-strftime(date, "%m") # current month of the date being processed |
119 |
LST_month<-paste("mm_",month,sep="") # name of LST month to be matched |
120 |
121 |
###Regression part 1: Creating a validation dataset by creating training and testing datasets |
122 |
123 |
mod_LST <-ghcn.subsets[[i]][,match(LST_month, names(ghcn.subsets[[i]]))] #Match interpolation date and monthly LST average |
124 |
ghcn.subsets[[i]] = transform(ghcn.subsets[[i]],LST = mod_LST) #Add the variable LST to the subset dataset |
125 |
n<-nrow(ghcn.subsets[[i]]) |
126 |
ns<-n-round(n*prop) #Create a sample from the data frame with 70% of the rows |
127 |
nv<-n-ns #create a sample for validation with prop of the rows |
128 | <- sample(nrow(ghcn.subsets[[i]]), size=ns, replace=FALSE) #This selects the index position for 70% of the rows taken randomly |
129 |
ind.testing <- setdiff(1:nrow(ghcn.subsets[[i]]), |
130 |
data_s <- ghcn.subsets[[i]][, ] #Training dataset currently used in the modeling |
131 |
data_v <- ghcn.subsets[[i]][ind.testing, ] #Testing/validation dataset |
132 |
133 |
#i=1 |
134 |
date_proc<-dates[i] |
135 |
date_proc<-strptime(dates[i], "%Y%m%d") # interpolation date being processed |
136 |
mo<-as.integer(strftime(date_proc, "%m")) # current month of the date being processed |
137 |
day<-as.integer(strftime(date_proc, "%d")) |
138 |
year<-as.integer(strftime(date_proc, "%Y")) |
139 |
140 |
#setup |
141 |
142 |
#mo=9 #Commented out by Benoit on June 14 |
143 |
#day=2 |
144 |
#year=2010 |
145 |
datelabel=format(ISOdate(year,mo,day),"%b %d, %Y") |
146 |
147 |
########### |
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# STEP 1 - 10 year monthly averages |
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########### |
150 |
151 |
#library(raster) |
152 |
#old<-getwd() |
153 |
#setwd("c:/data/benoit/data_Oregon_stations_Brian_04242012") |
154 |
#l=list.files(pattern="mean_month.*rescaled.tif") |
155 |
l=list.files(pattern="mean_month.*rescaled.rst") |
156 |
molst<-stack(l) #Creating a raster stack... |
157 |
#setwd(old) |
158 |
molst=molst-273.16 #K->C |
159 |
idx <- seq(as.Date('2010-01-15'), as.Date('2010-12-15'), 'month') |
160 |
molst <- setZ(molst, idx) |
161 |
layerNames(molst) <- |
162 |
themolst<-raster(molst,mo) #current month being processed saved in a raster image |
163 |
plot(themolst) |
164 |
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########### |
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# STEP 2 - Weather station means across same days: Monthly mean calculation |
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########### |
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169 |
# ??? which years & what quality flags??? |
170 |
#select, lat,lon, elev, month, avg(value/10) as "TMax", count(*) as "NumDays" from ghcn, stations where in (select id from stations where state=='OR') and and value<>-9999 and year>=2000 and element=='TMAX' group by, month;select, lat,lon, elev, month, avg(value/10) as "TMax", count(*) as "NumDays" from ghcn, stations where in (select id from stations where state=='OR') and and value<>-9999 and year>=2000 and element=='TMAX' group by, month; |
171 |
#below table from above SQL query |
172 |
#dst<-read.csv('/data/benoit/data_oregon_stations_brian_04242012/station_means.csv',h=T) |
173 |
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##Added by Benoit ###### |
175 |
date1<-ISOdate(data3$year,data3$month,data3$day) #Creating a date object from 3 separate column |
176 |
date2<-as.POSIXlt(as.Date(date1)) |
177 |
data3$date<-date2 |
178 |
d<-subset(data3,year>=2000 & mflag=="0" ) #Selecting dataset 2000-2010 with good quality |
179 |
#May need some screeing??? i.e. range of temp and elevation... |
180 |
d1<-aggregate(value~station+month, data=d, mean) #Calculate monthly mean for every station in OR |
181 |
id<$station)) #Unique station in OR for year 2000-2010 |
182 |
183 |
dst<-merge(d1, stat_loc, by.x="station", by.y="STAT_ID") #Inner join all columns are retained |
184 |
185 |
#This allows to change only one name of the data.frame |
186 |
pos<-match("value",names(dst)) #Find column with name "value" |
187 |
names(dst)[pos]<-c("TMax") |
188 |
dst$TMax<-dst$TMax/10 #TMax is the average max temp for months |
189 |
#dstjan=dst[dst$month==9,] #dst contains the monthly averages for tmax for every station over 2000-2010 |
190 |
############## |
191 |
192 |
modst=dst[dst$month==mo,] #Subsetting dataset for the relevnat month of the date being processed |
193 |
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########## |
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# STEP 3 - get LST at stations |
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########## |
197 |
198 |
sta_lola=modst[,c("lon","lat")] #Extracting locations of stations for the current month... |
199 |
library(rgdal) |
200 |
proj_str="+proj=lcc +lat_1=43 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=41.75 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"; |
201 |
lookup<-function(r,lat,lon) { |
202 |
xy<-project(cbind(lon,lat),proj_str); |
203 |
cidx<-cellFromXY(r,xy); |
204 |
return(r[cidx]) |
205 |
} |
206 |
sta_tmax_from_lst=lookup(themolst,sta_lola$lat,sta_lola$lon) #Extracted values of LST for the stations |
207 |
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######### |
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# STEP 4 - bias at stations |
210 |
######### |
211 |
212 |
sta_bias=sta_tmax_from_lst-modst$TMax; #That is the difference between the monthly LST mean and monthly station mean |
213 |
#Added by Benoit |
214 |
modst$LSTD_bias<-sta_bias #Adding bias to data frame modst containning the monthly average for 10 years |
215 |
216 |
bias_xy=project(as.matrix(sta_lola),proj_str) |
217 |
# windows() |
218 |
X11() |
219 |
plot(modst$TMax,sta_tmax_from_lst,xlab="Station mo Tmax",ylab="LST mo Tmax",main=paste("LST vs TMax for",datelabel,sep=" ")) |
220 |
abline(0,1) |
221 |
savePlot(paste("LST_TMax_scatterplot_",dates[i],out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
222 | |
223 |
224 |
######## |
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# STEP 5 - interpolate bias |
226 |
######## |
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228 |
# ?? include covariates like elev, distance to coast, cloud frequency, tree height |
229 |
#library(fields) |
230 |
#windows() |
231 |
quilt.plot(sta_lola,sta_bias,main="Bias at stations",asp=1) |
232 |
US(add=T,col="magenta",lwd=2) |
233 |
#fitbias<-Tps(bias_xy,sta_bias) #use TPS or krige |
234 |
fitbias<-Krig(bias_xy,sta_bias,theta=1e5) #use TPS or krige |
235 |
#The output is a krig object using fields |
236 |
# Creating plot of bias surface and saving it |
237 |
X11() |
238 |
datelabel2=format(ISOdate(year,mo,day),"%B ") #added by Benoit, label |
239 |
surface(fitbias,col=rev(terrain.colors(100)),asp=1,main=paste("Interpolated bias for",datelabel2,sep=" ")) |
240 |
savePlot(paste("Bias_surface_LST_TMax_",dates[i],out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
241 | |
242 |
243 |
#US(add=T,col="magenta",lwd=2) |
244 |
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########## |
246 |
# STEP 6 - return to daily station data & calcualate delta=daily T-monthly T from stations |
247 |
########## |
248 |
249 |
#Commmented out by Benoit 06/14 |
250 |
# library(RSQLite) |
251 |
# m<-dbDriver("SQLite") |
252 |
# con<-dbConnect(m,dbname='c:/data/ghcn_tmintmax.db') |
253 |
# querystr=paste("select, value as 'dailyTmax' from ghcn where in (select id from stations where state=='OR') and value<>-9999", |
254 |
# "and year==",year,"and month==",mo,"and day==",day, |
255 |
# "and element=='TMAX' ") |
256 |
# rs<-dbSendQuery(con,querystr) |
257 |
# d<-fetch(rs,n=-1) |
258 |
# dbClearResult(rs) |
259 |
# dbDisconnect(con) |
260 |
# |
261 |
# d$dailyTmax=d$dailyTmax/10 #stored as 1/10 degree C to allow integer storage |
262 |
# dmoday=merge(modst,d,by="id") |
263 |
##########################Commented out by Benoit |
264 |
265 |
#added by Benoit |
266 |
x<-data_v |
267 |
d<-data_s |
268 |
269 |
pos<-match("value",names(d)) #Find column with name "value" |
270 |
names(d)[pos]<-c("dailyTmax") |
271 |
names(x)[pos]<-c("dailyTmax") |
272 |
d$dailyTmax=(as.numeric(d$dailyTmax))/10 #stored as 1/10 degree C to allow integer storage |
273 |
x$dailyTmax=(as.numeric(x$dailyTmax))/10 #stored as 1/10 degree C to allow integer storage |
274 |
pos<-match("station",names(d)) #Find column with name "value" |
275 |
names(d)[pos]<-c("id") |
276 |
names(x)[pos]<-c("id") |
277 |
names(modst)[1]<-c("id") #modst contains the average tmax per month for every stations... |
278 |
dmoday=merge(modst,d,by="id") #LOOSING DATA HERE!!! from 113 t0 103 |
279 |
xmoday=merge(modst,x,by="id") #LOOSING DATA HERE!!! from 48 t0 43 |
280 |
names(dmoday)[4]<-c("lat") |
281 |
names(dmoday)[5]<-c("lon") #dmoday contains all the the information: BIAS, monn |
282 |
names(xmoday)[4]<-c("lat") |
283 |
names(xmoday)[5]<-c("lon") #dmoday contains all the the information: BIAS, monn |
284 |
285 |
data_v<-xmoday |
286 |
287 |
288 |
# windows() |
289 |
X11() |
290 |
plot(dailyTmax~TMax,data=dmoday,xlab="Mo Tmax",ylab=paste("Daily for",datelabel),main="across stations in OR") |
291 |
savePlot(paste("Daily_tmax_monthly_TMax_scatterplot_",dates[i],out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
292 | |
293 |
########## |
294 |
# STEP 7 - interpolate delta across space |
295 |
########## |
296 |
297 |
daily_sta_lola=dmoday[,c("lon","lat")] #could be same as before but why assume merge does this - assume not |
298 |
daily_sta_xy=project(as.matrix(daily_sta_lola),proj_str) |
299 |
daily_delta=dmoday$dailyTmax-dmoday$TMax |
300 |
#windows() |
301 |
quilt.plot(daily_sta_lola,daily_delta,asp=1,main="Station delta for Jan 15") |
302 |
US(add=T,col="magenta",lwd=2) |
303 |
#fitdelta<-Tps(daily_sta_xy,daily_delta) #use TPS or krige |
304 |
fitdelta<-Krig(daily_sta_xy,daily_delta,theta=1e5) #use TPS or krige |
305 |
#Kriging using fields package |
306 |
307 |
# Creating plot of bias surface and saving it |
308 |
X11() |
309 |
surface(fitdelta,col=rev(terrain.colors(100)),asp=1,main=paste("Interpolated delta for",datelabel,sep=" ")) |
310 |
savePlot(paste("Delta_surface_LST_TMax_",dates[i],out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
311 | |
312 |
#US(add=T,col="magenta",lwd=2) |
313 |
# |
314 |
315 |
#### Added by Benoit on 06/19 |
316 |
data_s<-dmoday #put the |
317 |
data_s$daily_delta<-daily_delta |
318 |
#data_s$y_var<-daily_delta #y_var is the variable currently being modeled, may be better with BIAS!! |
319 |
data_s$y_var<-data_s$dailyTmax |
320 |
#data_s$y_var<-(data_s$dailyTmax)*10 |
321 |
#Model and response variable can be changed without affecting the script |
322 |
323 |
mod1<- gam(y_var~ s(lat) + s (lon) + s (ELEV_SRTM), data=data_s) |
324 |
mod2<- gam(y_var~ s(lat,lon)+ s(ELEV_SRTM), data=data_s) #modified nesting....from 3 to 2 |
325 |
mod3<- gam(y_var~ s(lat) + s (lon) + s (ELEV_SRTM) + s (Northness)+ s (Eastness) + s(DISTOC), data=data_s) |
326 |
mod4<- gam(y_var~ s(lat) + s (lon) + s(ELEV_SRTM) + s(Northness) + s (Eastness) + s(DISTOC) + s(LST), data=data_s) |
327 |
mod5<- gam(y_var~ s(lat,lon) +s(ELEV_SRTM) + s(Northness,Eastness) + s(DISTOC) + s(LST), data=data_s) |
328 |
mod6<- gam(y_var~ s(lat,lon) +s(ELEV_SRTM) + s(Northness,Eastness) + s(DISTOC) + s(LST)+s(LC1), data=data_s) |
329 |
mod7<- gam(y_var~ s(lat,lon) +s(ELEV_SRTM) + s(Northness,Eastness) + s(DISTOC) + s(LST)+s(LC3), data=data_s) |
330 |
mod8<- gam(y_var~ s(lat,lon) +s(ELEV_SRTM) + s(Northness,Eastness) + s(DISTOC) + s(LST) + s(LC1), data=data_s) |
331 |
#### Added by Benoit ends |
332 |
333 |
######### |
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# STEP 8 - assemble final answer - T=LST+Bias(interpolated)+delta(interpolated) |
335 |
######### |
336 |
337 |
bias_rast=interpolate(themolst,fitbias) #interpolation using function from raster package |
338 |
#themolst is raster layer, fitbias is "Krig" object from bias surface |
339 |
plot(bias_rast,main="Raster bias") #This not displaying... |
340 |
341 |
daily_delta_rast=interpolate(themolst,fitdelta) #Interpolation of the bias surface... |
342 |
343 |
plot(daily_delta_rast,main="Raster Daily Delta") |
344 |
345 |
tmax_predicted=themolst+daily_delta_rast-bias_rast #Final surface?? but daily_rst |
346 |
#tmax_predicted=themolst+daily_delta_rast+bias_rast #Added by Benoit, why is it -bias_rast |
347 |
plot(tmax_predicted,main="Predicted daily") |
348 |
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######## |
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# check: assessment of results: validation |
351 |
######## |
352 |
RMSE<-function(x,y) {return(mean((x-y)^2)^0.5)} |
353 |
354 |
355 |
sta_pred_data_s=lookup(tmax_predicted,data_s$lat,data_s$lon) |
356 |
rmse_fit=RMSE(sta_pred_data_s,data_s$dailyTmax) |
357 |
358 |
sta_pred=lookup(tmax_predicted,data_v$lat,data_v$lon) |
359 |
#sta_pred=lookup(tmax_predicted,daily_sta_lola$lat,daily_sta_lola$lon) |
360 |
#rmse=RMSE(sta_pred,dmoday$dailyTmax) |
361 |
#pos<-match("value",names(data_v)) #Find column with name "value" |
362 |
#names(data_v)[pos]<-c("tmax") |
363 |
#tmax<-data_v$tmax/ |
364 |
tmax<-data_v$dailyTmax |
365 |
rmse=RMSE(sta_pred,tmax) |
366 |
#plot(sta_pred~dmoday$dailyTmax,xlab=paste("Actual daily for",datelabel),ylab="Pred daily",main=paste("RMSE=",rmse)) |
367 |
X11() |
368 |
plot(sta_pred~tmax,xlab=paste("Actual daily for",datelabel),ylab="Pred daily",main=paste("RMSE=",rmse)) |
369 |
abline(0,1) |
370 |
savePlot(paste("Predicted_tmax_versus_observed_scatterplot_",dates[i],out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
371 | |
372 |
#resid=sta_pred-dmoday$dailyTmax |
373 |
resid=sta_pred-tmax |
374 |
quilt.plot(daily_sta_lola,resid) |
375 |
376 |
### END OF BRIAN's code |
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### Added by benoit |
379 |
#Store results using TPS |
380 |
j=9 |
381 |
results_RMSE[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
382 |
results_RMSE[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
383 |
results_RMSE[i,3]<- "RMSE" |
384 |
results_RMSE[i,j+3]<- rmse #Storing RMSE for the model j |
385 |
386 |
results_RMSE_f[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
387 |
results_RMSE_f[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
388 |
results_RMSE_f[i,3]<- "RMSE" |
389 |
results_RMSE_f[i,j+3]<- rmse_fit #Storing RMSE for the model j |
390 |
391 |
ns<-nrow(data_s) #This is added to because some loss of data might have happened because of the averaging... |
392 |
nv<-ns<-nrow(data_v) |
393 |
394 |
for (j in 1:length(models)){ |
395 |
396 |
##Model assessment: specific diagnostic/metrics for GAM |
397 |
398 |
name<-paste("mod",j,sep="") #modj is the name of The "j" model (mod1 if j=1) |
399 |
mod<-get(name) #accessing GAM model ojbect "j" |
400 |
results_AIC[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
401 |
results_AIC[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
402 |
results_AIC[i,3]<- "AIC" |
403 |
results_AIC[i,j+3]<- AIC (mod) |
404 |
405 |
results_GCV[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
406 |
results_GCV[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training |
407 |
results_GCV[i,3]<- "GCV" |
408 |
results_GCV[i,j+3]<- mod$gcv.ubre |
409 |
410 |
results_DEV[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
411 |
results_DEV[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
412 |
results_DEV[i,3]<- "DEV" |
413 |
results_DEV[i,j+3]<- mod$deviance |
414 |
415 |
results_RMSE_f[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
416 |
results_RMSE_f[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
417 |
results_RMSE_f[i,3]<- "RSME" |
418 |
results_RMSE_f[i,j+3]<- sqrt(sum((mod$residuals)^2)/ns) |
419 |
420 |
##Model assessment: general diagnostic/metrics |
421 |
##validation: using the testing data |
422 |
423 |
#This was modified on 06192012 |
424 |
425 |
#data_v$y_var<-data_v$tmax/10 |
426 |
data_v$y_var<-tmax |
427 |
y_mod<- predict(mod, newdata=data_v, = TRUE) #Using the coeff to predict new values. |
428 |
429 |
#sta_LST=lookup(themolst,data_v$lat,data_v$lon) |
430 |
#sta_bias=lookup(bias_rast,data_v$lat,data_v$lon) |
431 |
#tmax_predicted=sta_LST+sta_bias-y_mod$fit |
432 |
433 |
#data_v$tmax<-(data_v$tmax)/10 |
434 |
#res_mod<- data_v$tmax - tmax_predicted #Residuals for the model for fusion |
435 |
res_mod<- data_v$y_var - y_mod$fit #Residuals for the model |
436 |
437 |
RMSE_mod <- sqrt(sum(res_mod^2)/nv) #RMSE FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
438 |
MAE_mod<- sum(abs(res_mod))/nv #MAE, Mean abs. Error FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
439 |
ME_mod<- sum(res_mod)/nv #ME, Mean Error or bias FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
440 |
R2_mod<- cor(data_v$dailyTmax,y_mod$fit)^2 #R2, coef. of var FOR REGRESSION STEP 1: GAM |
441 |
442 |
results_RMSE[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
443 |
results_RMSE[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
444 |
results_RMSE[i,3]<- "RMSE" |
445 |
results_RMSE[i,j+3]<- RMSE_mod #Storing RMSE for the model j |
446 |
results_MAE[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
447 |
results_MAE[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
448 |
results_MAE[i,3]<- "MAE" |
449 |
results_MAE[i,j+3]<- MAE_mod #Storing MAE for the model j |
450 |
results_ME[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
451 |
results_ME[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
452 |
results_ME[i,3]<- "ME" |
453 |
results_ME[i,j+3]<- ME_mod #Storing ME for the model j |
454 |
results_R2[i,1]<- dates[i] #storing the interpolation dates in the first column |
455 |
results_R2[i,2]<- ns #number of stations used in the training stage |
456 |
results_R2[i,3]<- "R2" |
457 |
results_R2[i,j+3]<- R2_mod #Storing R2 for the model j |
458 |
459 |
#Saving residuals and prediction in the dataframes: tmax predicted from GAM |
460 |
pred<-paste("pred_mod",j,sep="") |
461 |
data_v[[pred]]<-as.numeric(y_mod$fit) |
462 |
data_s[[pred]]<-as.numeric(mod$fit) #Storing model fit values (predicted on training sample) |
463 |
464 |
name2<-paste("res_mod",j,sep="") |
465 |
data_v[[name2]]<-as.numeric(res_mod) |
466 |
data_s[[name2]]<-as.numeric(mod$residuals) |
467 |
#end of loop calculating RMSE |
468 |
469 |
} |
470 |
471 |
# end of the for loop1 |
472 |
473 |
} |
474 |
475 |
476 |
## Plotting and saving diagnostic measures |
477 |
478 |
#Specific diagnostic measures related to the testing datasets |
479 |
480 |
results_table_RMSE< |
481 |
results_table_MAE< |
482 |
results_table_ME< |
483 |
results_table_R2< |
484 |
485 |
results_table_RMSE_f< |
486 |
487 |
cname<-c("dates","ns","metric","mod1", "mod2","mod3", "mod4", "mod5", "mod6", "mod7","mod8","mod9") |
488 |
colnames(results_table_RMSE)<-cname |
489 |
colnames(results_table_RMSE_f)<-cname |
490 |
491 |
#tb_diagnostic1<-rbind(results_table_RMSE,results_table_MAE, results_table_ME, results_table_R2) # |
492 |
tb_diagnostic1<-results_table_RMSE #measures of validation |
493 |
tb_diagnostic2<-results_table_RMSE_f #measures of fit |
494 |
495 |
tb<-tb_diagnostic1[1:361,] |
496 |
#tb<-tb_diagnostic1[,4:12] |
497 |
for(p in 4:12){ |
498 |
tb[,p]<-as.numeric(as.character(tb[,p])) |
499 |
} |
500 |
date1<-subset(tb, dates=="20101016") |
501 |
date2<-subset(tb, dates=="20100224") |
502 |
date1<-subset(tb, dates=="20101016") |
503 |
504 |
tb1<-results_RMSE[1:361,4:12] |
505 |
write.table(tb_diagnostic1, file= paste(path,"/","results_fusion_Assessment_measure1",out_prefix,".txt",sep=""), sep=",") |
506 |
write.table(tb_diagnostic2, file= paste(path,"/","results_fusion_Assessment_measure2",out_prefix,".txt",sep=""), sep=",") |
507 |
508 |
Also available in: Unified diff
FUSION, comparison to GAM models using the same testing and training data