GAM CAI, added constant sampling over year and monthly extraction for climatology fitting
GAM CAI function for raster prediction, task #493, tmax OR interpolationi
GAM CAI raster prediction first commit, task #491, OR tmax interpolation
Methods comp part7-task#491- SNOT-GHCN data updated script debugged to run through mcapply
Methods comp part7-task#491- SNOTEL and GHCN analyses update main script calling function
Methods comp part7-task#491- function for residuals analyses comparison SNOTEL and GHCN through dates
Methods comp part7-task#491- residuals analyses using SNOTEL data, initial commit
Methods comp part6-task#491- Download FTP script and data prepartion for SNOTEL Data
Methods comp part5-task#491- residuals analyses, spatial transect through stations with diff and elevation
Methods comp part5-task#491- initial commit, residuals analyses with focus on differences,land cover and covariates plots
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