


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  oregon 865457d6 over 9 years Benoit Parmentier adding distance from edge options with R

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
865457d6 06/15/2015 02:44 PM Benoit Parmentier

adding distance from edge options with R

5e55c5eb 05/19/2015 05:21 PM Benoit Parmentier

mosaicing test script, major clean up to share code

156b5e38 05/14/2015 10:53 AM Benoit Parmentier

scaling up mosaicing experiment, testing weighted mean with linear scaling and mean mosaic

bf44ca64 05/14/2015 10:51 AM Benoit Parmentier

global scaling up part 2, generating figures for the additional tiles for region 5 Africa for year 2003 predictions

c05a4755 05/14/2015 10:50 AM Benoit Parmentier

global scaling up part 1, using additional tiles for reg5 Africa for year 2003

c79a8453 05/14/2015 10:48 AM Benoit Parmentier

scaling up mosaicing experiment, using gdal_merge and gdalwarp to resolve mosaicing issue

49ab95cd 05/14/2015 10:47 AM Benoit Parmentier

scaling up mosaicing experiment, testing mosacing function, problems in R related to differences in resolution

874ff0fa 05/14/2015 10:45 AM Benoit Parmentier

scaling up mosacing, setting up function to produce weights based on distance to tile centroids

a19db606 05/14/2015 10:44 AM Benoit Parmentier

scaling up mosacing experimation, creating artifical data to experiment with weighted averaging

1a94c1db 05/14/2015 10:43 AM Benoit Parmentier

scaling up mosacing experiment, edits

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