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difference between ASTER and SRTM (i.e., considering
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$\mbox{ASTER}_i-\mbox{SRTM}_i$ for all pixels $i$ where the two DEMs
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co-occur) is \Sexpr{delta.median} meters, with a mean of
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\Sexpr{round(delta.mean, 2)}, and this more or less holds (within a few
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meters) across the observed range of elevations (Figure
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\Sexpr{round(delta.mean, 2)} meters, and this more or less holds (within
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a few meters) across the observed range of elevations (Figure
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\ref{aster-srtm-bins}). However, while this average offset is broadly
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consistent across latitudes and across elevation zones, additional
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variation is evident at the pixel level. Again focusing on the
... | ... | |
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% Figure: Boundary analysis region
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\caption{Focal area}
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\caption{Focal area used as the basis for boundary assessment. Note
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that for flow direction, analysis was restricted to a smaller
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longitudinal span (125\W to 100\W).}
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... | ... | |
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\subfloat[Pixel-wise plot of SRTM vs ASTER for all values in the 150
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latitudinal rows of overlap south of 60\N. Dashed blue line indicates
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the 1:1 diagonal, and the parallel red line is offset lower by the
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observed median difference between SRTM and ASTER (\Sexpr{delta.median}m).
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observed median difference between the two DEMs (\Sexpr{-delta.median}m).
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Inset histogram shows distribution of differences, excluding absolute
657 |
differences >60.]{
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differences >60m.]{
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\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, trim=0 0 0 0.5in, clip=TRUE]{../dem/aster-srtm-scatter.png}
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... | ... | |
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\section{Code listings}
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\lstinputlisting[language=bash, caption={GDAL commands for assembling
823 |
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and resampling SRTM and ASTER tiles into GeoTIFFs for use as inputs
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to the boundary correction routines described in this document.},
final minor edits before posting to the group