Revision 89c6eee2
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 13 years ago
- ID 89c6eee24f7646cff46371b0ad02b1a463e48897
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/Linear_reg.R | ||
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#This script interpolates station value for the Oregon case study. This program loads the station data from a csv file and perform two types of regression: multiple linear model and general additive model (GAM). Note that this program 1)assumes that the csv file is in the current working 2)extract relevant variables from raster images before performing the regressions. The user must provide the list of raster images |
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#in a textile. |
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#Created by Benoit Parmentier on February 12, 2012. |
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###Loading r library and packages |
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library(raster) # loading the raster package |
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library(gtools) l# loading ... |
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library(sp) |
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library(mgcv) |
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###Parameters and arguments |
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infile1<-"ghcn_or_b_02122012_OR83M.csv" |
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inlistf<-"list_files.txt" |
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path<-getwd() |
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#list_var<-list.files() # displaying the files in the current folder which should contain only the relevant raster images. |
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#dump("list_var", file="list_var.txt") # Saving the values of list_var in a ascii text file. |
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#inlistvar<-"ghcn_var_02122012.txt" |
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###Reading the station data |
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ghcn<-read.csv(paste(path,"/",infile1, sep=""), header=TRUE) #The "paste" function concatenates the path and file name in common string. |
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ghcn<-read.csv(infile1) #Use read.table if the input file is space delimited or read.table(infile1, headername=TRUE, sep=',') |
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names(ghcn) #Checking that the columns are correctly labelled. |
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###Extracting the variables values from the raster files |
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coords<- ghcn[,c('x_OR83M','y_OR83M')] #Selecting all rows for the x and y columns and packaging the output in a data frame. |
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lines <-readLines(inlistf) |
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inlistvar<-paste(path,"/",lines,sep="") |
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#s_raster<- stack(inlistvar) #Creating a stack of raster images from the list of variables. |
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#stat_val<- extract(s_raster, coords) #Extracting values from the raster stack for every point location in coords data frame. |
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#create a shape file and data_frame with names?? |
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###Regression part 1: linear models |
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lm_PRISM1=lm(tmax~lat+lon+ELEV_SRTM+ASPECT+DISTOC, data=ghcn) |
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lm_ANUSPLIN1=lm(tmax~lat+lon+ELEV_SRTM, data=ghcn) |
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summary(lm_ANUSPLIN1) |
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summary(lm_PRISM1) |
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#Regression part2: linear model on a specific date. |
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ghcn1507 <-subset(ghcn,ghcn$date_=="20100715") |
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lm_PRISM2=lm(tmax~lat+lon+ELEV_SRTM+ASPECT+DISTOC, data=ghcn1507) |
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lm_ANUSPLIN2=lm(tmax~lat+lon+ELEV_SRTM, data=ghcn1507) |
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###Regression part 3: GAM models |
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GAM1<-gam(tmax~ s(lat) + s (lon) + s (elev), data=ghcn1507) |
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#use the s() for smoothing function |
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###Compare the models |
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#Show AIC, Cook distance, p values and residuals plot |
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###Access the R2 and significance to give a report |
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AIC (lm_ANUSPLIN1,lm_ANUSPLIN2,GAM1) #list the AIC and for the results |
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anova(lm_ANUSPLIN1, lm_ANUSPLIN2,GAM1,test="F") #compare the different models in terms of F; a reference model should be set for comparison. |
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#GAM plot of partial residuals |
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gam.check(GAM1) #This will produce basic plots of residuals |
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###Creating a validation dataset by creating training and testing datasets (%30) |
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n<-nrow(ghcn1507) |
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ns<-n-round(n*0.3) #Create a sample from the data frame with 70% of the rows |
65 | <- sample(nrow(ghcn1507), size=ns, replace=FALSE) #This selects the index position for 70% of the rows taken randomly |
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ind.testing <- setdiff(1:nrow(ghcn1507), |
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ghcn1507_s <- ghcn1507[, ] |
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ghcn1507_v <- ghcn1507[ind.testing, ] |
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#ghcn1507_s<- sample(ghcn1507,size=ns, replace=T) |
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ghcn1507_s<- ghcn1507[sample(nrow(ghcn1507), size=ns), ] |
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#ghcn1507_v <- ghcn1507$STAT_ID[ !ghcn1507_s$STAT_ID ] #dataset for validation that can be used to predict values. |
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##End of script |
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Also available in: Unified diff
added initial R script with GAM regression for tmax (one date)