Revision 8a7857ec
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 9 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/global_run_scalingup_mosaicing.R | ||
5 | 5 |
#Analyses, figures, tables and data are also produced in the script. |
6 | 6 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier |
7 | 7 |
#CREATED ON: 04/14/2015 |
8 |
#MODIFIED ON: 06/15/2015
8 |
#MODIFIED ON: 06/16/2015
9 | 9 |
#Version: 4 |
10 | 10 |
#PROJECT: Environmental Layers project |
11 | 11 |
#COMMENTS: analyses run for reg5 for test of mosaicing using 1500x4500km and other tiles |
... | ... | |
48 | 48 |
49 | 49 |
50 | 50 |
51 |
function_analyses_paper1 <-"contribution_of_covariates_paper_interpolation_functions_07182014.R" #first interp paper |
52 |
function_analyses_paper2 <-"multi_timescales_paper_interpolation_functions_08132014.R" |
53 |
54 |
load_obj <- function(f) |
55 |
{ |
56 |
env <- new.env() |
57 |
nm <- load(f, env)[1] |
58 |
env[[nm]] |
59 |
} |
60 |
61 |
create_dir_fun <- function(out_dir,out_suffix){ |
62 |
if(!is.null(out_suffix)){ |
63 |
out_name <- paste("output_",out_suffix,sep="") |
64 |
out_dir <- file.path(out_dir,out_name) |
65 |
} |
66 |
#create if does not exists |
67 |
if(!file.exists(out_dir)){ |
68 |
dir.create(out_dir) |
69 |
} |
70 |
return(out_dir) |
71 |
} |
72 |
73 |
sine_structure_fun <-function(x,T,phase,a,b,use_cos=FALSE){ |
74 |
75 |
#Create sine for a one dimensional series |
76 |
#Note that sine function uses radian unit. |
77 |
#a=amplitude |
78 |
#b=mean or amplitude 0 of the series |
79 |
#T= stands for period definition |
80 |
#phase=phase angle (in radian!!) |
81 |
#cos: use cosine instead of sine if TRUE |
82 |
83 |
if(use_cos==FALSE){ |
84 |
y <- a*sin((x*pi/T)+ phase) + b |
85 |
}else{ |
86 |
y <- a*cos((x*pi/T)+ phase) + b |
87 |
} |
88 |
return(y) |
89 |
} |
90 |
91 |
create_weights_fun <- function(i, list_param){ |
92 |
#This function generates weights from a point location on a raster layer. |
93 |
#Note that the weights are normatlized on 0-1 scale using max and min values. |
94 |
#Inputs: |
95 |
#lf: list of raster files |
96 |
#df_points: reference points from which to compute distance |
97 |
#r_feature: reference features as raster image from which to compute distance from |
98 |
#methods: options available: use_sine_weights,use_edge,use_linear_weights |
99 |
#Outputs: |
100 |
#raster list of weights and product of wegihts and inuts |
101 |
#TODO: |
102 |
# -use gdal proximity for large files and use_edge option |
103 |
# - add raster options |
104 |
# - improve efficiency |
105 |
# - change name options |
106 |
# |
107 |
############ |
108 |
109 |
lf <- list_param$lf |
110 |
df_points <- list_param$df_points |
111 |
r_feature <- list_param$r_feature #this should be change to a list |
112 |
padding <- TRUE #if padding true then make buffer around edges?? |
113 |
method <- list_param$method #differnt methods available to create weights |
114 |
#NAflag,file_format,out_suffix etc... |
115 |
out_dir_str <- list_param$out_dir_str |
116 |
117 |
####### START SCRIPT ##### |
118 |
119 |
r_in <- raster(lf[i]) #input image |
120 |
tile_no <- i |
121 |
122 |
set1f <- function(x){rep(NA, x)} |
123 |
r_init <- init(r_in, fun=set1f) |
124 |
125 |
if(!is.null(r_feature)){ |
126 |
r_init <- r_feature |
127 |
} |
128 |
129 |
if(!is.null(df_points)){ #reference points as SPDF object |
130 |
cell_ID <- cellFromXY(r_init,xy=df_points[i,]) |
131 |
r_init[cell_ID] <- df_points$ID[i] |
132 |
} |
133 |
134 |
if(method=="use_sine_weights"){ |
135 |
#Generate spatial pattern 5: |
136 |
n_col <- ncol(r_init) |
137 |
n_row <- nrow(r_init) |
138 |
139 |
#u <- xFromCol(r_init,col=1:n_col) |
140 |
#add padding option later...buffer from a specific distance and tailling of at 0.1 |
141 |
u <- 1:n_col |
142 |
a<- 1 #amplitude in this case |
143 |
b<- 0 |
144 |
T<- n_col |
145 |
phase <- 0 |
146 |
use_cos <- FALSE |
147 |
ux <- sine_structure_fun(u,T,phase,a,b,use_cos) |
148 |
ux_rep <-rep(ux,time=n_row) |
149 |
r1 <-setValues(r_init,ux_rep) #note efficient in memory might need to revise this |
150 |
#plot(r) |
151 |
152 |
v <- 1:n_row |
153 |
a<- 1 #amplitude in this case |
154 |
b<- 0 |
155 |
T<- n_row |
156 |
phase <- 0 |
157 |
use_cos <- FALSE |
158 |
vx <- sine_structure_fun(v,T,phase,a,b,use_cos) |
159 |
vx_rep <- unlist((lapply(1:n_row,FUN=function(j){rep(vx[j],time=n_col)}))) |
160 |
161 |
r2 <-setValues(r_init,vx_rep) |
162 |
#plot(r2) |
163 |
164 |
r <- (r1+r2)*0.5 #combine patterns to make a elliptic surface, -0.5 could be modified |
165 |
#plot(r) |
166 |
} |
167 |
168 |
#change here to distance from edges.. |
169 |
if(method=="use_edge"){ #does not work with large images |
170 |
#change...use gdal |
171 |
n_col <- ncol(r_init) |
172 |
n_row <- nrow(r_init) |
173 |
174 |
#xfrom |
175 |
r_init[1,1:n_col] <- 1 |
176 |
r_init[n_row,1:n_col] <- 1 |
177 |
r_init[1:n_row,1] <- 1 |
178 |
r_init[1:n_row,n_col] <- 1 |
179 |
#r_dist <- distance(r_init) |
180 |
srcfile <- file.path(out_dir,paste("feature_target_",tile_no,".tif",sep="")) |
181 |
182 |
writeRaster(r_init,filename=srcfile,overwrite=T) |
183 |
dstfile <- file.path(out_dir,paste("feature_target_edge_distance",tile_no,".tif",sep="")) |
184 |
n_values <- "1" |
185 |
186 |
cmd_str <- paste("", srcfile, dstfile,"-values",n_values,sep=" ") |
187 |
system(cmd_str) |
188 |
r_dist<- raster(dstfile) |
189 |
min_val <- cellStats(r_dist,min) |
190 |
max_val <- cellStats(r_dist,max) |
191 |
r <- abs(r_dist - min_val)/ (max_val - min_val) #no need to inverse... |
192 |
} #too slow with R so used |
193 |
194 |
if(method=="use_linear_weights"){ |
195 |
# |
196 |
r_dist <- distance(r_init) |
197 |
min_val <- cellStats(r_dist,min) |
198 |
max_val <- cellStats(r_dist,max) |
199 |
r <- abs(r_dist - max_val)/ (max_val - min_val) |
200 |
} |
201 |
202 |
extension_str <- extension(lf[i]) |
203 |
raster_name_tmp <- gsub(extension_str,"",basename(lf[i])) |
204 |
raster_name <- file.path(out_dir_str,paste(raster_name_tmp,"_",method,"_weights.tif",sep="")) |
205 |
writeRaster(r, NAflag=NA_flag_val,filename=raster_name,overwrite=TRUE) |
206 |
207 |
r_var_prod <- r_in*r |
208 |
raster_name_prod <- file.path(out_dir_str, paste(raster_name_tmp,"_",method,"_prod_weights.tif",sep="")) |
209 |
writeRaster(r_var_prod, NAflag=NA_flag_val,filename=raster_name_prod,overwrite=TRUE) |
210 |
211 |
weights_obj <- list(raster_name,raster_name_prod) |
212 |
names(weights_obj) <- c("r_weights","r_weights_prod") |
213 |
return(weights_obj) |
214 |
} |
215 |
216 |
mosaic_m_raster_list<-function(j,list_param){ |
217 |
#This functions returns a subset of tiles from the modis grid. |
218 |
#Arguments: modies grid tile,list of tiles |
219 |
#Output: spatial grid data frame of the subset of tiles |
220 |
#Note that rasters are assumed to be in the same projection system!! |
221 |
#modified for global mosaic...still not working right now... |
222 |
223 |
#rast_list<-vector("list",length(mosaic_list)) |
224 |
#for (i in 1:length(mosaic_list)){ |
225 |
# read the individual rasters into a list of RasterLayer objects |
226 |
# this may be changed so that it is not read in the memory!!! |
227 |
228 |
#parse output... |
229 |
230 |
#j<-list_param$j |
231 |
mosaic_list<-list_param$mosaic_list |
232 |
out_path<-list_param$out_path |
233 |
out_names<-list_param$out_rastnames |
234 |
file_format <- list_param$file_format |
235 |
NA_flag_val <- list_param$NA_flag_val |
236 |
out_suffix <- list_param$out_suffix |
237 |
## Start |
238 |
239 |
if(class(mosaic_list[[j]])=="list"){ |
240 |
m_list <- unlist(mosaic_list[[j]]) |
241 |
}else{ |
242 |
m_list <- mosaic_list[[j]] |
243 |
} |
244 |
input.rasters <- lapply(m_list, raster) #create raster image for each element of the list |
245 |
#inMemory(input.rasters[[1]]) |
246 |
#note that input.rasters are not stored in memory!! |
247 |
mosaiced_rast<-input.rasters[[1]] |
248 |
249 |
for (k in 2:length(input.rasters)){ |
250 |
mosaiced_rast<-mosaic(mosaiced_rast,input.rasters[[k]], tolerance=1,fun=mean) |
251 |
#mosaiced_rast<-mosaic(mosaiced_rast,raster(input.rasters[[k]]), fun=mean) |
252 |
} |
253 |
254 |
data_name<-paste("mosaiced_",sep="") #can add more later... |
255 |
#raster_name<-paste(data_name,out_names[j],".tif", sep="") |
256 |
raster_name<-paste(data_name,out_names[j],file_format, sep="") |
257 |
258 |
writeRaster(mosaiced_rast, NAflag=NA_flag_val,filename=file.path(out_path,raster_name),overwrite=TRUE) |
259 |
#Writing the data in a raster file format... |
260 |
rast_list<-file.path(out_path,raster_name) |
261 |
262 |
## The Raster and rgdal packages write temporary files on the disk when memory is an issue. This can potential build up |
263 |
## in long loops and can fill up hard drives resulting in errors. The following sections removes these files |
264 |
## as they are created in the loop. This code section can be transformed into a "clean-up function later on |
265 |
## Start remove |
266 |
#tempfiles<-list.files(tempdir(),full.names=T) #GDAL transient files are not removed |
267 |
#files_to_remove<-grep(out_suffix,tempfiles,value=T) #list files to remove |
268 |
#if(length(files_to_remove)>0){ |
269 |
# file.remove(files_to_remove) |
270 |
#} |
271 |
#now remove temp files from raster package located in rasterTmpDir |
272 |
removeTmpFiles(h=0) #did not work if h is not set to 0 |
273 |
## end of remove section |
274 |
275 |
return(rast_list) |
276 |
} |
277 |
278 |
raster_match <- function(i,list_param){ |
279 |
### Read in parameters/arguments |
280 |
lf_files <- list_param$lf_files |
281 |
rast_ref <- list_param$rast_ref #name of reference file |
282 |
file_format <- list_param$file_format #".tif",".rst" or others |
283 |
out_suffix <- list_param$out_suffix |
284 |
out_dir_str <- list_param$out_dir_str |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
r_m <- raster(rast_ref) #ref image with resolution and extent to match |
289 |
290 |
set1f <- function(x){rep(NA, x)} |
291 |
292 |
inFilename <- lf_files[i] |
293 |
294 |
extension_str <- extension(inFilename) |
295 |
raster_name_tmp <- gsub(extension_str,"",basename(inFilename)) |
296 |
#outFilename <- file.path(out_dir,paste(raster_name_tmp,"_","m_",out_suffix,file_format,sep="")) #for use in function later... |
297 |
298 |
raster_name <- file.path(out_dir_str,paste(raster_name_tmp,"_","m_",out_suffix,file_format,sep=""))#output file |
299 |
r_ref <- init(r_m, fun=set1f, filename=raster_name, overwrite=TRUE) |
300 |
#NAvalue(r_ref) <- -9999 |
301 |
302 |
cmd_str <- paste("/usr/bin/gdalwarp",inFilename,raster_name,sep=" ") |
303 |
#gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84' raw_spot.tif utm11.tif |
304 |
305 |
system(cmd_str) |
306 |
307 |
##return name of file created |
308 |
return(raster_name) |
309 |
} |
310 |
311 |
mosaicFiles <- function(lf_mosaic,mosaic_method,num_cores,python_bin=NULL,df_points=NULL,NA_flag_val=-9999,file_format=".tif",out_suffix=NULL,out_dir=NULL){ |
312 |
313 |
out_dir_str <- out_dir |
314 |
315 |
lf_r_weights <- vector("list",length=length(lf_mosaic)) |
316 |
317 |
############### |
318 |
### PART 2: prepare weights using tile rasters ############ |
319 |
#methods availbable:use_sine_weights,use_edge,use_linear_weights |
320 |
321 |
if(mosaic_method=="use_linear_weights"){ |
322 |
method <- "use_linear_weights" |
323 |
df_points <- df_centroids |
324 |
#df_points <- NULL |
325 |
r_feature <- NULL |
326 |
327 |
list_param_create_weights <- list(lf_mosaic,df_points,r_feature,method,out_dir_str) |
328 |
names(list_param_create_weights) <- c("lf","df_points","r_feature","method","out_dir_str") |
329 |
#num_cores <- 11 |
330 |
331 |
#debug(create_weights_fun) |
332 |
weights_obj <- create_weights_fun(1,list_param=list_param_create_weights) |
333 |
334 |
#This is the function creating the weights by tile. Distance from the centroids needs to be change from distance to |
335 |
#the edges...can use rows and columsn to set edges to 1 and 0 for the others. |
336 |
linear_weights_obj_list <- mclapply(1:length(lf_mosaic),FUN=create_weights_fun,list_param=list_param_create_weights,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = num_cores) |
337 |
338 |
list_linear_r_weights <- lapply(1:length(linear_weights_obj_list), FUN=function(i,x){x[[i]]$r_weights},x=linear_weights_obj_list) |
339 |
list_linear_r_weights_prod <- lapply(1:length(linear_weights_obj_list), FUN=function(i,x){x[[i]]$r_weights_prod},x=linear_weights_obj_list) |
340 |
341 |
list_weights <- list_linear_r_weights |
342 |
list_weights_prod <- list_linear_r_weights_prod |
343 |
344 |
} |
345 |
if(mosaic_method=="use_sine_weights"){ |
346 |
347 |
### Third use sine weights |
348 |
method <- "use_sine_weights" |
349 |
#df_points <- df_centroids |
350 |
df_points <- NULL |
351 |
r_feature <- NULL |
352 |
353 |
list_param_create_weights <- list(lf_mosaic,df_points,r_feature,method,out_dir_str) |
354 |
names(list_param_create_weights) <- c("lf","df_points","r_feature","method","out_dir_str") |
355 |
#num_cores <- 11 |
356 |
357 |
#debug(create_weights_fun) |
358 |
weights_obj <- create_weights_fun(1,list_param=list_param_create_weights) |
359 |
360 |
#This is the function creating the weights by tile. Distance from the centroids needs to be change from distance to |
361 |
#the edges...can use rows and columsn to set edges to 1 and 0 for the others. |
362 |
sine_weights_obj_list <- mclapply(1:length(lf_mosaic),FUN=create_weights_fun,list_param=list_param_create_weights,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = num_cores) |
363 |
364 |
list_sine_r_weights <- lapply(1:length(sine_weights_obj_list), FUN=function(i,x){x[[i]]$r_weights},x=sine_weights_obj_list) |
365 |
list_sine_r_weights_prod <- lapply(1:length(sine_weights_obj_list), FUN=function(i,x){x[[i]]$r_weights_prod},x=sine_weights_obj_list) |
366 |
367 |
list_weights <- list_sine_r_weights |
368 |
list_weights_prod <- list_sine_r_weights_prod |
369 |
370 |
} |
371 |
372 |
if(mosaic_method=="use_edge_weights"){ |
373 |
374 |
method <- "use_edge" |
375 |
df_points <- NULL |
376 |
r_feature <- NULL |
377 |
list_param_create_weights <- list(lf_mosaic,df_points,r_feature,method,out_dir_str) |
378 |
names(list_param_create_weights) <- c("lf","df_points","r_feature","method","out_dir_str") |
379 |
#num_cores <- 11 |
380 |
381 |
weights_obj <- create_weights_fun(1,list_param=list_param_create_weights) |
382 |
383 |
#This is the function creating the weights by tile. Distance from the centroids needs to be change from distance to |
384 |
#the edges...can use rows and columsn to set edges to 1 and 0 for the others. |
385 |
use_edge_weights_obj_list <- mclapply(1:length(lf_mosaic),FUN=create_weights_fun,list_param=list_param_create_weights,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = num_cores) |
386 |
387 |
list_edge_r_weights <- lapply(1:length(use_edge_weights_obj_list), FUN=function(i,x){x[[i]]$r_weights},x=use_edge_weights_obj_list) |
388 |
list_edge_r_weights_prod <- lapply(1:length(use_edge_weights_obj_list), FUN=function(i,x){x[[i]]$r_weights_prod},x=use_edge_weights_obj_list) |
389 |
390 |
#simplifly later... |
391 |
list_weights <- list_edge_r_weights |
392 |
list_weights_prod <- list_edge_r_weights_prod |
393 |
#r_test <- raster(list_edge_r_weights[[1]]) |
394 |
395 |
} |
396 |
397 |
############### |
398 |
### PART 3: prepare weightsfor mosaicing by matching extent ############ |
399 |
400 |
## Rasters tiles vary slightly in resolution, they need to be matched for the mosaic. Resolve issue in the |
401 |
#mosaic funciton using gdal_merge to compute a reference image to mach. |
402 |
403 |
rast_ref <- file.path(out_dir,paste("avg_",out_suffix,file_format,sep="")) #this is a the ref |
404 |
405 |
cmd_str <- paste("python","/usr/bin/","-o ",rast_ref,paste(lf_mosaic,collapse=" ")) |
406 |
system(cmd_str) |
407 |
408 |
## Create raster image for original predicted images with matching resolution and extent to the mosaic (reference image) |
409 |
410 |
#rast_ref <- file.path(out_dir,"avg.tif") |
411 |
r_ref <- raster(rast_ref) |
412 |
#plot(r_ref) |
413 |
414 |
if(mosaic_method%in%c("use_linear_weights","use_sine_weights","use_edge_weights")){ |
415 |
416 |
lf_files <- unlist(list_weights) |
417 |
418 |
list_param_raster_match <- list(lf_files,rast_ref,file_format,out_suffix,out_dir) |
419 |
names(list_param_raster_match) <- c("lf_files","rast_ref","file_format","out_suffix","out_dir_str") |
420 |
421 |
#debug(raster_match) |
422 |
#r_test <- raster(raster_match(1,list_param_raster_match)) |
423 |
424 |
list_weights_m <- mclapply(1:length(lf_files),FUN=raster_match,list_param=list_param_raster_match,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = num_cores) |
425 |
426 |
lf_files <- unlist(list_weights_prod) |
427 |
list_param_raster_match <- list(lf_files,rast_ref,file_format,out_suffix,out_dir) |
428 |
names(list_param_raster_match) <- c("lf_files","rast_ref","file_format","out_suffix","out_dir_str") |
429 |
430 |
#num_cores <-11 |
431 |
list_weights_prod_m <- mclapply(1:length(lf_files),FUN=raster_match,list_param=list_param_raster_match,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = num_cores) |
432 |
433 |
##################### |
434 |
###### PART 4: compute the weighted mean with the mosaic function ##### |
435 |
436 |
##Make this a function later |
437 |
#list_weights_m <- list(list_linear_weights_m,list_edge_weights_m,list_sine_weights_m) |
438 |
#list_weights_prod_m <- list(list_linear_weights_prod_m,list_edge_weights_prod_m,list_sine_weights_prod_m) |
439 |
#list_methods <- c("linear","edge","sine") |
440 |
list_mosaiced_files <- vector("list",length=1) |
441 |
442 |
list_args_weights <- list_weights_m |
443 |
list_args_weights_prod <- list_weights_prod_m |
444 |
method_str <- method |
445 |
446 |
#list_args_weights <- (mixedsort(list.files(pattern="r_weights_m_.*.tif"))) |
447 |
list_args_weights <- lapply(1:length(list_args_weights), FUN=function(i,x){raster(x[[i]])},x=list_args_weights) |
448 |
449 |
#get the list of weights product into raster objects |
450 |
#list_args_weights_prod <- list_weights_prod_m |
451 |
#list_args_weights_prod <- (mixedsort(list.files(pattern="r_weights_prod_m_.*.tif"))) |
452 |
list_args_weights_prod <- lapply(1:length(list_args_weights_prod), FUN=function(i,x){raster(x[[i]])},x=list_args_weights_prod) |
453 |
454 |
list_args_weights_prod$fun <- "sum" |
455 |
list_args_weights_prod$na.rm <- TRUE |
456 |
457 |
list_args_weights$fun <- "sum" #we want the sum to compute the weighted mean |
458 |
list_args_weights$na.rm <- TRUE |
459 |
460 |
#Mosaic files |
461 |
r_weights_sum <-,list_args_weights) #weights sum image mosaiced |
462 |
r_prod_sum <-,list_args_weights_prod) #weights sum product image mosacied |
463 |
464 |
r_m_weighted_mean <- r_prod_sum/r_weights_sum #this is the mosaic using weighted mean... |
465 |
raster_name <- file.path(out_dir,paste("r_m_",method_str,"_weighted_mean_",out_suffix,".tif",sep="")) |
466 |
writeRaster(r_m_weighted_mean, NAflag=NA_flag_val,filename=raster_name,overwrite=TRUE) |
467 |
468 |
} |
469 |
470 |
if(mosaic_method=="unweighted"){ |
471 |
#### Fourth use original images |
472 |
#macth file to mosaic extent using the original predictions |
473 |
lf_files <- lf_mosaic |
474 |
list_param_raster_match <- list(lf_files,rast_ref,file_format,out_suffix,out_dir) |
475 |
names(list_param_raster_match) <- c("lf_files","rast_ref","file_format","out_suffix","out_dir_str") |
476 |
477 |
list_pred_m <- mclapply(1:length(lf_files),FUN=raster_match,list_param=list_param_raster_match,mc.preschedule=FALSE,mc.cores = num_cores) |
478 |
479 |
#list_mosaiced_files <- list.files(pattern="r_m.*._weighted_mean_.*.tif") |
480 |
481 |
#names(list_mosaiced_files) <- c("edge","linear","sine") |
482 |
483 |
#### NOW unweighted mean mosaic |
484 |
485 |
#get the original predicted image to raster (matched previously to the mosaic extent) |
486 |
list_args_pred_m <- list_pred_m |
487 |
#list_args_pred_m <- (mixedsort(list.files(pattern="^gam_CAI.*.m_mosaic_run10_1500x4500_global_analyses_03252015.tif"))) |
488 |
list_args_pred_m <- lapply(1:length(list_args_pred_m), FUN=function(i,x){raster(x[[i]])},x=list_args_pred_m) |
489 |
490 |
list_args_pred_m$fun <- "mean" |
491 |
list_args_pred_m$na.rm <- TRUE |
492 |
493 |
#Mosaic files |
494 |
r_m_mean <-,list_args_pred_m) #this is unweighted mean from the predicted raster |
495 |
496 |
raster_name <- file.path(out_dir,paste("r_m_mean_",out_suffix,".tif",sep="")) |
497 |
writeRaster(r_m_mean, NAflag=NA_flag_val,filename=raster_name,overwrite=TRUE) #unweighted mean |
498 |
499 |
#r_m_mean_unweighted <- paste("r_m_mean_",out_suffix,".tif",sep="") |
500 |
list_weights <- NULL |
501 |
list_weights_prod <- NULL |
502 |
503 |
} |
504 |
505 |
#Create return object |
506 |
mosaic_obj <- list(raster_name,list_weights,list_weights_prod,mosaic_method) |
507 |
names(mosaic_obj) <- c("mean_mosaic","r_weights","r_weigths_prod","method") |
508 |
return(mosaic_obj) |
509 |
} |
51 |
#function_analyses_paper1 <-"contribution_of_covariates_paper_interpolation_functions_07182014.R" #first interp paper |
52 |
#function_analyses_paper2 <-"multi_timescales_paper_interpolation_functions_08132014.R" |
510 | 53 |
54 |
function_mosaicing <-"multi_timescales_paper_interpolation_functions_08132014.R" |
511 | 55 |
56 |
in_dir_script <-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/env_layers_scripts" |
57 |
source(file.path(in_dir_script,function_mosaicing)) |
512 | 58 |
513 | 59 |
############################################ |
514 | 60 |
#### Parameters and constants |
... | ... | |
606 | 152 |
file_format=file_format,out_suffix=out_suffix_str, |
607 | 153 |
out_dir=out_dir) |
608 | 154 |
#debug(mosaicFiles) |
155 |
save(mosaic_unweighted_20100901_obj,file=file.path(out_dir, |
156 |
paste(mosaic_method,"_","mosaic_obj_","20100901_",out_suffix,".RData",sep=""))) |
609 | 157 |
610 | 158 |
mosaic_unweighted_20100901_obj <- mosaicFiles(lf_mosaic2,mosaic_method="unweighted", |
611 | 159 |
num_cores=num_cores, |
... | ... | |
613 | 161 |
df_points=NULL,NA_flag=NA_flag_val, |
614 | 162 |
file_format=file_format,out_suffix=out_suffix_str, |
615 | 163 |
out_dir=out_dir) |
616 |
617 |
r2_unweighted <-raster(mosaic_unweighted_20100901_obj$mean_mosaic) |
618 |
r2_edge <-raster(mosaic_edge_20100901_obj$mean_mosaic) |
619 |
620 |
#plot(r2_edge) |
164 |
mosaic_method <- "unweighted" |
165 |
save(mosaic_edge_20100901_obj,file=file.path(out_dir,paste(mosaic_method,"_","mosaic_obj_","20100901",out_suffix,".RData"))) |
621 | 166 |
622 | 167 |
mosaic_edge_20100831_obj <- mosaicFiles(lf_mosaic1,mosaic_method="use_edge_weights", |
623 | 168 |
num_cores=num_cores, |
... | ... | |
626 | 171 |
file_format=file_format,out_suffix=out_suffix_str, |
627 | 172 |
out_dir=out_dir) |
628 | 173 |
629 |
mosaic_edge_20100831_obj <- mosaicFiles(lf_mosaic1,mosaic_method="unweighted",
174 |
mosaic_unweighted_20100831_obj <- mosaicFiles(lf_mosaic1,mosaic_method="unweighted",
630 | 175 |
num_cores=num_cores, |
631 | 176 |
python_bin=NULL, |
632 | 177 |
df_points=NULL,NA_flag=NA_flag_val, |
633 | 178 |
file_format=file_format,out_suffix=out_suffix_str, |
634 | 179 |
out_dir=out_dir) |
635 | 180 |
181 |
r2_unweighted <-raster(mosaic_unweighted_20100901_obj$mean_mosaic) |
182 |
r2_edge <-raster(mosaic_edge_20100901_obj$mean_mosaic) |
636 | 183 |
637 |
## |
638 |
639 |
#Then scale on 1 to zero? or 0 to 1000 |
640 |
#e.g. for a specific pixel |
641 |
#weight_sum=0.2 +0.4 +0.4+0.2=1.2 |
642 |
#val_w_sum= (0.2*val1+0.4*val2+0.4*val3+0.2*val4) |
643 |
#no_valid = number of valid observation, needs to be added in the function |
644 |
#m_val= sum_val/weight_sum #mean value |
645 |
# |
646 |
184 |
r1_unweighted <-raster(mosaic_unweighted_20100831_obj$mean_mosaic) |
185 |
r1_edge <-raster(mosaic_edge_20100831_obj$mean_mosaic) |
186 |
plot(r1_edge) |
647 | 187 |
648 | 188 |
##################### |
649 | 189 |
###### PART 2: Analysis and figures for the outputs of mosaic function ##### |
650 | 190 |
651 | 191 |
#### compute and aspect and slope with figures |
192 |
list_mosaic_unweighted <- list(mosaic_unweighted_20100831_obj,mosaic_edge_20100831_obj) |
193 |
list_mosaic_edge <- list(mosaic_unweighted_20100901_obj,mosaic_edge_20100901_obj) |
652 | 194 |
653 |
list_mosaiced_files2 <- c(list_mosaiced_files,r_m_mean_unweighted)
195 |
list_mosaiced_files <- c(list_mosaiced_files,r_m_mean_unweighted) |
654 | 196 |
names(list_mosaiced_files2) <- c(names(list_mosaiced_files),"unweighted") |
655 | 197 |
656 |
for(k in 1:length(list_mosaiced_files)){
657 |
658 |
method_str <- names(list_mosaiced_files)[k]
659 |
r_mosaic <- raster(list_mosaiced_files[k])
198 |
plot_mosaic <- function(f_mosaic,method,out_dir,out_stuffix){
199 |
200 |
method_str <- method
201 |
r_mosaic <- raster(f_mosaiced)
660 | 202 |
661 | 203 |
r_mosaic_terrain <- terrain(r_mosaic,opt=c("slope","aspect"),unit="degrees") |
662 | 204 |
... | ... | |
664 | 206 |
col_mfrow <- 1 |
665 | 207 |
row_mfrow <- 0.8 |
666 | 208 |
667 |
209 |
png(filename=paste("Figure2_mosaic_mean_",method_str,"_",out_suffix,".png",sep=""), |
668 | 210 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
669 | 211 |
670 | 212 |
plot(r_mosaic,main=paste("mosaic mean ",method_str,sep="")) |
... | ... | |
676 | 218 |
col_mfrow <- 1 |
677 | 219 |
row_mfrow <- 0.8 |
678 | 220 |
679 |
221 |
png(filename=paste("Figure2_slope_mean_",method_str,"_",out_suffix,".png",sep=""), |
680 | 222 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
681 | 223 |
682 | 224 |
plot(r_mosaic_terrain,y=1,main=paste("slope mosaic mean ",method_str,sep="")) |
683 | 225 |
684 | 226 | |
685 | 227 |
686 |
228 |
png(filename=paste("Figure2_aspect_mean_",method_str,"_",out_suffix,".png",sep=""), |
687 | 229 |
width=col_mfrow*res_pix,height=row_mfrow*res_pix) |
688 | 230 |
689 | 231 |
plot(r_mosaic_terrain,y=2,main=paste("aspect mean ",method_str,sep="")) |
Also available in: Unified diff
mosaicing test script splitting function from script and clean up