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Rick Reeves
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Rick Reeves
# makeImagePairTable.r
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Rick Reeves
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# R script generates table of adjacent ASTER / SRTM / Mosaic Border / CDEM pixel values
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# to be used to generate plots of 'delta elevation' vs 'pixel pair proximity' and 'elevation'
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# suggested by Mark Schildhauer on May 3.
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# Author: Rick Reeves, NCEAS
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# May 4, 2011
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Rick Reeves
makeImagePairTable <- function()
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Rick Reeves
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Rick Reeves
inputCgiarRaster <- raster("/data/project/organisms/rcr/AsterCgiarMerge/mergeCgiarAsterBdySRTM_BLEven.tif")
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inputAsterRaster <- raster("/data/project/organisms/rcr/AsterCgiarMerge/mergeCgiarAsterBdyASTER_BLEven.tif")
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inputMosaicRaster <- raster("/data/project/organisms/rcr/AsterCgiarMerge/mergeCgiarAsterBdyFinalBLEven.tif")
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Rick Reeves
inputCDEMRaster <- raster("/data/project/organisms/rcr/ValidateBoundary/CDemMosSundayClipMergeSpaceEven.tif")
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Rick Reeves
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# Difference image for entire merged image takes a while to create,
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# so we created it once, now read it back in.
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rDeltaWhole <- raster("/data/project/organisms/rcr/ValidateBoundary/DeltaEntireImage.tif")
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rDeltaWhole@data@values <-getValues(rDeltaWhole)
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# Create extent objects used to extract raster subimges.
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# The object will be centered along the 60 degree North latitude line,
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# and have varying depths (number of rows).
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# The Western Canada study area runs from -135 (west) to -100 (west) longitude,
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# and 55.0 to 64.00 degrees (north) latitude.
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# the ASTER and SRTM/CGIAR image components are merged at the 60 Deg N Latitude line.
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#eTestAreaExtent <- extent(-135.2,-100.2, 59.997,60.001) # Creates a 5 row subimage
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Rick Reeves
eTestAreaExtent <- extent(-135.2,-100.2, 59.995,60.005) # Creates a 12 row subimage
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#eTestAreaExtent <- extent(-135.0,-105.0, 59.990,60.010) # Creates a 24 row subimage
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Rick Reeves
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# Extract a sub image corresponding to the selected extent.
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# Two different alternatives:
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# The extract() function returns a vector of cell values,
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# the crop() function returns a complete raster* object.
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rEdgeRegionAster <- crop(inputAsterRaster,eTestAreaExtent)
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rEdgeRegionCgiar <- crop(inputCgiarRaster,eTestAreaExtent)
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rEdgeRegionMosaic <- crop(inputMosaicRaster,eTestAreaExtent)
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rEdgeRegionCDEM <- crop(inputCDEMRaster,eTestAreaExtent)
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# Important: In order for the image subtraction to work, the extents
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# of the two images must be IDENTICAL. I used ArcMap GIS Raster Crop By Mask
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# to create subimages with identical extents.
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# Compute the difference image for the entire study area, and for the region along
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# the boundary (narrow, maybe 10 pixels either side)
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Rick Reeves
#extent(rEdgeRegionMosaic) = extent(rEdgeRegionCDEM) # raster package author suggests this to resolve slight extent differences
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Rick Reeves
rEdgeRegionDelta <- rEdgeRegionMosaic - rEdgeRegionCDEM
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Rick Reeves
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# get a vector of random column index numbers, constrained by column dimension of image
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# Loop three times, sampling pixel pairs from above, below, across the border
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Rick Reeves
nColsToGet <- 2000
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Rick Reeves
iDiffVecNorth <- vector(mode="integer",length=nColsToGet)
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Rick Reeves
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Rick Reeves
iDiffVecBorder <- vector(mode="integer",length=nColsToGet)
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iDiffVecSouth <- vector(mode="integer",length=nColsToGet)
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# Here is the output matrix, (nColSamples * 3) rows, four columns
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colsToGet <-sample(1:inputMosaicRaster@ncols,nColsToGet)
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mOutTable <- matrix(nrow=(nColsToGet * 3), ncol=5)
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colnames(mOutTable) <- c("ColumnID","elevNorth","elevSouth","cdemNorth","cdemSouth")
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# in this difference image, the border edge occurs at column 6
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# NOTE Wed eve: A better start and end for the border: firstRow=5, lastRow = 8....
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iFirstRow <- 5 #4 # two rows before the border
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iLastRow <- 8 #7 # two rows after the border
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iRowCtr = 1 # points to latest output table being written
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message(sprintf("starting col sample loop"))
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for (iNextCol in colsToGet)
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#message(sprintf("in col sample loop getting col sample %d - hit key..",iNextCol))
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Rick Reeves
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Rick Reeves
rColVecMosaic <- cellFromRowCol(rEdgeRegionMosaic,iFirstRow:(iLastRow),iNextCol:iNextCol)
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rColVecCDEM <- cellFromRowCol(rEdgeRegionCDEM,iFirstRow:(iLastRow),iNextCol:iNextCol)
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# Split the column vector into the pairs that Mark requested
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# For each column sampled, the output table has three rows:
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# Row 1: from (input) Aster layer: Two pixels above border
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# Row 2: from (input) Mosaic layer: Two pixels straddling border rDeltaWhole@data@values[rColVec]
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# Row 3: from (input) Cgiar layer: Two pixels below border
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# each with four columns, arranged into two column pairs:
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# North Pixel and South Pixel elevation, North Pixel and South Pixel CDEM (baseline)
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,1] <- iNextCol # The (radomly sampled) col ID (surrogate for longitude)
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,2:3] <- rEdgeRegionMosaic@data@values[rColVecMosaic[1:2]] # First column pair from extracted vector:
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,4:5] <- rEdgeRegionCDEM@data@values[rColVecCDEM[1:2]] # entirely top (ASTER part of mosaic) image
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iRowCtr = iRowCtr + 1
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,1] <- iNextCol # The (radomly sampled) col ID (surrogate for longitude)
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,2:3] <- rEdgeRegionMosaic@data@values[rColVecMosaic[2:3]] # Second column pair:
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,4:5] <- rEdgeRegionCDEM@data@values[rColVecCDEM[2:3]] # straddles border region
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iRowCtr = iRowCtr + 1
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,1] <- iNextCol # The (radomly sampled) col ID (surrogate for longitude)
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,2:3] <- rEdgeRegionMosaic@data@values[rColVecMosaic[3:4]] # third column pair:
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mOutTable[iRowCtr,4:5] <- rEdgeRegionCDEM@data@values[rColVecCDEM[3:4]] # entirely bottom (SRTM part of mosaic) image
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iRowCtr = iRowCtr + 1
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# write the table out as CSV file
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message("end of loop - hit key to write output table..")
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Rick Reeves
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Rick Reeves
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