


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
MosaicCdemDifferencePlots.r 8.49 KB 80390607 almost 14 years Rick Reeves First working version - very simple - just 'sou...
SampleDemDiffCols.r 8.83 KB 5c833657 almost 14 years Rick Reeves Version runs correctly, though the CDEM edge in...
extractDemRasterSubimages.r 10.1 KB f028b3dc almost 14 years Rick Reeves These scripts are complete but may not run corr...
filterDiffRasterImage.r 3.5 KB f028b3dc almost 14 years Rick Reeves These scripts are complete but may not run corr...
makeImagePairTable.r 6.34 KB f028b3dc almost 14 years Rick Reeves These scripts are complete but may not run corr...
makeMarkTable.r 6.34 KB ad35c236 almost 14 years Rick Reeves Producing valid table, but from column samples ...
tableForMark4000_5_8.csv 260 KB 0f948be9 almost 14 years Rick Reeves Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable....
tableForMark4000_5_8_SortColID.csv 271 KB a0267fb3 almost 14 years Rick Reeves input table for the R script: MosaicCdemDiffere...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
a0267fb3 05/13/2011 03:21 PM Rick Reeves

input table for the R script: MosaicCdemDifferencePlots.r
Created by the R script: makeImagePairFiles.

80390607 05/13/2011 03:19 PM Rick Reeves

First working version - very simple - just 'source' the file and press <CR> to walk through the plots.

Next version: 'panel plots' and improved plot axes.

d732553c 05/13/2011 02:38 PM Rick Reeves

Very first version of plot making script. Plots need consolidation into 'panel plots', and plot labels need to be improved.

Uses input file:
tableForMark4000_5_8_SortColID.csv, also checked in.

f028b3dc 05/10/2011 05:05 PM Rick Reeves

These scripts are complete but may not run correctly due to conflicts in the extents of the input raster files. Recheck inputs.

5c833657 05/10/2011 05:04 PM Rick Reeves

Version runs correctly, though the CDEM edge input image might not be the latest and best. Recheck inputs

0f948be9 05/05/2011 11:05 AM Rick Reeves

Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable.r - sample of 4000 random columns, row 5 through row 8 straddling 60 degree boundary.

ad35c236 05/05/2011 11:02 AM Rick Reeves

Producing valid table, but from column samples taken entirely from mosaic. Next step: take them from Aster and Cgiar images.

b67964e8 05/04/2011 05:47 PM Rick Reeves

First version, has issues with column indexing, I am fixing tonight.

230f2a79 05/02/2011 04:41 PM Rick Reeves

Added collection of Linux shell scripts and R scripts that I used in my initial analysis of SRTM/CGIAR, CDEM, and ASTER GDEM digital terrain data sets.

View revisions

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