Revision b1260ae5
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 9 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/master_script_stage_7.R | ||
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier |
16 | 16 |
#CREATED ON: 01/01/2016 |
17 |
#MODIFIED ON: 04/20/2016
17 |
#MODIFIED ON: 04/23/2016
18 | 18 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms |
19 | 19 |
20 | 20 |
#First source these files: |
... | ... | |
63 | 63 |
64 | 64 |
#script_path <- "/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/env_layers_scripts" |
65 | 65 |
script_path <- "/nobackupp8/bparmen1/env_layers_scripts" #path to script |
66 |
function_mosaicing_functions <- "global_run_scalingup_mosaicing_function_04202016b.R" #PARAM12
67 |
function_mosaicing <-"global_run_scalingup_mosaicing_04202016b.R"
66 |
function_mosaicing_functions <- "global_run_scalingup_mosaicing_function_04222016b.R" #PARAM12
67 |
function_mosaicing <-"global_run_scalingup_mosaicing_04222016.R"
68 | 68 |
source(file.path(script_path,function_mosaicing)) #source all functions used in this script |
69 | 69 |
source(file.path(script_path,function_mosaicing_functions)) #source all functions used in this script |
70 | 70 |
... | ... | |
113 | 113 |
#algorithm <- "python" #PARAM 16 #if R use mosaic function for R, if python use modified gdalmerge script from Alberto Guzmann |
114 | 114 |
#layers_option <- c("var_pred") #arg 17 ,param 17, options are:#res_training, res_testing,ac_training, ac_testing, var_pred |
115 | 115 |
#tmp_files <- FALSE #arg 18, param 18 |
116 |
#use_int <- TRUE #, param 19, use int32 for output layers mosaiced |
117 |
#scaling <- 100 #, param 20, |
116 |
#data_type <- Int16 #, param 19, use int32 for output layers mosaiced |
117 |
#scaling <- 100 #, param 20, if null use 1 |
118 |
#values_range <- c(-100,100) |
118 | 119 |
119 |
var<-"TMAX" # variable being interpolated #param 1, arg 1
120 |
var <- "TMAX" # variable being interpolated #param 1, arg 1
120 | 121 |
in_dir <- "/nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/" #PARAM2,arg 2 |
121 | 122 |
region_name <- "reg4" #PARAM 3, arg 3 #reg4 South America, Africa reg5,Europe reg2, North America reg1, Asia reg3 |
122 |
out_suffix <- "reg4" #PARAM 4, arg 4 |
123 |
out_suffix <- "reg4_1991" #PARAM 4, arg 4
123 | 124 |
out_suffix_str <- region_name #PARAM 4, CONST 3 |
124 | 125 |
out_dir <- "/nobackupp8/bparmen1/climateLayers/out/reg4" #PARAM 5,arg 5 use this location for now |
125 | 126 |
create_out_dir_param <- TRUE #PARAM 6, arg 6 |
... | ... | |
130 | 131 |
metric_name <- "rmse" #RMSE, MAE etc. #PARAM 11, arg 11 |
131 | 132 |
day_start <- "19910101" #PARAM 12 arg 12 |
132 | 133 |
day_end <- "19910103" #PARAM 13 arg 13 |
133 |
infile_mask <- "/nobackupp8/bparmen1/NEX_data/regions_input_files/r_mask_reg4.tif" #PARAM 14, arg 14 |
134 |
#infile_mask <- "/nobackupp8/bparmen1/NEX_data/regions_input_files/r_mask_reg4.tif" #PARAM 14, arg 14 |
135 |
infile_mask <- "/nobackupp8/bparmen1/NEX_data/regions_input_files/r_mask_LST.tif" |
134 | 136 |
df_assessment_files_name <- "/nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/reg4/assessment/output_reg4_1991/df_assessment_files_reg4_1991_reg4_1991.txt" # data.frame with all files used in assessmnet, PARAM 15 |
135 | 137 |
algorithm <- "python" #PARAM 16 #if R use mosaic function for R, if python use modified gdalmerge script from Alberto Guzmann |
136 | 138 |
layers_option <- c("var_pred") #arg 17 ,param 17, options are:#res_training, res_testing,ac_training, ac_testing, var_pred |
137 | 139 |
tmp_files <- FALSE #arg 18, param 18 |
138 |
use_int <- TRUE #, param 19, use int32 for output layers mosaiced |
139 |
scaling <- 100 #, param 20, |
140 |
data_type <- "Int16" #, param 19, use int32 for output layers mosaiced |
141 |
scaling <- 100 #, param 20, if NULL don't rescale values |
142 |
values_range <- c(-100,100) #args 21, if NULL don't screen values |
140 | 143 |
141 | 144 |
#path_assessment <- NOT USED "/nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/reg4/assessment/output_reg4_1991" #PARAM 14a, arg 14 |
142 | 145 |
143 | 146 |
### Testing several years on the bridge before running jobs on nodes with qsub |
144 | 147 |
#Use the following command to run as script via the shell on the bridge |
145 |
#Rscript /nobackupp8/bparmen1/env_layers_scripts/master_script_stage_7_04202016.R TMAX /nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/ reg4 reg4 /nobackupp8/bparmen1/climateLayers/out/reg4 TRUE 1991 6 1e+07 use_edge_weights rmse 19910101 19910103 /nobackupp8/bparmen1/NEX_data/regions_input_files/r_mask_reg4.tif /nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/reg4/assessment/output_reg4_1991/df_assessment_files_reg4_1991_reg4_1991.txt python var_pred FALSE TRUE 100
148 |
#Rscript /nobackupp8/bparmen1/env_layers_scripts/master_script_stage_7_04202016.R TMAX /nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/ reg4 reg4 /nobackupp8/bparmen1/climateLayers/out/reg4 TRUE 1991 6 1e+07 use_edge_weights rmse 19910101 19910103 /nobackupp8/bparmen1/NEX_data/regions_input_files/mask_reg4_bool.tif /nobackupp6/aguzman4/climateLayers/out/reg4/assessment/output_reg4_1991/df_assessment_files_reg4_1991_reg4_1991.txt python var_pred FALSE Int16 100 -100,100
146 | 149 |
147 | 150 |
############################ |
148 | 151 |
... | ... | |
209 | 212 |
#layers_option <- c("var_pred") #options are: |
210 | 213 |
#res_training, res_testing,ac_training, ac_testing, var_pred |
211 | 214 |
tmp_files <- args[18] #PARAM 18 |
212 |
use_int <- args[19] #PARAM 19 #use integer 32 for layers outputs
215 |
data_type <- args[19] #PARAM 19 #use integer 32 for layers outputs
213 | 216 |
scaling <- args[20] #PARAM 19 #use integer 32 for layers outputs |
217 |
values_range <- args[21] #Param 21, args 21 |
214 | 218 |
215 | 219 |
#tmp_files <- FALSE |
216 | 220 |
interpolation_method <- c("gam_CAI") #PARAM21 |
... | ... | |
219 | 223 |
proj_str<- CRS_WGS84 #PARAM 24 #check this parameter |
220 | 224 |
file_format <- ".tif" #PARAM 25 |
221 | 225 |
NA_value <- -9999 #PARAM 26 |
222 |
NA_flag_val <- NA_value #PARAM 27 |
226 |
#NA_value <- -32768 #PARAM 26 |
227 |
NA_flag_val <- NA_value #PARAM 26 |
223 | 228 |
use_autokrige <- F #PARAM 28 |
224 | 229 |
#proj_str <- CRS_locs_WGS84 #PARAM 29 |
225 | 230 |
#python script and gdal on NEX NASA: |
... | ... | |
254 | 259 |
##30 parameters passed |
255 | 260 |
list_param_run_mosaicing_prediction <- list(in_dir,y_var_name,interpolation_method,region_name, |
256 | 261 |
mosaicing_method,out_suffix,out_suffix_str,metric_name,pred_mod_name,var_pred, out_dir, |
257 |
258 |
use_autokrige,infile_mask,df_assessment_files_name,mosaic_python, |
259 |
262 |
create_out_dir_param,day_to_mosaic_range,year_predicted,proj_str,file_format,NA_value, |
263 |
264 |
260 | 265 |
param_names <- c("in_dir","y_var_name","interpolation_method","region_name", |
261 | 266 |
"mosaicing_method","out_suffix","out_suffix_str","metric_name","pred_mod_name","var_pred","out_dir", |
262 |
263 |
"use_autokrige","infile_mask","df_assessment_files_name","mosaic_python", |
264 |
267 |
"create_out_dir_param","day_to_mosaic_range","year_predicted","proj_str","file_format","NA_value", |
268 |
269 |
265 | 270 |
names(list_param_run_mosaicing_prediction) <- param_names |
266 | 271 |
#list_param_run_mosaicing_prediction |
267 | 272 |
#debug(run_mosaicing_prediction_fun) |
Also available in: Unified diff
adding valid range option to master script mosaicing