root/climate/research/LST_missingdata.R @ b74bf08c
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### Short script to make a plot showing missing LST data in tiles from Alberto
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library(rasterVis) |
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setwd("~/Downloads/nasa/") |
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f=data.frame(full=T,path=list.files(pattern="tif$"),stringsAsFactors=F) |
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f$month=as.numeric(,strsplit(f$path,"_|[.]"))[,7]) |
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f=f[order(f$month),] |
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f$[f$month] |
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d=stack(f$path) |
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names(d)=f$mn |
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colramp=colorRampPalette(c("blue","orange","red")) |
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png("Climatologies.png",width=1500,height=600,pointsize=22) |
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levelplot(d,col.regions=c("grey",colramp(99)),at=c(-0.5,0.5,seq(1,70,len=99)),main="Land Surface Temperature - Monthly Climatologies",sub="Tile H08v05 (California and Northern Mexico) \n Grey indicates missing data") |
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