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# This scripts are to make SRTM vrt file and ASTER GDEM2 vrt file (full extent N82).
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# Then make tiff for each region (9). With ASTER, we will make four tiff files for each region,
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# Three for the boundary analysis purpose [ one for above N60, one for below N60, and one for straddle (N59-61) ].
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# The forth aster tiff file is full-extent (N59 to N82), which will be used in "check" and "meanElv" analysis.
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# All the files should be saved at /data/project/organisms/DEM/Yuni/Data/
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# Dec 9th 2011
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# Yuina Nunokawa
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export SRTMDIR="/data/project/organisms/DEM/Yuni/Data/srtm"
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# Create SRTM Tiff files for each region (also convert to 16bit integer)
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gdalbuildvrt $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt /data/project/organisms/DEM/cgiarSrtm/SRTM_90m_ASCII_4_1/srtm_*_01.asc
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gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 20 59 59.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_e020e059_below.tif
24 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 60 59 99.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_e060e099_below.tif
25 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 100 59 139.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_e100e139_below.tif
26 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 140 59 179.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_e140e179_below.tif
27 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -20 59 19.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_w020e019_below.tif
28 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -60 59 -21.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_w060w021_below.tif
29 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -100 59 -61.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_w100w061_below.tif
30 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -140 59 -101.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_w140w101_below.tif
31 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -180 59 -141.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -r bilinear $SRTMDIR/srtm.vrt $SRTMDIR/srtm_w180w141_below.tif
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export ASTDIR="/data/project/organisms/DEM/Yuni/Data/aster2"
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gdalbuildvrt $ASTDIR/aster.vrt /data/project/organisms/DEM/asterGdem2/ASTGTM2*_dem.tif
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# Create ASTER Tiff files for each region FOR Below N60 (
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gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 20 59 59.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e020e059_below.tif
49 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 60 59 99.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e060e099_below.tif
50 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 100 59 139.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e100e139_below.tif
51 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 140 59 179.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e140e179_below.tif
52 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -20 59 19.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w020e019_below.tif
53 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -60 59 -21.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w060w021_below.tif
54 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -100 59 -61.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w100w061_below.tif
55 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -140 59 -101.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w140w101_below.tif
56 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -180 59 -141.99 60 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w180w141_below.tif
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# Create ASTER Tiff files for each region FOR above N60 (61N)
60 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 20 60 59.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e020e059_above.tif
61 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 60 60 99.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e060e099_above.tif
62 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 100 60 139.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e100e139_above.tif
63 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 140 60 179.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e140e179_above.tif
64 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -20 60 19.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w020e019_above.tif
65 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -60 60 -21.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w060w021_above.tif
66 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -100 60 -61.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w100w061_above.tif
67 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -140 60 -101.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w140w101_above.tif
68 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -180 60 -141.99 61 -ts 48000 1200 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w180w141_above.tif
69 |
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# Create ASTER Tiff files for each region for straddle (N59 to 61)
72 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 20 59 59.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e020e059_straddle.tif
73 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 60 59 99.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e060e099_straddle.tif
74 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 100 59 139.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e100e139_straddle.tif
75 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 140 59 179.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e140e179_straddle.tif
76 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -20 59 19.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w020e019_straddle.tif
77 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -60 59 -21.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w060w021_straddle.tif
78 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -100 59 -61.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w100w061_straddle.tif
79 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -140 59 -101.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w140w101_straddle.tif
80 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -180 59 -141.99 61 -ts 48000 2400 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w180w141_straddle.tif
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# Create ASTER Tiff files for each region FOR FULL EXTENTION (82N)
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gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 20 59 59.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e020e059_82N.tif
86 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 60 59 99.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e060e099_82N.tif
87 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 100 59 139.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e100e139_82N.tif
88 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te 140 59 179.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_e140e179_82N.tif
89 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -20 59 19.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w020e019_82N.tif
90 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -60 59 -21.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w060w021_82N.tif
91 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -100 59 -61.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w100w061_82N.tif
92 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -140 59 -101.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w140w101_82N.tif
93 |
gdalwarp -ot Int16 -te -180 59 -141.99 82 -ts 48000 27600 -srcnodata “-9999” -r bilinear $ASTDIR/aster.vrt $ASTDIR/aster2_w180w141_82N.tif
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folded Nunokawa backup file changes into vrt script file