Revision bb747d71
Added by Benoit Parmentier over 11 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/GAM_fusion_function_multisampling_validation_metrics.R | ||
72 | 72 |
73 | 73 |
74 | 74 |
out_path <- list_param$out_path |
75 |
day_list <- list_param$rast_day_year_list[[i]] |
76 |
#day_list <-rast_day_yearlist[[i]] #list of prediction for the current date... |
77 |
names_mod <- names(day_list) |
78 |
method_mod_obj <- list_param$method_mod_obj |
75 |
day_list <- list_param$rast_day_year_list[[i]] #this is the list of raster files, may be daily or monthly predictions |
76 |
names_mod <- names(day_list) #names of the predicted variables |
79 | 77 |
80 |
y_var_name <- list_param$y_var_name #missing--debugging
78 |
y_ref <- list_param$y_ref #This is the reference variable from which resituals and accuracy metrics are created
81 | 79 |
multi_time_scale <- list_param$multi_time_scale |
82 | 80 |
83 |
if(multi_time_scale==TRUE){ |
84 |
data_v <- method_mod_obj[[i]]$data_month_v |
85 |
data_s <- method_mod_obj[[i]]$data_month_s |
86 |
daily_dev_sampling_dat <- method_mod_obj[[i]]$daily_dev_sampling_dat |
87 |
sampling_dat_day <- method_mod_obj[[i]]$daily_dev_sampling_dat |
88 |
}else{ |
89 |
#Change to results_mod_obj[[i]]$data_s to make it less specific |
90 |
data_v <- method_mod_obj[[i]]$data_v |
91 |
data_s <- method_mod_obj[[i]]$data_s |
92 |
sampling_dat_day <- (method_mod_obj[[i]])$sampling_dat |
93 |
} |
81 |
data_v <- list_param$list_data_v[[i]] |
82 |
data_s <- list_param$list_data_s[[i]] |
83 |
sampling_dat_day <- list_param$list_sampling_dat[[i]] |
94 | 84 |
95 | 85 |
## Now create the stack |
96 | 86 |
... | ... | |
98 | 88 |
names(rast_day_mod) <- names(day_list) |
99 | 89 |
#Change to handle cases in which data_v is NULL!!! |
100 | 90 |
101 |
ns<-nrow(data_s) # some loss of data might have happened because of the averaging...
102 |
91 |
ns <- nrow(data_s) # some loss of data might have happened because of the averaging...
92 |
nv <- nrow(data_v)
103 | 93 |
104 |
105 | 94 |
#add sampling dat info... |
106 | 95 |
N=length(names_mod) |
107 | 96 |
... | ... | |
112 | 101 |
113 | 102 |
extract_data_v<-extract(rast_day_mod,data_v,df=TRUE) |
114 | 103 |
data_v <-spCbind(data_v,extract_data_v) #should match IDs before joining for good practice |
115 |
104 |
116 | 105 |
metrics_v_df<-cbind(metrics_v_obj$metrics,run_info) |
117 |
106 |
118 | 107 |
#Name of the variable interpolated, useful for cross-comparison between methods at later stages |
119 | 108 |
data_v<-spCbind(data_v,metrics_v_obj$residuals) |
120 |
121 | 109 |
} |
122 | 110 |
123 | 111 |
extract_data_s<-extract(rast_day_mod,data_s,df=TRUE) |
112 |
124 | 113 |
data_s <-spCbind(data_s,extract_data_s) |
125 | 114 |
126 |
metrics_s_obj <- calc_val_metrics_rast(data_s,y_var_name,names_mod) |
115 |
metrics_s_obj <- calc_val_metrics_rast(data_s,y_ref,names_mod) |
116 |
127 | 117 |
run_info <- cbind(sampling_dat_day,n=ns) |
128 | 118 |
run_info[rep(seq_len(nrow(run_info)), each=N),] |
129 | 119 |
metrics_s_df <- cbind(metrics_s_obj$metrics,run_info) |
130 |
metrics_s_df["var_interp"] <- rep(y_var_name,times=nrow(metrics_s_df))
120 |
metrics_s_df["var_interp"] <- rep(y_ref,times=nrow(metrics_s_df))
131 | 121 |
#Name of the variable interpolated, useful for cross-comparison between methods at later stages |
132 | 122 |
133 | 123 |
data_s <- spCbind(data_s,metrics_s_obj$residuals) |
Also available in: Unified diff
validation script, modifications to make use of same function for daily and monthly accuracy calculations