Revision ca0865a8
Added by Adam M. Wilson about 11 years ago
climate/procedures/Build_Global_MODIS_tiles.R | ||
1 |
### this script generates empty tifs that align with the MODIS land tiles, but are available globally |
2 |
library(raster) |
3 |
4 |
###### |
5 |
### proceed by raster using information at |
6 |
maketile=function(tile,type="raster",outdir="MODTILES"){ |
7 |
## check tile |
8 |
## list of tile outside valid region |
9 |
nodata=c('h00v00','h01v00','h02v00','h03v00','h04v00','h05v00','h06v00','h07v00','h08v00','h09v00','h10v00', |
10 |
'h11v00','h12v00','h13v00','h22v00','h23v00','h24v00','h25v00','h26v00','h27v00','h28v00','h29v00','h30v00','h31v00', |
11 |
'h32v00','h33v00','h34v00','h35v00','h00v01','h01v01','h02v01','h03v01','h04v01','h05v01','h06v01','h07v01','h08v01', |
12 |
'h09v01','h10v01','h25v01','h26v01','h27v01','h28v01','h29v01','h30v01','h31v01','h32v01','h33v01','h34v01','h35v01', |
13 |
'h00v02','h01v02','h02v02','h03v02','h04v02','h05v02','h06v02','h07v02','h08v02','h27v02','h28v02','h29v02', |
14 |
'h30v02','h31v02','h32v02','h33v02','h34v02','h35v02','h00v03','h01v03','h02v03','h03v03','h04v03','h05v03','h30v03', |
15 |
'h31v03','h32v03','h33v03','h34v03','h35v03','h00v04','h01v04','h02v04','h03v04','h32v04','h33v04','h34v04','h35v04', |
16 |
'h00v05','h01v05','h34v05','h35v05','h00v06','h35v06','h00v11','h35v11','h00v12','h01v12','h34v12','h35v12','h00v13', |
17 |
'h01v13','h02v13','h03v13','h32v13','h33v13','h34v13','h35v13','h00v14','h01v14','h02v14','h03v14','h04v14','h05v14', |
18 |
'h30v14','h31v14','h32v14','h33v14','h34v14','h35v14','h00v15','h01v15','h02v15','h03v15','h04v15','h05v15','h06v15', |
19 |
'h07v15','h08v15','h27v15','h28v15','h29v15','h30v15','h31v15','h32v15','h33v15','h34v15','h35v15','h00v16','h01v16', |
20 |
'h02v16','h03v16','h04v16','h05v16','h06v16','h07v16','h08v16','h09v16','h10v16','h25v16','h26v16','h27v16','h28v16', |
21 |
'h29v16','h30v16','h31v16','h32v16','h33v16','h34v16','h35v16','h00v17','h01v17','h02v17','h03v17','h04v17','h05v17', |
22 |
'h06v17','h07v17','h08v17','h09v17','h10v17','h11v17','h12v17','h13v17','h22v17','h23v17','h24v17','h25v17','h26v17', |
23 |
'h27v17','h28v17','h29v17','h30v17','h31v17','h32v17','h33v17','h34v17','h35v17') |
24 |
if(tile%in%nodata) {print(paste(tile," not in region with data, skipping"));return(NULL)} |
25 |
## |
26 |
h=as.numeric(substr(tile,2,3)) |
27 |
v=as.numeric(substr(tile,5,6)) |
28 |
## Earth Width (m) |
29 |
ew=20015109.354*2 |
30 |
## Tile width or height = earth width / 36 = (20015109.354 + 20015109.354) / 36 = 1111950.5196666666 m |
31 |
tw=ew/36 |
32 |
## number of cells (1200 for 1km data) |
33 |
nc=1200 |
34 |
##1 km Cell size = tile width / cells |
35 |
cs=tw/nc |
36 |
##X coordinate of tile lower-left corner = -20015109.354 + horizontal tile number * tile width |
37 |
llx= -(ew/2) + (h * tw) |
38 |
lly= -(ew/4) + ((17-v) * tw) |
39 |
## projection |
40 |
proj="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
41 |
## make extent |
42 |
ext=extent(llx,llx+(nc*cs),lly,lly+(nc*cs)) |
43 |
grid=raster(ext,nrows=nc,ncol=nc,crs=proj) |
44 |
names(grid)=tile |
45 |
if(type=="raster") { |
46 |
writeRaster(grid,paste(outdir,"/",tile,".tif",sep=""),options=c("COMPRESS=LZW"),datatype="INT1U",overwrite=T) |
47 |
return(grid) |
48 |
} |
49 |
if(type=="extent") { |
50 |
grid2=data.frame(tile=tile,t(as.vector(extent(grid)))) |
51 |
names(grid2)=c("tile","xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") |
52 |
return(grid2) |
53 |
} |
54 |
} |
55 |
56 |
## run it and save the extents as an Rdata object for easy retrieval |
57 |
gs=expand.grid(h=0:35,v=0:17) |
58 |
gs$tile=paste("h",sprintf("%02d",gs$h),"v",sprintf("%02d",gs$v),sep="") |
59 |
modtiles=lapply(1:nrow(gs),function(i) maketile(gs$tile[i])) |
60 |
names(modtiles)=gs$tile |
61 |
62 |
## function to confirm that this method results in identical (e same extent, number of rows and columns, projection, resolution, and origin) rasters as MODIS LST data |
63 |
checkgrid<-function(tile){ |
64 |
print(tile) |
65 |
## path to MOD11A1 file for this tile to align grid/extent |
66 |
gridfile=list.files("/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD11A2.005/2009.01.01",pattern=paste(tile,".*[.]hdf$",sep=""),recursive=T,full=T)[1] |
67 |
if(!file.exists(gridfile)) return(NULL) |
68 |
td=raster(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",gridfile,"\":MODIS_Grid_8Day_1km_LST:LST_Day_1km",sep="")) |
69 |
td2=maketile(tile) |
70 |
return(compareRaster(td,td2,res=T,orig=T,rotation=T)) |
71 |
} |
72 |
73 |
testing=F |
74 |
if(testing){ |
75 |
## make the comparison for every tile |
76 |,lapply(gs$tile,checkgrid)) |
77 |
## summarize the results |
78 |
table(dat) |
79 |
} |
80 |
81 |
### make table of extents |
82 |,lapply(1:nrow(gs),function(i) maketile(gs$tile[i],type="extent"))) |
83 |
84 |
## get list of tiles with some land |
85 |
land=read.table("",skip=6,nrows=648,header=T) |
86 |
land$tile=paste("h",sprintf("%02d",land$ih),"v",sprintf("%02d",land$iv),sep="") |
87 |
land=land[land$lon_min!=-999,] |
88 |
modtiles$land=modtiles$tile%in%land$tile |
89 |
90 |
91 |
## write the table as text |
92 |
write.csv(modtiles,"MODIS_Tiles.csv",row.names=F,quote=F) |
climate/procedures/ | ||
1 |
import ee |
2 |
from ee import mapclient |
3 |
4 |
import logging |
5 |
logging.basicConfig() |
6 |
7 |
MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = '' # replace with your service account |
8 |
MY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = '/Users/adamw/EarthEngine-privatekey.p12' # replace with you private key file path |
9 |
10 |
ee.Initialize(ee.ServiceAccountCredentials(MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT, MY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)) |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
image = ee.Image('srtm90_v4') |
15 |
map = ee.mapclient.MapClient() |
16 |
map.addOverlay(mapclient.MakeOverlay(image.getMapId({'min': 0, 'max': 3000}))) |
climate/procedures/GHCND_stations_extraction_study_area.R | ||
1 |
################## Data preparation for interpolation ####################################### |
2 |
############################ Extraction of station data ########################################## |
3 |
#This script perform queries on the Postgres database ghcn for stations matching the # |
4 |
#interpolation area. It requires the following inputs: # |
5 |
# 1)the text file ofGHCND stations from NCDC matching the database version release # |
6 |
# 2)a shape file of the study area with geographic coordinates: lonlat WGS84 # # |
7 |
# 3)a new coordinate system can be provided as an argument # |
8 |
# 4)the variable of interest: "TMAX","TMIN" or "PRCP" # |
9 |
# # |
10 |
#The outputs are text files and a shape file of a time subset of the database # |
11 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier # |
12 |
#DATE: 06/02/212 # |
13 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#363-- # |
14 |
################################################################################################## |
15 |
16 |
###Loading R library and packages |
17 |
library(RPostgreSQL) |
18 |
library(sp) # Spatial pacakge with class definition by Bivand et al. |
19 |
library(spdep) # Spatial pacakge with methods and spatial stat. by Bivand et al. |
20 |
library(rgdal) # GDAL wrapper for R, spatial utilities |
21 |
library(rgeos) # Polygon buffering and other vector operations |
22 |
library(reshape) |
23 |
library(raster) |
24 |
25 |
### Parameters and arguments |
26 |
27 | <- "ghcn" #name of the Postgres database |
28 |
var <- "PRCP" #name of the variables to keep: TMIN, TMAX or PRCP |
29 |
year_start<-"1970" #starting year for the query (included) |
30 |
year_end<-"2011" #end year for the query (excluded) |
31 |
buffer=500 # size of buffer around shapefile to include in spatial query (in km), set to 0 to use no buffer |
32 |
infile2<-"ghcnd-stations.txt" #This is the textfile of station locations from GHCND |
33 |
new_proj<-"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" |
34 |
#tile="h11v08" |
35 |
tile="h09v04" |
36 |
tile="h21v09" |
37 |
38 |
#out_prefix<-"20121212" #User defined output prefix |
39 |
40 |
#for Adam |
41 |
outpath="/home/wilson/data" |
42 |
path="/home/wilson/data" |
43 |
setwd(path) |
44 |
45 |
46 |
############ START OF THE SCRIPT ################# |
47 |
48 |
##### Connect to Station database |
49 |
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") |
50 |
db <- dbConnect(drv,,options="statement_timeout = 1m") |
51 |
52 |
##### STEP 1: Select station in the study area |
53 |
## get MODLAND tile information |
54 |
#tb=read.table("",skip=6,nrows=648,header=T) |
55 |
#tb$tile=paste("h",sprintf("%02d",tb$ih),"v",sprintf("%02d",tb$iv),sep="") |
56 |
#tile_bb=tb[tb$tile==tile,] ## identify tile of interest |
57 |
#roi_ll=extent(tile_bb$lon_min,tile_bb$lon_max,tile_bb$lat_min,tile_bb$lat_max) |
58 |
59 |
modgrid=readOGR("/home/wilson/data/modisgrid","modis_sinusoidal_grid_world") |
60 |
roi=modgrid[modgrid$h==as.numeric(substr(tile,2,3))&modgrid$v==as.numeric(substr(tile,5,6)),] |
61 |
CRS_interp="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" |
62 |
interp_area=spTransform(roi,CRS(CRS_interp)) |
63 |
64 |
##### Buffer shapefile if desired |
65 |
## This is done to include stations from outside the region in the interpolation fitting process and reduce edge effects when stiching regions |
66 |
if(buffer>0){ #only apply buffer if buffer >0 |
67 |
interp_area=gUnionCascaded(interp_area) #dissolve any subparts of roi (if there are islands, lakes, etc.) |
68 |
interp_areaC=gCentroid(interp_area) # get centroid of region |
69 |
interp_areaB=spTransform( # buffer roi (transform to azimuthal equidistant with centroid of region for most (?) accurate buffering, add buffer, then transform to WGS84) |
70 |
gBuffer( |
71 |
spTransform(interp_area, |
72 |
CRS(paste("+proj=aeqd +lat_0=",interp_areaC@coords[2]," +lon_0=",interp_areaC@coords[1]," +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ",sep=""))), |
73 |
width=buffer*1000), # convert buffer (km) to meters |
74 |
CRS(CRS_interp)) # reproject back to original projection |
75 |
interp_area=interp_areaB # replace original region with buffered region |
76 |
} |
77 |
78 |
## get bounding box of study area |
79 |
bbox=bbox(interp_area) |
80 |
81 |
### read in station location information from database |
82 |
### use the bbox of the region to include only station in rectangular region to speed up overlay |
83 |
dat_stat=dbGetQuery(db, paste("SELECT id,name,latitude,longitude |
84 |
FROM stations |
85 |
WHERE latitude>=",bbox[2,1]," AND latitude<=",bbox[2,2]," |
86 |
AND longitude>=",bbox[1,1]," AND longitude<=",bbox[1,2]," |
87 |
;",sep="")) |
88 |
coordinates(dat_stat)<-c("longitude","latitude") |
89 |
proj4string(dat_stat)<-CRS_interp |
90 |
91 |
92 |
# Spatial query to find relevant stations |
93 |
inside <- !, as(interp_area, "SpatialPolygons"))) #Finding stations contained in the current interpolation area |
94 |
stat_roi<-dat_stat[inside,] #Finding stations contained in the current interpolation area |
95 |
stat_roi<-spTransform(stat_roi,CRS(new_proj)) # Project from WGS84 to new coord. system |
96 |
97 |
#Quick visualization of station locations |
98 |
#plot(interp_area, axes =TRUE) |
99 |
#plot(stat_roi, pch=1, col="red", cex= 0.7, add=TRUE) |
100 |
#legend("topleft", pch=1,col="red",bty="n",title= "Stations",cex=1.6) |
101 |
102 |
#### STEP 2: Connecting to the database and query for relevant data |
103 |
104 |
## Query to link station location information and observations |
105 |
## Concatenate date columns into single field for easy convert to date |
106 |
## Divide value by 10 to convert to degrees C and mm |
107 |
## Subset to years in year_start -> year_end |
108 |
## Drop missing values (-9999) |
109 |
## Drop observations that failed quality control (keep only qflag==NA) |
110 |
system.time( |
111 |
dd<<-dbGetQuery(db, #save object dd (data daily) |
112 |
paste("SELECT station,year||'-'||month||'-'||day AS date,value / 10.0 as value,latitude,longitude,elevation |
113 |
FROM ghcn, stations |
114 |
WHERE station = id |
115 |
AND id IN ('",paste(stat_roi$id,collapse="','"),"') |
116 |
AND element='",var,"' |
117 |
AND year>=",year_start," |
118 |
AND year<",year_end," |
119 |
AND value<>-9999 |
120 |
AND qflag IS NULL |
121 |
;",sep="")) |
122 |
) ### print used time in seconds - only taking ~30 seconds.... |
123 |
124 |
dd=dd[!$value),] #drop any NA values |
125 |
126 |
################################################################# |
127 |
### STEP 3: generate monthly means for climate-aided interpolation |
128 |
129 |
### first extract average daily values by year. |
130 |
system.time( |
131 |
dm<<-dbGetQuery(db, # create dm object (data monthly) |
132 |
paste("SELECT station,month,count(value) as count,avg(value)/10.0 as value,latitude,longitude,elevation |
133 |
FROM ghcn, stations |
134 |
WHERE station = id |
135 |
AND id IN ('",paste(stat_roi$id,collapse="','"),"') |
136 |
AND element='",var,"' |
137 |
AND year>=",year_start," |
138 |
AND year<",year_end," |
139 |
AND value<>-9999 |
140 |
AND qflag IS NULL |
141 |
GROUP BY station, month,latitude,longitude,elevation |
142 |
;",sep="")) |
143 |
) ### print used time in seconds - only taking ~30 seconds.... |
144 |
145 |
### drop months with fewer than 75% of the data observations |
146 |
### is 75% the right number? |
147 |
#dm=dm[dm$count>=(.75*10*30),] |
148 |
149 |
## add the monthly data to the daily table |
150 |
dd$month=as.numeric(as.character(format(as.Date(dd$date),"%m"))) |
151 |
dd$avgvalue=dm$value[match(paste(dd$station,dd$month),paste(dm$station,dm$month))] |
152 |
dd$avgcount=dm$count[match(paste(dd$station,dd$month),paste(dm$station,dm$month))] |
153 |
154 |
### Generate log-transformed ratio of daily:monthly ppt and add it to daily data |
155 |
if(var=="PRCP"){ |
156 |
dd$anom=log((1+dd$value)/(1+dd$avgvalue)) |
157 |
dd$anom[dd$anom==Inf|dd$anom2==-Inf]=NA |
158 |
} |
159 |
160 |
### Generate temperature anomolies for each daily value |
161 |
if(var!="PRCP"){ |
162 |
dd$anom=dd$value-dd$avgvalue |
163 |
} |
164 |
165 |
166 |
### Transform the subset data frame in a spatial data frame and reproject |
167 |
dd_sp<-SpatialPointsDataFrame (dd[,c('longitude','latitude')],data=dd,proj=CRS(CRS_interp)) |
168 |
dd_sp<-spTransform(dd_sp,CRS(new_proj)) # Project from WGS84 to new coord. system |
169 |
170 |
### Transform the subset data frame in a spatial data frame and reproject |
171 |
dm_sp<-SpatialPointsDataFrame (dm[,c('longitude','latitude')],data=dm,proj=CRS(CRS_interp)) |
172 |
dm_sp<-spTransform(dm_sp,CRS(new_proj)) # Project from WGS84 to new coord. system |
173 |
174 |
################################################################ |
175 |
### STEP 4: Save results and outuput in textfile and a shape file |
176 |
177 |
## Save shapefile of station locations |
178 |
writeOGR(stat_roi,outpath,paste("station_location_",tile,"_",var,sep=""),driver ="ESRI Shapefile") |
179 |
180 |
## save shapefile of daily observations |
181 |
writeOGR(dd_sp,outpath,paste("/station_daily_",tile,"_",var,sep=""), driver ="ESRI Shapefile") #Note that the layer name is the file name without extension |
182 |
183 |
### write monthly data |
184 |
writeOGR(dm_sp, outpath, paste("/station_monthly_",tile,"_",var,sep=""), driver ="ESRI Shapefile") #Note that the layer name is the file name without extension |
185 |
186 |
##### END OF SCRIPT ########## |
climate/procedures/GetCloudProducts.R | ||
1 |
## download cloud products from GEWEX for comparison |
2 |
setwd("~/acrobates/adamw/projects/cloud/") |
3 |
library(rasterVis) |
4 |
5 |
6 |
## get PATMOS-X 1-deg data |
7 |
dir1="data/gewex/" |
8 |
9 |
for(y in 2000:2009) system(paste("wget -nc -P ",dir1,"",y,".nc.gz",sep="")) |
10 |
## decompress |
11 |
lapply(list.files(dir1,pattern="gz",full=T),function(f) system(paste("gzip -dc < ",f," > ",dir1," ",sub(".gz","",basename(f)),sep=""))) |
12 |
## mergetime |
13 |
system(paste("cdo -mergetime ",list.files(dir1,pattern="nc$",full=T)," ",dir1,"",sep="")) |
14 |
15 |
16 |
## Get |
17 |
climate/procedures/HelloRmpi.r | ||
1 |
# Echo out library paths |
2 |
.libPaths() |
3 |
4 |
# Load the R MPI package if it is not already loaded |
5 |
if (!is.loaded("mpi_initialize")) { |
6 |
library("Rmpi") |
7 |
} |
8 |
9 |
# Echo out libraries loaded |
10 |
library() |
11 |
12 |
# Echo out what is loaded |
13 |
search() |
14 |
15 |
# Spawn as many slaves as possible |
16 |
mpi.spawn.Rslaves() |
17 |
18 |
# In case R exits unexpectedly, have it automatically clean up |
19 |
# resources taken up by Rmpi (slaves, memory, etc...) |
20 |
.Last <- function(){ |
21 |
if (is.loaded("mpi_initialize")){ |
22 |
if (mpi.comm.size(1) > 0){ |
23 |
print("Please use mpi.close.Rslaves() to close slaves.") |
24 |
mpi.close.Rslaves() |
25 |
} |
26 |
print("Please use mpi.quit() to quit R") |
27 |
.Call("mpi_finalize") |
28 |
} |
29 |
} |
30 |
31 |
# Tell all slaves to return a message identifying themselves |
32 |
mpi.remote.exec(paste("I am",mpi.comm.rank(),"of",mpi.comm.size())) |
33 |
34 |
# Tell all slaves to close down, and exit the program |
35 |
mpi.close.Rslaves() |
36 |
mpi.quit() |
climate/procedures/HelloRmpi.r.Rout | ||
1 |
2 |
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows" |
3 |
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing |
4 |
ISBN 3-900051-07-0 |
5 |
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) |
6 |
7 |
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. |
8 |
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. |
9 |
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. |
10 |
11 |
R is a collaborative project with many contributors. |
12 |
Type 'contributors()' for more information and |
13 |
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. |
14 |
15 |
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or |
16 |
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. |
17 |
Type 'q()' to quit R. |
18 |
19 |
> # Echo out library paths |
20 |
> .libPaths() |
21 |
[1] "/home1/awilso10/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/2.15" |
22 |
[2] "/nasa/R/2.15.1/lib64/R/library" |
23 |
> |
24 |
> # Load the R MPI package if it is not already loaded |
25 |
> if (!is.loaded("mpi_initialize")) { |
26 |
+ library("Rmpi") |
27 |
+ } |
climate/procedures/MOD06_Climatology.r | ||
1 |
### Process a folder of daily MOD06 HDF files to produce a climatology |
2 |
3 |
## import commandline arguments |
4 |
library(getopt) |
5 |
## get options |
6 |
opta <- getopt(matrix(c( |
7 |
'tile', 't', 1, 'character', |
8 |
'verbose','v',1,'logical' |
9 |
), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)) |
10 |
11 |
tile=opta$tile #tile="h11v08" |
12 |
verbose=opta$verbose #print out extensive information for debugging? |
13 |
14 |
### directory containing daily files |
15 |
outdir=paste("daily/",tile,"/",sep="") #directory for separate daily files |
16 |
17 |
### directory to hold climatology |
18 |
outdir2="summary" #directory for combined daily files and summarized files |
19 |
if(!file.exists(outdir2)) dir.create(outdir2) |
20 |
21 |
### path to NCO |
22 |
ncopath="/nasa/sles11/nco/4.0.8/gcc/mpt/bin/" |
23 |
24 |
### Vector of variables that must be in file or they will be deleted. |
25 |
### Formated as output from system(paste("cdo -s showvar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T) |
26 |
finalvars=" CER COT CLD" |
27 |
28 |
29 |
################################################################################ |
30 |
## Get list of all daily files |
31 |
if(verbose) print("Checking daily output in preparation for generating climatology") |
32 |
33 |
fdly=data.frame(path=list.files(outdir,pattern="nc$",full=T),stringsAsFactors=F) |
34 |
fdly$file=basename(fdly$path) |
35 |
fdly$dateid=substr(fdly$file,14,21) |
36 |
fdly$date=as.Date(substr(fdly$file,14,21),"%Y%m%d") |
37 |
fdly$month=format(fdly$date,"%m") |
38 |
fdly$year=format(fdly$date,"%Y") |
39 |
nrow(fdly) |
40 |
41 |
## check validity (via npar and ntime) of nc files |
42 |
#for(i in 1:nrow(fdly)){ |
43 |
# fdly$ntime[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s ntime ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
44 |
# fdly$npar[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s npar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
45 |
# fdly$fyear[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s showyear ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
46 |
# fdly$fmonth[i]<-as.numeric(system(paste("cdo -s showmon ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T)) |
47 |
# fdly$fvar[i]<-system(paste("cdo -s showvar ",fdly$path[i]),intern=T) |
48 |
# print(paste(i," out of ",nrow(fdly)," for year ", fdly$fyear[i])) |
49 |
#} |
50 |
51 |
## print some summaries |
52 |
if(verbose) print("Summary of available daily files") |
53 |
print(table(fdly$year)) |
54 |
print(table(fdly$month)) |
55 |
#print(table(fdly$fvar)) |
56 |
57 |
## Identify which files failed test |
58 |
#fdly$$npar)|fdly$fvar!=finalvars |
59 |
60 |
## delete files that fail check? |
61 |
delete=F |
62 |
if(delete) { |
63 |
print(paste(sum(fdly$drop),"files will be deleted")) |
64 |
file.remove(as.character(fdly$path[fdly$drop])) |
65 |
} |
66 |
## remove dropped files from list |
67 |
#fdly=fdly[!fdly$drop,] |
68 |
69 |
################################################################################# |
70 |
## Combine the year-by-year files into a single daily file in the summary directory (for archiving) |
71 |
if(verbose) print("Merging daily files into single file output") |
72 |
73 |
## create temporary directory to put intermediate files (will be deleted when R quits) |
74 |
tsdir=paste(tempdir(),"/summary",sep="") |
75 |
if(!file.exists(tsdir)) dir.create(tsdir,recursive=T) |
76 |
77 |
## merge all daily files to create a single file with all dates |
78 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrcat -O ",outdir,"/*nc ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
79 |
80 |
## Update attributes |
81 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
82 |
" -a units,time,o,c,\"days since 2000-1-1 0:0:0\" ", |
83 |
" -a title,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06) Daily Timeseries\" ", |
84 |
" -a institution,global,o,c,\"Yale University\" ", |
85 |
" -a source,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06)\" ", |
86 |
" -a comment,global,o,c,\"Compiled by Adam M. Wilson (\" ", |
87 |
outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
88 |
89 |
### produce a monthly timeseries? |
90 |
#system(paste("cdo -O monmean ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
91 |
92 |
############################# |
93 |
## Generate the Climatologies |
94 |
if(verbose) print("Generate monthly climatologies") |
95 |
96 |
myear=as.integer(max(fdly$year)) #this year will be used in all dates of monthly climatologies (and day will = 15) |
97 |
98 |
## Monthly means |
99 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the monthly means") |
100 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -ymonmean ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep=""),wait=T) |
101 |
102 |
## Monthly standard deviation |
103 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the monthly SD") |
104 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -ymonstd ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
105 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CER,CER_sd -v CLD,CLD_sd -v COT,COT_sd ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
106 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
107 |
" -a long_name,CER_sd,o,c,\"Cloud Particle Effective Radius (standard deviation of daily observations)\" ", |
108 |
" -a long_name,CLD_sd,o,c,\"Cloud Mask (standard deviation of daily observations)\" ", |
109 |
" -a long_name,COT_sd,o,c,\"Cloud Optical Thickness (standard deviation of daily observations)\" ", |
110 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
111 |
112 |
## cer > 20 |
113 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the proportion of days with CER > 20") |
114 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -ymonmean -gtc,20 -selvar,CER ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
115 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CER,CER20 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
116 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
117 |
" -a long_name,CER20,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Particle Effective Radius > 20um\" ", |
118 |
" -a units,CER20,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
119 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
120 |
121 |
## cld == 0 |
122 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the proportion of cloudy days") |
123 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -eqc,0 -setctomiss,1 -selvar,CLD2 ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
124 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CLD2,CLD0 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
125 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
126 |
" -a long_name,CLD0,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Mask == 0\" ", |
127 |
" -a units,CLD0,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
128 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
129 |
130 |
## cld == 0|1 |
131 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the proportion of cloudy days") |
132 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -lec,1 -selvar,CLD2 ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
133 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CLD2,CLD01 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
134 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
135 |
" -a long_name,CLD01,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Mask == 0|1\" ", |
136 |
" -a units,CLD01,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
137 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
138 |
139 |
## cld == 1 |
140 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the proportion of uncertain days") |
141 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -eqc,1 -selvar,CLD2 ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
142 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CLD2,CLD1 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
143 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
144 |
" -a long_name,CLD1,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Mask == 1 (uncertain)\" ", |
145 |
" -a units,CLD1,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
146 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
147 |
148 |
149 |
## cld >= 2 (setting cld==01 to missing because 'uncertain') |
150 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the proportion of clear days") |
151 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -gtc,1 -setctomiss,1 -selvar,CLD2 ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
152 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CLD2,CLD23 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
153 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
154 |
" -a long_name,CLD23,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Mask >= 2 (Probably Clear or Certainly Clear)\" ", |
155 |
" -a units,CLD23,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
156 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
157 |
158 |
## cld >= 1 |
159 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the proportion of clear days") |
160 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -gec,1 -selvar,CLD2 ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
161 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CLD2,CLD13 ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
162 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
163 |
" -a long_name,CLD13,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with Cloud Mask >= 1\" ", |
164 |
" -a units,CLD13,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
165 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
166 |
167 |
## number of observations |
168 |
if(verbose) print("Calculating the number of missing variables") |
169 |
system(paste("cdo -O sorttimestamp -setyear,",myear," -setday,15 -nint -mulc,100 -ymonmean -eqc,9999 -setmisstoc,9999 -selvar,CER,CLD ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
170 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncrename -v CER,CER_pmiss -v CLD,CLD_pmiss ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
171 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
172 |
" -a long_name,CER_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with missing data for CER\" ", |
173 |
" -a long_name,CLD_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion of Days with missing data for CLD\" ", |
174 |
" -a scale_factor,CER_pmiss,o,d,0.01 ", |
175 |
" -a units,CER_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
176 |
" -a scale_factor,CLD_pmiss,o,d,0.01 ", |
177 |
" -a units,CLD_pmiss,o,c,\"Proportion\" ", |
178 |
tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
179 |
180 |
## append variables to a single file |
181 |
if(verbose) print("Append all monthly climatologies into a single file") |
182 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -O ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
183 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
184 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
185 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
186 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
187 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
188 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
189 |
190 |
## append sinusoidal grid from one of input files as CDO doesn't transfer all attributes |
191 |
if(verbose) print("Clean up file (update attributes, flip latitudes, add grid description") |
192 |
193 |
#system(paste(ncopath,"ncea -d time,0,1 -v sinusoidal ",list.files(outdir,full=T,pattern="[.]nc$")[1]," ",tsdir,"/",sep="")) |
194 |
#system(paste(ncopath,"ncks -A -d time,0,1 -v sinusoidal ",list.files(outdir,full=T,pattern="[.]nc$")[1]," ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile,"",sep="")) |
195 |
196 |
## invert latitude so it plays nicely with gdal |
197 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncpdq -O -a -y ",tsdir,"/MOD06_",tile," ",outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,".nc",sep="")) |
198 |
199 |
## update attributes |
200 |
system(paste(ncopath,"ncatted ", |
201 |
#" -a standard_parallel,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ", |
202 |
#" -a longitude_of_central_meridian,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ", |
203 |
#" -a latitude_of_central_meridian,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ", |
204 |
" -a units,time,o,c,\"days since 2000-1-1 0:0:0\" ", |
205 |
" -a title,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06) Climatology\" ", |
206 |
" -a institution,global,o,c,\"Yale University\" ", |
207 |
" -a source,global,o,c,\"MODIS Cloud Product (MOD06)\" ", |
208 |
" -a comment,global,o,c,\"Compiled by Adam M. Wilson (\" ", |
209 |
outdir2,"/MOD06_",tile,".nc",sep="")) |
210 |
211 |
212 |
print(paste("############################### Processed ",nrow(fdly),"days for tile:",tile," ###################################################")) |
213 |
print("Years:") |
214 |
print(table(fdly$fyear)) |
215 |
print("Months:") |
216 |
print(table(fdly$fmonth)) |
217 |
218 |
## quit R |
219 |
q("no") |
220 |
climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_data_compile.r | ||
1 |
################################################################################### |
2 |
### R code to aquire and process MOD06_L2 cloud data from the MODIS platform |
3 |
4 |
5 |
## connect to server of choice |
6 |
#system("ssh litoria") |
7 |
#R |
8 |
9 |
library(sp) |
10 |
library(rgdal) |
11 |
library(reshape) |
12 |
library(ncdf4) |
13 |
library(geosphere) |
14 |
library(rgeos) |
15 |
library(multicore) |
16 |
library(raster) |
17 |
library(lattice) |
18 |
library(rgl) |
19 |
library(hdf5) |
20 |
library(spgrass6) |
21 |
22 |
23 |
### set options for Raster Package |
24 |
setOptions(progress="text",timer=T) |
25 |
26 |
X11.options(type="Xlib") |
27 |
ncores=20 #number of threads to use |
28 |
29 |
setwd("/home/adamw/personal/projects/interp") |
30 |
setwd("/home/adamw/acrobates/projects/interp") |
31 |
32 |
## read in shapefile as Region of Interest (roi) |
33 |
roi=readOGR("data/regions/Test_sites/Oregon.shp","Oregon") |
34 |
roi=spTransform(roi,CRS(" +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0")) |
35 |
36 |
### use MODIS tile as ROI instead |
37 |
modt=readOGR("/home/adamw/acrobates/Global/modis_sinusoidal","modis_sinusoidal_grid_world",) |
38 |
tiles=c("H9V4") #oregon |
39 |
tiles=c("H11V8") #Venezuela |
40 |
41 |
roi=modt[modt$HV%in%tiles,] |
42 |
43 |
## Bounding box of region in lat/lon |
44 |
roi_ll=spTransform(roi,CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")) |
45 |
roi_bb=bbox(roi_ll) |
46 |
47 |
### Downloading data from LAADSWEB |
48 |
# subset by geographic area of interest |
49 |
50 |
## download data from ftp site. Unfortunately the selection has to be selected using the website and orders downloaded via ftp. |
51 |
52 |
#system("wget -r --retr-symlinks -P /home/adamw/acrobates/projects/interp/data/modis/MOD06_L2_hdf") |
53 |
54 |
## specify some working directories |
55 |
gdir="output/" |
56 |
#datadir="data/modis/MOD06_L2_hdf" |
57 |
#outdir="data/modis/MOD06_L2_hdf2" |
58 |
#tifdir="/media/data/MOD06_L2_tif" |
59 |
#summarydatadir="data/modis/MOD06_climatologies" |
60 |
datadir="data/modis/Venezuela/MOD06" |
61 |
outdir="data/modis/Venezuela/MOD06_" |
62 |
#tifdir="/media/data/MOD06_L2_tif" |
63 |
summarydatadir="data/modis/MOD06_climatologies" |
64 |
65 |
66 |
fs=data.frame( |
67 |
path=list.files(datadir,full=T,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"), |
68 |
file=basename(list.files(datadir,full=F,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"))) |
69 |
fs$date=as.Date(substr(fs$file,11,17),"%Y%j") |
70 |
fs$month=format(fs$date,"%m") |
71 |
fs$year=format(fs$date,"%Y") |
72 |
fs$time=substr(fs$file,19,22) |
73 |
fs$datetime=as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(substr(fs$file,11,17),substr(fs$file,19,22)), '%Y%j %H%M')) |
74 |
fs$dateid=format(fs$date,"%Y%m%d") |
75 |
fs$path=as.character(fs$path) |
76 |
fs$file=as.character(fs$file) |
77 |
78 |
## output ROI |
79 |
#get bounding box of region in m |
80 |
#ge=SpatialPoints(data.frame(lon=c(-125,-115),lat=c(40,47))) |
81 |
#projection(ge)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
82 |
#ge2=spTransform(ge, CRS(" +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0")) |
83 |
84 |
## vars |
85 | |
86 |
"Cloud_Effective_Radius", "CER", |
87 |
"Cloud_Effective_Radius_Uncertainty", "CERU", |
88 |
"Cloud_Optical_Thickness", "COT", |
89 |
"Cloud_Optical_Thickness_Uncertainty", "COTU", |
90 |
"Cloud_Water_Path", "CWP", |
91 |
"Cloud_Water_Path_Uncertainty", "CWPU", |
92 |
"Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties", "CPOP", |
93 |
"Cloud_Multi_Layer_Flag", "CMLF", |
94 |
"Cloud_Mask_1km", "CM1", |
95 |
"Quality_Assurance_1km", "QA"), |
96 |
byrow=T,ncol=2,dimnames=list(1:10,c("variable","varid"))),stringsAsFactors=F) |
97 |
98 |
99 |
### Installation of hegtool |
100 |
## needed 32-bit libraries and java for program to install correctly |
101 |
102 |
# system(paste("hegtool -h ",fs$path[1],sep="")) |
103 |
104 |
105 |
#### Function to generate hegtool parameter file for multi-band HDF-EOS file |
106 |
swath2grid=function(i=1,files,vars,outdir,upleft,lowright){ |
107 |
file=fs$path[i] |
108 |
print(paste("Starting file",basename(file))) |
109 |
outfile=paste(outdir,"/",fs$file[i],sep="") |
110 |
### First write the parameter file (careful, heg is very finicky!) |
111 |
hdr=paste("NUM_RUNS = ",length(vars),"|MULTI_BAND_HDFEOS:",length(vars),sep="") |
112 |
grp=paste(" |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
FIELD_NAME=",vars,"| |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( ",upleft," ) |
121 |
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( ",lowright," ) |
122 |
#RESAMPLING_TYPE =",ifelse(grepl("Flag|Mask|Quality",vars),"NN","CUBIC")," |
123 |
124 |
125 |
UTM_ZONE = 10 |
126 |
# OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 6371007.181 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 86400.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
127 |
# projection parameters from |
128 |
129 |
130 |
OUTPUT_FILENAME = ",outfile," |
131 |
132 |
133 |
",sep="") |
134 |
135 |
## if any remnants from previous runs remain, delete them |
136 |
if(length(list.files(tempdir(),pattern=basename(file)))>0) |
137 |
file.remove(list.files(tempdir(),pattern=basename(file),full=T)) |
138 |
## write it to a file |
139 |
cat(c(hdr,grp) , file=paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt",sep="")) |
140 |
## now run the swath2grid tool |
141 |
## write the tiff file |
142 |
log=system(paste("sudo MRTDATADIR=/usr/local/heg/data ", |
143 |
"PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/bin/swtif -p ", |
144 |
paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d",sep=""),sep=""),intern=T) |
145 |
print(paste("Finished ", file)) |
146 |
} |
147 |
148 |
149 |
### update fs with completed files |
150 |
fs$complete=fs$file%in%list.files(outdir,pattern="hdf$") |
151 |
table(fs$complete) |
152 |
153 |
## must be run as root to access the data directory! argh! |
154 |
## run sudo once here to enter password before continuing |
155 |
system('sudo ls') |
156 |
157 |
#### Run the gridding procedure |
158 |
mclapply(which(!fs$complete),function(fi){ |
159 |
swath2grid(fi,vars=vars$variable,files=fs, |
160 |
outdir=outdir, |
161 |
upleft=paste(roi_bb[2,2],roi_bb[1,1]), |
162 |
lowright=paste(roi_bb[2,1],roi_bb[1,2]))}, |
163 |
mc.cores=24) |
164 |
165 |
166 |
############################################################## |
167 |
### Import to GRASS for processing |
168 |
169 |
#fs$grass=paste(fs$month,fs$year,fs$file,sep="_") |
170 |
td=readGDAL(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",outdir,"/",fs$file[1],"\":mod06:Cloud_Mask_1km_0",sep="")) |
171 |
#projection(td)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 " |
172 |
projection(td)="+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" |
173 |
174 |
## fucntion to convert binary to decimal to assist in identifying correct values |
175 |
b2d=function(x) sum(x * 2^(rev(seq_along(x)) - 1)) # |
176 |
## for example: |
177 |
b2d(c(T,T)) |
178 |
179 |
### create (or connect to) grass location |
180 |
gisDbase="/media/data/grassdata" |
181 |
gisLocation="oregon" |
182 |
gisMapset="mod06" |
183 |
## set Grass to overwrite |
184 |
Sys.setenv(GRASS_OVERWRITE=1) |
185 |
Sys.setenv(DEBUG=0) |
186 |
187 |
## temporary objects to test function below |
188 |
i=1 |
189 |
file=paste(outdir,"/",fs$file[1],sep="") |
190 |
date=as.Date("2000-05-23") |
191 |
192 |
193 |
### Function to extract various SDSs from a single gridded HDF file and use QA data to throw out 'bad' observations |
194 |
loadcloud<-function(date,fs){ |
195 |
### set up unique grass session |
196 |
tf=paste(tempdir(),"/grass", Sys.getpid(),"/", sep="") |
197 |
198 |
## set up tempfile for this PID |
199 |
initGRASS(gisBase="/usr/lib/grass64",gisDbase=tf,SG=td,override=T,location="mod06",mapset="PERMANENT",home=tf,pid=Sys.getpid()) |
200 |
# system(paste("g.proj -c proj4=\"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs\"",sep="")) |
201 |
system(paste("g.proj -c proj4=\"+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs\"",sep="")) |
202 |
203 |
## Define region by importing one raster. |
204 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",outdir,"/",fs$file[1],"\":mod06:Cloud_Mask_1km_0",sep=""), |
205 |
output="modisgrid",flags=c("quiet","overwrite","o")) |
206 |
system("g.region rast=modisgrid save=roi --overwrite") |
207 |
system("g.region roi") |
208 |
system("g.region -p") |
209 |
210 |
## Identify which files to process |
211 |
tfs=fs$file[fs$date==date] |
212 |
nfs=length(tfs) |
213 |
214 |
### print some summary info |
215 |
print(date) |
216 |
## loop through scenes and process QA flags |
217 |
for(i in 1:nfs){ |
218 |
file=paste(outdir,"/",tfs[i],sep="") |
219 |
## Cloud Mask |
220 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Mask_1km_0",sep=""), |
221 |
output=paste("CM1_",i,sep=""),flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
222 |
## extract cloudy and 'confidently clear' pixels |
223 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
224 |
CM_cloud_",i," = ((CM1_",i," / 2^0) % 2) == 1 && ((CM1_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2) == 0 |
225 |
CM_clear_",i," = ((CM1_",i," / 2^0) % 2) == 1 && ((CM1_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2) == 3 |
226 |
EOF",sep="")) |
227 |
228 |
## QA |
229 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Quality_Assurance_1km_0",sep=""), |
230 |
output=paste("QA_",i,sep=""),flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
231 |
## QA_CER |
232 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
233 |
QA_COT_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^0) % 2^1 )==1 |
234 |
QA_COT2_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2 )==3 |
235 |
QA_COT3_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^3) % 2^2 )==0 |
236 |
QA_CER_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^5) % 2^1 )==1 |
237 |
QA_CER2_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^6) % 2^2 )==3 |
238 |
EOF",sep="")) |
239 |
# QA_CWP_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^8) % 2^1 )==1 |
240 |
# QA_CWP2_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^9) % 2^2 )==3 |
241 |
242 |
## Optical Thickness |
243 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Optical_Thickness",sep=""), |
244 |
output=paste("COT_",i,sep=""), |
245 |
title="cloud_effective_radius", |
246 |
flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
247 |
execGRASS("r.null",map=paste("COT_",i,sep=""),setnull="-9999") |
248 |
## keep only positive COT values where quality is 'useful' and 'very good' & scale to real units |
249 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"COT_",i,"=if(QA_COT_",i,"&&QA_COT2_",i,"&&QA_COT3_",i,"&&COT_",i,">=0,COT_",i,"*0.009999999776482582,null())\"",sep="")) |
250 |
## set COT to 0 in clear-sky pixels |
251 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"COT2_",i,"=if(CM_clear_",i,"==0,COT_",i,",0)\"",sep="")) |
252 |
253 |
## Effective radius ## |
254 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Effective_Radius",sep=""), |
255 |
output=paste("CER_",i,sep=""), |
256 |
title="cloud_effective_radius", |
257 |
flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
258 |
execGRASS("r.null",map=paste("CER_",i,sep=""),setnull="-9999") |
259 |
## keep only positive CER values where quality is 'useful' and 'very good' & scale to real units |
260 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CER_",i,"=if(QA_CER_",i,"&&QA_CER2_",i,"&&CER_",i,">=0,CER_",i,"*0.009999999776482582,null())\"",sep="")) |
261 |
## set CER to 0 in clear-sky pixels |
262 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CER2_",i,"=if(CM_clear_",i,"==0,CER_",i,",0)\"",sep="")) |
263 |
264 |
## Cloud Water Path |
265 |
# execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Water_Path",sep=""), |
266 |
# output=paste("CWP_",i,sep=""),title="cloud_water_path", |
267 |
# flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
268 |
# execGRASS("r.null",map=paste("CWP_",i,sep=""),setnull="-9999") |
269 |
## keep only positive CER values where quality is 'useful' and 'very good' & scale to real units |
270 |
# system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CWP_",i,"=if(QA_CWP_",i,"&&QA_CWP2_",i,"&&CWP_",i,">=0,CWP_",i,"*0.009999999776482582,null())\"",sep="")) |
271 |
## set CER to 0 in clear-sky pixels |
272 |
# system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CWP2_",i,"=if(CM_clear_",i,"==0,CWP_",i,",0)\"",sep="")) |
273 |
274 |
} #end loop through sub daily files |
275 |
276 |
#### Now generate daily averages (or maximum in case of cloud flag) |
277 |
278 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
279 |
COT_denom=",paste("!isnull(COT2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
280 |
COT_numer=",paste("if(isnull(COT2_",1:nfs,"),0,COT2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
281 |
COT_daily=COT_numer/COT_denom |
282 |
CER_denom=",paste("!isnull(CER2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
283 |
CER_numer=",paste("if(isnull(CER2_",1:nfs,"),0,CER2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
284 |
CER_daily=CER_numer/CER_denom |
285 |
CLD_daily=max(",paste("if(isnull(CM_cloud_",1:nfs,"),0,CM_cloud_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse=","),") |
286 |
EOF",sep="")) |
287 |
288 |
#### Write the files to a geotiff |
289 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="CER_daily",output=paste(tifdir,"/CER_",format(date,"%Y%m%d"),".tif",sep=""),nodata=-999,flags=c("quiet")) |
290 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="COT_daily",output=paste(tifdir,"/COT_",format(date,"%Y%m%d"),".tif",sep=""),nodata=-999,flags=c("quiet")) |
291 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="CLD_daily",output=paste(tifdir,"/CLD_",format(date,"%Y%m%d"),".tif",sep=""),nodata=99,flags=c("quiet")) |
292 |
293 |
### delete the temporary files |
294 |
unlink_.gislock() |
295 |
system("/usr/lib/grass64/etc/clean_temp") |
296 |
system(paste("rm -R ",tf,sep="")) |
297 |
### print update |
298 |
print(paste(" ################################################################### Finished ",date," |
299 |
################################################################")) |
300 |
} |
301 |
302 |
303 |
########################################### |
304 |
### Now run it |
305 |
306 |
tdates=sort(unique(fs$date)) |
307 |
done=tdates%in%as.Date(substr(list.files(tifdir),5,12),"%Y%m%d") |
308 |
table(done) |
309 |
tdates=tdates[!done] |
310 |
311 |
mclapply(tdates,function(date) loadcloud(date,fs=fs)) |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
#######################################################################################33 |
316 |
### Produce the monthly averages |
317 |
318 |
## get list of daily files |
319 |
fs2=data.frame( |
320 |
path=list.files(tifdir,full=T,recursive=T,pattern="tif$"), |
321 |
file=basename(list.files(tifdir,full=F,recursive=T,pattern="tif$"))) |
322 |
fs2$type=substr(fs2$file,1,3) |
323 |
fs2$date=as.Date(substr(fs2$file,5,12),"%Y%m%d") |
324 |
fs2$month=format(fs2$date,"%m") |
325 |
fs2$year=format(fs2$date,"%Y") |
326 |
fs2$path=as.character(fs2$path) |
327 |
fs2$file=as.character(fs2$file) |
328 |
329 |
330 |
# Define type/month products |
331 |
vs=expand.grid(type=unique(fs2$type),month=c("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12")) |
332 |
333 |
## identify which have been completed |
334 |
done.vs=unique(,strsplit(list.files(summarydatadir),"_|[.]"))[,c(1,3)]) |
335 |
done.vs=paste(vs$type,vs$month,sep="_")%in%paste(done.vs[,1],done.vs[,2],sep="_") |
336 |
table(done.vs) |
337 |
vs=vs[!done.vs,] |
338 |
339 |
#tfs=fs2$path[which(fs2$month==vs$month[i]&fs2$type==vs$type[i])] |
340 |,mclapply(2:length(tfs),function(f) #identical(extent(raster(tfs[f-1])),extent(raster(tfs[f]))))) |
341 |
#raster(tfs[23]) |
342 |
343 |
## process the monthly summaries using the raster package |
344 |
mclapply(1:nrow(vs),function(i){ |
345 |
print(paste("Loading ",vs$type[i]," for month ",vs$month[i])) |
346 |
td=stack(fs2$path[which(fs2$month==vs$month[i]&fs2$type==vs$type[i])]) |
347 |
print(paste("Processing Metric ",vs$type[i]," for month ",vs$month[i])) |
348 |
calc(td,mean,na.rm=T, |
349 |
filename=paste(summarydatadir,"/",vs$type[i],"_mean_",vs$month[i],".tif",sep=""), |
350 |
format="GTiff",overwrite=T) |
351 |
calc(td,sd,na.rm=T, |
352 |
filename=paste(summarydatadir,"/",vs$type[i],"_sd_",vs$month[i],".tif",sep=""), |
353 |
format="GTiff",overwrite=T) |
354 |
if(vs$type[i]%in%c("CER")) { |
355 |
## Calculate number of days with effective radius > 20um, found to be linked to precipitating clouds |
356 |
## (Kobayashi 2007) |
357 |
calc(td,function(x) mean(ifelse(x<20,0,1),na.rm=T), |
358 |
filename=paste(summarydatadir,"/",vs$type[i],"_P20um_",vs$month[i],".tif",sep=""), |
359 |
format="GTiff",overwrite=T) |
360 |
# td2[td2<20]=0 |
361 |
# td2[td2>=20]=1 |
362 |
# calc(td2,mean,na.rm=T, |
363 |
# filename=paste(summarydatadir,"/",vs$type[i],"_P20um_",vs$month[i],".tif",sep=""), |
364 |
# format="GTiff",overwrite=T) |
365 |
} |
366 |
print(paste("Processing missing data for ",vs$type[i]," for month ",vs$month[i])) |
367 |
calc(td,function(i) |
368 |
sum(!,filename=paste(summarydatadir,"/",vs$type[i],"_count_",vs$month[i],".tif",sep=""), |
369 |
format="GTiff",overwrite=T) |
370 |
calc(td,function(i) sum(ifelse(i==0,0,1)), |
371 |
filename=paste(summarydatadir,"/",vs$type[i],"_clear_",vs$month[i],".tif",sep=""),format="GTiff",overwrite=T) |
372 |
gc() |
373 |
} |
374 |
) |
375 |
376 |
377 |
vs[c(10:18,22:24,34:36),] |
378 |
379 |
#### reproject to Oregon state plane for easy comparison with Benoit's data |
380 |
dest=raster("data/regions/oregon/lulc/W_Layer1_ClippedTo_OR83M.rst") # choose one to match (projection, resolution, extent) |
381 |
projection(dest)=CRS("+proj=lcc +lat_1=43 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=41.75 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs") #define projection |
382 |
tifs=list.files(summarydatadir,pattern="*.tif$",full=T) #get list of files to process |
383 |
mclapply(tifs,function(f) projectRaster(raster(f),dest,filename=paste(dirname(f),"/OR03M_",basename(f),sep=""),overwrite=T)) # warp them |
384 |
385 |
386 |
climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_data_compile_Pleiades.r | ||
1 |
################################################################################### |
2 |
### R code to aquire and process MOD06_L2 cloud data from the MODIS platform |
3 |
4 |
5 |
##First read in the arguments listed at the command line |
6 |
args=(commandArgs(TRUE)) |
7 |
##args is now a list of character vectors |
8 |
## First check to see if arguments are passed. |
9 |
## if no args were given, print a warning and stop |
10 |
if(length(args)==0) {stop("No parameters supplied, you must pass parameters")} |
11 |
12 |
## Then cycle through each element of the list and evaluate the expressions. |
13 |
eval(parse(text=args)) |
14 |
## now there is an i that corresponds to the row in the notdone object that will be processed. |
15 |
16 |
## load libraries |
17 |
require(sp) |
18 |
require(rgdal) |
19 |
require(reshape) |
20 |
require(ncdf4) |
21 |
require(geosphere) |
22 |
require(raster) |
23 |
require(spgrass6) |
24 |
25 |
## specify some working directories |
26 |
setwd("/nobackupp1/awilso10/mod06") |
27 |
tempdir=tempdir() # to hold intermediate files |
28 |
outdir="2_daily" # final daily product |
29 |
tile="h11v08" #can move this to submit script if needed |
30 |
## read in list of all files |
31 |
load("allfiles.Rdata") |
32 |
load("notdone.Rdata") |
33 |
load("vars.Rdata") |
34 |
35 |
date=notdone[i] |
36 |
#file=fs$path[fs$dateid==date][1] |
37 |
38 |
## print out some info |
39 |
print(paste("Processing date ",date," for tile",tile)) |
40 |
41 |
## identify tile of interest |
42 |
tile_bb=tb[tb$tile==tile,] |
43 |
44 |
#### Function to generate hegtool parameter file for multi-band HDF-EOS file |
45 |
swath2grid=function(file,vars,upleft,lowright){ |
46 |
print(paste("Starting file",basename(file))) |
47 |
outfile=paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),sep="") |
48 |
### First write the parameter file (careful, heg is very finicky!) |
49 |
hdr=paste("NUM_RUNS = ",length(vars$varid),"|MULTI_BAND_HDFEOS:",length(vars$varid),sep="") |
50 |
grp=paste(" |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
FIELD_NAME=",vars$variable,"| |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( ",upleft," ) |
59 |
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( ",lowright," ) |
60 |
#RESAMPLING_TYPE =",ifelse(grepl("Flag|Mask|Quality",vars),"NN","CUBIC")," |
61 |
62 |
63 |
#UTM_ZONE = 10 |
64 |
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 6371007.181 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
65 |
# projection parameters from |
66 |
67 |
68 |
OUTPUT_FILENAME = ",outfile," |
69 |
70 |
71 |
",sep="") |
72 |
73 |
## if any remnants from previous runs remain, delete them |
74 |
if(length(list.files(tempdir(),pattern=basename(file)))>0) |
75 |
file.remove(list.files(tempdir(),pattern=basename(file),full=T)) |
76 |
## write it to a file |
77 |
cat(c(hdr,grp) , file=paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt",sep="")) |
78 |
## now run the swath2grid tool |
79 |
## write the tiff file |
80 |
log=system(paste("/nobackupp4/pvotava/software/heg/bin/swtif -p ",paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d",sep=""),sep=""),intern=T) |
81 |
## clean up temporary files in working directory |
82 |
# file.remove(paste("filetable.temp_",pid,sep="")) |
83 |
print(log) |
84 |
print(paste("Finished ", file)) |
85 |
} |
86 |
87 |
#### Run the gridding procedure |
88 |
lapply(fs$path[fs$dateid==date],swath2grid,vars=vars,upleft=paste(tile_bb$lat_max,tile_bb$lon_min),lowright=paste(tile_bb$lat_min,tile_bb$lon_max)) |
89 |
#upleft=paste(roi_bb[2,2],roi_bb[1,1]),lowright=paste(roi_bb[2,1],roi_bb[1,2])) |
90 |
91 |
92 |
############################################################## |
93 |
### Import to GRASS for processing |
94 |
95 |
#fs$grass=paste(fs$month,fs$year,fs$file,sep="_") |
96 |
#td=readGDAL(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",outdir,"/",fs$file[1],"\":mod06:Cloud_Mask_1km_0",sep="")) |
97 |
98 |
gridfile=list.files("/nobackupp4/datapool/modis/MOD11A1.005/2006.01.27/",pattern=paste(tile,".*hdf$",sep=""),full=T) |
99 |
td=readGDAL(paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",gridfile,"\":MODIS_Grid_Daily_1km_LST:Night_view_angl",sep="")) |
100 |
projection(td)="+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 " |
101 |
102 |
## fucntion to convert binary to decimal to assist in identifying correct values |
103 |
b2d=function(x) sum(x * 2^(rev(seq_along(x)) - 1)) # |
104 |
## for example: |
105 |
b2d(c(T,T)) |
106 |
107 |
### create (or connect to) grass location |
108 |
gisLocation="tmp" |
109 |
gisMapset="mod06" |
110 |
## set Grass to overwrite |
111 |
Sys.setenv(GRASS_OVERWRITE=1) |
112 |
Sys.setenv(DEBUG=1) |
113 |
Sys.setenv(GRASS_GUI="txt") |
114 |
115 |
## temporary objects to test function below |
116 |
# i=1 |
117 |
#file=paste(outdir,"/",fs$file[1],sep="") |
118 |
#date=as.Date("2000-05-23") |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
### Function to extract various SDSs from a single gridded HDF file and use QA data to throw out 'bad' observations |
123 |
loadcloud<-function(date,fs){ |
124 |
tf=paste(tempdir(),"/grass", Sys.getpid(),"/", sep="") |
125 |
print(paste("Set up temporary grass session in",tf)) |
126 |
127 |
## set up temporary grass instance for this PID |
128 |
initGRASS(gisBase="/nobackupp1/awilso10/software/grass-6.4.3svn",gisDbase=tf,SG=td,override=T,location="mod06",mapset="PERMANENT",home=tf,pid=Sys.getpid()) |
129 |
system(paste("g.proj -c proj4=\"",projection(td),"\"",sep="")) |
130 |
131 |
## Define region by importing one MOD11A1 raster. |
132 |
print("Import one MOD11A1 raster to define grid") |
133 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",gridfile,"\":MODIS_Grid_Daily_1km_LST:Night_view_angl",sep=""), |
134 |
output="modisgrid",flags=c("quiet","overwrite","o")) |
135 |
system("g.region rast=modisgrid save=roi --overwrite") |
136 |
137 |
## Identify which files to process |
138 |
tfs=fs$file[fs$dateid==date] |
139 |
nfs=length(tfs) |
140 |
141 |
## loop through scenes and process QA flags |
142 |
for(i in 1:nfs){ |
143 |
file=paste(tempdir,"/",tfs[i],sep="") |
144 |
## Cloud Mask |
145 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Mask_1km_0",sep=""), |
146 |
output=paste("CM1_",i,sep=""),flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
147 |
## extract cloudy and 'confidently clear' pixels |
148 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
149 |
CM_cloud_",i," = ((CM1_",i," / 2^0) % 2) == 1 && ((CM1_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2) == 0 |
150 |
CM_clear_",i," = ((CM1_",i," / 2^0) % 2) == 1 && ((CM1_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2) == 3 |
151 |
EOF",sep="")) |
152 |
153 |
## QA |
154 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Quality_Assurance_1km_0",sep=""), |
155 |
output=paste("QA_",i,sep=""),flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
156 |
## QA_CER |
157 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
158 |
QA_COT_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^0) % 2^1 )==1 |
159 |
QA_COT2_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^1) % 2^2 )==3 |
160 |
QA_COT3_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^3) % 2^2 )==0 |
161 |
QA_CER_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^5) % 2^1 )==1 |
162 |
QA_CER2_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^6) % 2^2 )==3 |
163 |
EOF",sep="")) |
164 |
# QA_CWP_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^8) % 2^1 )==1 |
165 |
# QA_CWP2_",i,"= ((QA_",i," / 2^9) % 2^2 )==3 |
166 |
167 |
## Optical Thickness |
168 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Optical_Thickness",sep=""), |
169 |
output=paste("COT_",i,sep=""), |
170 |
title="cloud_effective_radius", |
171 |
flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
172 |
execGRASS("r.null",map=paste("COT_",i,sep=""),setnull="-9999") |
173 |
## keep only positive COT values where quality is 'useful' and 'very good' & scale to real units |
174 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"COT_",i,"=if(QA_COT_",i,"&&QA_COT2_",i,"&&QA_COT3_",i,"&&COT_",i,">=0,COT_",i,"*0.009999999776482582,null())\"",sep="")) |
175 |
## set COT to 0 in clear-sky pixels |
176 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"COT2_",i,"=if(CM_clear_",i,"==0,COT_",i,",0)\"",sep="")) |
177 |
178 |
## Effective radius ## |
179 |
execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Effective_Radius",sep=""), |
180 |
output=paste("CER_",i,sep=""), |
181 |
title="cloud_effective_radius", |
182 |
flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
183 |
execGRASS("r.null",map=paste("CER_",i,sep=""),setnull="-9999") |
184 |
## keep only positive CER values where quality is 'useful' and 'very good' & scale to real units |
185 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CER_",i,"=if(QA_CER_",i,"&&QA_CER2_",i,"&&CER_",i,">=0,CER_",i,"*0.009999999776482582,null())\"",sep="")) |
186 |
## set CER to 0 in clear-sky pixels |
187 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CER2_",i,"=if(CM_clear_",i,"==0,CER_",i,",0)\"",sep="")) |
188 |
189 |
## Cloud Water Path |
190 |
# execGRASS("",input=paste("HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:\"",file,"\":mod06:Cloud_Water_Path",sep=""), |
191 |
# output=paste("CWP_",i,sep=""),title="cloud_water_path", |
192 |
# flags=c("overwrite","o")) ; print("") |
193 |
# execGRASS("r.null",map=paste("CWP_",i,sep=""),setnull="-9999") |
194 |
## keep only positive CER values where quality is 'useful' and 'very good' & scale to real units |
195 |
# system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CWP_",i,"=if(QA_CWP_",i,"&&QA_CWP2_",i,"&&CWP_",i,">=0,CWP_",i,"*0.009999999776482582,null())\"",sep="")) |
196 |
## set CER to 0 in clear-sky pixels |
197 |
# system(paste("r.mapcalc \"CWP2_",i,"=if(CM_clear_",i,"==0,CWP_",i,",0)\"",sep="")) |
198 |
199 |
} #end loop through sub daily files |
200 |
201 |
#### Now generate daily averages (or maximum in case of cloud flag) |
202 |
203 |
system(paste("r.mapcalc <<EOF |
204 |
COT_denom=",paste("!isnull(COT2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
205 |
COT_numer=",paste("if(isnull(COT2_",1:nfs,"),0,COT2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
206 |
COT_daily=COT_numer/COT_denom |
207 |
CER_denom=",paste("!isnull(CER2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
208 |
CER_numer=",paste("if(isnull(CER2_",1:nfs,"),0,CER2_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse="+")," |
209 |
CER_daily=CER_numer/CER_denom |
210 |
CLD_daily=max(",paste("if(isnull(CM_cloud_",1:nfs,"),0,CM_cloud_",1:nfs,")",sep="",collapse=","),") |
211 |
EOF",sep="")) |
212 |
213 |
#### Write the files to a geotiff |
214 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="CER_daily",output=paste(outdir,"/CER_",date,".tif",sep=""),nodata=-999,flags=c("quiet")) |
215 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="COT_daily",output=paste(outdir,"/COT_",date,".tif",sep=""),nodata=-999,flags=c("quiet")) |
216 |
execGRASS("r.out.gdal",input="CLD_daily",output=paste(outdir,"/CLD_",date,".tif",sep=""),nodata=99,flags=c("quiet")) |
217 |
218 |
### delete the temporary files |
219 |
unlink_.gislock() |
220 |
system("/nobackupp1/awilso10/software/grass-6.4.3svn/etc/clean_temp") |
221 |
system(paste("rm -R ",tf,sep="")) |
222 |
### print update |
223 |
} |
224 |
225 |
226 |
########################################### |
227 |
### Now run it |
228 |
229 |
lapply(date,function(date) loadcloud(date,fs=fs)) |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
print(paste(" ################################################################### Finished ",date," |
234 |
################################################################")) |
235 |
236 |
237 |
## quit R |
238 |
q("no") |
239 |
240 |
climate/procedures/MOD06_L2_data_compile_netcdf.r | ||
1 |
################################################################################### |
2 |
### R code to aquire and process MOD06_L2 cloud data from the MODIS platform |
3 |
4 |
5 |
## connect to server of choice |
6 |
#system("ssh litoria") |
7 |
#R |
8 |
9 |
library(sp) |
10 |
library(rgdal) |
11 |
library(reshape) |
12 |
library(ncdf4) |
13 |
library(geosphere) |
14 |
library(rgeos) |
15 |
library(multicore) |
16 |
library(raster) |
17 |
library(lattice) |
18 |
library(rgl) |
19 |
library(hdf5) |
20 |
21 |
X11.options(type="Xlib") |
22 |
ncores=20 #number of threads to use |
23 |
24 |
setwd("/home/adamw/personal/projects/interp") |
25 |
setwd("/home/adamw/acrobates/projects/interp") |
26 |
27 |
roi=readOGR("data/regions/Test_sites/Oregon.shp","Oregon") |
28 |
roi=spTransform(roi,CRS(" +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0")) |
29 |
30 |
### Downloading data from LAADSWEB |
31 |
# subset by geographic area of interest |
32 |
# subset: 40-47, -115--125 |
33 |
34 |
## download data from ftp site. Unfortunately the selection has to be selected using the website and orders downloaded via ftp. |
35 |
36 |
system("wget -r --retr-symlinks -P /home/adamw/acrobates/projects/interp/data/modis/MOD06_L2_hdf") |
37 |
38 |
39 |
gdir="output/" |
40 |
datadir="data/modis/MOD06_L2_hdf" |
41 |
outdir="data/modis/MOD06_L2_nc" |
42 |
43 |
fs=data.frame( |
44 |
path=list.files(datadir,full=T,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"), |
45 |
file=basename(list.files(datadir,full=F,recursive=T,pattern="hdf"))) |
46 |
fs$date=as.Date(substr(fs$file,11,17),"%Y%j") |
47 |
fs$time=substr(fs$file,19,22) |
48 |
fs$datetime=as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(substr(fs$file,11,17),substr(fs$file,19,22)), '%Y%j %H%M')) |
49 |
fs$path=as.character(fs$path) |
50 |
fs$file=as.character(fs$file) |
51 |
52 |
## output ROI |
53 |
#get bounding box of region in m |
54 |
ge=SpatialPoints(data.frame(lon=c(-125,-115),lat=c(40,47))) |
55 |
projection(ge)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") |
56 |
ge2=spTransform(ge, CRS(" +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0")) |
57 |
58 |
59 |
## vars |
60 |
vars=paste(c( |
61 |
"Cloud_Effective_Radius", |
62 |
"Cloud_Effective_Radius_Uncertainty", |
63 |
"Cloud_Optical_Thickness", |
64 |
"Cloud_Optical_Thickness_Uncertainty", |
65 |
"Cloud_Water_Path", |
66 |
"Cloud_Water_Path_Uncertainty", |
67 |
"Cloud_Phase_Optical_Properties", |
68 |
"Cloud_Multi_Layer_Flag", |
69 |
"Cloud_Mask_1km", |
70 |
"Quality_Assurance_1km")) |
71 |
72 |
### Installation of hegtool |
73 |
## needed 32-bit libraries and java for program to install correctly |
74 |
75 |
#system(paste("ncl_convert2nc ",f," -i ",hdfdir," -o ",outdir," -v ",vars," -nc4c -l -cl 1 -B ",sep="")) |
76 |
#system(paste("h4toh5 ",hdfdir,"/",f," ",outdir,"/",f,sep="")) |
77 |
# system(paste("hegtool -h ",fs$path[1],sep="")) |
78 |
79 |
80 |
#### Function to generate hegtool parameter file for multi-band HDF-EOS file |
81 |
swath2grid=function(i=1,files,vars=vars,outdir,upleft="47 -125",lowright="41 -115"){ |
82 |
file=fs$path[i] |
83 |
tempfile=paste(tempdir(),"/",fs$file[i],sep="") |
84 |
outfile=sub("hdf$","nc",paste(outdir,"/",fs$file[i],sep="")) |
85 |
date=fs$date[1] |
86 |
origin=as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00",tz="GMT") |
87 |
### First write the parameter file (careful, heg is very finicky!) |
88 |
hdr=paste("NUM_RUNS = ",length(vars),"|MULTI_BAND_HDFEOS:",length(vars),sep="") |
89 |
grp=paste(" |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
FIELD_NAME=",vars,"| |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( ",upleft," ) |
98 |
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( ",lowright," ) |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) |
103 |
104 |
OUTPUT_FILENAME = ",tempfile," |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
",sep="") |
109 |
## write it to a file |
110 |
cat(c(hdr,grp) , file=paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt",sep="")) |
111 |
## now run the swath2grid tool - must be run as root (argh!)! |
112 |
if(file.exists(tempfile)) file.remove(tempfile) |
113 |
log=system(paste("sudo MRTDATADIR=\"/usr/local/heg/data\" ", |
114 |
"PGSHOME=/usr/local/heg/TOOLKIT_MTD PWD=/home/adamw /usr/local/heg/bin/swtif -p ", |
115 |
paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt -d",sep=""),sep=""),intern=T) |
116 |
# system(paste("h5dump -H ",tempdir(),"/",basename(file),sep="")) |
117 |
118 |
# log=system(paste("swtif -p ",paste(tempdir(),"/",basename(file),"_MODparms.txt",sep=""),sep=""),intern=T) |
119 |
## convert it to netcdf and clean up |
120 |
system(paste("NCARG_ROOT=\"/usr/local/ncl_ncarg-6.0.0\" ncl_convert2nc ", |
121 |
basename(tempfile)," -i ",tempdir()," -o ",tempdir()," -B ",sep="")) |
122 |
ncfile1=paste(tempdir(),"/",sub("hdf","nc",basename(file)),sep="") |
123 |
## add time variable |
124 |
print("Adding time dimension") |
125 |
system(paste("ncecat -O -u time ",ncfile1,outfile)) |
126 |
system(paste("ncap2 -s \'time[time]=", |
127 |
as.numeric(difftime(fs$datetime[i],origin,units="mins")),"\' ",outfile,sep="")) |
128 |
129 |
###################################################################################### |
130 |
print("Updating netCDF dimensions") |
131 |
## rename dimension variables |
132 |
system(paste("ncrename -d YDim_mod06,y -d XDim_mod06,x ",outfile)) |
133 |
system(paste("ncap2 -s \'x[x]=0;y[y]=0\' ",outfile)) |
134 |
system(paste("ncap2 -s \'lat[x,y]=0;lon[x,y]=0\' ",outfile)) |
135 |
system(paste("ncap2 -s \'sinusoidal=0\' ",outfile)) |
136 |
137 |
nc=nc_open(outfile,write=T) |
138 |
### Get corner coordinates and convert to cell centers |
139 |
ncd=system(paste("ncdump -h ",outfile),intern=T) |
140 |
UL= as.numeric(,strsplit(gsub("[a-z]|[A-Z]|[\\]|[\t]|[\"]|[=]|[(]|[)]|","", |
141 |
ncd[grep("UpperLeft",ncd)]),",")))+c(500,-500) |
142 |
LR= as.numeric(,strsplit(gsub("[a-z]|[A-Z]|[\\]|[\t]|[\"]|[=]|[(]|[)]|","", |
143 |
ncd[grep("LowerRight",ncd)]),",")))+c(-500,500) |
144 |
145 |
xvar=seq(UL[1],LR[1],by=1000) |
146 |
yvar=seq(UL[2],LR[2],by=-1000) |
147 |
ncvar_put(nc,"x",vals=xvar) |
148 |
ncvar_put(nc,"y",vals=yvar) |
149 |
150 |
151 |
## add lat-lon grid |
152 |
grid=expand.grid(x=xvar,y=yvar) |
153 |
coordinates(grid)=c("x","y") |
154 |
projection(grid)=CRS(" +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0") |
155 |
grid2=spTransform(grid,CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")) |
156 |
grid=SpatialPointsDataFrame(grid,,coordinates(grid2))) |
157 |
gridded(grid)=T |
158 |
fullgrid(grid)=T |
159 |
colnames(grid@data)=c("x","y","lon","lat") |
160 |
161 |
xlon=as.matrix(grid["lon"]) |
162 |
ylat=as.matrix(grid["lat"]) |
163 |
164 |
ncvar_put(nc,"lon",vals=xlon) |
165 |
ncvar_put(nc,"lat",vals=ylat) |
166 |
167 |
nc_close(nc) |
168 |
169 |
## update attributes |
170 |
for(v in c(vars[!grepl("Mask|Quality",vars)],paste(vars[grepl("Mask|Quality",vars)],"_0",sep=""))) { |
171 |
print(v) |
172 |
system(paste("ncatted -a coordinates,",v,",o,c,\"lat lon\" ",outfile,sep="")) |
173 |
system(paste("ncatted -a grid_mapping,",v,",o,c,\"sinusoidal\" ",outfile,sep="")) |
174 |
} |
175 |
176 |
system(paste("ncatted -a units,time,o,c,\"Minutes since ",origin,"\" ",outfile)) |
177 |
system(paste("ncatted -a long_name,time,o,c,\"time\"",outfile)) |
178 |
179 |
system(paste("ncatted -a units,y,o,c,\"m\" ",outfile)) |
180 |
system(paste("ncatted -a long_name,y,o,c,\"y coordinate of projection\" ",outfile)) |
181 |
system(paste("ncatted -a standard_name,y,o,c,\"projection_y_coordinate\" ",outfile)) |
182 |
183 |
system(paste("ncatted -a units,x,o,c,\"m\" ",outfile)) |
184 |
system(paste("ncatted -a long_name,x,o,c,\"x coordinate of projection\" ",outfile)) |
185 |
system(paste("ncatted -a standard_name,x,o,c,\"projection_x_coordinate\" ",outfile)) |
186 |
187 |
## grid attributes |
188 |
system(paste("ncatted -a units,lat,o,c,\"degrees_north\" ",outfile)) |
189 |
system(paste("ncatted -a long_name,lat,o,c,\"latitude coordinate\" ",outfile)) |
190 |
system(paste("ncatted -a standard_name,lat,o,c,\"latitude\" ",outfile)) |
191 |
192 |
system(paste("ncatted -a units,lon,o,c,\"degrees_east\" ",outfile)) |
193 |
system(paste("ncatted -a long_name,lon,o,c,\"longitude coordinate\" ",outfile)) |
194 |
system(paste("ncatted -a standard_name,lon,o,c,\"longitude\" ",outfile)) |
195 |
196 |
system(paste("ncatted -a grid_mapping_name,sinusoidal,o,c,\"sinusoidal\" ",outfile)) |
197 |
system(paste("ncatted -a standard_parallel,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ",outfile)) |
198 |
system(paste("ncatted -a longitude_of_central_meridian,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ",outfile)) |
199 |
system(paste("ncatted -a latitude_of_central_meridian,sinusoidal,o,c,\"0\" ",outfile)) |
200 |
201 |
system(paste("cdo griddes ",outfile," > grid.txt")) |
202 |
system(paste("cdo mergegrid",outfile, |
203 |
"data/modis/MOD06_L2_nc/ ", |
204 |
"data/modis/MOD06_L2_nc/",sep=" ")) |
205 |
206 |
print(paste("Finished ", file)) |
207 |
} |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
i=100 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
#### Run the gridding procedure |
215 |
Also available in: Unified diff
Rearranging files