root/terrain/rscripts @ cc196a45
Name | Size | Revision | Age | Author | Comment |
CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayMulti.r | 16.1 KB | 49c441dd | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | Latest version of Elevation Difference Image An... |
CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayNewPlots.R | 11 KB | acf2afb2 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | This version creates the (normalized) differenc... |
MosaicCdemDifferencePlots.r | 8.62 KB | 4b8cd90f | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | In header, better 'to run' instructions. |
SampleDemDiffCols.r | 8.83 KB | 5c833657 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | Version runs correctly, though the CDEM edge in... |
extractDemRasterSubimages.r | 10.1 KB | f028b3dc | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | These scripts are complete but may not run corr... |
filterDiffRasterImage.r | 3.5 KB | f028b3dc | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | These scripts are complete but may not run corr... |
makeImagePairTable.r | 6.16 KB | cc196a45 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | This version used to create the large (36000 ro... |
makeMarkTable.r | 6.34 KB | ad35c236 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | Producing valid table, but from column samples ... |
tableForMark4000_5_8.csv | 260 KB | 0f948be9 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | Sample output file from R script makeMarkTable.... |
tableForMark4000_5_8_SortColID.csv | 271 KB | a0267fb3 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | input table for the R script: MosaicCdemDiffere... |
tableForRic2000_5_8.csv | 121 KB | ce53f1db | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | created with latest version of code 5/15 |
tableForRick2000_5_8Even.csv | 131 KB | 218022c8 | almost 14 years | Rick Reeves | correct CDEM image values |
Latest revisions
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