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Jim Regetz
# Modificaion of R code to smooth the boundary area N59 to N60 to the south, by simply taking pixel-wise
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# averages of the observed SRTM and ASTER using a distance-based weighting function such
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# that the relative contribution of ASTER decays to zero over a few km
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# create simple grid indicating distance (in units of pixels) south from
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# boundary , starting at 1.
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# Original author: Jim Regetz (organisms/DEM/Yuni/scripts/toProduceData/gaussian.r)
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# [13-JUL-2011]
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# Edits by Natalie to apply to resampled ASTER GDEM2, in 5 x 5 grids with no 1/2 pixel offset, and
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# shifterd SRTM tiles, with no 1/2 pixel offset. [2-Feb-2012]
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# NOTE- A similar version of this script exists in "organisms/DEM/Yuni/scripts/toProduceData/gaussian.r" as
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# written and edited by Jim and Yuni.
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#Set working directories and filenames
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aster.dir <- "/data/project/organisms/DEM/asterGdem2/90m_NoPixelOffset/Mosaiced/N59to60"
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srtm.dir <- "/data/project/organisms/DEM/cgiarSrtm/SRTM_90m_ASCII_4_1/Tiles_Resampled/Mosaiced"
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out.dir <- "/data/project/organisms/DEM/GlobalProduct"
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aster.below.East <- paste (aster.dir, "/N59to60E000_180.tif", sep="")
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srtm.East <- paste (srtm.dir, "/SRTM_N59to60E000_180.tif",sep="")
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aster.below.West <- paste(aster.dir, "/N59to60W180_000.tif",sep="")
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srtm.West <- paste(srtm.dir, "/SRTM_N59to60W180_000.tif",sep="")
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blendgau <- function(aster.tile, srtm.tile, aster.dir, srtm.dir, out.dir, hemi){
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# load relevant SRTM and ASTER data
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srtm.south <- raster(srtm.tile)
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aster.south <- raster(aster.tile)
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# create difference raster for area of overlap
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delta.south <- srtm.south - aster.south
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aster.south.matrix <- as.matrix(aster.south)
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ydistS <- row(aster.south.matrix)
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r <- -0.001 # weight drops to 0.5 at ~26 cells, or 2.4km at 3" res
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w <- exp(-0.001*ydistS^2)
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aster.south.smooth <- aster.south
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aster.south.smooth[] <- values(srtm.south) - as.integer(round(t(w *
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aster.south.smooth[aster.south.smooth <0] <- 0
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file.name <- paste("/Blended_N59to60_", hemi, ".tif", sep="")
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writeRaster(aster.south.smooth, file.path(out.dir, file.name))
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blendgau(aster.below.East, srtm.East, aster.dir, srtm.dir, out.dir, hemi="East")
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blendgau(aster.below.West, srtm.West, aster.dir, srtm.dir, out.dir, hemi="West")