Revision e1aa0df7
Added by selv in ga254@bulldogj over 11 years ago
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# download unzip and tif conversion of the Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) |
2 |
# setting working directory |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
8 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
9 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
10 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 |
14 |
cd $INDIR |
15 |
16 |
# download all the zip file from |
17 |
# using multiprocess approch |
18 |
19 |
url= |
20 |
21 |
22 |
echo $url"" $url"" $url"" | xargs -n 1 -P 7 wget -d /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 $1 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
# unzip the file using multiprocess approch |
27 |
28 |
ls $INDIR/zip/?? | xargs -n 1 -P 7 bash -c $' |
29 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 |
30 |
dir=`basename $1 .zip` |
31 |
cd $INDIR/$dir |
32 |
33 |
unzip $1 |
34 |
35 |
' _ |
36 |
37 |
38 |
# transform to tif and tiling them using multiprocess approch |
39 |
# Breakline Emphasis , 30 arc-seconds |
40 |
# Systematic Subsample , 30 arc-seconds |
41 |
# Median Statistic , 30 arc-seconds |
42 |
# Minimum Statistic , 30 arc-seconds |
43 |
# Mean Statistic , 30 arc-seconds |
44 |
# Maximum Statistic , 30 arc-seconds |
45 |
# Standard Dev. Statistic, 30 arc-seconds |
46 |
47 |
echo be30_grd ds30_grd mn30_grd | xargs -n 1 -P 7 bash -c $' |
48 |
49 |
dir=$1 |
50 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/$dir |
51 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$dir $INDIR"_tif"/$dir.tif |
52 |
53 |
' _ |
54 |
55 |
# at the end fo this process the 50 tiles tiff has been created for each of the defined component |
56 |
57 |
58 |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# download unzip and tif conversion of the Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) |
2 |
# setting working directory |
3 |
4 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 |
5 |
cd $INDIR |
6 |
7 |
# download all the zip file from |
8 |
# using multiprocess approch |
9 |
10 |
url= |
11 |
12 |
cd $INDIR/zip |
13 |
echo $url"" $url"" $url"" $url"" $url"" $url"" | xargs -n 1 -P 7 wget $1 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
# $url"" |
19 |
20 |
# unzip the file using multiprocess approch |
21 |
22 |
ls $INDIR/zip/?? | xargs -n 1 -P 7 bash -c $' |
23 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 |
24 |
dir=`basename $1 .zip` |
25 |
unzip -d $INDIR/tiles/$dir $1 |
26 |
27 |
' _ |
28 |
29 |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
2 |
3 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
4 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
5 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
6 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
SHP=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/shp |
10 |
REFER=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/reference_tif |
11 |
12 |
rm -f $SHP/green_land30arc-sec.tif |
13 |
gdal_rasterize -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte -a id -l green_land -tr 0.008333333333333 0.008333333333333 -te $(/home2/ga254/bin/getCorners4Gwarp $REFER/geo30arcsec_reference.tif) $SHP/green_land.shp $SHP/green_land30arc-sec.tif |
14 |
15 |
geo_string=$(/home2/ga254/bin/oft-bb $SHP/green_land30arc-sec.tif 1 | grep BB | awk '{ print $6,$7,$8-$6,$9-$7 }') |
16 |
# clip the tif |
17 |
gdal_translate -srcwin $geo_string -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte $SHP/green_land30arc-sec.tif $SHP/green_land30arc-sec_msk.tif |
18 |
19 |
rm -f $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec.tif |
20 |
21 |
gdal_rasterize -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte -a id -l green_land -tr 0.002083333333333 0.002083333333333 -te $(/home2/ga254/bin/getCorners4Gwarp $REFER/geo30arcsec_reference.tif) $SHP/green_land.shp $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec.tif |
22 |
23 |
geo_string=$(/home2/ga254/bin/oft-bb $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec.tif 1 | grep BB | awk '{ print $6,$7,$8-$6,$9-$7 }') |
24 |
# clip the tif |
25 |
gdal_translate -srcwin $geo_string -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec.tif $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
# prepare the integration of greeland mn for mn md mx mn |
30 |
31 |
TILES=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles |
32 |
33 |
rm -f $TILES/mn75_grd_tif/green_land.tif |
34 |
35 |
gdalwarp -r cubic -te $(~/bin/getCorners4Gwarp $TILES/shp/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif ) -tr 0.002083333333333 0.002083333333333 $TILES/mn30_grd_tif/mn30_grd.tif $TILES/mn75_grd_tif/green_land.tif |
36 |
37 |
pksetmask -i $TILES/mn75_grd_tif/green_land.tif -m $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif -t 0 -f 0 -o $TILES/mn75_grd_tif/green_land_msk.tif |
38 |
39 |
40 |
rm -f $TILES/ds75_grd_tif/green_land.tif |
41 |
42 |
gdalwarp -r cubic -te $(~/bin/getCorners4Gwarp $TILES/shp/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif ) -tr 0.002083333333333 0.002083333333333 $TILES/ds30_grd_tif/ds30_grd.tif $TILES/ds75_grd_tif/green_land.tif |
43 |
44 |
pksetmask -i $TILES/ds75_grd_tif/green_land.tif -m $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif -t 0 -f 0 -o $TILES/ds75_grd_tif/green_land_msk.tif |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
rm -f $TILES/be75_grd_tif/green_land.tif |
49 |
50 |
gdalwarp -r cubic -te $(~/bin/getCorners4Gwarp $TILES/shp/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif ) -tr 0.002083333333333 0.002083333333333 $TILES/be30_grd_tif/be30_grd.tif $TILES/be75_grd_tif/green_land.tif |
51 |
52 |
pksetmask -i $TILES/be75_grd_tif/green_land.tif -m $SHP/green_land7.5arc-sec_msk.tif -t 0 -f 0 -o $TILES/be75_grd_tif/green_land_msk.tif |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
16 | 16 |
17 | 17 |
( |
18 | 18 |
19 |
echo altitude variables with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
20 |
21 |
# median |
22 |
pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
23 |
# stdev |
24 |
pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif -ot Int32 # max 1552385.000 sqrt(1245.947) |
25 | -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/altitude/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
26 |
rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
27 |
# min |
28 |
pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
29 |
# max |
30 |
pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
31 |
# mean |
32 |
pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
33 |
34 |
# starting to use gdaldem to compute variables. Gdaldem use -9999 as no data. |
35 |
36 |
echo slope with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
37 |
gdaldem slope -s 111120 -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif # -s to consider xy in degree and z in meters |
38 |
# slope median |
39 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
40 |
# slope stdev |
41 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif -ot Int32 |
42 | -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/slope/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
43 |
rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
44 |
# slope min |
45 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
46 |
# slope max |
47 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
48 |
# slope mean |
49 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
50 |
51 |
# rm -f $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/$filename.tif |
52 |
53 |
echo generate a Terrain Ruggedness Index TRI with file $file |
54 |
gdaldem TRI -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
55 |
# tri median |
56 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
57 |
# tri stdev |
58 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
59 | -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/tri/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
60 |
rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
61 |
# tri min |
62 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
63 |
# tri max |
64 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
65 |
# tri mean |
66 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
67 |
68 |
# rm -f $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/$filename.tif |
69 |
70 |
echo generate a Topographic Position Index TPI with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
71 |
72 |
gdaldem TPI -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif # tpi has negative number |
73 |
74 |
oft-calc -ot Float32 $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
75 |
1 |
76 |
#1 10 * |
77 |
78 |
79 |
# tpi median |
80 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
81 |
echo tpi stdev |
82 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
83 | -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int32 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/tpi/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
84 |
rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
85 |
# tpi min |
86 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
87 |
# tpi max |
88 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
89 |
# tpi mean |
90 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
echo generate roughness with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
94 |
95 |
gdaldem roughness -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
96 |
97 |
# roughness median |
98 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
99 |
echo roughness stdev |
100 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
101 | -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int32 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/roughness/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
102 |
rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
103 |
# roughness min |
104 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
105 |
# roughness max |
106 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
107 |
# roughness mean |
108 |
pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
109 |
110 |
# rm -f $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
19 |
# echo altitude variables with file $INDIR/$filename.tif
20 |
21 |
# # median
22 |
# pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
23 |
# # stdev
24 |
# pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif -ot Int32 # max 1552385.000 sqrt(1245.947)
25 |
# -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/altitude/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
26 |
# rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
27 |
# # min
28 |
# pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
29 |
# # max
30 |
# pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
31 |
# # mean
32 |
# pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $INDIR/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
33 |
34 |
# # starting to use gdaldem to compute variables. Gdaldem use -9999 as no data.
35 |
36 |
# echo slope with file $INDIR/$filename.tif
37 |
# gdaldem slope -s 111120 -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif # -s to consider xy in degree and z in meters
38 |
# # slope median
39 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte
40 |
# # slope stdev
41 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif -ot Int32
42 |
# -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/slope/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
43 |
# rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
44 |
# # slope min
45 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte
46 |
# # slope max
47 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte
48 |
# # slope mean
49 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte
50 |
51 |
# # rm -f $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/$filename.tif
52 |
53 |
# echo generate a Terrain Ruggedness Index TRI with file $file
54 |
# gdaldem TRI -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
55 |
# # tri median
56 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
57 |
# # tri stdev
58 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
59 |
# -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/tri/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
60 |
# rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
61 |
# # tri min
62 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
63 |
# # tri max
64 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
65 |
# # tri mean
66 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
67 |
68 |
# # rm -f $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/$filename.tif
69 |
70 |
# echo generate a Topographic Position Index TPI with file $INDIR/$filename.tif
71 |
72 |
# gdaldem TPI -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif # tpi has negative number
73 |
74 |
# oft-calc -ot Float32 $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF
75 |
# 1
76 |
# #1 10 *
77 |
78 |
79 |
# # tpi median
80 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
81 |
# echo tpi stdev
82 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
83 |
# -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int32 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/tpi/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
84 |
# rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
85 |
# # tpi min
86 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
87 |
# # tpi max
88 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
89 |
# # tpi mean
90 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
91 |
92 |
93 |
# echo generate roughness with file $INDIR/$filename.tif
94 |
95 |
# gdaldem roughness -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
96 |
97 |
# # roughness median
98 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
99 |
# echo roughness stdev
100 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
101 |
# -A /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int32 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/roughness/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
102 |
# rm -f /tmp/ramdisk/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif
103 |
# # roughness min
104 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
105 |
# # roughness max
106 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
107 |
# # roughness mean
108 |
# pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16
109 |
110 |
# # rm -f $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif
111 | 111 |
112 | 112 |
113 | 113 |
echo aspect with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
DIR=$1 |
10 | 10 |
mm=$2 |
11 |
INDIR=/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class${DIR} |
12 |
INDIR_C=/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class |
11 |
INDIR=/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class${DIR} # this has pixel value = 0.002083333333333
12 |
INDIR_C=/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class # this has pixel value = 0.002083333333333
13 | 13 |
OUTDIR=/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/percent_class_${mm} |
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/file_processed_sc3.txt # the file has ben processed by the script |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# download unzip and tif conversion of the Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) |
2 |
# setting working directory |
3 |
4 |
# transform to tif and tiling them using multiprocess approch |
5 |
# Breakline Emphasis , 7.5 arc-seconds |
6 |
# Systematic Subsample , 7.5 arc-seconds |
7 |
# Median Statistic , 7.5 arc-seconds |
8 |
# Minimum Statistic , 7.5 arc-seconds |
9 |
# Mean Statistic , 7.5 arc-seconds |
10 |
# Maximum Statistic , 7.5 arc-seconds |
11 |
# Standard Dev. Statistic, 7.5 arc-seconds |
12 |
13 |
# rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout/* /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr/* |
14 |
# for DIR in md75_grd mi75_grd mn75_grd mx75_grd be75_grd ds75_grd sd75_grd ; do qsub -v DIR=$DIR /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done |
15 |
16 |
# for DIR in md75_grd mi75_grd mn75_grd mx75_grd be75_grd ds75_grd sd75_grd ; do bash /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ $DIR ; done |
17 |
18 |
19 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
20 |
#PBS -q fas_normal |
21 |
#PBS -l mem=4gb |
22 |
#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00 |
23 |
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 |
24 |
#PBS -V |
25 |
#PBS -o /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout |
26 |
#PBS -e /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr |
27 |
28 |
29 |
# DIR=$1 |
30 |
31 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles |
32 |
cd $INDIR |
33 |
34 |
# load moduels |
35 |
36 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
37 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
38 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
39 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
# -projwin ulx uly lrx lry |
43 |
gdal_translate -projwin -180 +90 0 0 -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $INDIR/$DIR/$DIR $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_NW.tif" |
44 |
gdal_translate -projwin 0 +90 180 0 -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $INDIR/$DIR/$DIR $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_NE.tif" |
45 |
gdal_translate -projwin -180 0 0 -90 -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $INDIR/$DIR/$DIR $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_SW.tif" |
46 |
gdal_translate -projwin 0 0 180 -90 -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $INDIR/$DIR/$DIR $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_SE.tif" |
47 |
48 |
49 | -a_ullr -180 +90 0 0 $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_NW.tif" |
50 | -a_ullr 0 +90 180 0 $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_NE.tif" |
51 | -a_ullr -180 0 0 -90 $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_SW.tif" |
52 | -a_ullr 0 0 180 -90 $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_SE.tif" |
53 |
54 |
gdalbuildvrt -overwrite $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR.vrt $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/$DIR"_"??.tif |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
for nx in `seq 0 9` ; do for ny in `seq 0 4` ; do echo $nx $ny $DIR; done ; done | xargs -n 3 -P 4 bash -c $' |
59 |
nx=$1 |
60 |
ny=$2 |
61 |
DIR=$3 |
62 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/$DIR"_tif" |
63 |
64 |
xoff=$(echo 17280 \* $nx | bc) |
65 |
yoff=$(echo 2879 + 13440 \* $ny | bc) # 2879 the ofset of no data value in the northen part |
66 |
xsize=17296 # increase 16 pixel to avoid border effect, 4 in the aggregate version |
67 |
ysize=13456 # increase 16 pixel to avoid border effect |
68 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$DIR.vrt $INDIR/$nx"_"$ny.tif |
69 |
70 |
' _ |
71 |
72 |
73 |
rm $DIR"_tif"/${DIR}_??.tif |
74 |
75 |
echo start to integrate greenland |
76 |
77 |
78 |
for tile in 2_0 3_0 4_0 2_1 3_1 4_1 ; do echo $tile $DIR ; done | xargs -n 2 -P 6 bash -c $' |
79 |
80 |
tile=$1 |
81 |
DIR=$2 |
82 |
INDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles |
83 |
84 |
# get greenland mn and paste in mn md mx mn be |
85 |
if [ $DIR = mn75_grd ] || [ $DIR=md75_grd ] || [ $DIR=mx75_grd ] || [ $DIR=mn75_grd ] || $DIR = be75_grd ] ; then |
86 |
echo $DIR $tile |
87 |
pkmosaic -t 0 -min -30000 $(pkinfo -bb -i $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}.tif) -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 -m max -i $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}.tif -i $INDIR/mn75_grd_tif/green_land_msk.tif -o $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}g.tif |
88 |
fi |
89 |
# get greenland ds and paste in ds |
90 |
if [ $DIR = ds75_grd ] ; then |
91 |
echo $DIR $tile |
92 |
pkmosaic -t 0 -min -30000 $(pkinfo -bb -i $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}.tif) -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 -m max -i $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}.tif -i $INDIR/ds75_grd_tif/green_land_msk.tif -o $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}g.tif |
93 |
fi |
94 |
# standard deviation not computed for greenland becouse == to 0 |
95 |
96 |
mv $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}.tif $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}_no_green.tiff |
97 |
98 |
mv $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}g.tif $INDIR/$DIR"_tif"/${tile}.tif |
99 |
100 |
' _ |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# calculate different variables for the dem |
2 |
# for dir1 in altitude ; do for dir2 in stdev ; do echo $dir1/$dir2 ; done ; done | xargs -n 1 -P 5 bash /mnt/data2/dem_variables/scripts/ |
3 |
# for dir1 in altitude slope tri tpi roughness aspect ; do for dir2 in max mean median min stdev; do echo $dir1/$dir2 ds ; done ; done | xargs -n 2 -P 12 bash /mnt/data2/dem_variables/scripts/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ |
4 |
5 |
6 |
OUTDIR=/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010 |
7 |
8 |
DIR=$1 |
9 |
dir1=$(echo ${DIR%/*}) # cancel the part after / |
10 |
dir2=$(echo ${DIR#*/}) # cancel the part before / |
11 |
mm=$2 |
12 |
13 |
if [ $dir1 = altitude ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
14 |
if [ $dir1 = aspect ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
15 |
if [ $dir1 = slope ] ; then type=Byte ; fi |
16 |
if [ $dir1 = tri ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
17 |
if [ $dir1 = tpi ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
18 |
if [ $dir1 = roughness ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
19 |
20 |
if [ $dir1 != aspect ]; then |
21 |
22 |
echo processing merging tiles in $dir1 |
23 |
24 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif |
25 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif |
26 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif |
27 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif |
28 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif |
29 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif |
30 |
31 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[0-1]_?_${mm}.tif |
32 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[2-3]_?_${mm}.tif |
33 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[4-5]_?_${mm}.tif |
34 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[6-7]_?_${mm}.tif |
35 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[8-9]_?_${mm}.tif |
36 |
37 |
38 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif |
39 |
40 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif |
41 |
42 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif |
43 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif |
44 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif |
45 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif |
46 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif |
47 |
48 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/${dir1}_${dir2}_${mm}.tif |
49 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif |
50 |
51 |
else # just applaied to the aspect variables |
52 |
53 |
echo processing merging tiles for the different aspect variables in $dir1 |
54 |
55 |
for aspect_var in "_sin_t10k" "_cos_t10k" "_Ew_t10k" "_Nw_t10k" ; do |
56 |
57 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif |
58 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif |
59 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif |
60 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif |
61 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif |
62 |
63 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[0-1]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
64 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[2-3]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
65 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[4-5]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
66 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[6-7]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
67 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[8-9]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
68 |
69 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif |
70 |
71 | -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif |
72 |
73 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/${dir1}_${dir2}_${mm}_${aspect_var}.tif |
74 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif |
75 |
76 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif |
77 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif |
78 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif |
79 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif |
80 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif |
81 |
82 |
done |
83 |
84 |
fi |
85 |
86 |
87 |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# correct immage with anomalus pixel valus. |
2 |
# the file |
3 |
# giuseppea@turaco:/mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_mi$ pkinfo -hist -i ../../tiles/mi75_grd_tif/5_1.tif | more |
4 |
# -931 1 anomalus |
5 |
# -898 1 anomalus |
6 |
# -498 1 |
7 |
# -461 1 |
8 |
9 |
# therefore the -931 -898 will be fill in withe the nearby pixel. |
10 |
11 |
cd /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/mi75_grd_tif |
12 |
cp 5_1.tif 5_1_orig.tiff |
13 |
pkgetmask -co COMPRESS=LZW -i 5_1.tif -min -890 -max 10000 -t 1 -f 0 -o 5_1_mask.tif |
14 |
pkfillnodata -i 5_1.tif -m 5_1_mask.tif -o 5_1_fill.tif |
15 |
mv 5_1_fill.tif 5_1.tif |
16 |
rm 5_1_mask.tif |
17 |
18 |
# corretta |
19 |
20 |
cd /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/ |
21 |
22 |
for dir in md75_grd_tif be75_grd_tif ds75_grd_tif mn75_grd_tif ;do |
23 |
cd $dir |
24 |
cp 5_1.tif 5_1_orig.tiff |
25 |
pkgetmask -co COMPRESS=LZW -i 5_1.tif -min -600 -max 10000 -t 1 -f 0 -o 5_1_mask.tif |
26 |
pkfillnodata -i 5_1.tif -m 5_1_mask.tif -o 5_1_fill.tif |
27 |
mv 5_1_fill.tif 5_1.tif |
28 |
rm 5_1_mask.tif |
29 |
done |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
# the values becom -93 and -80 |
34 |
35 |
# -93 2830 |
36 |
# -93 2831 |
37 |
# |
38 |
# -80 19449 |
39 |
# -80 19450 |
40 |
41 |
## correction of a square box of 500 500 pixel. Set the value = to 179 as the near by pixel. |
42 |
cd /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/ |
43 |
44 |
for dir in mi75_grd_tif mn75_grd_tif md75_grd_tif ds75_grd_tif be75_grd_tif mx75_grd_tif ; do |
45 |
46 |
cd $dir |
47 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 10070 3830 500 500 2_1.tif 2_1_clip.tif |
48 |
49 |
pksetmask -co COMPRESS=LZW -t 0 -f 179 -i 2_1.tif -m 2_1_clip.tif -o 2_1_correct.tif |
50 |
mv 2_1.tif 2_1_orig.tiff |
51 |
mv 2_1_correct.tif 2_1.tif |
52 |
rm 2_1_clip.tif |
53 |
done |
54 |
55 |
56 |
# correction of a square in the caspian sea set value to -27 |
57 |
cd /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/ |
58 |
59 |
for dir in mx75_grd_tif md75_grd_tif be75_grd_tif ds75_grd_tif mn75_grd_tif mi75_grd_tif ;do |
60 |
cd $dir |
61 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 5719 5249 1050 1050 6_1.tif 6_1_clip1.tif |
62 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 6200 6200 1050 550 6_1.tif 6_1_clip2.tif |
63 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 6700 6700 1050 550 6_1.tif 6_1_clip3.tif |
64 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 7150 7000 550 700 6_1.tif 6_1_clip4.tif |
65 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 6700 7550 1050 1100 6_1.tif 6_1_clip5.tif |
66 |
gdal_translate -srcwin 7150 8000 1050 1150 6_1.tif 6_1_clip6.tif |
67 |
68 |
pksetmask -co COMPRESS=LZW -t 0 -f -27 -t 0 -f -27 -t 0 -f -27 -t 0 -f -27 -t 0 -f -27 -t 0 -f -27 -m 6_1_clip1.tif -m 6_1_clip2.tif -m 6_1_clip3.tif -m 6_1_clip4.tif -m 6_1_clip5.tif -m 6_1_clip6.tif -i 6_1.tif -o 6_1_correct.tif |
69 |
mv 6_1.tif 6_1_orig.tiff |
70 |
mv 6_1_correct.tif 6_1.tif |
71 |
rm 6_1_clip*.tif |
72 |
73 |
done |
74 |
75 |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
2 |
# calculate altitude area percent above a specific treshold |
3 |
# e.g 75% of class200 means that 75% of the pixels is >= 200 |
4 |
# for this case the treshold is set every 100 meter |
5 |
# geting the integer of the altitued / 100 |
6 |
# 230 become class 200 |
7 |
# 159 become class 100 |
8 |
9 |
# for file in /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/tiles/mi75_grd_tif/*.tif ; do echo $file mi ; done | xargs -n 2 -P 25 bash /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/scripts/ |
10 |
# for file in /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/tiles/mx75_grd_tif/*.tif ; do echo $file mx ; done | xargs -n 2 -P 25 bash /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/scripts/ |
11 |
12 |
# run the script in the @bulldogj |
13 |
14 |
# rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr/* ; rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout/* ; |
15 |
16 |
# for file in /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/mi75_grd_tif/*.tif ; do qsub -v file=$file,mm=mi /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done |
17 |
18 |
# for file in /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/md75_grd_tif/*.tif ; do qsub -v file=$file,mm=md /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done |
19 |
20 |
# for file in /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/mx75_grd_tif/*.tif ; do qsub -v file=$file,mm=mx /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done |
21 |
22 |
# to check |
23 |
# ny=45 ; for n in `seq 1 9` ;do echo `gdallocationinfo -valonly altitude/class/5_1_class_tmp3.tif 2$n $ny` `gdallocationinfo -valonly tiles/mn75_grd_tif/5_1.tif 2$n $ny` ; done |
24 |
25 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
26 |
#PBS -q fas_normal |
27 |
#PBS -l mem=4gb |
28 |
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00 |
29 |
#PBS -l nodes=10:ppn=4 |
30 |
#PBS -V |
31 |
#PBS -o /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout |
32 |
#PBS -e /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr |
33 |
34 |
# load moduels |
35 |
36 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
37 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
38 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
39 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
40 |
41 |
# file=$1 |
42 |
# mm=$2 |
43 |
44 |
file=${file} |
45 |
mm=${mm} |
46 |
47 |
filename=$(basename $file .tif) |
48 |
49 |
echo $file |
50 |
echo $mm |
51 |
52 |
INDIR=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/$mm"75_grd_tif" |
53 |
OUTDIR=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/class_$mm/class |
54 |
55 |
echo calcualte altitude every 100 meter using the the Int16 factors for $file |
56 |
57 |
time ( |
58 |
59 | -A $INDIR/$filename.tif --calc="(A / 100)" --outfile=$OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_class_tmp1.tif" --type=Int16 --overwrite --co=COMPRESS=LZW |
60 | -A $OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_class_tmp1.tif" --calc="(A * 100)" --outfile=$OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_class_tmp2.tif" --type=Int16 --overwrite --co=COMPRESS=LZW |
61 |
62 |
63 |
rm $OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_class_tmp1.tif" |
64 |
65 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 $OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_class_tmp2.tif" $OUTDIR/$filename"_class.tif" |
66 |
rm $OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_class_tmp2.tif" |
67 |
68 |
69 |
gdalinfo -mm $OUTDIR/$filename"_class.tif" | grep Computed | awk '{ gsub ("[=,]"," "); print int($(NF-1)), int($(NF))}' > $OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_min_max_"$mm.txt |
70 |
71 |
echo min and max for $OUTDIR/../tmp/$filename"_min_max_"$mm.txt |
72 |
73 |
# start to calculate for each treshold percent pixel |
74 |
75 |
for class in $(seq `awk '{ print $1}' $OUTDIR/../tmp/${filename}_min_max_${mm}.txt` 100 `awk '{ print $2}' $OUTDIR/../tmp/${filename}_min_max_${mm}.txt` ) ; do |
76 |
77 |
class_start=$class |
78 |
class_end=$(awk '{ print $2}' $OUTDIR/../tmp/${filename}_min_max_${mm}.txt) |
79 |
class_string=$(for class_unique in $(seq $class_start 100 $class_end ) ; do echo -n "-class $class_unique " ; done) |
80 |
81 |
echo applaid the filter for the classes $class_string |
82 |
83 |
pkfilter -dx 4 -dy 4 $class_string -f density -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/$filename"_class.tif" -o $OUTDIR/../class$class/$filename"_C"$class"Perc.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 -ot Byte |
84 |
85 |
done |
86 |
87 |
) |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# variables derived from the dem following commands in # gdaldem_slope |
2 |
# to check ls *.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 30 bash -c $' gdalinfo -mm $1 |grep Max | awk \'{ gsub("[=,]", " ") ; print $3,$4 }\' ' _ |
3 |
4 |
# find /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/{aspect,roughness,slope,tpi,tri} -name *.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 10 rm ; |
5 |
6 |
7 |
# rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr/* ; rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout/* |
8 |
9 |
# for file in `ls /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/md75_grd_tif/?_?.tif` ; do qsub -v file=$file /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done |
10 |
11 |
# for file in `ls /lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/md75_grd_tif/?_?.tif` ; do bash /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ $file ; done |
12 |
# file=$1 |
13 |
14 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
15 |
#PBS -q fas_normal |
16 |
#PBS -l mem=4gb |
17 |
#PBS -l walltime=5:00:00 |
18 |
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 |
19 |
#PBS -V |
20 |
#PBS -o /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout |
21 |
#PBS -e /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr |
22 |
23 |
24 |
# load moduels |
25 |
26 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
27 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
28 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
29 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
file=${file} |
35 |
36 |
INDIR_MI=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/mi75_grd_tif |
37 |
INDIR_MD=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/md75_grd_tif |
38 |
INDIR_MX=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/mx75_grd_tif |
39 |
INDIR_MN=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/mn75_grd_tif |
40 |
TMP=/tmp |
41 |
42 |
export OUTDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 |
43 |
44 |
export filename=`basename $file .tif` |
45 |
46 |
time ( |
47 |
# 30 min for this |
48 |
echo max of the max with file $INDIR_MX/$filename.tif |
49 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $INDIR_MX/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/max_of_mx/tiles/${filename}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
echo max of the max with file $INDIR_MI/$filename.tif |
53 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $INDIR_MI/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/min_of_mi/tiles/${filename}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
54 |
55 |
echo mean of the mn with file $INDIR_MN/$filename.tif |
56 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $INDIR_MN/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/mean_of_mn/tiles/${filename}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
57 |
58 |
echo meadian of the md with file $INDIR_MD/$filename.tif |
59 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $INDIR_MD/$filename.tif -o $OUTDIR/altitude/median_of_md/tiles/${filename}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
60 |
61 |
echo stdev of mn with file $INDIR_MN/$filename.tif |
62 |
63 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $INDIR_MN/$filename.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $TMP/tmp_${filename}.tif -ot Int32 # max 1552385.000 sqrt(1245.947) |
64 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $TMP/tmp_${filename}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/altitude/stdev_of_mn/tiles/${filename}.tif |
65 |
rm -f $TMP/tmp_${filename}.tif |
66 |
67 |
echo stdev of md with file $INDIR_MD/$filename.tif |
68 |
69 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -32768 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $INDIR_MD/$filename.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $TMP/tmp_${filename}.tif -ot Int32 # max 1552385.000 sqrt(1245.947) |
70 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $TMP/tmp_${filename}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/altitude/stdev_of_md/tiles/${filename}.tif |
71 |
rm -f $TMP/tmp_${filename}.tif |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
# form here only md will be used |
76 |
77 |
78 |
mm=md |
79 |
80 |
# starting to use gdaldem to compute variables. Gdaldem use -9999 as no data. |
81 |
82 |
echo slope with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
83 |
gdaldem slope -s 111120 -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif # -s to consider xy in degree and z in meters |
84 |
# slope median |
85 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
86 |
# slope stdev |
87 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif -ot Int32 |
88 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/slope/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
89 |
rm -f $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
90 |
# slope min |
91 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
92 |
# slope max |
93 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
94 |
# slope mean |
95 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/slope/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte |
96 |
97 |
# rm -f $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/$filename.tif |
98 |
99 |
echo generate a Terrain Ruggedness Index TRI with file $file |
100 |
gdaldem TRI -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
101 |
# tri median |
102 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
103 |
# tri stdev |
104 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
105 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/tri/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
106 |
rm -f $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
107 |
# tri min |
108 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
109 |
# tri max |
110 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
111 |
# tri mean |
112 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/tri/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
113 |
114 |
# rm -f $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/$filename.tif |
115 |
116 |
echo generate a Topographic Position Index TPI with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
117 |
118 |
gdaldem TPI -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif # tpi has negative number |
119 |
120 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Float32 $OUTDIR/tri/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
121 |
1 |
122 |
#1 10 * |
123 |
124 |
125 |
# tpi median |
126 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
127 |
echo tpi stdev |
128 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
129 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int32 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/tpi/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
130 |
rm -f $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
131 |
# tpi min |
132 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
133 |
# tpi max |
134 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
135 |
# tpi mean |
136 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/tpi/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_t10.tif" -o $OUTDIR/tpi/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
echo generate roughness with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
140 |
141 |
gdaldem roughness -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
142 |
143 |
# roughness median |
144 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
145 |
echo roughness stdev |
146 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
147 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="sqrt(A)" --type Int32 --overwrite --outfile $OUTDIR/roughness/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
148 |
rm -f $TMP/tmp_${filename}_${mm}.tif |
149 |
# roughness min |
150 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
151 |
# roughness max |
152 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
153 |
# roughness mean |
154 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -o $OUTDIR/roughness/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 |
155 |
156 |
# rm -f $OUTDIR/roughness/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
157 |
158 |
159 |
echo aspect with file $INDIR/$filename.tif |
160 |
161 |
gdaldem aspect -zero_for_flat -co COMPRESS=LZW $INDIR/$filename.tif $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif |
162 |
163 |
# r1 aspect , r2 slope |
164 |
165 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW --NoDataValue -9999 -A $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="(sin(A))" --outfile $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" --overwrite --type Float32 |
166 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW --NoDataValue -9999 -A $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif --calc="(cos(A))" --outfile $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" --overwrite --type Float32 |
167 |
168 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW --NoDataValue -9999 -A $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -B $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" --calc="((sin(A))*B)" --outfile $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew.tif" --overwrite --type Float32 |
169 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW --NoDataValue -9999 -A $OUTDIR/slope/tiles/${filename}_${mm}.tif -B $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" --calc="((sin(A))*B)" --outfile $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw.tif" --overwrite --type Float32 |
170 |
171 |
echo aspect sin cos Ew Nw median |
172 |
# sin |
173 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
174 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
175 |
1 |
176 |
#1 10000 * |
177 |
178 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k.tif" |
179 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" |
180 |
# cos |
181 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
182 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
183 |
1 |
184 |
#1 10000 * |
185 |
186 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k.tif" |
187 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" |
188 |
# Ew |
189 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
190 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
191 |
1 |
192 |
#1 10000 * |
193 |
194 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k.tif" |
195 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" |
196 |
# Nw |
197 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f median -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
198 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
199 |
1 |
200 |
#1 10000 * |
201 |
202 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/median/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k.tif" |
203 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" |
204 |
205 |
206 |
echo aspect sin cos Ew Nw mean |
207 |
# sin |
208 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
209 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
210 |
1 |
211 |
#1 10000 * |
212 |
213 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k.tif" |
214 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" |
215 |
# cos |
216 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
217 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
218 |
1 |
219 |
#1 10000 * |
220 |
221 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k.tif" |
222 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" |
223 |
# Ew |
224 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
225 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
226 |
1 |
227 |
#1 10000 * |
228 |
229 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k.tif" |
230 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" |
231 |
# Nw |
232 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f mean -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
233 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
234 |
1 |
235 |
#1 10000 * |
236 |
237 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
238 |
1 |
239 |
#1 10000 * |
240 |
241 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/mean/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k.tif" |
242 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" |
243 |
244 |
echo aspect sin cos Ew Nw max |
245 |
# sin |
246 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
247 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
248 |
1 |
249 |
#1 10000 * |
250 |
251 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k.tif" |
252 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" |
253 |
# cos |
254 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
255 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
256 |
1 |
257 |
#1 10000 * |
258 |
259 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k.tif" |
260 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" |
261 |
# Ew |
262 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
263 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
264 |
1 |
265 |
#1 10000 * |
266 |
267 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k.tif" |
268 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" |
269 |
# Nw |
270 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f max -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
271 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
272 |
1 |
273 |
#1 10000 * |
274 |
275 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/max/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k.tif" |
276 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" |
277 |
278 |
echo aspect sin cos Ew Nw min |
279 |
# sin |
280 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
281 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
282 |
1 |
283 |
#1 10000 * |
284 |
285 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k.tif" |
286 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" |
287 |
# cos |
288 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
289 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
290 |
1 |
291 |
#1 10000 * |
292 |
293 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k.tif" |
294 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" |
295 |
# Ew |
296 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
297 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
298 |
1 |
299 |
#1 10000 * |
300 |
301 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k.tif" |
302 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" |
303 |
# Nw |
304 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f min -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
305 |
/home2/ga254/bin/oft-calc -ot Int16 $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" &> /dev/null <<EOF |
306 |
1 |
307 |
#1 10000 * |
308 |
309 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/min/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k.tif" |
310 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" |
311 |
312 |
echo aspect sin cos Ew Nw stdev |
313 |
# stdev |
314 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
315 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_f.tif" --calc="(sqrt(A))*10000" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" |
316 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k.tif" |
317 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_sin_t10k_tmp.tif" |
318 |
# cos |
319 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
320 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_f.tif" --calc="(sqrt(A))*10000" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" |
321 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k.tif" |
322 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_cos_t10k_tmp.tif" |
323 |
# Ew |
324 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
325 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_f.tif" --calc="(sqrt(A))*10000" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" |
326 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k.tif" |
327 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Ew_t10k_tmp.tif" |
328 |
# Nw |
329 |
/home2/ga254/bin/bin/pkfilter -m -9999 -dx 4 -dy 4 -f var -d 4 -i $OUTDIR/aspect/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw.tif" -o $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Float32 |
330 | --co=COMPRESS=LZW -A $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_f.tif" --calc="(sqrt(A))*10000" --type Int16 --overwrite --outfile $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" |
331 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Int16 $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" $OUTDIR/aspect/stdev/tiles/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k.tif" |
332 |
rm $TMP/${filename}_${mm}"_Nw_t10k_tmp.tif" |
333 |
334 |
# Look for lines such as "Max Util Resources Per Task" in the output file from your job. |
335 |
336 |
337 |
) |
338 |
339 |
checkjob -v $PBS_JOBID |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
2 |
# perform a merging action for the /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_mi and /mnt/data2/dem_variables/GMTED2010/altitude/class_mx |
3 |
# create in avery clever way missing tiles. The missing tiles were appear if all the pixel where above or below a treshold, therfore all 100% or 0% |
4 |
5 |
# for dir in `seq -500 100 8600` ; do echo $dir mi ; done | xargs -n 2 -P 20 bash /mnt/data2/dem_variables/scripts/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ |
6 |
7 |
# for dir in `seq -500 100 8700` ; do echo $dir mx ; done | xargs -n 2 -P 20 bash /mnt/data2/dem_variables/scripts/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
# run the script in the @bulldogj |
12 |
13 |
# rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr/* ; rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout/* ; |
14 |
15 |
# create tif with value 0 or 100 used to refeel the area |
16 |
17 |
# xargs controllare il risultato di qeusta linea sotto. |
18 |
19 |
# ls /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tiles/md75_grd_tif/*.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 100 bash -c $' file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file .tif` ; pkgetmask -min 10000 -max 10001 -t 0 -ot Byte -i $file -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 -o /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value0/$filename.tif ; gdalwarp -tr 0.008333333333333 0.008333333333333 -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value0/tmp_$filename.tif /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value0/$filename.tif; pkgetmask -min 10000 -max 10001 -t 0 -f 100 -ot Byte -i $file -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 -o /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value100/tmp_$filename.tif ; gdalwarp -tr 0.008333333333333 0.008333333333333 -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value100/tmp_$filename.tif /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value100/$filename.tif ; rm /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value100/tmp_$filename.tif ' _ |
20 |
21 |
22 |
# to que after the completition of sc2 |
23 |
24 |
# n=`qstat | grep percent_bj | wc -l` ; for time in `seq 1 100` ; do if [ $n -eq 0 ] ; then echo run the script ; ; exit ; else sleep 60 ; echo sleeping ; fi ; done |
25 |
26 |
# for dir in `seq -400 100 8600` ; do qsub -v dir=$dir,mm=mi /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done # 400 8600 range confirrmed (-500 tutti i valore == 100) |
27 |
# for dir in `seq -500 100 8700` ; do qsub -v dir=$dir,mm=md /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done # -500 8700 range confirrmed |
28 |
# for dir in `seq -500 100 8700` ; do qsub -v dir=$dir,mm=mx /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done # -500 8700 range confirrmed |
29 |
30 |
31 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
32 |
#PBS -q fas_normal |
33 |
#PBS -l mem=4gb |
34 |
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00 # portato a 2 ore perche a 1 ora veniva bloccato. |
35 |
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 |
36 |
#PBS -V |
37 |
#PBS -o /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout |
38 |
#PBS -e /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr |
39 |
40 |
41 |
# load moduels |
42 |
43 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
44 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
45 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
46 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
47 |
48 |
# DIR=$1 |
49 |
# mm=$2 |
50 |
51 |
DIR=${dir} |
52 |
mm=${mm} |
53 |
INDIR=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class${DIR} # this has pixel value = 0.002083333333333 |
54 |
INDIR_C=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class # this has pixel value = 0.002083333333333 |
55 |
INDIR_Cm100=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/class_${mm}/class-100 # this has pixel value = 0.008333333333333 this is the only class with all (50) tiles |
56 |
OUTDIR=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/percent_class_${mm} |
57 |
TMP=/home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/tmp |
58 |
59 |
60 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/file_processed_sc3.txt # the file has ben processed by the script |
61 |
62 |
for file in `ls $INDIR_C/*.tif` ; do |
63 |
tile=`basename $file _class.tif` |
64 |
65 |
if [ -f $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" ] ; then |
66 |
echo the file $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" exist and will be merged as it is |
67 |
echo $tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" >> $OUTDIR/file_processed_sc3.txt # usefull to list file processed by script sc1, in case of delation use this. |
68 |
else |
69 |
70 |
gdalinfo -mm $INDIR_C/$tile"_class.tif" | grep Computed | awk '{ gsub ("[=,]"," "); print int($(NF-1)), int($(NF))}' > $TMP/${tile}_class${DIR}_min_max_${mm}.txt |
71 |
72 |
min=`awk '{ print $1}' $TMP/${tile}_class${DIR}_min_max_${mm}.txt ` |
73 |
max=`awk '{ print $2}' $TMP/${tile}_class${DIR}_min_max_${mm}.txt ` |
74 |
rm -f $TMP/${tile}_class${DIR}_min_max_${mm}.txt |
75 |
76 |
echo $min and $max compare to $DIR |
77 |
78 |
if [ $max -lt $DIR ] ; then |
79 |
echo copy the $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" with 0 value |
80 |
echo $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" with 0 value >> $INDIR/refill_file_list.txt |
81 |
# pkgetmask -min 10000 -max 10001 -t 0 -ot Byte -i $INDIR_Cm100/$tile"_C-100Perc.tif" -co COMPRESS=LZW -o $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" |
82 |
# change the previus line with this to avoid constant calculation |
83 |
cp /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value0/$tile".tif" $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" |
84 |
85 |
fi |
86 |
87 |
if [ $min -gt $DIR ] ; then |
88 |
echo copy the $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" with 100 value |
89 |
echo $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" with 100 value >> $INDIR/refill_file_list.txt |
90 |
# pkgetmask -min 10000 -max 10001 -t 0 -f 100 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=LZW -i $INDIR_Cm100/$tile"_C-100Perc.tif" -o $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" |
91 |
cp /home2/ga254/scratch/dem_bj/GMTED2010/altitude/value100/$tile".tif" $INDIR/$tile"_C"$DIR"Perc.tif" |
92 |
93 |
fi |
94 |
95 |
fi |
96 |
97 |
done |
98 |
99 |
100 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/perc_$DIR.tif |
101 | -co COMPRESS=LZW -ot Byte -o $OUTDIR/perc_$DIR.tif $INDIR/*.tif |
102 |
103 |
if [ -f $OUTDIR/color-bw.txt ] ; then |
104 |
echo the $OUTDIR/color-bw.txt exist ; |
105 |
else |
106 |
pkcreatect -g -min 0 -max 100 | sort -k 1,1 -rg | awk '{ print NR-1 , $2 ,$3 ,$4 ,$5 }' > $OUTDIR/color-bw.txt |
107 |
fi |
108 |
109 |
pkcreatect -ct $OUTDIR/color-bw.txt -co COMPRESS=LZW -co INTERLEAVE=BAND -d "Percent of elevation values >= ${DIR}m" -i $OUTDIR/perc_$DIR.tif -o $OUTDIR/threshold_${DIR}_GMTED2010_${mm}.tif |
110 |
111 |
rm $OUTDIR/perc_$DIR.tif |
terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ | ||
1 |
# calculate different variables for the dem |
2 |
3 |
# rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr/* ; rm /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout/* |
4 |
5 |
# for dir1 in slope tri tpi roughness aspect ; do for dir2 in max mean median min stdev; do qsub -v DIR=$dir1/$dir2,mm=md /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done ; done |
6 |
7 |
# for dir1 in tri ; do for dir2 in max ; do bash /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ $dir1/$dir2 md ; done ; done |
8 |
9 |
# for dir1 in altitude ; do for dir2 in max_of_mx mean_of_mn median_of_md min_of_mi stdev_of_md stdev_of_mn; do qsub -v DIR=$dir1/$dir2,mm=md /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ ; done ; done |
10 |
11 |
# for dir1 in altitude ; do for dir2 in max_of_mx mean_of_mn median_of_md min_of_mi stdev_of_md stdev_of_mn; do bash /lustre0/scratch/ga254/scripts_bj_bk/environmental-layers/terrain/procedures/dem_variables/gmted2010_res_x10/ $dir1/$dir2 md ; done ; done |
12 |
13 |
#PBS -S /bin/bash |
14 |
#PBS -q fas_normal |
15 |
#PBS -l mem=10gb |
16 |
#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00 |
17 |
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 |
18 |
#PBS -V |
19 |
#PBS -o /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stdout |
20 |
#PBS -e /lustre0/scratch/ga254/stderr |
21 |
22 |
# load moduels |
23 |
24 |
module load Tools/Python/2.7.3 |
25 |
module load Libraries/GDAL/1.10.0 |
26 |
module load Tools/PKTOOLS/2.4.2 |
27 |
module load Libraries/OSGEO/1.10.0 |
28 |
29 |
time ( |
30 |
export OUTDIR=/lustre0/scratch/ga254/dem_bj/GMTED2010 |
31 |
32 |
# export DIR=$1 |
33 |
# export mm=$2 |
34 |
35 |
export DIR=$DIR |
36 |
export mm=md |
37 |
38 |
export dir1=$(echo ${DIR%/*}) # cancel the part after / |
39 |
export dir2=$(echo ${DIR#*/}) # cancel the part before / |
40 |
41 |
42 |
if [ $dir1 = altitude ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
43 |
if [ $dir1 = aspect ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
44 |
if [ $dir1 = slope ] ; then type=Byte ; fi |
45 |
if [ $dir1 = tri ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
46 |
if [ $dir1 = tpi ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
47 |
if [ $dir1 = roughness ] ; then type=Int16 ; fi |
48 |
49 |
if [ $dir1 != aspect ]; then |
50 |
51 |
echo processing merging tiles in $dir1 $dir2 |
52 |
53 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif |
54 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif |
55 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif |
56 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif |
57 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif |
58 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif |
59 |
60 |
61 |
if [ $dir1 = altitude ] ; then |
62 |
63 |
echo clipping tiles in $dir1 $dir2 $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[0-1]_?.tif |
64 |
65 |
echo left tiles center |
66 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_[1-3].tif | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bash -c $' |
67 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3360 |
68 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
69 |
' _ |
70 |
71 |
echo right tiles center |
72 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_[1-3].tif | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bash -c $' |
73 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3360 ; |
74 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
75 |
' _ |
76 |
77 |
echo top tiles center |
78 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_0.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
79 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3362 |
80 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
81 |
' _ |
82 |
83 |
echo botton tiles center |
84 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_4.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
85 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3362 |
86 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
87 |
' _ |
88 |
89 |
echo top left |
90 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_0.tif ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
91 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
92 |
93 |
echo top right |
94 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_0.tif ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
95 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
96 |
97 |
echo botton left |
98 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_4.tif ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
99 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
100 |
101 |
echo botton right |
102 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_4.tif ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
103 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
104 |
105 |
echo central immage |
106 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_[1-3].tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
107 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3360 |
108 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
109 |
110 |
' _ |
111 |
112 |
113 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[0-1]_?.tif |
114 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[2-3]_?.tif |
115 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[4-5]_?.tif |
116 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[6-7]_?.tif |
117 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[8-9]_?.tif |
118 |
119 |
else |
120 |
121 |
echo left tiles center |
122 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_[1-3]_${mm}.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bash -c $' |
123 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3360 |
124 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
125 |
' _ |
126 |
127 |
echo right tiles center |
128 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_[1-3]_${mm}.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bash -c $' |
129 |
file=$1 ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3360 ; |
130 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
131 |
' _ |
132 |
133 |
echo top tiles center |
134 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_0_${mm}.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
135 |
file=$1 ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3362 |
136 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
137 |
' _ |
138 |
139 |
echo botton tiles center |
140 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_4_${mm}.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
141 |
file=$1 ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3362 |
142 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
143 |
' _ |
144 |
145 |
echo top left |
146 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_0_${mm}.tif ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
147 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
148 |
149 |
echo top right |
150 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_0_${mm}.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
151 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
152 |
153 |
echo botton left |
154 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_4_${mm}.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
155 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
156 |
157 |
echo botton right |
158 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_4_${mm}.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
159 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
160 |
161 |
echo central immage |
162 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_[1-3]_${mm}.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
163 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3360 |
164 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
165 |
166 |
' _ |
167 |
168 |
169 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[0-1]_?_${mm}.tif |
170 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[2-3]_?_${mm}.tif |
171 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[4-5]_?_${mm}.tif |
172 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[6-7]_?_${mm}.tif |
173 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[8-9]_?_${mm}.tif |
174 |
175 |
fi |
176 |
177 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif |
178 |
179 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif |
180 |
181 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a".tif |
182 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b".tif |
183 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c".tif |
184 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d".tif |
185 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e".tif |
186 |
187 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/${dir1}_${dir2}_${mm}.tif |
188 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2.tif |
189 |
190 |
else # just applaied to the aspect variables |
191 |
192 |
echo processing merging tiles for the different aspect variables in $dir1 |
193 |
194 |
for aspect_var in "_sin_t10k" "_cos_t10k" "_Ew_t10k" "_Nw_t10k" ; do |
195 |
196 |
# left tiles center |
197 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_[1-3]_${mm}$aspect_var.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bash -c $' |
198 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3360 |
199 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
200 |
' _ |
201 |
202 |
# right tiles center |
203 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_[1-3]_${mm}$aspect_var.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bash -c $' |
204 |
file=$1 ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3360 ; |
205 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
206 |
' _ |
207 |
208 |
# top tiles center |
209 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_0_${mm}$aspect_var.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
210 |
file=$1 ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3362 |
211 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
212 |
' _ |
213 |
214 |
# botton tiles center |
215 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_4_${mm}$aspect_var.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
216 |
file=$1 ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3362 |
217 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
218 |
' _ |
219 |
220 |
# top left |
221 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_0_${mm}$aspect_var.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
222 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
223 |
224 |
# top right |
225 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_0_${mm}$aspect_var.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=0 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
226 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
227 |
228 |
# botton left |
229 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/0_4_${mm}$aspect_var.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=0 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
230 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
231 |
232 |
# botton right |
233 |
file=$OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/9_4_${mm}$aspect_var.tif ;filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4322 ; ysize=3362 |
234 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
235 |
236 |
# central immage |
237 |
ls $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/[1-8]_[1-3]_${mm}$aspect_var.tif | xargs -n 1 -P 8 bash -c $' |
238 |
file=$1 ; filename=`basename $file` ; xoff=2 ; yoff=2 ; xsize=4320 ; ysize=3360 |
239 |
gdal_translate -co ZLEVEL=9 -srcwin $xoff $yoff $xsize $ysize -co COMPRESS=LZW $file $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip$filename |
240 |
241 |
' _ |
242 |
243 |
244 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif |
245 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif |
246 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif |
247 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif |
248 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif |
249 |
250 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[0-1]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
251 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[2-3]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
252 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[4-5]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
253 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[6-7]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
254 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/tiles/clip[8-9]_?_${mm}$aspect_var.tif |
255 |
256 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif |
257 |
258 |
/home2/ga254/bin/ -o $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif -ot $type -co COMPRESS=LZW $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif |
259 |
260 |
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co ZLEVEL=9 $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif $OUTDIR/$DIR/${dir1}_${dir2}_${mm}_${aspect_var}.tif |
261 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2$aspect_var.tif |
262 |
263 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_a"$aspect_var.tif |
264 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_b"$aspect_var.tif |
265 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_c"$aspect_var.tif |
266 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_d"$aspect_var.tif |
267 |
rm -f $OUTDIR/$DIR/$dir1"_"$dir2"_e"$aspect_var.tif |
268 |
269 |
done |
270 |
271 |
fi |
272 |
273 |
) |
274 |
275 |
checkjob -v $PBS_JOBID |
276 |
277 |
278 |
Also available in: Unified diff
setting for buldogJcluster; insert greenland ; impruved tiling