Database stations extraction combined with covariates for tmax and any given region
Covariates production, modified projection and distance to coast, added writing up of multiband covariates brick
Covariates production, major reorganization, added sections for LST, LC and other covariates
Covariates production for processing tile/region: general code-initial commit
GAM fusion function, IBS 2013 models and additional cleaning of code
GAM fusion raster prediction, IBS 2013 run, tmax OR
GAM fusion raster prediction tmax OR, added cleaning of LST values and other modifications
GAM fusion raster prediction tmax OR, added constant sampling, multisampling,GAM bias models
GAM fusion function, added GAM models for bias surface and extraction of monthly mean tmax OR
GAM CAI function, models for IBS 2013 conference and modifications
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