Revision e9998467
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/methods_comparison_assessment_part5.R | ||
1 | 1 |
##################################### METHODS COMPARISON part 5 ########################################## |
2 | 2 |
#################################### Spatial Analysis ############################################ |
3 | 3 |
#This script utilizes the R ojbects created during the interpolation phase. # |
4 |
#At this stage the script produces figures of various accuracy metrics and compare methods: # |
5 |
#This scripts focuses on a detailed studay of differences in the predictions of CAI_kr and FUsion_Kr # |
4 |
#This scripts focuses on a detailed study of differences in the predictions of CAI_kr and FUsion_Kr |
5 |
#Differences are examined through: |
6 |
#1) per land cover classes |
7 |
#2) per elevation classes |
8 |
#3) through spiatial transects |
9 |
# |
10 |
#Note this code is for exploratory analyses so some sections are not succinct and |
11 |
#can be improve for repeatability and clarity. |
6 | 12 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier # |
7 |
#DATE: 11/23/2012 #
13 |
#DATE: 12/04/2012 #
8 | 14 |
#PROJECT: NCEAS INPLANT: Environment and Organisms --TASK#491 -- # |
9 | 15 |
################################################################################################### |
10 | 16 |
... | ... | |
182 | 188 |
infile6<-"OR83M_state_outline.shp" |
183 | 189 |
#stat_loc<-read.table(paste(path,"/","location_study_area_OR_0602012.txt",sep=""),sep=",", header=TRUE) |
184 | 190 |
185 |
191 |
186 | 192 |
nb_transect<-4 |
187 | 193 |
188 | 194 |
189 | 195 |
#obj_list<-"list_obj_08262012.txt" #Results of fusion from the run on ATLAS |
190 |
path<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/methods_interpolation_comparison_10242012" #Jupiter LOCATION on Atlas for kriging #Jupiter Location on XANDERS |
196 |
path_wd<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/methods_interpolation_comparison_10242012" #Jupiter LOCATION on Atlas for kriging #Jupiter Location on XANDERS
191 | 197 |
#path<-"/Users/benoitparmentier/Dropbox/Data/NCEAS/Oregon_covariates/" #Local dropbox folder on Benoit's laptop |
192 |
setwd(path) |
198 |
setwd(path_wd) |
199 |
path_data_cai<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations_10242012_CAI" #Change to constant |
200 |
path_data_fus<-"/home/parmentier/Data/IPLANT_project/data_Oregon_stations_10242012_GAM" |
201 |
#list files that contain model objects and ratingin-testing information for CAI and Fusion |
202 |
obj_mod_fus_name<-"results_mod_obj__365d_GAM_fusion_const_all_lstd_11022012.RData" |
203 |
obj_mod_cai_name<-"results_mod_obj__365d_GAM_CAI2_const_all_10312012.RData" |
204 |
205 |
gam_fus<-load_obj(file.path(path_data_fus,obj_mod_fus_name)) |
206 |
gam_cai<-load_obj(file.path(path_data_cai,obj_mod_cai_name)) #This contains all the info |
207 |
sampling_date_list<-gam_fus$sampling_obj$sampling_dat$date |
208 |
209 |
### Projection for the current region |
193 | 210 |
proj_str="+proj=lcc +lat_1=43 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=41.75 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"; |
194 | 211 |
#User defined output prefix |
195 | 212 |
213 |
196 | 214 |
#CRS<-proj4string(ghcn) #Storing projection information (ellipsoid, datum,etc.) |
197 | 215 |
lines<-read.table(paste(path,"/",inlistf,sep=""), sep="") #Column 1 contains the names of raster files |
198 | 216 |
inlistvar<-lines[,1] |
... | ... | |
516 | 534 |
avg_elev_rec_forest<-zonal(rast_diff,zones=elev_rec_forest,stat="mean",na.rm=TRUE) |
517 | 535 |
std_elev_rec_forest<-zonal(rast_diff,zones=elev_rec_forest,stat="sd",na.rm=TRUE) |
518 | 536 |
519 |
520 |
521 | 537 |
## CREATE plots |
522 | 538 |
X11() |
523 | 539 |
plot(avg_elev_rec[,1],avg_elev_rec[,2],type="b",ylim=c(-10,1), |
... | ... | |
534 | 550 |
} |
535 | 551 |
536 | 552 |
################################################################### |
537 |
################ TRANSECT THROUGH THE IMAGE: #################### |
553 |
################ SPATIAL TRANSECT THROUGH THE IMAGE: ####################
538 | 554 |
539 | 555 |
#select date |
540 | 556 |
dates<-c("20100103","20100901") |
541 |
557 |
542 | 558 |
543 | 559 |
for (j in 1:length(dates)){ |
544 | 560 |
545 | 561 |
#Read predicted tmax raster surface and modeling information |
546 | 562 |
date_selected<-dates[j] |
563 |
547 | 564 |
oldpath<-getwd() |
548 | 565 |
setwd(path_data_cai) |
549 | 566 |
file_pat<-glob2rx(paste("*tmax_predicted*",date_selected,"*_365d_GAM_CAI2_const_all_10312012.rst",sep="")) #Search for files in relation to fusion |
... | ... | |
562 | 579 |
rast_fus_pred<-raster(rast_fus1c,1) |
563 | 580 |
rast_cai_pred<-raster(rast_cai2c,1) |
564 | 581 |
rast_diff_fc<-rast_fus_pred-rast_cai_pred |
582 |
565 | 583 |
#Read in data_s and data_v |
584 |
585 |
k<-match(date_selected,sampling_date_list) |
586 |
names(gam_fus$gam_fus_mod[[k]]) #Show the name structure of the object/list |
566 | 587 |
588 |
#Extract the training and testing information for the given date... |
589 |
data_sf<-gam_fus$gam_fus_mod[[k]]$data_s #object for the first date...20100103 #Make this a function?? |
590 |
data_vf<-gam_fus$gam_fus_mod[[k]]$data_v #object for the first date...20100103 |
591 |
data_sc<-gam_cai$gam_CAI_mod[[k]]$data_s #object for the first date...20100103 |
592 |
data_vc<-gam_cai$gam_CAI_mod[[k]]$data_v #object for the first date...20100103 |
567 | 593 |
568 | 594 |
569 | 595 |
... | ... | |
574 | 600 |
data_vf$training<-rep(0,nrow(data_vf)) |
575 | 601 |
data_sf$training<-rep(1,nrow(data_sf)) |
576 | 602 |
577 |
data_stat<-rbind(data_vf[,c("id","training")],data_sf[,c("id","training")]) |
603 |
data_stat<-rbind(data_vf[,c("id","training")],data_sf[,c("id","training")]) #bringing together data_v and data_s
578 | 604 |
m<-match(selected_stations,data_stat$id) |
579 |
605 |
m<-as.integer(na.omit(m)) |
580 | 606 |
trans4_stations<-transect_from_spdf(data_stat,m) |
607 |
point4_stations<-data_stat[m,] |
581 | 608 |
#tmp<[1,]) |
582 | 609 |
#row.names(tmp)<-rep("X",1) |
583 | 610 |
#test<-SpatialLinesDataFrame(trans4_stations,data=tmp) |
... | ... | |
597 | 624 |
list_transect2[[1]]<-c("t1_line.shp",paste("figure_13_tmax_elevation_transect1_OR",date_selected,out_prefix,sep="_")) |
598 | 625 |
list_transect2[[2]]<-c("t2_line.shp",paste("figure_14_tmax_elevation_transect2_OR",date_selected,out_prefix,sep="_")) |
599 | 626 |
list_transect2[[3]]<-c("t3_line.shp",paste("figure_15_tmax_elevation_transect3_OR",date_selected,out_prefix,sep="_")) |
600 |
627 |
601 | 628 |
602 | 629 |
names(list_transect2)<-c("transect_OR1","transect_OR2","transect_OR3","transect_OR4") |
603 | 630 |
... | ... | |
634 | 661 |
trans_data2<-plot_transect_m(list_transect2,rast_pred2,title_plot2,disp=TRUE,m_layers_sc) |
635 | 662 | |
636 | 663 |
664 |
637 | 665 |
638 |
X11(width=18,height=9) |
639 |
trans_elev<-vector("list",nb_transect) |
640 |
for (k in 1:nb_transect){ |
641 |
642 |
trans_file<-list_transect[[k]] |
643 |
filename<-sub(".shp","",trans_file) #Removing the extension from file. |
644 |
transect<-readOGR(".", filename) #reading shapefile |
645 |
trans_elev[[k]]<-extract(ELEV_SRTM,transect) |
646 |
y<-as.numeric(trans_elev[[k]][[1]]) |
647 |
elev_y<-y |
648 |
x<-1:length(y) |
649 |
plot(x,y,type="l", ylab="Elevation (in meters)",xlab="Transect position (in km)") |
650 |
data_y<-(trans_data[[k]][[1]]) # data for the first transect |
651 | |
652 |
par(new=TRUE) # key: ask for new plot without erasing old |
653 |
y<-data_y[,1] |
654 |
x <- 1:length(y) |
655 |
fus_y<-y |
656 |
plot(x,y,type="l",col="red",axes=F) #plotting fusion profile |
657 |
axis(4,xlab="",ylab="tmax (in degree C)") |
658 |
y<-data_y[,2] |
659 |
cai_y<-y |
660 |
lines(x,y,col="green") |
661 |
662 |
#title(title_plot[i])) |
663 |
legend("topleft",legend=c("elev","fus","CAI"), |
664 |
cex=1.2, col=c("black","red","green"), |
666 |
data_stat<-rbind(data_vf[,c("id","training")],data_sf[,c("id","training")]) #bringing together data_v and data_s |
667 |
m<-match(selected_stations,data_stat$id) |
668 |
m<-as.integer(na.omit(m)) |
669 |
trans4_stations<-transect_from_spdf(data_stat,m) |
670 |
point4_stations<-data_stat[m,] |
671 |
672 |
pos<-match(c("x_OR83M","y_OR83M"),layerNames(s_raster)) #Find column with name "value" |
673 |
xy_stack<-subset(s_raster,pos) #Select multiple layers from the stack |
674 |
r_stack<-stack(xy_stack, rast_pred2) |
675 |
trans4_data<-extract(r_stack,trans4_stations,cellnumbers=TRUE) #This extracts a list |
676 |
trans4_data<[[1]]) |
677 |
point4_cellID<-cellFromXY(r_stack,coordinates(point4_stations)) #This contains the cell ID the points |
678 |
pos<-match(point4_cellID,trans4_data$cell) |
679 |
680 |
#Plots lines where there are stations... |
681 |
X11(width=18,height=9) |
682 |
y<-trans4_data$fus |
683 |
x <- 1:length(y) |
684 |
plot(x,y,type="l",col="red", #plotting fusion profile |
685 |
,xlab="",ylab="tmax (in degree C)") |
686 |
y<-trans4_data$CAI |
687 |
lines(x,y,col="green") |
688 |
abline(v=pos)#addlines whtere the stations area... |
689 |
#plot(elev) |
690 |
#title(title_plot[i])) |
691 |
legend("topleft",legend=c("fus","CAI"), |
692 |
cex=1.2, col=c("red","green"), |
693 |
lty=1) |
694 |
savePlot(paste("fig17_transect_path_tmax_diff_CAI_fusion_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
695 |
696 |
697 |
y<-trans4_data$fus[1:150] |
698 |
x <- 1:150 |
699 |
plot(x,y,type="l",col="red", #plotting fusion profile |
700 |
,xlab="",ylab="tmax (in degree C)") |
701 |
y<-trans4_data$CAI[1:150] |
702 |
lines(x,y,col="green") |
703 |
abline(v=pos)#addlines whtere the stations area... |
704 |
#plot(elev) |
705 |
#title(title_plot[i])) |
706 |
legend("topleft",legend=c("fus","CAI"), |
707 |
cex=1.2, col=c("red","green"), |
665 | 708 |
lty=1) |
666 |
savePlot(file=paste(list_transect[[k]][2],".png",sep=""),type="png") |
667 |
668 |
cor(fus_y,elev_y) |
669 |
cor(cai_y,elev_y) |
670 |
cor(fus_y,cai_y) |
671 |
} |
672 | |
709 |
savePlot(paste("fig18a_transect_path_tmax_diff_CAI_fusion_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
710 |
711 |
712 |
y<-trans4_data$fus[151:300] |
713 |
x <- 151:300 |
714 |
plot(x,y,type="l",col="red", #plotting fusion profile |
715 |
,xlab="",ylab="tmax (in degree C)") |
716 |
y<-trans4_data$CAI[151:300] |
717 |
lines(x,y,col="green") |
718 |
abline(v=pos)#addlines whtere the stations area... |
719 |
#plot(elev) |
720 |
#title(title_plot[i])) |
721 |
legend("topleft",legend=c("fus","CAI"), |
722 |
cex=1.2, col=c("red","green"), |
723 |
lty=1) |
724 |
savePlot(paste("fig18b_transect_path_tmax_diff_CAI_fusion_",date_selected,out_prefix,".png", sep=""), type="png") |
725 |
726 | |
727 |
728 |
#cor(fus_y,elev_y) |
729 |
#cor(cai_y,elev_y) |
730 |
#cor(fus_y,cai_y) |
673 | 731 |
674 | 732 |
} |
Also available in: Unified diff
Methods comp part5-task#491- residuals analyses, spatial transect through stations with diff and elevation