Revision f23e6e04
Added by Benoit Parmentier almost 12 years ago
climate/research/oregon/interpolation/GAM_fusion_function_multisampling_validation_metrics.R | ||
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
#The interpolation is done first at the monthly add delta. |
4 | 4 |
#AUTHOR: Benoit Parmentier |
5 |
#DATE: 05/01/2013
5 |
#DATE: 05/06/2013
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
#Change this to allow explicitly arguments... |
8 | 8 |
#Arguments: |
... | ... | |
71 | 71 |
############### BEGIN SCRIPT ########### |
72 | 72 |
73 | 73 |
74 |
out_path <- list_param$out_path |
74 | 75 |
day_list<- list_param$rast_day_year_list[[i]] |
75 | 76 |
#day_list <-rast_day_yearlist[[i]] #list of prediction for the current date... |
76 | 77 |
names_mod<-names(day_list) |
... | ... | |
103 | 104 |
run_info<-cbind(sampling_dat_day,n=nv) |
104 | 105 |
run_info[rep(seq_len(nrow(run_info)), each=N),] #repeating same row n times |
105 | 106 |
metrics_v_df<-cbind(metrics_v_obj$metrics,run_info) |
107 |
metrics_v_df["var_interp"]<-rep(y_var_name,times=nrow(metrics_v_df)) |
108 |
#Name of the variable interpolated, useful for cross-comparison between methods at later stages |
106 | 109 |
107 | 110 |
run_info<-cbind(sampling_dat_day,n=ns) |
108 | 111 |
run_info[rep(seq_len(nrow(run_info)), each=N),] |
109 | 112 |
metrics_s_df<-cbind(metrics_s_obj$metrics,run_info) |
113 |
metrics_s_df["var_interp"]<-rep(y_var_name,times=nrow(metrics_s_df)) |
114 |
#Name of the variable interpolated, useful for cross-comparison between methods at later stages |
110 | 115 |
111 | 116 |
data_v<-spCbind(data_v,metrics_v_obj$residuals) |
112 | 117 |
data_s<-spCbind(data_s,metrics_s_obj$residuals) |
... | ... | |
131 | 136 |
132 | 137 |
#### Function to plot boxplot from data.frame table of accuracy metrics |
133 | 138 |
134 |
boxplot_from_tb <-function(tb_diagnostic,metric_names,out_prefix){ |
139 |
boxplot_from_tb <-function(tb_diagnostic,metric_names,out_prefix,out_path){
135 | 140 |
#now boxplots and mean per models |
136 | 141 |
library(gdata) #Nesssary to use cbindX |
137 | 142 |
138 | 143 |
### Start script |
144 |
y_var_name<-unique(tb_diagnostic$var_interp) #extract the name of interpolated variable: dailyTmax, dailyTmin |
139 | 145 |
140 | 146 |
mod_names<-sort(unique(tb_diagnostic$pred_mod)) #models that have accuracy metrics |
141 | 147 |
t<-melt(tb_diagnostic, |
142 | 148 |
#measure=mod_var, |
143 | 149 |
id=c("date","pred_mod","prop"), |
144 | 150 |
na.rm=F) |
151 |
t$value<-as.numeric(t$value) #problem with char!!! |
145 | 152 |
avg_tb<-cast(t,pred_mod~variable,mean) |
146 |
153 |
avg_tb$var_interp<-rep(y_var_name,times=nrow(avg_tb)) |
147 | 154 |
median_tb<-cast(t,pred_mod~variable,median) |
155 |
156 |
#avg_tb<-cast(t,pred_mod~variable,mean) |
148 | 157 |
tb<-tb_diagnostic |
149 | 158 |
150 | 159 |
#mod_names<-sort(unique(tb$pred_mod)) #kept for clarity |
... | ... | |
162 | 171 |
mod_var<-grep(mod_pat,names(mod_metrics),value=TRUE) # using grep with "value" extracts the matching names |
163 | 172 |
#browser() |
164 | 173 |
test<-mod_metrics[mod_var] |
165 |
png(paste("boxplot_metric_",metric_ac, out_prefix,".png", sep="")) |
174 |
png(file.path(out_path,paste("boxplot_metric_",metric_ac, out_prefix,".png", sep=""))) |
175 |
#boxplot(test,outline=FALSE,horizontal=FALSE,cex=0.5, |
176 |
# ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" ")) |
177 |
166 | 178 |
boxplot(test,outline=FALSE,horizontal=FALSE,cex=0.5, |
167 |
ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" ")) |
179 |
ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" "),axisnames=FALSE,axes=FALSE) |
180 |
axis(1, labels = FALSE) |
181 |
## Create some text labels |
182 |
labels <- labels<- names(test) |
183 |
## Plot x axis labels at default tick marks |
184 |
text(1:ncol(test), par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 45, adj = 1, |
185 |
labels = labels, xpd = TRUE) |
186 |
axis(2) |
187 |
box() |
168 | 188 |
#legend("bottomleft",legend=paste(names(rows_total),":",rows_total,sep=""),cex=0.7,bty="n") |
169 | 189 |
#title(as.character(t(paste(t(names(rows_total)),":",rows_total,sep=""))),cex=0.8) |
170 | 190 |
title(paste(metric_ac,"for",y_var_name,sep=" "),cex=0.8) |
... | ... | |
174 | 194 |
avg_tb$n<-rows_total #total number of predictions on which the mean is based |
175 | 195 |
median_tb$n<-rows_total |
176 | 196 |
summary_obj<-list(avg_tb,median_tb) |
197 |
names(summary_obj)<-c("avg","median") |
177 | 198 |
return(summary_obj) |
178 | 199 |
} |
179 |
#boxplot_month_from_tb(tb_diagnostic,metric_names,out_prefix) |
200 |
180 | 201 |
## Function to display metrics by months/seasons |
181 |
boxplot_month_from_tb <-function(tb_diagnostic,metric_names,out_prefix){ |
202 |
boxplot_month_from_tb <-function(tb_diagnostic,metric_names,out_prefix,out_path){
182 | 203 |
183 | 204 |
#Generate boxplot per month for models and accuracy metrics |
184 | 205 |
#Input parameters: |
... | ... | |
189 | 210 |
190 | 211 |
################# |
191 | 212 |
## BEGIN |
192 |
213 |
y_var_name<-unique(tb_diagnostic$var_interp) #extract the name of interpolated variable: dailyTmax, dailyTmin |
193 | 214 |
date_f<-strptime(tb_diagnostic$date, "%Y%m%d") # interpolation date being processed |
194 | 215 |
tb_diagnostic$month<-strftime(date_f, "%m") # current month of the date being processed |
195 | 216 |
mod_names<-sort(unique(tb_diagnostic$pred_mod)) #models that have accuracy metrics |
... | ... | |
199 | 220 |
#measure=mod_var, |
200 | 221 |
id=c("date","pred_mod","prop","month"), |
201 | 222 |
na.rm=F) |
223 |
t$value<-as.numeric(t$value) #problem with char!!! |
202 | 224 |
tb_mod_m_avg <-cast(t,pred_mod+month~variable,mean) #monthly mean for every model |
225 |
tb_mod_m_avg$var_interp<-rep(y_var_name,times=nrow(tb_mod_m_avg)) |
226 |
203 | 227 |
tb_mod_m_sd <-cast(t,pred_mod+month~variable,sd) #monthly sd for every model |
204 | 228 |
205 |
tb_mod_m_list <-lapply(mod_names, function(k) subset(tb_mod_m, pred_mod==k)) #this creates a list of 5 based on models names |
206 |
229 |
tb_mod_m_list <-lapply(mod_names, function(k) subset(tb_mod_m_avg, pred_mod==k)) #this creates a list of 5 based on models names
230 |
207 | 231 |
for (k in 1:length(mod_names)){ |
208 | 232 |
mod_metrics <-tb_mod_list[[k]] |
209 | 233 |
current_mod_name<- mod_names[k] |
... | ... | |
211 | 235 |
metric_ac<-metric_names[j] |
212 | 236 |
col_selected<-c(metric_ac,"month") |
213 | 237 |
test<-mod_metrics[col_selected] |
214 |
png(paste("boxplot_metric_",metric_ac,"_",current_mod_name,"_by_month_",out_prefix,".png", sep=""))
238 |
png(file.path(out_path,paste("boxplot_metric_",metric_ac,"_",current_mod_name,"_by_month_",out_prefix,".png", sep="")))
215 | 239 |
boxplot(test[[metric_ac]]~test[[c("month")]],outline=FALSE,horizontal=FALSE,cex=0.5, |
216 |
ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" ")) |
240 |
ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" "),,axisnames=FALSE,axes=FALSE) |
241 |
#boxplot(test[[metric_ac]]~test[[c("month")]],outline=FALSE,horizontal=FALSE,cex=0.5, |
242 |
# ylab=paste(metric_ac,"in degree C",sep=" ")) |
243 |
axis(1, labels = FALSE) |
244 |
## Create some text labels |
245 |
labels <- # abbreviated names for each month |
246 |
## Plot x axis labels at default tick marks |
247 |
text(1:length(labels), par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 45, adj = 1, |
248 |
labels = labels, xpd = TRUE) |
249 |
axis(2) |
250 |
box() |
217 | 251 |
#legend("bottomleft",legend=paste(names(rows_total),":",rows_total,sep=""),cex=0.7,bty="n") |
218 | 252 |
title(paste(metric_ac,"for",current_mod_name,"by month",sep=" ")) |
219 | 253 | |
Also available in: Unified diff
validation script, modifications to store results in output folder and additional minor changes