Methods comp part6-task#491- Download FTP script and data prepartion for SNOTEL Data
Methods comp part5-task#491- residuals analyses, spatial transect through stations with diff and elevation
Methods comp part5-task#491- initial commit, residuals analyses with focus on differences,land cover and covariates plots
Methods comp part4-task#491- residuals analyses update plot res per elevation classes
Methods comp part4- task#491-, residuals analses, cleaning, added functions, residuals by land cover and temporal profiles
Methods comp part4 task#491 initial commit, residuals analyses at specific station for FUS and CAI
Methods comp part3-task#491- clean up, verification of results for specific dates
Method comp part3,initial commit task#491 check extremes for LST and ELEV, exploratory analysis Land cover
Methods comp part2: task-#491-major modifications, transect through images and stations, temporal profiles etc.
Methods comp part2: initial commit-task#491-,accuracy and closest training stations, multisampling etc.
Method comp part1 -task#491, major clean up, production of boxplots and visual maps
Initial commit-task#491-methods comparison part 1: kriging, GAM, GWR, FUS, CAI
MOD06 processing running successfully using Pleiades environment set up by Andrew Michaelis at NASA.
Script now runs except ncap2 is missing from the nco module
Currently submission hangs using mqueue when loading rgdal library. Will attempt to add a separate submission script that first loads modules before running Rscript on the slaves
MOD06_L2 now running properly but Rmpi is not running due to (probably) incompatability between Rmpi and the version of sgi-mpi available on Pleiades
Updated script to accurately set paths for HEG tool to facilitate parallel processing of gridding procedure using swtif. Multicore package is used to parallelize which limits processing to a single node. Next step is to explore use of foreach package to allow multiple nodes
Updated MOD06 process to output NetCDF files instead of geotif for faster post-processing
Resolved problem with temporary directory for Rscript call.
Script is successfully running and producing the summary files, though the output looks strange. Maybe a problem with sinusoidal output of HEG? Use Pleiades.R to drive the submission and MOD06_L2_process as the processing script
Successfully running MOD06 processing on Pleiades as an array job (though submissions are limited to < 365 jobs so will have to find another way to submit them)
Accuracy and spatial distance to closest fitting stat., intial commit task #491
Multi sampling kriging raster prediction, initial commit, task #491
Multisampling Kriging function interpolation initial commit raster prediction task #491
Method comparison initial commit task #491
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