




# Date Author Comment
858fd2e7 07/24/2012 06:07 PM Adam Wilson

Updates to run 12 months of mean daily precipitation using a variety of models. Includes using gamm() to incorporate spatial effects in addition to the smooth parameters. Not all clean and cozy yet, uploading as a work-in-progress...

41cf46ba 07/19/2012 12:51 PM Adam Wilson

Further updates to interpolation procedures including:

1) bugfix in MOD06_L2_data_compile. Root access is needed to run swtif in its current directory (bad design!).
2) Switched to UTM output from swtif (from sinusoidal) becuase it looked like gdal was struggling with integerized sinusoidal...

4c29b739 07/06/2012 01:48 PM Adam M. Wilson

Modified GAM.R interpolation script to 1) simplify validation results, 2) add full prediction (rather than just stations) and 3) some other (hopefully) simplifications and improvements.

2b88b158 07/05/2012 01:00 PM Adam M. Wilson

Updated GHCN_stations script to:

1) draw station location information from postgres database and perform merge/join query within database rather than r
2) add function to buffer region of interest to include stations outside region (to minimize edge effects)

ee7bfbd8 07/03/2012 08:57 AM Adam M. Wilson

Merging with bp/interp to use some of Benoit's code for precip interpolation

516a5849 07/03/2012 08:56 AM Adam M. Wilson

Merge branch 'bp/interp' into aw/precip

c7192b5a 07/03/2012 06:28 AM Adam M. Wilson

More updates to output plots

e0d23f1c 06/27/2012 05:31 PM Benoit Parmentier

OR data preparation, initial commit for extraction of covariates from raster stack

b8bf4042 06/27/2012 05:21 PM Benoit Parmentier

OR data preparation task#363, modified code for ghcn to create a shapefile

86d73d7e 06/19/2012 04:54 PM Jim Regetz

added import of station data to ghcn postgres script

9b850015 06/19/2012 01:11 PM Jim Regetz

updated directory paths and related comments

f2b2e7d5 06/18/2012 05:55 PM Adam M. Wilson

Added initial version of LST_Landcover exploration (not finished). Also moved prior version of interpolation procedure (bayesian krig) into repository.

b7b786b1 06/14/2012 12:28 PM Adam M. Wilson

Minor updates to dataset size calculation

64821c96 06/13/2012 02:43 PM Adam M. Wilson

Initial commit adding UML flowchart

4f97017d 06/13/2012 02:35 PM Adam M. Wilson

added processing for 'very cloudy days'

44799b5f 06/06/2012 01:54 PM Adam M. Wilson

Added PRISM comparison to MOD06_summary and added script to calculate 'back-of-the-envelope' estimates of total daily climate layer sizes

95d521f9 06/05/2012 12:06 AM Benoit Parmentier

GHNCD station data selection using Postgres database, initial commit, task #363

328689cf 06/04/2012 11:57 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, added specific and general diagnostic measures (e.g.MAE) GAM+Kriging, task #364 and #406

c33d3b68 06/04/2012 01:56 PM Adam M. Wilson

Updated MOD06 compile script to process the tiles in parallel using GRASS. This brings processing time for 10 year archive for oregon from 48 hours to ~2 hours on 24 cores. Also added several exploratory analysis to the data_summary script.

0c74b1da 06/04/2012 07:56 AM Adam M. Wilson

Added cloud flag to outputs

08d8290d 05/31/2012 06:56 AM Adam M. Wilson

First 10-year processing of daily mean tifs

e23e9664 05/31/2012 06:55 AM Adam M. Wilson

First full processing of daily mean tifs

38eccf20 05/30/2012 04:30 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, adding lines to summarize samling RMSE using plots, task #409

51050314 05/30/2012 04:19 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, first code to test effect of sampling on GAM, task #409

8d91ca4a 05/30/2012 04:10 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, added model and modified summary plots, run on 365 dates GAM+Kriging, task #364 and #406

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