Task #208
openEvaluate existing E&O AML scripts
Start date:
Due date:
05/04/2011 (over 13 years late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
12.00 h
Activity type:
There are 18 *.aml files in various parts of eos:~organisms/topo
, although it looks like these are really 9 identical or nearly identical pairs of scripts. Review these scripts, in consultation with Ming as needed, to determine the following. Also confirm with Ming that other relevant scripts (AML or otherwise) aren't hiding elsewhere.
- Which are (still) pertinent?
- What do they do?
- What's the rough cost/benefit tradeoff on continuing to build these out vs switching to something else?
- ArcGIS can't run on our multicore, 64bit, high RAM Linux servers
- Even when ArcGIS is the best tool for the job, scripting in Python (AML-to-Python cheatsheet) is preferable
Estimated time is a wild guess -- I don't know how complicated nor how well documented these are -- but given that each script is only 10s to a couple of hundred lines in what is a rather verbose language, and with Ming's input, I don't think this should take long.